void init(OptionsMap& o) {

  o["Write Debug Log"]             = Option(false, on_logger);
  o["Write Search Log"]            = Option(false);
  o["Search Log Filename"]         = Option("SearchLog.txt");
  o["Book File"]                   = Option("book.bin");
  o["Best Book Move"]              = Option(false);
  o["Contempt Factor"]             = Option(0, -50,  50);
  o["Mobility (Midgame)"]          = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Mobility (Endgame)"]          = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Pawn Structure (Midgame)"]    = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Pawn Structure (Endgame)"]    = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Passed Pawns (Midgame)"]      = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Passed Pawns (Endgame)"]      = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Space"]                       = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Aggressiveness"]              = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Cowardice"]                   = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
  o["Min Split Depth"]             = Option(0, 0, 12, on_threads);
  o["Max Threads per Split Point"] = Option(5, 4,  8, on_threads);
  o["Threads"]                     = Option(1, 1, MAX_THREADS, on_threads);
  o["Idle Threads Sleep"]          = Option(true);
  o["Hash"]                        = Option(128, 1, 8192, on_hash_size);
  o["Clear Hash"]                  = Option(on_clear_hash);
  o["Ponder"]                      = Option(true);
  o["OwnBook"]                     = Option(false);
  o["MultiPV"]                     = Option(1, 1, 500);
  o["Skill Level"]                 = Option(20, 0, 20);
  o["Emergency Move Horizon"]      = Option(40, 0, 50);
  o["Emergency Base Time"]         = Option(50, 0, 30000);
  o["Emergency Move Time"]         = Option(20, 0, 5000);
  o["Minimum Thinking Time"]       = Option(20, 0, 5000);
  o["Slow Mover"]                  = Option(50, 10, 1000);
  o["UCI_Chess960"]                = Option(false);
  o["UCI_AnalyseMode"]             = Option(false, on_eval);
  o["Piece Structure"]             = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);

  typedef Value V;
#define S(mg, eg) make_score(mg, eg)

  //Log log;

  //log<<"name,   init,  max,  min,  c_end,  r_end,  elod"<<std::endl;

  const Score MobilityBonus[][32] = {
	  {}, {},//Pawn
	  { S( 0, 0), S( 0,  0 ), S( 0,  0), S(0, 0),   S(0, 0)},// Bishops
	  { S( 0, 0), S( 0,  0 ), S( 0,  0), S(0, 0),   S(0, 0)},// Advisor
	  { S(-35,-30), S(-20,-20), S(-20,-20), S( 0,  0), S(0, 0), S(15, 10),S( 15, 10), S( 25, 12), S(25, 12) },//knight
	  { S( -10, -10), S( 2,  4), S( 4,  4), S(6, 6), S(8, 8),S(10, 10),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12),S(12, 12)},// Cannon
	  { S(-20,-20), S(-18,-18), S(-16,-16), S( -10,-10), S( -8,-8), S(-4,-4),S( 0, 0), S( 4, 2), S(8, 4), S(12,6), S(16,8), S(20,10),S( 24,12), S( 24,12), S(24,12), S(24,12), S(24,12), S(24,12)}, // Rooks 
  for (int pt1 = KNIGHT; pt1 <= ROOK; ++pt1)
	  for (int c = 0; c <= 17; ++c)

		  int min = -40;
		  int max = 40;

		  if (pt1 == KNIGHT)
              min = -50;
			  max = 50;
		  if (pt1 == CANNON)
			  min = 0;
			  max = 20;
		  if (pt1 == ROOK)
			  min = -30;
			  max = 30;

		  int m = (int)mg_value(MobilityBonus[pt1][c]);
		  int e = (int)eg_value(MobilityBonus[pt1][c]);

		  char buf[256] = {0};
		  char text[1024]={0};

		  sprintf(buf, "MobilityBonusM[%d][%d]",pt1,c);
		  o[buf] = Option(m, min, max, on_eval_variables);

		  //sprintf(text, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",buf, m, max,min,8, 1, 0);


		  sprintf(buf, "MobilityBonusE[%d][%d]",pt1,c);
		  o[buf] = Option(e, min, max, on_eval_variables);		  

		  //sprintf(text, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",buf, e, max,min,8, 1, 0);


  const Score RookPin          = make_score(26, 31);
  const Score CannonPin        = make_score(16, 11);

  const Score RookOnPawn       = make_score(10, 28);
  const Score RookOpenFile     = make_score(53, 21);

  const Score RookPinRook      = make_score(20, 20);

  const Score CannonPinRook    = make_score(10, 10);
  const Score CannonPinKnight  = make_score(10, 10);
  const Score CannonPinBishop  = make_score(5, 3);

  const Score KnightLegPawn    = make_score(16,  0);

	  char buf[256] = {0};
	  char text[1024]={0};

	  int min = -50;
	  int max = 50;

	  int m = 0;
	  int e = 0;

#define GEN_CODE(namem,namee, v, minv, maxv) {\
	  m = (int)mg_value((v));\
	  e = (int)eg_value((v));\
      min = minv;\
      max = maxv;\
	  o[namem]= Option(m, min, max, on_eval_variables);\
	  o[namee]= Option(e, min, max, on_eval_variables);\
	  //sprintf(text, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",(namem), m, max,min,8, 1, 0);\
	  //sprintf(text, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",(namee), e, max,min,8, 1, 0);\

