  elasticityTensor( new SymmElasticityTensor(false) );
文件: PLC_LSH.C 项目: Liuux/moose
PLC_LSH::computeLSH( const SymmTensor & strain_increment,
                     SymmTensor & plastic_strain_increment,
                     SymmTensor & stress_new )

  // compute deviatoric trial stress
  SymmTensor dev_trial_stress(stress_new);
  dev_trial_stress.addDiag( -stress_new.trace()/3 );

  // effective trial stress
  Real dts_squared = dev_trial_stress.doubleContraction(dev_trial_stress);
  Real effective_trial_stress = std::sqrt(1.5 * dts_squared);

  // determine if yield condition is satisfied
  Real yield_condition = effective_trial_stress - _hardening_variable_old[_qp] - _yield_stress;

  _hardening_variable[_qp] = _hardening_variable_old[_qp];
  _plastic_strain[_qp] = _plastic_strain_old[_qp];

  if (yield_condition > 0)  // then use newton iteration to determine effective plastic strain increment
    unsigned int it = 0;
    Real plastic_residual = 0;
    Real norm_plas_residual = 10;
    Real first_norm_plas_residual = 10;
    Real scalar_plastic_strain_increment = 0;

    while (it < _max_its &&
          norm_plas_residual > _absolute_tolerance &&
          (norm_plas_residual/first_norm_plas_residual) > _relative_tolerance)
      plastic_residual = effective_trial_stress - (3. * _shear_modulus * scalar_plastic_strain_increment) -
        _hardening_variable[_qp] - _yield_stress;
      norm_plas_residual = std::abs(plastic_residual);
      if (it == 0)
        first_norm_plas_residual = norm_plas_residual;

      scalar_plastic_strain_increment += plastic_residual / (3. * _shear_modulus + _hardening_constant);

      _hardening_variable[_qp] = _hardening_variable_old[_qp] + (_hardening_constant * scalar_plastic_strain_increment);

      if (_output_iteration_info == true)
          << "pls_it="    << it
          << " trl_strs=" << effective_trial_stress
          << " del_p="    << scalar_plastic_strain_increment
          << " harden="   << _hardening_variable[_qp]
          << " rel_res="  << norm_plas_residual/first_norm_plas_residual
          << " rel_tol="  << _relative_tolerance
          << " abs_res="  << norm_plas_residual
          << " abs_tol="  << _absolute_tolerance
          << std::endl;



    if (it == _max_its &&
       norm_plas_residual > _absolute_tolerance &&
       (norm_plas_residual/first_norm_plas_residual) > _relative_tolerance)
      mooseError("Max sub-newton iteration hit during plasticity increment solve!");

    if (effective_trial_stress < 0.01)
      effective_trial_stress = 0.01;
    plastic_strain_increment = dev_trial_stress;
    plastic_strain_increment *= (1.5*scalar_plastic_strain_increment/effective_trial_stress);

    SymmTensor elastic_strain_increment(strain_increment);
    elastic_strain_increment -= plastic_strain_increment;

    // compute stress increment
    stress_new = *elasticityTensor() * elastic_strain_increment;

    // update stress and plastic strain
    stress_new += _stress_old;
    _plastic_strain[_qp] += plastic_strain_increment;

  } // end of if statement

文件: PLC_LSH.C 项目: Liuux/moose
  // Given the stretching, compute the stress increment and add it to the old stress. Also update the creep strain
  // stress = stressOld + stressIncrement
  // creep_strain = creep_strainOld + creep_strainIncrement

  if (_t_step == 0 && !_app.isRestarting())

  if (_output_iteration_info == true)
      << std::endl
      << "iteration output for combined creep-plasticity solve:"
      << " time=" <<_t
      << " temperature=" << _temperature[_qp]
      << " int_pt=" << _qp
      << std::endl;

  // compute trial stress
  SymmTensor stress_new( *elasticityTensor() * _strain_increment );
  stress_new += _stress_old;

  SymmTensor creep_strain_increment;
  SymmTensor plastic_strain_increment;
  SymmTensor elastic_strain_increment;
  SymmTensor stress_new_last( stress_new );
  Real delS(_absolute_stress_tolerance+1);
  Real first_delS(delS);
  unsigned int counter(0);

  while (counter < _max_its &&
        delS > _absolute_stress_tolerance &&
        (delS/first_delS) > _relative_tolerance)
    elastic_strain_increment = _strain_increment;
    elastic_strain_increment -= plastic_strain_increment;
    stress_new = *elasticityTensor() * elastic_strain_increment;
    stress_new += _stress_old;

    elastic_strain_increment = _strain_increment;
    computeCreep( elastic_strain_increment, creep_strain_increment, stress_new );

