int main(void) { void *data; if (!eina_init()) { printf ("Error during the initialization of eina_error module\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } MY_ERROR_NEGATIVE = eina_error_msg_static_register("Negative number"); MY_ERROR_NULL = eina_error_msg_static_register("NULL pointer"); data = data_new(); if (!data) { Eina_Error err; err = eina_error_get(); if (err) printf("Error during memory allocation: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(err)); } if (!test(0)) { Eina_Error err; err = eina_error_get(); if (err) printf("Error during test function: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(err)); } if (!test(-1)) { Eina_Error err; err = eina_error_get(); if (err) printf("Error during test function: %s\n", eina_error_msg_get(err)); } eina_shutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void _efl_io_buffered_stream_error(void *data, const Efl_Event *event) { Eo *o = data; Eina_Error *perr = event->info; DBG("%p %s error: %s", o, efl_name_get(event->object), eina_error_msg_get(*perr)); efl_event_callback_call(o, EFL_IO_BUFFERED_STREAM_EVENT_ERROR, event->info); }
void error_cb(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev) { Efl_Future_Event_Failure *failure = ev->info; const char *msg = eina_error_msg_get(failure->error); Efl_Io_Manager *job = data; (void) job; EINA_LOG_ERR("error: %s", msg); ecore_main_loop_quit(); }
Eina_Bool azy_content_deserialize_json(Azy_Content *content, const char *buf, ssize_t len EINA_UNUSED) { cJSON *object; EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(buf, EINA_FALSE); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(content, EINA_FALSE); if (!(object = cJSON_Parse(buf))) { ERR("%s", eina_error_msg_get(AZY_ERROR_REQUEST_JSON_OBJECT)); return EINA_FALSE; } content->retval = azy_value_deserialize_json(object); cJSON_Delete(object); return EINA_TRUE; }
static void _efl_egueb_document_io_image_async_cb(Enesim_Buffer *b, void *data, Eina_Bool success, Eina_Error error) { Egueb_Dom_Event *ev = data; Egueb_Dom_Node *n; Enesim_Surface *src = NULL; n = EGUEB_DOM_NODE(egueb_dom_event_target_get(ev)); if (!b) { ERR("Can not load image, error: %s", eina_error_msg_get(error)); } else { DBG("Image loaded correctly"); src = enesim_surface_new_buffer_from(b); } egueb_dom_event_io_image_finish(ev, src); egueb_dom_node_unref(n); }
bool InjectedBundle::initialize(const WebProcessCreationParameters&, API::Object* initializationUserData) { m_platformBundle = eina_module_new(m_path.utf8().data()); if (!m_platformBundle) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Error loading the injected bundle: eina_module_new() failed"); return false; } if (!eina_module_load(m_platformBundle)) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Error loading the injected bundle from %s: %s", m_path.utf8().data(), eina_error_msg_get(eina_error_get())); eina_module_free(m_platformBundle); m_platformBundle = 0; return false; } WKBundleInitializeFunctionPtr initializeFunction = reinterpret_cast<WKBundleInitializeFunctionPtr>(eina_module_symbol_get(m_platformBundle, "WKBundleInitialize")); if (!initializeFunction) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("Error loading WKBundleInitialize symbol from injected bundle."); return false; } initializeFunction(toAPI(this), toAPI(initializationUserData)); return true; }