 * encoder_output_gop_seek:
 * @encoder_output: (in): the encoder output.
 * @timestamp: (in): time stamp of the top to seek
 * return the address of the gop with time stamp of timestamp.
 * Returns: gop addr if found, otherwise G_MAXUINT64 or 18446744073709551615(0xffffffffffffffff).
guint64 encoder_output_gop_seek (EncoderOutput *encoder_output, GstClockTime timestamp)
        guint64 rap_addr;
        GstClockTime t;

        rap_addr = *(encoder_output->head_addr);
        if (rap_addr > encoder_output->cache_size) {
                GST_ERROR ("FATAL: %s rap_addr value is %lu", encoder_output->name, rap_addr);
                return G_MAXUINT64;
        while (rap_addr != *(encoder_output->last_rap_addr)) {
                t = encoder_output_rap_timestamp (encoder_output, rap_addr);
                if (timestamp == t) {
                rap_addr = encoder_output_rap_next (encoder_output, rap_addr);
                if (rap_addr > encoder_output->cache_size) {
                        GST_ERROR ("FATAL: %s rap_addr value is %lu", encoder_output->name, rap_addr);
                        return G_MAXUINT64;

        if (rap_addr != *(encoder_output->last_rap_addr)) {
                return rap_addr;

        } else {
                return G_MAXUINT64;
static void notify_function (union sigval sv)
        EncoderOutput *encoder_output;
        struct sigevent sev;
        GstClockTime last_timestamp;
        GstClockTime segment_duration;
        gsize size;
        gchar *url, buf[128];

        encoder_output = (EncoderOutput *)sv.sival_ptr;

        /* mq_notify first */
        sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
        sev.sigev_notify_function = notify_function;
        sev.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
        sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = sv.sival_ptr;
        if (mq_notify (encoder_output->mqdes, &sev) == -1) {
                GST_ERROR ("mq_notify error : %s", g_strerror (errno));

        size = mq_receive (encoder_output->mqdes, buf, 128, NULL);
        if (size == -1) {
                GST_ERROR ("mq_receive error : %s", g_strerror (errno));
        buf[size] = '\0';
        sscanf (buf, "%lu", &segment_duration);
        last_timestamp = encoder_output_rap_timestamp (encoder_output, *(encoder_output->last_rap_addr));
        url = g_strdup_printf ("%lu.ts", encoder_output->last_timestamp);
        m3u8playlist_add_entry (encoder_output->m3u8_playlist, url, segment_duration);
        if (encoder_output->dvr_duration != 0) {
                dvr_record_segment (encoder_output, segment_duration);
        encoder_output->last_timestamp = last_timestamp;
        g_free (url);