static void *ecdsa_alloc_wrap( void )
    void *ctx = polarssl_malloc( sizeof( ecdsa_context ) );

    if( ctx != NULL )
        ecdsa_init( (ecdsa_context *) ctx );

    return( ctx );
static int eckey_verify_wrap( void *ctx, md_type_t md_alg,
                       const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
                       const unsigned char *sig, size_t sig_len )
    int ret;
    ecdsa_context ecdsa;

    ecdsa_init( &ecdsa );

    if( ( ret = ecdsa_from_keypair( &ecdsa, ctx ) ) == 0 )
        ret = ecdsa_verify_wrap( &ecdsa, md_alg, hash, hash_len, sig, sig_len );

    ecdsa_free( &ecdsa );

    return( ret );
static mrb_value mrb_ecdsa_alloc(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) {
  ecdsa_context *ecdsa;

  ecdsa = (ecdsa_context *)DATA_PTR(self);

  if (ecdsa) {
    mrb_ecdsa_free(mrb, ecdsa);
  DATA_TYPE(self) = &mrb_ecdsa_type;
  DATA_PTR(self) = NULL;

  ecdsa = (ecdsa_context *)mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(ecdsa_context));
  DATA_PTR(self) = ecdsa;


  return self;
static int eckey_sign_wrap( void *ctx, md_type_t md_alg,
                   const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
                   unsigned char *sig, size_t *sig_len,
                   int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng )
    int ret;
    ecdsa_context ecdsa;

    ecdsa_init( &ecdsa );

    if( ( ret = ecdsa_from_keypair( &ecdsa, ctx ) ) == 0 )
        ret = ecdsa_sign_wrap( &ecdsa, md_alg, hash, hash_len, sig, sig_len,
                               f_rng, p_rng );

    ecdsa_free( &ecdsa );

    return( ret );
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	uint8_t hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0};
	NN_DIGIT signature_r[NUMWORDS], signature_s[NUMWORDS];
	point_t pubKey;
	uint8_t data [52] = {
		1, 2, 3, 4, 5
	SHA256_CTX ctx;

	memset(privKey, 0, NUMBYTES);
	memset(&pubKey, 0, sizeof(pubKey));
	memset(signature_r, 0, NUMBYTES);
	memset(signature_s, 0, NUMBYTES);

	SHA256_Update(&ctx, data, 52);
	SHA256_Final(hash, &ctx);


	ecc_gen_pub_key(privKey, &pubKey);


	ecdsa_sign(hash, signature_r, signature_s, privKey);

	assert(ecdsa_verify(hash, signature_r, signature_s, &pubKey) == 1);

	signature_r[0] ^= 0xff;

	assert(ecdsa_verify(hash, signature_r, signature_s, &pubKey) != 1);

	return 0;
PROCESS_THREAD(startup_process, ev, data)

  memset(prKey_bob, 0, NUMWORDS*NN_DIGIT_LEN);

  memset(pbkey_bob.x, 0, NUMWORDS*NN_DIGIT_LEN);
  memset(pbkey_bob.y, 0, NUMWORDS*NN_DIGIT_LEN);

  /* set public key for Alice */
  pbkey_alice.x[5] = 0x00000000;
  pbkey_alice.x[4] = 0x21961f69;
  pbkey_alice.x[3] = 0xf02d202b;
  pbkey_alice.x[2] = 0xa4b41f1a;
  pbkey_alice.x[1] = 0x0aa08a86;
  pbkey_alice.x[0] = 0xdf27908d;
  pbkey_alice.y[5] = 0x00000000;
  pbkey_alice.y[4] = 0x378e1278;
  pbkey_alice.y[3] = 0x62836d75;
  pbkey_alice.y[2] = 0x7acb7ca4;
  pbkey_alice.y[1] = 0x0dc0ad13;
  pbkey_alice.y[0] = 0x741e287c;

  /* Initialize ecc. */

  /* Initialize ecdsa with Alice's public key */

  button_sensor.configure(SENSORS_ACTIVE, 1); 
  process_start(&bob_process, NULL);

  printf("signature size %d\n", 2*(NUMWORDS * NN_DIGIT_LEN));

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int ret;
    ecdsa_context ctx_sign, ctx_verify;
    entropy_context entropy;
    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
    unsigned char hash[] = "This should be the hash of a message.";
    unsigned char sig[512];
    size_t sig_len;
    const char *pers = "ecdsa";
    ((void) argv);

    ecdsa_init( &ctx_sign );
    ecdsa_init( &ctx_verify );

    memset(sig, 0, sizeof( sig ) );
    ret = 1;

    if( argc != 1 )
        polarssl_printf( "usage: ecdsa\n" );

#if defined(_WIN32)
        polarssl_printf( "\n" );

        goto exit;

     * Generate a key pair for signing
    polarssl_printf( "\n  . Seeding the random number generator..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    entropy_init( &entropy );
    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
                               (const unsigned char *) pers,
                               strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ctr_drbg_init returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n  . Generating key pair..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = ecdsa_genkey( &ctx_sign, ECPARAMS,
                              ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ecdsa_genkey returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok (key size: %d bits)\n", (int) ctx_sign.grp.pbits );

    dump_pubkey( "  + Public key: ", &ctx_sign );

     * Sign some message hash
    polarssl_printf( "  . Signing message..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = ecdsa_write_signature( &ctx_sign,
                                       hash, sizeof( hash ),
                                       sig, &sig_len,
                                       ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ecdsa_genkey returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;
    polarssl_printf( " ok (signature length = %u)\n", (unsigned int) sig_len );

    dump_buf( "  + Hash: ", hash, sizeof hash );
    dump_buf( "  + Signature: ", sig, sig_len );

     * Signature is serialized as defined by RFC 4492 p. 20,
     * but one can also access 'r' and 's' directly from the context
    mpi_write_file( "    r = ", &ctx_sign.r, 16, NULL );
    mpi_write_file( "    s = ", &ctx_sign.s, 16, NULL );

     * Transfer public information to verifying context
     * We could use the same context for verification and signatures, but we
     * chose to use a new one in order to make it clear that the verifying
     * context only needs the public key (Q), and not the private key (d).
    polarssl_printf( "  . Preparing verification context..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = ecp_group_copy( &ctx_verify.grp, &ctx_sign.grp ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ecp_group_copy returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    if( ( ret = ecp_copy( &ctx_verify.Q, &ctx_sign.Q ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ecp_copy returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    ret = 0;

     * Verify signature
    polarssl_printf( " ok\n  . Verifying signature..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = ecdsa_read_signature( &ctx_verify,
                                      hash, sizeof( hash ),
                                      sig, sig_len ) ) != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( " failed\n  ! ecdsa_read_signature returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    polarssl_printf( " ok\n" );


#if defined(_WIN32)
    polarssl_printf( "  + Press Enter to exit this program.\n" );
    fflush( stdout ); getchar();

    ecdsa_free( &ctx_verify );
    ecdsa_free( &ctx_sign );
    ctr_drbg_free( &ctr_drbg );
    entropy_free( &entropy );

    return( ret );