void wgem_er_wmsg( char *errgrp, int *numerr, char *errstr, int *iret )
 * wgem_er_wmsg              						*
 *									*
 * This function is a wrapper for er_wmsg. 				*
 *									*
 * void wgem_er_wmsg( errgrp, numerr, errstr, iret )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*errgrp		char	error group				*
 *	*numerr		int	error number				*
 *	*errstr		char	error string to be embedded		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int	return code				*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	12/07	initial coding                          *
    er_wmsg( errgrp, numerr, errstr, iret, strlen( errgrp ), strlen( errstr ) );
void db_gtim ( char *queryType, char *source, char *qparms, 
               char *times, int *ltimes, int *iret )
 *									*
 * db_gtim               						*
 *									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	11/08	Created                                 *
    int      bufferSize = 200000;
    char     xsltFile[LLSCRN] = "response.xlt";
    char     xsltDir[LLSCRN]  = "$NAWIPS/gempak/tables/xslt";
    //char     queryType[11]    = "dbaseTime";
    int      ier, nbytes, ier1, ier2, iparm = 129, ierEvt;
    long     flen;
    char     queryText[320], queryResult[bufferSize+1], evtName[iparm-1];
    char     errStr[100], xsltfile[FILE_FULLSZ], parm[iparm-1];
    unsigned char*   bigStr;
    struct timeb t_start, t_query, t_run, t_xml, t_current;

    * Initialization
    *iret = 0;
    times[0] = '\0';
    queryText[0] = '\0';
    queryResult[0] = '\0';

    db_getparm ( parm, &ier2,  iparm);
    if ( ier2 != 0 ) {
      *iret = -1;
    db_getevtname ( evtName, &ierEvt,  iparm);

    * Populate the query strings 
    if (strcmp ( queryType, "dbTime" ) == 0 ) {
       strcpy (eSrc, source);
       if ( strcmp ( source, "GRID") == 0 ) {
         sprintf (ePlugIn,   "%s", parm);
         sprintf (eGrid,   "%s", qparms);
         sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "GempakCatalogTimeQuery");
         if ( ierEvt == 0 ) {
            sprintf (gEventName, "%s", evtName);
       else if ( strcmp ( source, "METAR") == 0 ) {
          sprintf (ePlugIn,   "%s", "obs");
          sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "NomTimeQuery");
       else if ( strcmp ( source, "BUFRUA") == 0 ) {
          sprintf (ePlugIn,   "%s", "bufrua");
          sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "GempakCatalogTimeQuery");
       else if ( strcmp ( source, "SYNOP") == 0 ) {
          sprintf (ePlugIn,   "%s", "sfcobs");
          sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "GempakCatalogTimeQuery");
       else {
         ier = -9;
         sprintf (errStr, "%s+", queryType);
         strcat  (errStr, source);
         er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, errStr, &ier1, 2, strlen(errStr) );
         *iret = -1;
     else {
       ier = -8;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, queryType, &ier1, 2, strlen(queryType) );
       *iret = -1;

    * Get the query text
    db_getQueryText ( queryType, queryText, &ier);
   // printf("\t\t\t time spent in db_getQueryText: %d\n", (int) (1000.0 * (t_current.time - t_query.time) + (t_current.millitm - t_query.millitm)));

    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       * Query text not set -> returning
       ier = -3;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       *iret = -1;

    * Connect to database and get the query result
    db_runQuery ( queryText, queryResult, &ier);
   // printf("\t\t\t time spent in db_runQuery: %d\n", (int) (1000.0 * (t_current.time - t_run.time) + (t_current.millitm - t_run.millitm)));

    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       ier = -4; 
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       *iret = -1;
    * Transform XML string to a string containing list of header parameters
    cfl_inqr(xsltFile, xsltDir, &flen, xsltfile, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       * XSLT file not found -> returning
       ier = -5;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, xsltFile, &ier1, 2, strlen(xsltFile) );
       *iret = -1;

    nbytes=xml_transform( queryResult, strlen(queryResult), xsltfile, &bigStr, &ier );
   // printf("\t\t\t time spent in xml_transform: %d\n", (int) (1000.0 * (t_current.time - t_xml.time) + (t_current.millitm - t_xml.millitm)));

    if ( ier !=0 || nbytes==0) {
       * XML Transform run unsuccessfully -> returning
       ier = -6;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       G_FREE( bigStr, unsigned char );
       *iret = -1;

    sprintf (times, "%s", bigStr);

    *ltimes = strlen(times);

    G_FREE( bigStr, unsigned char );
   // printf("\t\t time spent in db_gtim: %d\n", (int) (1000.0 * (t_current.time - t_start.time) + (t_current.millitm - t_start.millitm)));

void dg_adcl ( int *iret )
 * dg_adcl                                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine adds a column to a grid.                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * dg_adcl ( iret )  				                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret		int		Return code                     *
 *                                        0 = normal return             *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * R. Tian/SAIC         10/03                                           *
 * K. Brill/HPC		 2/04	Initialize gwrapg and addcol		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 5/04	Removed check for addcol		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 2/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
 * K. Brill/HPC         11/11   Remove check for exceeding LLMXTG	*
    float rgx[2], rgy[2];
    int np, ier, ier2;
    *iret   = 0;

