 element_prod(vector_base<T> const & v1, vector_expression<const V2, const V3, OP> const & proxy)
   viennacl::vector<T> temp = proxy;
   temp = element_prod(v1, temp);
   return temp;
 element_prod(vector_expression<const V1, const V2, OP> const & proxy, vector_base<T> const & v2)
   viennacl::vector<T> temp = proxy;
   temp = element_prod(temp, v2);
   return temp;
 viennacl::vector<typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<V1>::type>
 element_prod(vector_expression<const V1, const V2, OP1> const & proxy1,
              vector_expression<const V3, const V4, OP2> const & proxy2)
   typedef vector<typename viennacl::result_of::cpu_value_type<V1>::type>  VectorType;
   VectorType temp1 = proxy1;
   VectorType temp2 = proxy2;
   temp1 = element_prod(temp1, temp2);
   return temp1;
heavysideFunction::operator()( nodes_type const& pointsOnRef ) const
    ublas::vector<value_type> result( pointsOnRef.size2() );
    std::fill( result.begin(), result.end(), 1.0 );

    nodes_type pointsHat( transformToReal( pointsOnRef ) );

    molecule_type::atoms_const_iterator_type atom( M_molecule->begin() );
    int i;

    if ( atom == M_molecule->end() ) return result;

    node_type Ellipse( pbeqspace_type::Dim );
    node_type point( pbeqspace_type::Dim );

    value_type r, dr, dr2;

    for ( i = 0; i < pointsOnRef.size2(); ++i )
        point = element_prod( *M_stretch,column( pointsHat,i ) ) + ( *M_translation );

        node_type mine( column( pointsHat,i ) );
        //std::cout << "mine = " << mine(0)  << " "<< mine(1) << " " << mine(2) << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "point = " << point(0)  << " "<< point(1) << " " << point(2) << std::endl;

        for ( atom = M_molecule->begin(); atom != M_molecule->end(); ++atom )
            Ellipse =  point  - atom->center();

            r = norm_2( Ellipse );

            if  ( r <= atom->radius() - M_sW )
                result( i ) = 0;

            if  ( M_sW == 0 || r >= atom->radius() + M_sW )

            dr  = r  - atom->radius() + M_sW;
            dr2 = dr*dr;

            result( i ) *= - M_4sW3 * ( dr*dr2 ) + M_34sW2 * dr2;


        //std::cout << "result(" << i << ") = " << result(i) << std::endl;

    return result;
ublas::vector<double> mvnormpdf(const ublas::matrix<double>& x, const  ublas::vector<double>& mu, const ublas::matrix<double>& Omega) {
  //! Multivariate normal density
  size_t p = x.size1();
  size_t n = x.size2();
  double f = sqrt(det(Omega))/pow(2.0*PI, p/2.0);
  // cout << "O: " << Omega << "\n";
  // cout << "f: " << f << "\n";
  ublas::matrix<double> e(p, n);
  e.assign(x - outer_prod(mu, ublas::scalar_vector<double>(n, 1)));
  e = element_prod(e, prod(Omega, e));

  return ublas::apply_to_all<functor::exp<double> > (-(ublas::matrix_sum(e, 0))/2.0)*f;
	vector<double> HenleyTest::ComposeSeries(HenleyTest& subsys1, HenleyTest& subsys2, int type)
		vector<double> result;
		if(type == resulttype::type_smp)
			result = vector<double>(subsys1._phi.size());

			//same as 1-(1-Q1)(1-Q2)
			//subsystem unavailability
			result.assign( subsys1._phi + subsys2._phi - 
					element_prod(subsys1._phi, subsys2._phi) );
			result = vector<double>(subsys1._phiMC.size());

			result.assign( subsys1._phiMC + subsys2._phiMC - 
					element_prod(subsys1._phiMC, subsys2._phiMC) );

		return result;
sequence<decltype(T()*S())> element_prod( const sequence<T>& X, const sequence<S>& Y )
	typedef decltype(T()*S()) R;

	// If any vector is empty
	if( X.size() == 0 || Y.size() == 0 )
		return sequence<R>();

	// Overlapping interval
	int	ta  = max(X.t1(),Y.t1());
	int	tb  = min(X.t2(),Y.t2());

	// If they do not overlap
	if( ta > tb )
		return sequence<R>();

