//   flagAcceptingStates    Identify accepting states.
//                          First get a list of all of the end marker nodes.
//                          Then, for each state s,
//                              if s contains one of the end marker nodes in its list of tree positions then
//                                  s is an accepting state.
void     RBBITableBuilder::flagAcceptingStates() {
    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {
    UVector     endMarkerNodes(*fStatus);
    RBBINode    *endMarker;
    int32_t     i;
    int32_t     n;

    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    fTree->findNodes(&endMarkerNodes, RBBINode::endMark, *fStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    for (i=0; i<endMarkerNodes.size(); i++) {
        endMarker = (RBBINode *)endMarkerNodes.elementAt(i);
        for (n=0; n<fDStates->size(); n++) {
            RBBIStateDescriptor *sd = (RBBIStateDescriptor *)fDStates->elementAt(n);
            if (sd->fPositions->indexOf(endMarker) >= 0) {
                // Any non-zero value for fAccepting means this is an accepting node.
                // The value is what will be returned to the user as the break status.
                // If no other value was specified, force it to -1.

                if (sd->fAccepting==0) {
                    // State hasn't been marked as accepting yet.  Do it now.
                    sd->fAccepting = endMarker->fVal;
                    if (sd->fAccepting == 0) {
                        sd->fAccepting = -1;
                if (sd->fAccepting==-1 && endMarker->fVal != 0) {
                    // Both lookahead and non-lookahead accepting for this state.
                    // Favor the look-ahead.  Expedient for line break.
                    // TODO:  need a more elegant resolution for conflicting rules.
                    sd->fAccepting = endMarker->fVal;
                // implicit else:
                // if sd->fAccepting already had a value other than 0 or -1, leave it be.

                // If the end marker node is from a look-ahead rule, set
                //   the fLookAhead field or this state also.
                if (endMarker->fLookAheadEnd) {
                    // TODO:  don't change value if already set?
                    // TODO:  allow for more than one active look-ahead rule in engine.
                    //        Make value here an index to a side array in engine?
                    sd->fLookAhead = sd->fAccepting;
//   flagAcceptingStates    Identify accepting states.
//                          First get a list of all of the end marker nodes.
//                          Then, for each state s,
//                              if s contains one of the end marker nodes in its list of tree positions then
//                                  s is an accepting state.
void     RBBITableBuilder::flagAcceptingStates() {
    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {
    UVector     endMarkerNodes(*fStatus);
    RBBINode    *endMarker;
    int32_t     i;
    int32_t     n;

    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    fTree->findNodes(&endMarkerNodes, RBBINode::endMark, *fStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    for (i=0; i<endMarkerNodes.size(); i++) {
        endMarker = (RBBINode *)endMarkerNodes.elementAt(i);
        for (n=0; n<fDStates->size(); n++) {
            RBBIStateDescriptor *sd = (RBBIStateDescriptor *)fDStates->elementAt(n);
            if (sd->fPositions->indexOf(endMarker) >= 0) {
                // Any non-zero value for fAccepting means this is an accepting node.
                // The value is what will be returned to the user as the break status.
                // If no other value was specified, force it to -1.
                sd->fAccepting = endMarker->fVal;
                if (sd->fAccepting == 0) {
                    sd->fAccepting = -1;

                // If the end marker node is from a look-ahead rule, set
                //   the fLookAhead field or this state also.
                if (endMarker->fLookAheadEnd) {
                    sd->fLookAhead = sd->fAccepting;
//   calcChainedFollowPos.    Modify the previously calculated followPos sets
//                            to implement rule chaining.  NOT described by Aho
void RBBITableBuilder::calcChainedFollowPos(RBBINode *tree) {

    UVector         endMarkerNodes(*fStatus);
    UVector         leafNodes(*fStatus);
    int32_t         i;

    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    // get a list of all endmarker nodes.
    tree->findNodes(&endMarkerNodes, RBBINode::endMark, *fStatus);

    // get a list all leaf nodes
    tree->findNodes(&leafNodes, RBBINode::leafChar, *fStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(*fStatus)) {

    // Get all nodes that can be the start a match, which is FirstPosition()
    // of the portion of the tree corresponding to user-written rules.
    // See the tree description in bofFixup().
    RBBINode *userRuleRoot = tree;
    if (fRB->fSetBuilder->sawBOF()) {
        userRuleRoot = tree->fLeftChild->fRightChild;
    U_ASSERT(userRuleRoot != NULL);
    UVector *matchStartNodes = userRuleRoot->fFirstPosSet;

    // Iteratate over all leaf nodes,
    int32_t  endNodeIx;
    int32_t  startNodeIx;

    for (endNodeIx=0; endNodeIx<leafNodes.size(); endNodeIx++) {
        RBBINode *tNode   = (RBBINode *)leafNodes.elementAt(endNodeIx);
        RBBINode *endNode = NULL;

        // Identify leaf nodes that correspond to overall rule match positions.
        //   These include an endMarkerNode in their followPos sets.
        for (i=0; i<endMarkerNodes.size(); i++) {
            if (tNode->fFollowPos->contains(endMarkerNodes.elementAt(i))) {
                endNode = tNode;
        if (endNode == NULL) {
            // node wasn't an end node.  Try again with the next.

        // We've got a node that can end a match.

        // Line Break Specific hack:  If this node's val correspond to the $CM char class,
        //                            don't chain from it.
        // TODO:  Add rule syntax for this behavior, get specifics out of here and
        //        into the rule file.
        if (fRB->fLBCMNoChain) {
            UChar32 c = this->fRB->fSetBuilder->getFirstChar(endNode->fVal);
            if (c != -1) {
                // c == -1 occurs with sets containing only the {eof} marker string.
                ULineBreak cLBProp = (ULineBreak)u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_LINE_BREAK);
                if (cLBProp == U_LB_COMBINING_MARK) {

        // Now iterate over the nodes that can start a match, looking for ones
        //   with the same char class as our ending node.
        RBBINode *startNode;
        for (startNodeIx = 0; startNodeIx<matchStartNodes->size(); startNodeIx++) {
            startNode = (RBBINode *)matchStartNodes->elementAt(startNodeIx);
            if (startNode->fType != RBBINode::leafChar) {

            if (endNode->fVal == startNode->fVal) {
                // The end val (character class) of one possible match is the
                //   same as the start of another.

                // Add all nodes from the followPos of the start node to the
                //  followPos set of the end node, which will have the effect of
                //  letting matches transition from a match state at endNode
                //  to the second char of a match starting with startNode.
                setAdd(endNode->fFollowPos, startNode->fFollowPos);