    _dgsubg.gwrapg = G_FALSE;
    _dgfile.addcol = G_FALSE;
    grc_rnav ( _dgsubg.refnav, _dgfile.cprj, &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd, &ier );
    if ( ( strcmp ( _dgfile.cprj, "MER" ) == 0 ) || 
         ( strcmp ( _dgfile.cprj, "CED" ) == 0 ) ) {
/*	if ( ( _dgfile.kyd * (_dgfile.kxd+1) ) > LLMXTG ) return; */
	rgx[0] = 1.;
	rgy[0] = 1.;
	rgx[1] = (float)( _dgfile.kxd + 1 );
	rgy[1] = 1.;
	np = 2;
	gtrans ( sys_G, sys_M, &np, rgx, rgy, rgx, rgy, &ier,
	    strlen(sys_G), strlen(sys_M) );
	if ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] - rgy[1] ) < 0.01 ||
	    ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] + 180. ) < 0.01 &&
	      G_ABS ( rgy[1] - 180. ) < 0.01 ) ) {
	    _dgfile.kxd += 1;
	    _dgfile.kxyd = _dgfile.kxd * _dgfile.kyd;
	    _dggrid.maxdgg = NDGRD;
	    gsgprj ( _dgfile.cprj, &_dgsubg.refnav[10], &_dgsubg.refnav[11], 
	        &_dgsubg.refnav[12], &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd,
		&_dgsubg.refnav[6], &_dgsubg.refnav[7], &_dgsubg.refnav[8],
		&_dgsubg.refnav[7], &ier, strlen(_dgfile.cprj) );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) {
		er_wmsg ( "GEMPLT", &ier, " ", &ier2,
		    strlen("GEMPLT"), strlen(" ") );
		*iret = -7;
	    _dgfile.addcol = G_TRUE;

	     * Free all existing grids since grid size is changed.
	    dg_fall ( &ier );
    } else {
	_dgfile.addcol = G_FALSE;

    if ( ( strcmp ( _dgfile.cprj, "MER" ) == 0 ) ||
         ( strcmp ( _dgfile.cprj, "MCD" ) == 0 ) ||
    	 ( strcmp ( _dgfile.cprj, "CED" ) == 0 ) ) {
	 * Set GWRAPG flag for globe wrapping grid.
	rgx[0] = 1.;
	rgy[0] = 1.;
	rgx[1] = (float)_dgfile.kxd;
	rgy[1] = 1.;
	np = 2;
	gtrans ( sys_G, sys_M, &np, rgx, rgy, rgx, rgy, &ier,
	    strlen(sys_G), strlen(sys_M) );
	if ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] - rgy[1] ) < 0.01 ||
	    ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] + 180. ) < 0.01 &&
	      G_ABS ( rgy[1] - 180. ) < 0.01 ) ) {
	    _dgsubg.gwrapg = G_TRUE;

static void pglpfw_openCtlBtnCb ( Widget wid, long which, XtPointer call )
 * pglpfw_openCtlBtnCb							*
 *									*
 * This is the callback function for the open control buttons (OK, and	*
 * CANCEL) on the bottom of the file popup window.  			*
 *									*
 * void pglpfw_openCtlBtnCb  (wid, which, call )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	wid		Widget		Widget that activated callback	*
 *	which	        long	        which button			*
 *	call		XtPointer	not used			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *			NONE						*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		04/02						*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		05/02	Removed open check			*
    int		ier, ier1;

    ier = 0;
    switch ( which ) {

	case 0:		/* Open */
	     *  Exit layering if necessay.
	    if ( pglayrw_isUp () ) {
		pglayrw_exit ();

	    if ( strlen( _fileName ) > (size_t)0) {
		pglpfw_loadLPF (&ier);
	      else {
		ier = -1;
		er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ier, _fileName, &ier1, 3, strlen(_fileName) );

	    pglpfw_popdown ();
	    pgundo_initUndo ();


	case 1:		/* CANCEL */
    	    pglpfw_popdown ();

    } /* the end of switch */

     * Reset to previous oper selection.

    if (ier == 0) {
       pgpalw_setPrevOper ();
void ctb_permccrd ( char *tblnam, char *dirsym, Permclust_t *pc, int *iret )
 * ctb_permccrd								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read the permanent clustered county table into a 	*
 * structure.								*
 *									*
 * ctb_permccrd ( tblnam, dirsym, pc, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tblnam		char		Data type table name		*
 *	*dirsym		char		Directory			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*pc	Permclust_t 		Perm. clustered cnty structure	*
 *	*iret	int			Return code			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	10/04		copied from ctb_ccrd		*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP        1/05	Added creation of virtual cluster combos*
 * 			      	& added error check on 1st cst_split    *
    FILE    *ftbl;
    char    buff[256], pcname[32], *next;
    int	    ii, jj, ij, in, inx, numclust, fips[50], nfips, len, ier, ierr;
    int     ik, kk, ll, nn, itotal, srchfip, inum, ivfips, cfips[20];
    Boolean	found, match;
    static Permclust_t  vpc, tpc;

