// (FLOAT) function computes inverse of a symmetric 4x4 matrix A
void f4x4matrixAeqInvSymA(float **A)
	// global arrays used: ftmpA4x1, ftmpA4x4

	// local variables
	int32 i, j, k;		// loop counters
	float fdet;			// matrix determinant

	// set tmpA4x1 to the eigenvalues and tmpA4x4 to the eigenvectors of A
	// function eigencompute does not use any additional global arrays
	eigencompute(A, 4, ftmpA4x1, ftmpA4x4);

	// check if the matrix A is singular by computing its determinant from the product of its eigenvalues
	fdet = 1.0F;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		fdet *= ftmpA4x1[i][0];

	// compute the inverse if the determinant is non-zero
	if (fdet != 0.0F)
		// take the reciprocal of the eigenvalues
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			ftmpA4x1[i][0] = 1.0F / ftmpA4x1[i][0];

		// set A to be eigenvectors . diag(1.0F / eigenvalues) . eigenvectors^T
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // loop over rows i
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) // loop over columns j
				A[i][j] = 0.0F;
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
					A[i][j] += ftmpA4x4[i][k] * ftmpA4x1[k][0] * ftmpA4x4[j][k];
		// the matrix A is singular so return the identity matrix
		fmatrixAeqI(A, 4);

// 10 element calibration using direct eigen-decomposition
void fUpdateCalibration10EIG(struct MagCalibration *pthisMagCal, struct MagneticBuffer *pthisMagBuffer, struct MagSensor *pthisMag)
	// local variables
	float det;								// matrix determinant
	float fscaling;							// set to FUTPERCOUNT * FMATRIXSCALING
	float ftmp;								// scratch variable
	int16 iOffset[3];						// offset to remove large DC hard iron bias in matrix
	int16 iCount;							// number of measurements counted
	int8 i, j, k, l, m, n;					// loop counters

	// compute fscaling to reduce multiplications later
	fscaling = pthisMag->fuTPerCount / DEFAULTB;

	// the offsets are guaranteed to be set from the first element but to avoid compiler error
	iOffset[X] = iOffset[Y] = iOffset[Z] = 0;

	// zero the on and above diagonal elements of the 10x10 symmetric measurement matrix fmatA
	for (m = 0; m < 10; m++)
		for (n = m; n < 10; n++)
			pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] = 0.0F;

	// sum between MINEQUATIONS to MAXEQUATIONS entries into the 10x10 product matrix fmatA
	iCount = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < MAGBUFFSIZEX; j++)
		for (k = 0; k < MAGBUFFSIZEY; k++)
			if (pthisMagBuffer->index[j][k] != -1)
				// use first valid magnetic buffer entry as estimate for offset to help solution (bit counts)
				if (iCount == 0)
					for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
						iOffset[l] = pthisMagBuffer->iBpFast[l][j][k];

				// apply the fixed offset and scaling and enter into fvecA[6-8]
				for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
					pthisMagCal->fvecA[l + 6] = (float)((int32)pthisMagBuffer->iBpFast[l][j][k] - (int32)iOffset[l]) * fscaling;

				// compute measurement vector elements fvecA[0-5] from fvecA[6-8]
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[0] = pthisMagCal->fvecA[6] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[6];
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[1] = 2.0F * pthisMagCal->fvecA[6] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[7];
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[2] = 2.0F * pthisMagCal->fvecA[6] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[8];
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[3] = pthisMagCal->fvecA[7] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[7];
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[4] = 2.0F * pthisMagCal->fvecA[7] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[8];
				pthisMagCal->fvecA[5] = pthisMagCal->fvecA[8] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[8];

				// accumulate the on-and above-diagonal terms of fmatA=Sigma{fvecA^T * fvecA}
				// with the exception of fmatA[9][9] which equals the number of measurements
				// update the right hand column [9] of fmatA[0-8][9] ignoring fmatA[9][9]
				for (m = 0; m < 9; m++)
					pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][9] += pthisMagCal->fvecA[m];
				// update the on and above diagonal terms of fmatA ignoring right hand column 9
				for (m = 0; m < 9; m++)
					for (n = m; n < 9; n++)
						pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] += pthisMagCal->fvecA[m] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[n];

				// increment the measurement counter for the next iteration

	// set the last element fmatA[9][9] to the number of measurements
	pthisMagCal->fmatA[9][9] = (float) iCount;

