double f_i(double *X1,double x1,double *X2,double x2,
	   int n,double h11,double h12,double h21,double h22,int i)
  double sum = 0;
  for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
    if(j!=i) sum += epanechnikov(X1[j],x1,X2[j],x2,h11,h12,h21,h22);
  return sum;
void computeSpatiogram(const cv::Mat &imagePatch, int m, spatiogram &sg){
    int n = 256/m;
    std::vector<double> bins;
    linspace(bins, 0, 256, n);
    int height = imagePatch.rows;
    int width = imagePatch.cols;

    cv::Mat X,Y, Xm, Ym, dist2, K;
    meshgrid(cv::Range(1,width), cv::Range(1,height), X, Y);
    meshgrid(cv::Range(-width/2,width/2), cv::Range(-height/2,height/2), Xm, Ym);
    X.convertTo(X, CV_64FC1); Y.convertTo(Y, CV_64FC1);
    dist2 = dist2(cv::Rect(0,0,width,height));
    epanechnikov(dist2, K);

    // initialize spatiogram
    sg.C = 1/cv::sum(K)[0];
    sg.C = sg.C/(imagePatch.channels());
    sg.cd = cv::Mat::zeros(1, m*imagePatch.channels(), CV_64FC1);
    sg.mu = cv::Mat::zeros(2, m*imagePatch.channels(), CV_64FC1);
    sg.cm = cv::Mat::zeros(2, m*imagePatch.channels(), CV_64FC1);
    sg.bins = m*imagePatch.channels();

    for (int l=0;l<imagePatch.channels();l++){
        for (int j=0;j<m;j++){
            cv::Mat temp;
            binelements(imagePatch, bins, l, j, temp);
            // zeroth order spatiogram
            sg.cd.at<double>(0,l*m+j) = cv::sum( K.mul(temp) )[0];
            double den = cv::sum(temp)[0];
            if (den==0.0) den=std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
            if (sg.cd.at<double>(0,l*m+j)==0.0) sg.cd.at<double>(0,l*m+j)=std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

            // Mean vector of the pixels' coordinates mu: first order spatiogram
            double mu_x = cv::sum( X.mul(temp) )[0]/den;
            double mu_y = cv::sum( Y.mul(temp) )[0]/den;
            sg.mu.at<double>(0, l*m+j) = mu_x;
            sg.mu.at<double>(1, l*m+j) = mu_y;

            // Covariance matrix of the pixels' coordinates Cm[2x2]: 2nd order spatiogram
            cv::Mat C11; cv::pow(X - mu_x, 2, C11); //(x-mu_x)^2
            cv::Mat C22; cv::pow(Y - mu_y, 2, C22); //(y-mu_y)^2
            sg.cm.at<double>(0, l*m+j) = cv::sum(C11.mul(temp))[0]/den; //Cov(1,1)
            sg.cm.at<double>(1, l*m+j) = cv::sum(C22.mul(temp))[0]/den; //Cov(2,2)
    //normalize color distribution
    sg.cd = sg.C*sg.cd;