    *iret = 0;

     *  Open the table.
    ftbl = cfl_tbop ( tblnam, dirsym, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 )  {
        tpc.nclust = 0;

     *  Get number of valid table entries.
    cfl_tbnr( ftbl, &numclust, &ier );

    if ( numclust != 0 )  {
         *  Allocate the structure elements.
        tpc.nclust = numclust;
        tpc.clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( numclust * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    else  {
         *  Problem opening table file; set error code and return.
        cfl_clos( ftbl, &ier );
        *iret = -2;

    rewind ( ftbl );

     *  For every valid table entry, read in, parse, put in structure

    ii = 0;
    while ( ii < numclust )  {

	cfl_trln( ftbl, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    next = cst_split ( buff, '|', 4, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo, &ier );

            if ( ier == 0 ) {
	        next = cst_split ( next, '|', 32, pcname, &ier );
	        tpc.clust[ii].pcname = 
		    (char *)malloc( (strlen(pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );
	        strcpy ( tpc.clust[ii].pcname, pcname );

	        cst_rmbl ( next, next, &len, &ier );

	        cst_ilst ( next, '+', IMISSD, sizeof(fips)/sizeof(fips[0]),
		           fips, &nfips, &ier );

	        tpc.clust[ii].npc = nfips;
                tpc.clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( nfips * sizeof(int) );

	        for ( jj = 0; jj < nfips; jj++ )  {
		    tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj] = fips[jj];
            else {
                ierr = 3; 
                er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ierr, buff, &ier, 3, strlen (buff) );



    cfl_clos ( ftbl, &ier );

    * Create virtual clusters.
    * Allocate the structure elements.

    vpc.nclust = 0;
    vpc.clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( (numclust*4) * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    inum = vpc.nclust;
    ii = 0;
    * Loop over all perm clusters.
    while ( ii < numclust ) {
        for ( jj = 1;jj < tpc.clust[ii].npc; jj++ ) {
            found = False;
            srchfip = tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj];
            * Compare search fip value to the other 1st fips codes.
            * Search permanent table first.
            ij = 0;
            while ( (!found) && (ij < numclust ) ) {
               if ( srchfip == tpc.clust[ij].pc[0] ) {
                   found = True;
            * Search virtual cluster table next.
            ij = 0;
            while ( (!found) && (ij < vpc.nclust ) ) {
                if ( srchfip == vpc.clust[ij].pc[0] ) {
                    found = True;

            * Didn't find a cluster group with search fip as first key.
            * Find all cluster groups in perm. table with this key in 
            * the cluster groups. Create a new virtual cluster entry.

            if ( !found ) {
                cfips[0] = srchfip;
                ik = 0;
               /* Loop over rest of current clustered combo fips 
                * and store the codes temporarily.
                for ( ij = 0; ij < tpc.clust[ii].npc;ij++ ) {
                    if ( tpc.clust[ii].pc[ij] != srchfip ) {
                       cfips[ik] = tpc.clust[ii].pc[ij];
               /* Set the number of virtual fips codes we have so far*/
                ivfips = ik+1;

                * Check rest of perm clusters combox for srchfip.
                * Start with the next perm cluster combo.
                inx = ii + 1;
                match = False;
                    /* loop over rest of combo clusters */
                    for ( kk= inx; kk < numclust; kk++ )  {
                        /* loop over number of counties in each cluster */
                        for ( ll = 0; ll < tpc.clust[kk].npc; ll++ )  {
                            /* look for a match in a cluster */
                            if ( tpc.clust[kk].pc[ll] == srchfip )  {
                                /* store all new codes in cfips array */
                                for ( nn = 0; nn < tpc.clust[kk].npc; nn++ )  {
                                    /* loop over current cluster array, store
                                       one's we don't have*/
                                    in = 0;
                                    while ( (in < ivfips ) && ( !match) ) {
                                        if ( tpc.clust[kk].pc[nn] == cfips[in] )  {
                                            match = True; 
                                   /* didn't find fips in cfips array, keep it */
                                    if ( !match ) { 
                                        cfips[ivfips]  = tpc.clust[kk].pc[nn];
                                    match = False;

                * Put temporary pcname, pcwfo, npc and fips array into 
                * virtual perm clust. combos.
                * Increment number of virtual fip cluster combos

                 strcpy ( vpc.clust[inum].pcwfo, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo );
	         vpc.clust[inum].pcname = 
		        (char *)malloc( (strlen(pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );

                 * Store the number of fips codes and the code numbers
                  vpc.clust[inum].npc = ivfips;
                  vpc.clust[inum].pc = (int *)malloc( ivfips * sizeof(int) );
                  for ( ij= 0; ij < ivfips; ij++ )  {
                      vpc.clust[inum].pc[ij] = cfips[ij];
            } /* (!found) loop */ 
        } /* for jj loop */
    } /* while ii loop */ 

    * Fill out output permanent cluster structure.
    * Allocate the structure elements.