	// store the number of measurements accumulated (defensive programming, should never be needed)
	pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount = iCount;

	// copy the above diagonal elements of symmetric product matrix fmatA to below the diagonal
	for (m = 1; m < 10; m++)
		for (n = 0; n < m; n++)
			pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] = pthisMagCal->fmatA[n][m];

	// set pthisMagCal->fvecA to the unsorted eigenvalues and fmatB to the unsorted normalized eigenvectors of fmatA
	eigencompute(pthisMagCal->fmatA, pthisMagCal->fvecA, pthisMagCal->fmatB, 10);

	// set ellipsoid matrix A from elements of the solution vector column j with smallest eigenvalue
	j = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
		if (pthisMagCal->fvecA[i] < pthisMagCal->fvecA[j])
			j = i;
	pthisMagCal->fA[0][0] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[0][j];
	pthisMagCal->fA[0][1] = pthisMagCal->fA[1][0] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[1][j];
	pthisMagCal->fA[0][2] = pthisMagCal->fA[2][0] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[2][j];
	pthisMagCal->fA[1][1] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[3][j];
	pthisMagCal->fA[1][2] = pthisMagCal->fA[2][1] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[4][j];
	pthisMagCal->fA[2][2] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[5][j];

	// negate entire solution if A has negative determinant
	det = f3x3matrixDetA(pthisMagCal->fA);
	if (det < 0.0F)
		pthisMagCal->fmatB[6][j] = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[6][j];
		pthisMagCal->fmatB[7][j] = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[7][j];
		pthisMagCal->fmatB[8][j] = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[8][j];
		pthisMagCal->fmatB[9][j] = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[9][j];
		det = -det;

	// compute the inverse of the ellipsoid matrix
	f3x3matrixAeqInvSymB(pthisMagCal->finvA, pthisMagCal->fA);

	// compute the trial hard iron vector in offset bit counts times FMATRIXSCALING
	for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
		pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] = 0.0F;
		for (m = X; m <= Z; m++)
			pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] += pthisMagCal->finvA[l][m] * pthisMagCal->fmatB[m + 6][j];
		pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] *= -0.5F;

	// compute the trial geomagnetic field strength B in bit counts times FMATRIXSCALING
	pthisMagCal->ftrB = sqrtf(fabs(pthisMagCal->fA[0][0] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[X] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[X] +
			2.0F * pthisMagCal->fA[0][1] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[X] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Y] +
			2.0F * pthisMagCal->fA[0][2] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[X] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Z] +
			pthisMagCal->fA[1][1] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Y] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Y] +
			2.0F * pthisMagCal->fA[1][2] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Y] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Z] +
			pthisMagCal->fA[2][2] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Z] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[Z] - pthisMagCal->fmatB[9][j]));

	// calculate the trial normalized fit error as a percentage
	pthisMagCal->ftrFitErrorpc = 50.0F * sqrtf(fabs(pthisMagCal->fvecA[j]) / (float) pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount) /
			(pthisMagCal->ftrB * pthisMagCal->ftrB);

	// correct for the measurement matrix offset and scaling and get the computed hard iron offset in uT
	for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
		pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] = pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] * DEFAULTB + (float)iOffset[l] * pthisMag->fuTPerCount;

	// convert the trial geomagnetic field strength B into uT for un-normalized soft iron matrix A
	pthisMagCal->ftrB *= DEFAULTB;

	// normalize the ellipsoid matrix A to unit determinant and correct B by root of this multiplicative factor
	f3x3matrixAeqAxScalar(pthisMagCal->fA, powf(det, -(ONETHIRD)));
	pthisMagCal->ftrB *= powf(det, -(ONESIXTH));

	// compute trial invW from the square root of fA (both with normalized determinant)	
	// set fvecA to the unsorted eigenvalues and fmatB to the unsorted eigenvectors of fmatA
	// where fmatA holds the 3x3 matrix fA in its top left elements
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			pthisMagCal->fmatA[i][j] = pthisMagCal->fA[i][j];
	eigencompute(pthisMagCal->fmatA, pthisMagCal->fvecA, pthisMagCal->fmatB, 3);

	// set pthisMagCal->fmatB to be eigenvectors . diag(sqrt(sqrt(eigenvalues))) = fmatB . diag(sqrt(sqrt(fvecA))
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) // loop over columns j
		ftmp = sqrtf(sqrtf(fabs(pthisMagCal->fvecA[j])));
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) // loop over rows i
			pthisMagCal->fmatB[i][j] *= ftmp;