	// They do overlap
	vec<R> v = element_prod(
			X.buffer()( range( ta-X.t1(), tb-X.t1()+1 ) ),
			Y.buffer()( range( ta-Y.t1(), tb-Y.t1()+1 ) ) );
	return sequence<R>( v, ta );
heavysideFunction::operator()( node_type const& pointHat ) const
    node_type Ellipse( pbeqspace_type::Dim );
    node_type point( pbeqspace_type::Dim );

    point = element_prod( *M_stretch,pointHat ) + ( *M_translation );

    molecule_type::atoms_const_iterator_type atom( M_molecule->begin() );

    for ( ; atom != M_molecule->end(); ++atom )
        Ellipse =  point  - atom->center();

        //if ( norm_inf(Ellipse) >  atom->radius() ) continue;

        if  ( norm_2( Ellipse ) < atom->radius2() )
            return 0;

    return 1;
    LaserProjection::projectLaser_ (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan_in, sensor_msgs::PointCloud & cloud_out, double range_cutoff, 
                                   bool preservative, int mask)
    boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> ranges(2, scan_in.ranges.size());

    // Fill the ranges matrix
    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < scan_in.ranges.size(); index++)
        ranges(0,index) = (double) scan_in.ranges[index];
        ranges(1,index) = (double) scan_in.ranges[index];

    //Do the projection
    //    NEWMAT::Matrix output = NEWMAT::SP(ranges, getUnitVectors(scan_in.angle_min, scan_in.angle_max, scan_in.angle_increment));
    boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> output = element_prod(ranges, getUnitVectors_(scan_in.angle_min, scan_in.angle_max, scan_in.angle_increment, scan_in.ranges.size()));

    //Stuff the output cloud
    cloud_out.header = scan_in.header;
    cloud_out.points.resize (scan_in.ranges.size());

    // Define 4 indices in the channel array for each possible value type
    int idx_intensity = -1, idx_index = -1, idx_distance = -1, idx_timestamp = -1;


    // Check if the intensity bit is set
    if ((mask & channel_option::Intensity) && scan_in.intensities.size() > 0)
      int chan_size = cloud_out.channels.size();
      cloud_out.channels.resize (chan_size + 1);
      cloud_out.channels[0].name = "intensities";
      cloud_out.channels[0].values.resize (scan_in.intensities.size());
      idx_intensity = 0;
    // Check if the index bit is set
    if (mask & channel_option::Index)
      int chan_size = cloud_out.channels.size();
      cloud_out.channels.resize (chan_size +1);
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].name = "index";
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].values.resize (scan_in.ranges.size());
      idx_index = chan_size;

    // Check if the distance bit is set
    if (mask & channel_option::Distance)
      int chan_size = cloud_out.channels.size();
      cloud_out.channels.resize (chan_size + 1);
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].name = "distances";
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].values.resize (scan_in.ranges.size());
      idx_distance = chan_size;

    if (mask & channel_option::Timestamp)
      int chan_size = cloud_out.channels.size();
      cloud_out.channels.resize (chan_size + 1);
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].name = "stamps";
      cloud_out.channels[chan_size].values.resize (scan_in.ranges.size());
      idx_timestamp = chan_size;

    if (range_cutoff < 0)
      range_cutoff = scan_in.range_max;
      range_cutoff = std::min(range_cutoff, (double)scan_in.range_max); 
    unsigned int count = 0;
    for (unsigned int index = 0; index< scan_in.ranges.size(); index++)
      if (preservative || ((ranges(0,index) < range_cutoff) && (ranges(0,index) >= scan_in.range_min))) //if valid or preservative
        cloud_out.points[count].x = output(0,index);
        cloud_out.points[count].y = output(1,index);
        cloud_out.points[count].z = 0.0;
        //double x = cloud_out.points[count].x;
        //double y = cloud_out.points[count].y;
        //if(x*x + y*y < scan_in.range_min * scan_in.range_min){
        //  ROS_INFO("(%.2f, %.2f)", cloud_out.points[count].x, cloud_out.points[count].y);

        // Save the original point index
        if (idx_index != -1)
          cloud_out.channels[idx_index].values[count] = index;

        // Save the original point distance
        if (idx_distance != -1)
          cloud_out.channels[idx_distance].values[count] = ranges (0, index);

        // Save intensities channel
        if (scan_in.intensities.size() >= index)
        { /// \todo optimize and catch length difference better
          if (idx_intensity != -1)
            cloud_out.channels[idx_intensity].values[count] = scan_in.intensities[index];

        // Save timestamps to seperate channel if asked for
        if( idx_timestamp != -1)
                  cloud_out.channels[idx_timestamp].values[count] = (float)index*scan_in.time_increment;