    itotal = numclust + vpc.nclust;
    pc->nclust = itotal;
    pc->clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( itotal * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    ii = 0;

    * Write out permanent table cluster combos first.
    while ( ii < numclust )  {

        strcpy (pc->clust[ii].pcwfo, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo);
        pc->clust[ii].pcname = 
                    (char *)malloc( (strlen(tpc.clust[ii].pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );
        strcpy ( pc->clust[ii].pcname, tpc.clust[ii].pcname );

        pc->clust[ii].npc = tpc.clust[ii].npc;
        pc->clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( tpc.clust[ii].npc * sizeof(int) );
        for ( jj = 0; jj < pc->clust[ii].npc; jj++ )  {
            pc->clust[ii].pc[jj] =  tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj];
    * Write out virtual cluster combos next.
    jj = 0;
    while ( ii < pc->nclust )  {

        strcpy (pc->clust[ii].pcwfo, vpc.clust[jj].pcwfo);
        pc->clust[ii].pcname =
                    (char *)malloc( 12 * sizeof(char) );
        sprintf ( pc->clust[ii].pcname, "VClust %d", jj+1 );

        pc->clust[ii].npc = vpc.clust[jj].npc;
        pc->clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( vpc.clust[jj].npc * sizeof(int) );
        for ( ij = 0; ij < pc->clust[ii].npc; ij++ )  {
            pc->clust[ii].pc[ij] =  vpc.clust[jj].pc[ij];

FILE *spf_create ( char *filnam, int *hlen, int *iret )
 * spf_create								*
 *									*
 * This function creates a new SPF file with an appropriate header. If  *
 * the file suffix is not ".spf", it will be added.			*
 *									*
 * Note: If the tag value contains a "<", it must be preceeded by a	*
 * backslash '\\' so as not to confuse it with the start of another tag.*
 *									*
 * FILE *spf_create ( filnam, hlen, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *filnam		char		file name with full path	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*hlen		int		Header length			*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					0 - Normal			*
 *				       -3 - Failure to create SPF file	*
 * Return parameters:							*
 *	*spf_create	FILE		File pointer			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/GSC	6/01	create						*
 * J. Wu/GSC	6/01	correct cfl_aopn to cfl_wopn			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC	6/03	add comments about escaped '<'			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC	3/04	changed css_gtim calling sequences		*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	03/06	Added GROUP_PERMS_SPF logic and actions	*
    int	    ier, ierr, ipos, itype = 0;
    char    outstr[1024], perms_prefs[16], curdat[20], *usernam;
    char    filepart[MXFLSZ], pathpart[LLPATH];
    char    exn[] = "!\n", ex[] = "!",
            linf[] = "!----------------------------------------",
            linb[] = "----------------------------------------\n",
            str1[] = "This is a stored procedure file for nmap2.",
            str2[] = "Creation date:",
	    str3[] = "Created by:",
	    esp1[] = " Note: If the tag value contains a '<', it must be ",
	    esp2[] = "preceeded by a backslash \n!        '\\' so as not to ",
	    esp3[] = "confuse it with the start of another tag.";
    FILE    *fptr;
    mode_t  mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH; /*rw_rw_r*/

    *iret = G_NORMAL;
    fptr = (FILE *)NULL;
     *  If the file suffix is not ".spf", add it.
    cfl_path ( filnam, pathpart, filepart, &ier ) ;   
    cst_srch ( 0, (int)strlen(filepart), ".spf", filepart, &ipos, &ier );
    if ( ier == -4 ) {
        strcat ( filnam, ".spf" );
     *  Create the file for writing and add the header discription.
    fptr = cfl_wopn( filnam, &ier );    
    if ( fptr == NULL ) {
	*iret = -3;          /* fail to create */
	er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ier, filnam, &ierr, 3, strlen( filnam ) );
    else {
	ctb_pfstr ( "GROUP_PERMS_SPF", perms_prefs, &ier);
	if ( strcmp(perms_prefs, "TRUE") == 0 ) {
	    chmod(filnam, mode);
         *  Write an appropriate header to the file.
        css_gtim( &itype, curdat, &ier );
        usernam = getenv("LOGNAME");
        sprintf( outstr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s %s\n%s%s %s\n%s%s%s%s%s \n%s%s %s\t%s\n%s%s %s\t\t%s\n%s%s%s%s%s%s", 
             linf, linb, linf, linb,
	     exn, ex, filnam, 
	     exn, ex, str1, 
	     exn, ex, esp1, esp2, esp3, 
	     exn, ex, str2, curdat, 
	     exn, ex, str3, usernam, 
	     exn, linf, linb, linf, linb, exn );
	*hlen = (int)(strlen( outstr ) * sizeof( char ));
	cfl_writ( fptr, *hlen, (unsigned char*)outstr, &ier );
	if ( ier < 0 ) {
	    *iret = -3;     /* fail to create */
 	    er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ier, filnam, &ierr, 3, strlen( filnam ) );
            fptr = (FILE *)NULL;
    return fptr;    
void gb2_gdtpstr( float *navblk, int *igdtmpl, int *iret )
 * gb2_gdtpstr								*
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine converts a STR Gempak grid navigation block to a        *
 * GRIB2 Grid Definition Template 3.20.					*
 *                                                                      *
 * gb2_gdtpstr ( navblk, igdtmpl, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  *navblk   		float       Decoded GRIB2 structure             *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *  *igdtmpl            int        GDT 3.20 values 			*
 *  *iret               int        Return code                          *
 *                                    -36 = Projection not STR		*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP          08/05    Calculations taken from GDS_STR    *
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP          03/06    Chngs to remove compiler warnings  *