    // now use stress_new to calculate a new effective_trial_stress and determine if
    // yield has occured and if so, calculate the corresponding plastic strain

    elastic_strain_increment -= creep_strain_increment;

    computeLSH( elastic_strain_increment, plastic_strain_increment, stress_new );

    elastic_strain_increment -= plastic_strain_increment;

    // now check convergence
    SymmTensor deltaS(stress_new_last - stress_new);
    delS = std::sqrt(deltaS.doubleContraction(deltaS));
    if (counter == 0)
      first_delS = delS;
    stress_new_last = stress_new;

    if (_output_iteration_info == true)
        << "stress_it=" << counter
        << " rel_delS=" << delS/first_delS
        << " rel_tol="  << _relative_tolerance
        << " abs_delS=" << delS
        << " abs_tol="  << _absolute_stress_tolerance
        << std::endl;


  if (counter == _max_its &&
     delS > _absolute_stress_tolerance &&
     (delS/first_delS) > _relative_tolerance)
    mooseError("Max stress iteration hit during plasticity-creep solve!");

  _strain_increment = elastic_strain_increment;
  _stress[_qp] = stress_new;

文件: PLC_LSH.C 项目: Liuux/moose
PLC_LSH::computeCreep( const SymmTensor & strain_increment,
                       SymmTensor & creep_strain_increment,
                       SymmTensor & stress_new )
  // compute deviatoric trial stress
  SymmTensor dev_trial_stress(stress_new);
  dev_trial_stress.addDiag( -dev_trial_stress.trace()/3.0 );

  // compute effective trial stress
  Real dts_squared = dev_trial_stress.doubleContraction(dev_trial_stress);
  Real effective_trial_stress = std::sqrt(1.5 * dts_squared);

  // Use Newton sub-iteration to determine effective creep strain increment

  Real exponential(1);
  if (_has_temp)
    exponential = std::exp(-_activation_energy/(_gas_constant *_temperature[_qp]));
  Real expTime = std::pow(_t, _m_exponent);

  Real del_p = 0;
  unsigned int it = 0;
  Real creep_residual = 10;
  Real norm_creep_residual = 10;
  Real first_norm_creep_residual = 10;

  while (it < _max_its &&
        norm_creep_residual > _absolute_tolerance &&
        (norm_creep_residual/first_norm_creep_residual) > _relative_tolerance)

    Real phi = _coefficient*std::pow(effective_trial_stress - 3*_shear_modulus*del_p, _n_exponent)*
    Real dphi_ddelp = -3*_coefficient*_shear_modulus*_n_exponent*
      std::pow(effective_trial_stress-3*_shear_modulus*del_p, _n_exponent-1)*exponential*expTime;

    creep_residual = phi - del_p/_dt;
    norm_creep_residual = std::abs(creep_residual);
    if (it == 0)
      first_norm_creep_residual = norm_creep_residual;

    del_p += creep_residual / (1/_dt - dphi_ddelp);

    if (_output_iteration_info == true)
      << "crp_it="    << it
      << " trl_strs=" << effective_trial_stress
      << " phi="      << phi
      << " dphi="     << dphi_ddelp
      << " del_p="    << del_p
      << " rel_res="  << norm_creep_residual/first_norm_creep_residual
      << " rel_tol="  << _relative_tolerance
      << " abs_res="  << norm_creep_residual
      << " abs_tol="  << _absolute_tolerance
      << std::endl;


  if (it == _max_its &&
     norm_creep_residual > _absolute_tolerance &&
     (norm_creep_residual/first_norm_creep_residual) > _relative_tolerance)
    mooseError("Max sub-newton iteration hit during creep solve!");

  // compute creep and elastic strain increments (avoid potential divide by zero - how should this be done)?
  if (effective_trial_stress < 0.01)
    effective_trial_stress = 0.01;

  creep_strain_increment = dev_trial_stress;
  creep_strain_increment *= (1.5*del_p/effective_trial_stress);

  SymmTensor elastic_strain_increment(strain_increment);
  elastic_strain_increment -= creep_strain_increment;

  // compute stress increment
  stress_new = *elasticityTensor() * elastic_strain_increment;

  // update stress and creep strain
  stress_new += _stress_old;

  _creep_strain[_qp] = creep_strain_increment;
  _creep_strain[_qp] += _creep_strain_old[_qp];