    //downsize if necessary
    cloud_out.points.resize (count);
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < cloud_out.channels.size(); d++)
// Calculate a stabilizing control effort
void calculate_u(ublas_vector &D, ublas_vector &open_loop_dx_dt, const double &V_dot_target, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> &dx_dot_du)

  // Find the largest |D_i|
  // It will be the base for the u_i calculations.
  // If all D_i's are ~0, use V2.
  int largest_D_index = index_norm_inf(D);

  if ( fabs(D[largest_D_index]) > switch_threshold ) // Use V1
    ublas_vector P = element_prod(x-setpoint,open_loop_dx_dt); // x_i*x_i_dot

    // Start with the u that has the largest effect
    if ( fabs( D[largest_D_index] + ( sum( element_prod(D,D) ) - pow(D[largest_D_index],2.0) )/D[largest_D_index]) > 0.0001 ) 
      u(largest_D_index) = (V_dot_target-sum(P)) / 
        ( D[largest_D_index] + ( sum( element_prod(D,D) ) - pow(D[largest_D_index],2.0) )/D[largest_D_index] );

    // Now scale the other u's (if any) according to u_max*Di/D_max
    for ( int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++ )
      if ( i != largest_D_index ) // Skip this entry, we already did it
        //if ( fabs(D[i]) > 0.1*fabs(D[largest_D_index]) ) // If this D has a significant effect. Otherwise this u will remain zero
          u[i] = u[largest_D_index]*D[i]/D[largest_D_index];
  } // End of V1 calcs

  else // Use V2

    //ublas_vector dV2_dx = (x-setpoint)*(0.9+0.1*sum( element_prod(x-setpoint,x-setpoint) ));

    ublas_vector dV2_dx = (x-setpoint)*(0.9+0.1*tanh(g)+0.05*sum( element_prod(x-setpoint,x-setpoint) )*pow(cosh(g),-2));

    // The first entry in dV2_dx is unique because the step is specified in x1, so replace the previous
    dV2_dx[0] = (x[0]-setpoint[0])*(0.9+0.1*tanh(g))+

    //MATLAB equivalent:
    //P_star = dV2_dx.*f_at_u_0(1:num_states);

    ublas_vector P_star = element_prod(dV2_dx, open_loop_dx_dt);

    //MATLAB equivalent:
    //D_star = zeros(num_inputs,1);
    //for i=1:num_inputs
    //  for j=1:num_states
    //    D_star(i) = D_star[i]+dV2_dx(j)*dx_dot_du(i,j);
    //  end

    ublas_vector D_star(num_inputs);

    for (int i=0; i<num_inputs-1; i++)
      for (int j=0; j<num_inputs-1; j++)
        D_star[i] = D_star[i]+dV2_dx[j]*dx_dot_du(i,j);

    // The first input is unique.
    // MATLAB equivalent:
    //u(epoch,1) = (V_dot_target-sum(P_star)) / ...
    //( D_star(1) + (sum( D_star.*D_star )- D_star(1)^2) /...
    //D_star(1) );

    u[0] = (V_dot_target-sum(P_star)) / 
      ( D_star[0] + (sum( element_prod(D_star,D_star) )-pow(D_star[0],2)) / D_star[0] );

     // For the other inputs
     // MATLAB equivalent:
     //for i=2:num_inputs
     //  u(epoch,i) = u(epoch,1)*D_star(i)/D_star(1);

     for (int i=1; i<num_inputs; i++)
       //u[i] = u[0]*D_star[i]/D_star(0);
       u[i] = u[0]*D_star[i]/0.0;

     // Check for NaN (caused by D_star(1)==0).
     // It means the system is likely uncontrollable.
     // MATLAB equivalent:
     //if ~isfinite( u(epoch,:) )
     //  u(epoch,:)= zeros(num_inputs,1);
     for (int i=0; i<num_inputs; i++)
       if ( (boost::math::isnan)(u[i]) )
         u.clear(); // Reset u to zeros
         break; // Short circuit, could save time for long u vectors
  } // End of V2 calcs
文件: mat.cpp 项目: andylulu/ConvNet
Mat& Mat::ElemProd(const Mat &a) {
  mexAssert(mat_.size1() == a.size1() && mat_.size2() == a.size2(), 
    "In 'Mat::ElemProd' the matrices are of the different size");
  mat_ = element_prod(mat_, a.mat_);  
  return *this;
int test_main (int, char *[])
    element_prod(matrix_2x1(), matrix_2x2());

    return 0;
sequence<decltype(T()*S())> element_div( const sequence<T>& X, const sequence<S>& Y )
	return element_prod( X, element_inv(Y) );