        double     rlat1, rlon1, rlat2, rlon2, dx, dy, polat, rlov;
        double     rnx, rny, sign, clon, re, x1, y1, x2, y2;
        double     tlat1, tlon1;
        double     tan1, tan2, dlon1, dlon2;

        int        ier;
        int        nx, ny;

	*iret = 0;

         *  ensure grid navigation block is STR
        if ( strncmp( (char *)(navblk+1), "STR", 3) != 0 ) {
           er_wmsg("GB", iret, (char *)(navblk+1), &ier, 2, 4 );

        nx = G_NINT(navblk[4]);
        ny = G_NINT(navblk[5]);
        rlat1 = navblk[6];
        rlon1 = navblk[7];
        rlat2 = navblk[8];
        rlon2 = navblk[9];
        polat = navblk[10];
        rlov = navblk[11];

         *  compute the grid increments
        if ( polat > 0.0 ) sign = -1.0;
        else sign = 1.0;
        rnx = navblk[4];
        rny = navblk[5];
        tlat1 = rlat1 * DTR / 2.;
        rlat2 = rlat2 * DTR / 2.;
        tlon1 = rlon1 * DTR;
        rlon2 = rlon2 * DTR;
        clon = rlov * DTR;
        re = RADIUS;
        tan1 = tan ( PI4TH + sign * tlat1 );
        tan2 = tan ( PI4TH + sign * rlat2 );
        dlon1 = tlon1 - clon;
        dlon2 = rlon2 - clon;
        x1 = re * tan1 * sin ( dlon1 );
        y1 = sign * re * tan1 * cos ( dlon1 );
        x2 = re * tan2 * sin ( dlon2 );
        y2 = sign * re * tan2 * cos ( dlon2 );
        dx = ( x2 - x1 ) * 1.8660254 / ( rnx - 1. );
        dy = ( y2 - y1 ) * 1.8660254 / ( rny - 1. );

         *  Set Grid Definition Template

        igdtmpl[0] = 1;                       /* Earth Assumed Spherical */
        igdtmpl[1] = 0;                       /* Radius scale factor     */
        igdtmpl[2] = G_NINT(RADIUS);          /* Radius of Earth         */
        igdtmpl[3] = 0;                       /* Oblate info     n/a     */
        igdtmpl[4] = 0;                       /* Oblate info     n/a     */
        igdtmpl[5] = 0;                       /* Oblate info     n/a     */
        igdtmpl[6] = 0;                       /* Oblate info     n/a     */
        igdtmpl[7] = nx;                      /* Kx                      */
        igdtmpl[8] = ny;                      /* Kx                      */
        igdtmpl[9] = G_NINT(rlat1*1000000.0);
                                              /* Lat of 1st grid point   */
        if ( rlon1 < 0.0 ) rlon1 += 360.0;
        igdtmpl[10] = G_NINT(rlon1*1000000.0);   
                                              /* Lon of 1st grid point   */
        igdtmpl[11] = 56;                     /* Res and Comp flags      */
        igdtmpl[12] = 60000000;               /* Lat where Dx,Dy true    */
        if ( rlov < 0.0 ) rlov += 360.0;
        igdtmpl[13] = G_NINT(rlov*1000000.0);   
                                              /* Lon of Orientation      */

        igdtmpl[14] = G_NINT(dx*1000.0);      /* Dx                      */
        igdtmpl[15] = G_NINT(dy*1000.0);      /* Dy                      */
        igdtmpl[16] = 0;
        if ( polat < 0.0 ) igdtmpl[16] = 128; /* Projection center flag  */
        igdtmpl[17] = 64;                     /* Scanning mode           */

int db_gFileNames ( const char *dir, int isearch, struct dirent ***ret_namelist)
 *									*
 * db_gFileNames               						*
 *									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	11/08	Created                                 *
    int      possible_ens_nmbr    = 100;
    int      possible_fcst_hrs    = 500;
    int      max_file_name_length  = 50;
    int      max_number_components    = 13;
    int      max_component_length = 75;
    int      possible_fileNames;
    int      ii, jj, ier, ier1, len;
    int      used, allocated,istmax;
    char     modelName[30], dbTag[5], ensTag[20], timeTmpl[75];
    char     *fileNames;
    char      **starr;
    struct dirent *entry=NULL, *entry2=NULL;
    struct dirent **namelist = NULL;

    * Initialization
    modelName[0] = '\0';
    dbTag[0] = '\0';
    ensTag[0] = '\0';
    timeTmpl[0] = '\0';