	// set ftrinvW to eigenvectors * diag(sqrt(eigenvalues)) * eigenvectors^T
	// = fmatB * fmatB^T = sqrt(fA) (guaranteed symmetric)
	// loop over rows
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		// loop over on and above diagonal columns
		for (j = i; j < 3; j++)
			pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[i][j] = 0.0F;
			// accumulate the matrix product
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[i][j] += pthisMagCal->fmatB[i][k] * pthisMagCal->fmatB[j][k];
			// copy to below diagonal element
			pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[j][i] = pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[i][j];

// 7 element calibration using direct eigen-decomposition
void fUpdateCalibration7EIG(struct MagCalibration *pthisMagCal, struct MagneticBuffer *pthisMagBuffer, struct MagSensor *pthisMag)
	// local variables
	float det;								// matrix determinant
	float fscaling;							// set to FUTPERCOUNT * FMATRIXSCALING
	float ftmp;								// scratch variable
	int16 iOffset[3];						// offset to remove large DC hard iron bias
	int16 iCount;							// number of measurements counted
	int8 i, j, k, l, m, n;					// loop counters

	// compute fscaling to reduce multiplications later
	fscaling = pthisMag->fuTPerCount / DEFAULTB;

	// the offsets are guaranteed to be set from the first element but to avoid compiler error
	iOffset[X] = iOffset[Y] = iOffset[Z] = 0;

	// zero the on and above diagonal elements of the 7x7 symmetric measurement matrix fmatA
	for (m = 0; m < 7; m++)
		for (n = m; n < 7; n++)
			pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] = 0.0F;

	// place from MINEQUATIONS to MAXEQUATIONS entries into product matrix fmatA
	iCount = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < MAGBUFFSIZEX; j++)
		for (k = 0; k < MAGBUFFSIZEY; k++)
			if (pthisMagBuffer->index[j][k] != -1)
				// use first valid magnetic buffer entry as offset estimate (bit counts)
				if (iCount == 0)
					for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
						iOffset[l] = pthisMagBuffer->iBpFast[l][j][k];

				// apply the offset and scaling and store in fvecA
				for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
					pthisMagCal->fvecA[l + 3] = (float)((int32)pthisMagBuffer->iBpFast[l][j][k] - (int32)iOffset[l]) * fscaling;
					pthisMagCal->fvecA[l] = pthisMagCal->fvecA[l + 3] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[l + 3];

				// accumulate the on-and above-diagonal terms of pthisMagCal->fmatA=Sigma{fvecA^T * fvecA}
				// with the exception of fmatA[6][6] which will sum to the number of measurements
				// and remembering that fvecA[6] equals 1.0F
				// update the right hand column [6] of fmatA except for fmatA[6][6]
				for (m = 0; m < 6; m++)
					pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][6] += pthisMagCal->fvecA[m];
				// update the on and above diagonal terms except for right hand column 6
				for (m = 0; m < 6; m++)
					for (n = m; n < 6; n++)
						pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] += pthisMagCal->fvecA[m] * pthisMagCal->fvecA[n];

				// increment the measurement counter for the next iteration

	// finally set the last element fmatA[6][6] to the number of measurements
	pthisMagCal->fmatA[6][6] = (float) iCount;

	// store the number of measurements accumulated (defensive programming, should never be needed)
	pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount = iCount;

	// copy the above diagonal elements of fmatA to below the diagonal
	for (m = 1; m < 7; m++)
		for (n = 0; n < m; n++)
			pthisMagCal->fmatA[m][n] = pthisMagCal->fmatA[n][m];

	// set tmpA7x1 to the unsorted eigenvalues and fmatB to the unsorted eigenvectors of fmatA
	eigencompute(pthisMagCal->fmatA, pthisMagCal->fvecA, pthisMagCal->fmatB, 7);

	// find the smallest eigenvalue
	j = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < 7; i++)
		if (pthisMagCal->fvecA[i] < pthisMagCal->fvecA[j])
			j = i;

	// set ellipsoid matrix A to the solution vector with smallest eigenvalue, compute its determinant
	// and the hard iron offset (scaled and offset)
	f3x3matrixAeqScalar(pthisMagCal->fA, 0.0F);
	det = 1.0F;
	for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
		pthisMagCal->fA[l][l] = pthisMagCal->fmatB[l][j];
		det *= pthisMagCal->fA[l][l];
		pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] = -0.5F * pthisMagCal->fmatB[l + 3][j] / pthisMagCal->fA[l][l];