	  GEN_CODE("RookPinM","RookPinE", RookPin, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("CannonPinM","CannonPinE", CannonPin, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("RookOnPawnM","RookOnPawnE", RookOnPawn, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("RookOpenFileM","RookOpenFileE", RookOpenFile, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("RookPinRookM","RookPinRookE", RookPinRook, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("CannonPinRookM","CannonPinRookE", CannonPinRook, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("CannonPinKnightM","CannonPinKnightE", CannonPinKnight, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("CannonPinBishopM","CannonPinBishopE", CannonPinBishop, 0, 50);
	  GEN_CODE("KnightLegPawnM","KnightLegPawnE", KnightLegPawn, 0, 50);

 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Score s) {
   os << std::setw(5) << to_cp(mg_value(s)) << " "
      << std::setw(5) << to_cp(eg_value(s));
   return os;
Value Eval::evaluate(const Position& pos) {


  EvalInfo ei;
  Score score, mobility[COLOR_NB] = { SCORE_ZERO, SCORE_ZERO };

  // Initialize score by reading the incrementally updated scores included in
  // the position object (material + piece square tables). Score is computed
  // internally from the white point of view.
  score = pos.psq_score();

  // Probe the material hash table
  ei.me = Material::probe(pos);
  score += ei.me->imbalance();

  // If we have a specialized evaluation function for the current material
  // configuration, call it and return.
  if (ei.me->specialized_eval_exists())
      return ei.me->evaluate(pos);

  // Probe the pawn hash table
  ei.pi = Pawns::probe(pos);
  score += ei.pi->pawns_score();

  // Initialize attack and king safety bitboards
  ei.attackedBy[WHITE][ALL_PIECES] = ei.attackedBy[BLACK][ALL_PIECES] = 0;
  eval_init<WHITE>(pos, ei);
  eval_init<BLACK>(pos, ei);

  // Pawns blocked or on ranks 2 and 3 will be excluded from the mobility area
  Bitboard blockedPawns[] = {
    pos.pieces(WHITE, PAWN) & (shift_bb<DELTA_S>(pos.pieces()) | Rank2BB | Rank3BB),
    pos.pieces(BLACK, PAWN) & (shift_bb<DELTA_N>(pos.pieces()) | Rank7BB | Rank6BB)

  // Do not include in mobility area squares protected by enemy pawns, or occupied
  // by our blocked pawns or king.
  Bitboard mobilityArea[] = {
    ~(ei.attackedBy[BLACK][PAWN] | blockedPawns[WHITE] | pos.square<KING>(WHITE)),
    ~(ei.attackedBy[WHITE][PAWN] | blockedPawns[BLACK] | pos.square<KING>(BLACK))

  // Evaluate all pieces but king and pawns
  score += evaluate_pieces<DoTrace>(pos, ei, mobility, mobilityArea);
  score += mobility[WHITE] - mobility[BLACK];

  // Evaluate kings after all other pieces because we need full attack
  // information when computing the king safety evaluation.
  score +=  evaluate_king<WHITE, DoTrace>(pos, ei)
          - evaluate_king<BLACK, DoTrace>(pos, ei);

  // Evaluate tactical threats, we need full attack information including king
  score +=  evaluate_threats<WHITE, DoTrace>(pos, ei)
          - evaluate_threats<BLACK, DoTrace>(pos, ei);

  // Evaluate passed pawns, we need full attack information including king
  score +=  evaluate_passed_pawns<WHITE, DoTrace>(pos, ei)
          - evaluate_passed_pawns<BLACK, DoTrace>(pos, ei);

  // If both sides have only pawns, score for potential unstoppable pawns
  if (!pos.non_pawn_material(WHITE) && !pos.non_pawn_material(BLACK))
      Bitboard b;
      if ((b = ei.pi->passed_pawns(WHITE)) != 0)
          score += Unstoppable * int(relative_rank(WHITE, frontmost_sq(WHITE, b)));

      if ((b = ei.pi->passed_pawns(BLACK)) != 0)
          score -= Unstoppable * int(relative_rank(BLACK, frontmost_sq(BLACK, b)));

  // Evaluate space for both sides, only during opening
  if (pos.non_pawn_material(WHITE) + pos.non_pawn_material(BLACK) >= 12222)
      score +=  evaluate_space<WHITE>(pos, ei)
              - evaluate_space<BLACK>(pos, ei);

  // Evaluate position potential for the winning side
  score += evaluate_initiative(pos, ei.pi->pawn_asymmetry(), eg_value(score));

  // Evaluate scale factor for the winning side
  ScaleFactor sf = evaluate_scale_factor(pos, ei, eg_value(score));

  // Interpolate between a middlegame and a (scaled by 'sf') endgame score
  Value v =  mg_value(score) * int(ei.me->game_phase())
           + eg_value(score) * int(PHASE_MIDGAME - ei.me->game_phase()) * sf / SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL;

  v /= int(PHASE_MIDGAME);

  // In case of tracing add all remaining individual evaluation terms
  if (DoTrace)
      Trace::add(MATERIAL, pos.psq_score());
      Trace::add(IMBALANCE, ei.me->imbalance());
      Trace::add(PAWN, ei.pi->pawns_score());
      Trace::add(MOBILITY, mobility[WHITE], mobility[BLACK]);
      Trace::add(SPACE, evaluate_space<WHITE>(pos, ei)
                      , evaluate_space<BLACK>(pos, ei));
      Trace::add(TOTAL, score);

  return (pos.side_to_move() == WHITE ? v : -v) + Eval::Tempo; // Side to move point of view