    * Allocate memmory for starr and get the components
    starr = (char **)malloc((size_t)max_number_components * sizeof(char *));
    istmax = 0;
    for( jj=0; jj < max_number_components; jj++ )
       starr[jj] = (char *)malloc( max_component_length * sizeof(char));
    cst_clst (dir, '_', " ", max_number_components, max_component_length, starr, &istmax, &ier);

    if ( istmax ==4 ) {
       sprintf ( modelName, "%s", starr[0] );
       sprintf ( dbTag, "%s", starr[1] );
       sprintf ( ensTag, "%s", starr[2] );
       sprintf ( timeTmpl, "%s", starr[3] );
    else {
       if ( istmax > 4 ) {
           sprintf ( modelName, "%s", starr[0] );
           sprintf ( dbTag, "%s", starr[1] );
           sprintf ( ensTag, "%s", starr[2] );
           for ( jj = 3; jj < istmax; jj ++ ) {
               if ( starr[jj][0] == '[' ) {
                   sprintf ( timeTmpl, "%s", starr[jj] );
               else {
                   strcat ( ensTag,"_" );
                   strcat ( ensTag,starr[jj] ); 
           istmax = 4;
       else {
           for ( jj = 0; jj < max_number_components; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
           if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );

    * Free memory allocated for starr
    for ( jj = 0; jj < max_number_components; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
    if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );

    * Allocate memmory for fileNames
    possible_fileNames = possible_ens_nmbr * possible_fcst_hrs;
    fileNames = (char *)malloc( possible_fileNames * max_file_name_length * sizeof(char));

    db_scandb ( modelName, dbTag, ensTag, timeTmpl, fileNames, &ier);
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        return (0);

    * Allocate memmory for starr and 
    * break the fileNames string into parts each representing 'file'
    starr = (char **)malloc((size_t)possible_fileNames * sizeof(char *));
    istmax = 0;
    for( jj=0; jj < possible_fileNames; jj++ )
       starr[jj] = (char *)malloc( max_file_name_length * sizeof(char));
    cst_clst (fileNames, '|', " ", possible_fileNames, max_file_name_length, starr, &istmax, &ier);

    * Free memory allocated for fileNames 
    free( fileNames );

    * Fake scandir function to return back namelist structure
    used = 0;
    allocated = 2;
    namelist = malloc(allocated * sizeof(struct dirent *));
    entry = (struct dirent *) malloc (sizeof(struct dirent));
    for  ( ii = 0; ii < istmax; ii++ ) {
       sprintf ( entry->d_name, "%s", starr[ii] );
       len = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1;
       if ((entry2 = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
          for ( jj = 0; jj < possible_fileNames; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
          if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );
          free (entry);
          ier = -7;
          er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       if (used >= allocated) {
            allocated *= 2;
            namelist = realloc(namelist, allocated * sizeof(struct dirent *));
            if (!namelist) {
               for ( jj = 0; jj < possible_fileNames; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
               if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );
               free (entry);
               ier = -7;
               er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
               ier = -7;
               er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       memcpy(entry2, entry, len);
       namelist[used++] = entry2;

    free (entry);
    for ( jj=0; jj < possible_fileNames; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
    if ( starr ) free( (char **)starr );

    *ret_namelist = namelist;
void na_gnav ( const char *proj, const char *kxky, const char *gdarea,
               char *cprj, int *kx, int *ky,  float *grdout,
	       float *rnvblk, int *iret )
 * na_gnav								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine takes the user input for PROJ and KXKY and 		*
 * makes a grid navigation block.    					*
 *									*
 * na_gnav ( proj, kxky, gdarea, cprj, kx, ky, grdout, rnvblk, iret )	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*proj		const char	User input for PROJ		*
 *	*kxky		const char	User input for KXKY		*
 *	*gdarea		const char	User input for GDAREA		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*cprj		char		Grid projection			*
 *	*kx		int		Number of points in x dir	*
 *	*ky		int		Number of points in y dir	*
 *	*grdout		float		Grid corners			*
 *	*rnvblk		float		Grid navigation block		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -4 = invalid navigation	*
 *					 -5 = invalid grid area		*
 *					 -6 = invalid grid size		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/EAI	 7/93	Copied from GDCNAV			*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	 6/96	Add default projection			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 7/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      10/06   Added call to GR_VNAV                   *
    char cdproj[31], tprj[31];
    float zmarg[4], rarr[2], rltln[4], angle[3], centrd[2],
          angle1, angle2, angle3, xspace, yspace;
    int angflg, space, valid;
    int iarr[2], len, num, ier, ier1, i;
    *iret = 0;

     * Translate grid projection information.
    gg_proj ( proj, tprj, angle, zmarg, &angflg, &ier,
              strlen(proj), sizeof(tprj) );
    tprj[30] = '\0';
    cst_lstr ( tprj, &len, &ier1 );
    tprj[len] = '\0';
    strcpy ( cprj, tprj );
    angle1 = angle[0];
    angle2 = angle[1];
    angle3 = angle[2];