	// negate A if it has negative determinant
	if (det < 0.0F)
		pthisMagCal->fmatB[6][j] = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[6][j];
		det = -det;

	// set ftmp to the square of the trial geomagnetic field strength B (counts times FMATRIXSCALING)
	ftmp = -pthisMagCal->fmatB[6][j];
	for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
		ftmp += pthisMagCal->fA[l][l] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] * pthisMagCal->ftrV[l];

	// calculate the trial normalized fit error as a percentage
	pthisMagCal->ftrFitErrorpc = 50.0F * sqrtf(fabs(pthisMagCal->fvecA[j]) / (float) pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount) / fabs(ftmp);

	// normalize the ellipsoid matrix A to unit determinant
	f3x3matrixAeqAxScalar(pthisMagCal->fA, powf(det, -(ONETHIRD)));

	// convert the geomagnetic field strength B into uT for normalized soft iron matrix A and normalize
	pthisMagCal->ftrB = sqrtf(fabs(ftmp)) * DEFAULTB * powf(det, -(ONESIXTH));

	// compute trial invW from the square root of A also with normalized determinant and hard iron offset in uT
	for (l = X; l <= Z; l++)
		pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[l][l] = sqrtf(fabs(pthisMagCal->fA[l][l]));
		pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] = pthisMagCal->ftrV[l] * DEFAULTB + (float)iOffset[l] * pthisMag->fuTPerCount;

// 7 element calibration using direct eigen-decomposition 
void fUpdateCalibration7EIG(void)
	// global working arrays used
	// fX7, ftmpA7x1, ftmpA7x7, ftmpB7x7

	// local variables
	int32 i, j, k, l;						// loop counters 
	float fOffsetx, fOffsety, fOffsetz;		// offset to remove large DC hard iron bias in matrix 
	float ftmpBpx, ftmpBpy, ftmpBpz;		// scratch variables 
	float smallest;							// smallest eigenvalue 

        printf("\n\nThe calibration has ended");
	printf("\n\n7 element EIG calibration at iteration %d with %d in Magnetic Buffer", loopcounter, MagBufferCount);

	// the offsets are guaranteed to be set from the first element but to avoid compiler error 
	fOffsetx = fOffsety = fOffsetz = 0.0F;

	// place from MINEQUATIONS to MAXEQUATIONS entries into the measurement matrix 
	i = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < MAGBUFFSIZE; j++)
		for (k = 0; k < MAGBUFFSIZE; k++)
			for (l = 0; l < MAGBUFFSIZE; l++)
				if (iMagBuff[j][k][l].index != -1)
					// set tmp to valid data from the magnetic buffer 
					ftmpBpx = (float)iMagBuff[j][k][l].iBx * fuTpercount;
					ftmpBpy = (float)iMagBuff[j][k][l].iBy * fuTpercount;
					ftmpBpz = (float)iMagBuff[j][k][l].iBz * fuTpercount;

					// use first valid magnetic buffer entry as estimate (in uT) for offset to help solution 
					if (i == 0)
						fOffsetx = ftmpBpx;
						fOffsety = ftmpBpy;
						fOffsetz = ftmpBpz;

					// apply the fixed offset and scaling to all measurement vectors for this iteration 
					ftmpBpx = (ftmpBpx - fOffsetx) * fmatrixscaling;
					ftmpBpy = (ftmpBpy - fOffsety) * fmatrixscaling;
					ftmpBpz = (ftmpBpz - fOffsetz) * fmatrixscaling;

					// enter into the measurement matrix X scaling to make entries near unity 
					fX7[i][0] = ftmpBpx * ftmpBpx;
					fX7[i][1] = ftmpBpy * ftmpBpy;
					fX7[i][2] = ftmpBpz * ftmpBpz;
					fX7[i][3] = ftmpBpx;
					fX7[i][4] = ftmpBpy;
					fX7[i][5] = ftmpBpz;
					fX7[i][6] = 1.0F;

	// compute the 7x7 matrix ftmpB7x7=fX7^T.fX7 
	fmatrixAeqTrBxC(ftmpB7x7, fX7, fX7, MagBufferCount, 7, 7);

