static void checkOtherBits( FILE *fp, int indent, int size, char *prefix, char *var, int which_long ) {

    if( which_long >= _NLONGS( size ) ) {
        doShift( fp, indent, size, var );
    } else {
        char    buffer[ 80 ];

        sprintf( buffer, "if( %s->_%d & 0x80000000 ) {", var, which_long );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, buffer );
        doSet( fp, indent + 1, size, prefix, var, which_long + 1 );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, "} else {" );
        checkOtherBits( fp, indent + 1, size, prefix, var, which_long + 1 );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, "}" );
文件: EmitToFile.c 项目: a-krebs/YACC
 * Write generated code to file.
 * Parameters:
 * 	fileName: name of the .asc file to which to write.
 * Return:
 * 	0 on success,
 * 	non-zero otherwise
int emitToFile(char *fileName) {
	FILE *ascfp = NULL;

	if (doNotEmit) {
		return 1;

	/* open the file */
	ascfp = fopen(fileName, "w");

	/* append end-of-program stuff here (like a STOP) */
	emitComment("End of user-defined pgram");
	emitStmt(STMT_LEN, "STOP");

	 * append pre-defined ASC code here, so that it's at the bottom
	 * of the file
#ifndef ASC_SIMPLE

	/* write the emitted code to file */
	writeStmtLL(ascfp, stmts);

	/* close the file */
	if (fclose(ascfp) != 0) {
		err(EXIT_FAILURE, "File IO error.");

	return 0;
 * Emit code to goto the endo of the loop. Used for exit statments.
void emitGotoLoopEnd() {
	/* we don't have a symbol pointer, so just pass in non-null */

	emitComment("Go to end of %s%d",
	    LOOP_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(loopLabelStack));
	emitStmt(STMT_LEN, "GOTO %s%d",
	    LOOP_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(loopLabelStack) + 1);
static void doShift( FILE *fp, int indent, int size, char *var )
    int         i;
    char        buffer[ 80 ];

    for( i = 0; i < _NLONGS( size ); i++ ) {
        sprintf( buffer, "(*%s)._%d <<= 1;", var, i );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, buffer );
 * Check that expr is true to do loop, otherwise skip loop
void emitWhileLoopCondCheck(Symbol *s) {
	/* we don't have a symbol pointer, so just pass in non-null */

	if (! (s->kind == CONST_KIND && isConstResultSym(s))) {

	emitComment("If expr is false, skip loop body");
	emitStmt(STMT_LEN, "IFZ %s%d",
	    LOOP_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(loopLabelStack) + 1);
 * Emit ASC code for a then statment as part of IF-THEN-ELSE.
 * Assumes the corresposding statement or matched_stat code has already
 * been emitted.
void emitThenMatchedStat() {
	/* we don't have a symbol pointer, so just pass in non-null */

	emitComment("Bottom of an IF-THEN.");
	emitComment("Either THEN was executed, so GOTO,");
	emitComment("or land at %s%d if 'expr' was false",
	    LABEL_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(labelStack));
	emitStmt(STMT_LEN, "GOTO %s%d",
	    LABEL_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(labelStack) + 1);
	emitLabel(STMT_LEN, "%s%d",
	    LABEL_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(labelStack));
 * Emit ASC code to start an if statement.
 * Assumes the correspoding expression has already been emitted
 * Note that both IF-THEN-ELSE and IF-THEN statements
 * reserve two labels, but only one is ever used in IF-THEN statements.
void emitIfStat(Symbol *s) {
	/* reserve labels for THEN and ELSE */
	reserveLabels(labelStack, 2);

	if (! (s->kind == CONST_KIND && isConstResultSym(s))) {

	emitComment("IF expr THEN. If 'expr' is false skip to %s%d",
	    LABEL_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(labelStack));
	emitStmt(STMT_LEN, "IFZ %s%d", 
	    LABEL_PREFIX, peekLabelStackTop(labelStack));
static void emitBitNext( FILE *fp, int size, char *prefix, char *type_name )
    int         indent;

    fprintf( fp, "#ifdef %s_DEFINE_BITNEXT\n", prefix );
    fprintf( fp, "static void %sNext( %s *set ) {\n\n", prefix, type_name );
    indent = 1;
    if( size > 32 ) {
        emitStmt( fp, indent, "if( set->_0 & 0x80000000 ) {" );
        doSet( fp, indent + 1, size, prefix, "set", 1 );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, "} else {" );
        if( size > 64 ) {
            checkOtherBits( fp, indent + 1, size, prefix, "set", 1 );
        } else {
            doShift( fp, indent + 1, size, "set" );
        emitStmt( fp, indent, "}" );
    } else {
        doShift( fp, indent, size, "set" );
    fprintf( fp, "}\n" );
    fprintf( fp, "#endif\n\n" );
static void doSet( FILE *fp, int indent, int size, char *prefix, char *var, int which_long )
// set the given long in the bitset (_0 == 0) to 1, and all other bits
// to 0
    char        *buffer;
    int         i;
    char        *ptr;

    buffer = alloca( strlen( var ) + strlen( prefix ) + _NLONGS( size ) * 3 + 100 );
    sprintf( buffer, "%sSet( *%s, ", prefix, var );
    ptr = buffer + strlen( buffer );
    for( i = 0; i < _NLONGS( size ) - 1; i++ ) {
        sprintf( ptr, "%d, ", ( i == which_long ) ? 1 : 0 );
        ptr += 3;
    sprintf( ptr, "%d );", ( i == which_long ) ? 1 : 0 );
    emitStmt( fp, indent, buffer );