     * Check for error.
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GG", &ier, (char *)proj, &ier1,
	          strlen("GG"), strlen(proj) );
	*iret = -4;

     * Translate grid area.
    lc_gare ( (char *)gdarea, rltln, tprj, centrd, &ier,
              strlen(gdarea), sizeof(tprj) );
    tprj[30] = '\0';
    cst_lstr ( tprj, &len, &ier1 );
    tprj[len] = '\0';
    strcpy ( cdproj, tprj );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -5;
	er_wmsg ( "NAGRIB", iret, (char *)gdarea, &ier,
	          strlen("NAGRIB"), strlen(gdarea) );

     * Translate the input for KXKY.
    if ( ( strcmp ( cprj, "CED" ) == 0 ) && ( kxky[0] == '#' ) ) {
	space = G_TRUE;
    } else {
	space = G_FALSE;

     * Check for input as grid spacing.
    if ( space == G_TRUE ) {
	 * Get x- and y- spacing and check that there are two numbers.
	cst_rlst  ( (char *)&kxky[1], ';', 0., 2, rarr, &num, &ier );
	if ( ( rarr[0] <= 0. ) || ( rarr[1] <= 0. ) ) {
	    *iret = -6;
	    er_wmsg ( "NAGRIB", iret, " ", &ier,
	              strlen("NAGRIB"), strlen(" ") );
	} else {
	    xspace = rarr[0];
	    yspace = rarr[1];

	 * Align on grid points and exit for error.
	grc_algn ( rltln, &xspace, &yspace, grdout, kx, ky, iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "GR", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("GR"), strlen(" ") );
	    *iret = -4;

     * Otherwise, find kx, ky.
    } else {
	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
	    grdout[i] = rltln[i];

	 * Get two numbers and check for error.
	cst_ilst ( (char *)kxky, ';', 0, 2, iarr, &num, &ier );
	*kx = iarr[0];
	*ky = iarr[1];
	if ( ( *kx < 2 ) || ( *ky < 2 ) ) {
	    *iret = -6;
	    er_wmsg ( "NAGRIB", iret, " ", &ier,
	              strlen("NAGRIB"), strlen(" ") );

     * Fill navigation block.
    gr_vnav  ( cprj, kx, ky, &grdout[0], &grdout[1], &grdout[2], &grdout[3],
               &angle1, &angle2, &angle3, &angflg, &valid, &ier, strlen(cprj) );

    if ( ier == 0 )
       grc_mnav  ( cprj, kx, ky, &grdout[0], &grdout[1], &grdout[2], &grdout[3],
                   &angle1, &angle2, &angle3, &angflg, rnvblk, &ier );
       *iret = -2;

void db_rdtr ( char *queryType, char *source, char *part, char *dattim,  
               char *stid, char *dataUri, int *icnt, float *rdata, int *nword, 
               int *iret )
 *									*
 * db_rdtr               						*
 *									*
 * This function returns array of data values from the AWIPS II DB      *
 * given certain data criteria.                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 * void db_rdtr ( char *queryType, char *source, char *part,		*
 *                char *dattim, char *stid, char *dataUri, int *icnt,	*
 *                float *rdata, int *nword, int *iret ) 		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      queryType       char            Type of query                   *
 *      source          char            Source of data                  *
 *      part            char            Part name                       *
 *      dattim          char            The data time                   *
 *      stid            char            Station ID			*
 *      dataUri         char            Data URI                        *
 *      icnt            int             Number of stations (obsolete)	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      rdata           float           Array of data values		*
 *      nword           float           Length of rdata array		*
 *      iret            int             Return code:                    *
 *                                        0 - normal return             *
 *                                       -1 - unable to get dataURI     *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/CWS	04/11	Created                                 *
    int      numberPayloadParts = 2;
    int      payloadPartLength = 50;
    int      bufferSize = 200000;
    char     xsltFile[LLSCRN] = "response.xlt";
    char     xsltDir[LLSCRN]  = "$NAWIPS/gempak/tables/xslt";
    int      ier, nbytes, ier1, nwrd, istmax, jj;
    long     flen;
    char     queryText[320], queryResult[bufferSize+1], xsltfile[FILE_FULLSZ];
    char     errStr[100], payload[100];
    unsigned char*   bigStr;
    char     **starr;

    * Initialization
    *iret = 0;
    queryText[0] = '\0';
    queryResult[0] = '\0';

    * Populate the query strings 

   if (strcmp ( queryType, "gridDat" ) == 0 ) {
      if ( strcmp ( source, "GRID") == 0 ) {
         strcpy (eSrc, source);
         sprintf (eDistnctField, "%s", dataUri);
         sprintf (gDattim, "%s", dattim);
         eCount = 1;
         sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "GempakGridLinkRequest");
      else {
       ier = -9;
       sprintf (errStr, "%s+", queryType);
       strcat  (errStr, source);
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, errStr, &ier1, 2, strlen(errStr) );
       *iret = -1;
   else {
      ier = -8;
      er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, queryType, &ier1, 2, strlen(queryType) );
      *iret = -1;

    * Get the query text
    db_getQueryText ( queryType, queryText, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       ier = -3;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       *iret = -1;