	// set tmpA7x1 to the unsorted eigenvalues and tmpA7x7 to the unsorted eigenvectors of ftmpB7x7=fX7^T.fX7 
	eigencompute(ftmpB7x7, 7, ftmpA7x1, ftmpA7x7);

	// set j to the index of the smallest eigenvalue
	j = 0;
	smallest = ftmpA7x1[0][0];
	for (i = 1; i < 7; i++)
		if (ftmpA7x1[i][0] < smallest)
			j = i;
			smallest = ftmpA7x1[j][0];

	// set ellipsoid matrix A to the solution vector column j with smallest eigenvalue 
	A[0][0] = ftmpA7x7[0][j];
	A[1][1] = ftmpA7x7[1][j];
	A[2][2] = ftmpA7x7[2][j];
	A[0][1] = A[0][2] = A[1][0] = A[1][2] = A[2][0] = A[2][1] = 0.0F;

	// compute the trial hard iron vector in offset bit counts times fmatrixscaling 
	ftrVx = -0.5F * ftmpA7x7[3][j] / A[0][0];
	ftrVy = -0.5F * ftmpA7x7[4][j] / A[1][1];
	ftrVz = -0.5F * ftmpA7x7[5][j] / A[2][2];

	// negate A and gain if A has negative determinant. Sign change cancels for hard iron vector 
	det = A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2];
	if (det < 0.0F)
		//printf("\n\nEllipsoid matrix A has negative determinant %9.3f so inverting solution", det);
		fmatrixAeqAxScalar(A, -1.0F, 3, 3);
		ftmpA7x7[6][j] = -ftmpA7x7[6][j];
		det = -det;

	// compute the trial geomagnetic field strength B in bit counts times fmatrixscaling 
	ftrB = (float)sqrt(fabs(A[0][0] * ftrVx * ftrVx + A[1][1] * ftrVy * ftrVy + A[2][2] * ftrVz * ftrVz - ftmpA7x7[6][j]));

	// calculate the trial normalised fit error as a percentage 
	ftrFitErrorpc = 100.0F * (float) sqrt(fabs(ftmpA7x1[j][0]) / (double) MagBufferCount) / (2.0F * ftrB * ftrB);
	//printf("\n\nTrial new calibration fit error=%9.4f%% versus previous %9.4f%%", ftrFitErrorpc, fFitErrorpc);

	// correct for the measurement matrix offset and scaling and get the computed trial hard iron offset in uT 
	ftrVx = ftrVx * finvmatrixscaling + fOffsetx;
	ftrVy = ftrVy * finvmatrixscaling + fOffsety;
	ftrVz = ftrVz * finvmatrixscaling + fOffsetz;
	//printf("\n\nTrial new calibration hard iron (uT) Vx=%9.3f Vy=%9.3f Vz=%9.3f", ftrVx, ftrVy, ftrVz);

	// convert the geomagnetic field strength B into uT for current soft iron matrix A 
	ftrB *= finvmatrixscaling;

	// normalise the ellipsoid matrix A to unit determinant and correct B by root of this multiplicative factor 
	fmatrixAeqAxScalar(A, (float)pow((double)det, (double) (-1.0F / 3.0F)), 3, 3);
	ftrB *= (float)pow((double)det, (double) (-1.0F / 6.0F));
	//printf("\n\nTrial new calibration geomagnetic field (uT) B=%9.3f", ftrB);
	//printf("\n\nTrial new calibration ellipsoid matrix A (normalized)");
	//fmatrixPrintA(A, 0, 2, 0, 2);

	// compute trial invW from the square root of A also with normalised determinant 
	ftrinvW[0][0] = (float)sqrt(fabs(A[0][0]));
	ftrinvW[1][1] = (float)sqrt(fabs(A[1][1]));
	ftrinvW[2][2] = (float)sqrt(fabs(A[2][2]));
	ftrinvW[0][1] = ftrinvW[0][2] = ftrinvW[1][0] = ftrinvW[1][2] = ftrinvW[2][0] = ftrinvW[2][1] = 0.0F;
	//printf("\n\nTrial new calibration inverse soft iron matrix invW (normalized)");
	//fmatrixPrintA(ftrinvW, 0, 2, 0, 2);

	// for convenience show the original optimal invW 
	//printf("\n\nFor comparison: Simulation inverse soft iron matrix invW (normalized)");  //***********comentados
	//fmatrixPrintA(invSimW, 0, 2, 0, 2);

	// finally set the valid calibration flag to true 
	validmagcal = 1;