    * Connect to database and get the query result
    db_runQuery ( queryText, queryResult, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       ier = -4;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       *iret = -1;

    * Transform XML string to a string containing the name of the file 
    * stored on the server side
    cfl_inqr(xsltFile, xsltDir, &flen, xsltfile, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       * XSLT file not found -> returning
       ier = -5;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, xsltFile, &ier1, 2, strlen(xsltFile) );
       *iret = -1;

    nbytes=xml_transform( queryResult, strlen(queryResult), xsltfile, &bigStr, &ier );
    if ( ier !=0 || nbytes==0) {
       * XML Transform run unsuccessfully -> returning
       ier = -6;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       G_FREE( bigStr, unsigned char );
       *iret = -1;

    sprintf( payload, "%s", bigStr );
    G_FREE( bigStr, unsigned char );
    * Break the payload string into parts containing the dbHost and fileName
    starr = (char **)malloc((size_t)numberPayloadParts * sizeof(char *));
    for( jj=0; jj < numberPayloadParts; jj++ )
       starr[jj] = (char *)malloc( payloadPartLength * sizeof(char));
    cst_clst (payload, '|', " ", numberPayloadParts, payloadPartLength, starr, &istmax, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 || istmax != 2 ) {
       ier = -13;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, source, &ier1, 2, strlen(source) );
       *iret = -1;
       for ( jj = 0; jj < numberPayloadParts; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
       if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );

    * Get the data from the server side
    db_getRData(starr[0], starr[1], rdata, &nwrd, &ier);
    for ( jj = 0; jj < numberPayloadParts; jj++ ) free( starr[jj] );
    if( starr ) free( (char **)starr );
    *nword = nwrd;
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       if ( ier == -1 ) {
          ier = -10;
          er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, source, &ier1, 2, strlen(source) );
          *iret = -1;
       if ( ier == -2 ) {
          ier = -15;
          er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
          *iret = -1;

int main ( void )
 * TESTSPF								*
 *									*
 * This program tests the CGEMLIB "SPF" library functions.		*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/GSC	 6/01	create						*
 * H. Zeng/SAIC  9/04	spf_read() para. list change			*
    int    cont, numsub, iret, nbytes, ier, eliblen, errlen;
    char   select[LLSCRN], filnam[LLSCRN], newfil[FILE_FULLSZ]; 
    char   ans[LLSCRN], tag[LLSCRN], data[TAGDATA_BUF];
    char   errlib[3], errstr[2];
    long   lflen;
    FILE   *filptr;

    cont = G_TRUE;
    filptr = NULL;
    strcpy( errlib, "SPF" );
    strcpy( errstr, " " );
    eliblen = strlen( errlib );
    errlen =  strlen( errstr );
    while ( cont == G_TRUE ) {
	printf ( "\n\n" );
	printf ( "   ? = Print HELP file\n\n");
	printf ( "   D - Dump a loaded SPF file\n\n");
        printf ( "   1 = SPF_CREATE   2 = SPF_OPEN   3 = SPF_READ\n" );
        printf ( "   4 = SPF_LOAD     5 = SPF_WRITE  6 = SPF_GTFLD\n" );
        printf ( "   7 = SPF_CLNUP    8 = SPF_CLOSE               \n" );
        printf ( "\n" );
	printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
        scanf ( " %s", select );
	numsub = 0;
	switch ( select[0] ) {

	    case '?':
 	        printf ("\n               *** HELP FILE ***\n\n");
	        printf ("  D - Dump a loaded SPF file\n\n");
	        printf ("  1 = spf_create - Create an SPF file\n" );
	        printf ("  2 = spf_open   - Open an SPF file\n" );
	        printf ("  3 = spf_read   - Read an opened SPF into buffer\n" );
	        printf ("  4 = spf_load   - Load an unopened SPF into buffer\n" );
	        printf ("  5 = spf_write  - Write a tag/data pair to an SPF\n" );
	        printf ("  6 = spf_gtfld  - Get data field associated with a tag\n" );
	        printf ("  7 = spf_clnup  - Clean up SPF buffer\n" );
	        printf ("  8 = spf_close  - Close an SPF file\n" );
	        printf ( "\n" );
	    case 'd':
            case 'D':
                 if ( _spfBuffer != (char *)NULL ) {
		     printf ( "\n%s\n", _spfBuffer );		 
		 else {
		     printf ( "\nPlease load the buffer first.\n" );
            case 'e':
            case 'E':
                cont = G_FALSE;
                numsub = atoi ( select );

        if ( numsub == 1 ) {

	    if ( filptr != NULL ) {	    
	        printf ( "\nPlease close the opened file first.\n" );
	    else {
                printf ( "Enter the file name:\n" );
                scanf ( " %s", filnam );
	        cfl_inqr( filnam, NULL, &lflen, newfil, &ier );
                if ( ier != 0 ) {        
 	            strcat( filnam, ".spf" );
                    cfl_inqr( filnam, NULL, &lflen, newfil, &ier );
	        if ( ier == 0 ) {
                    printf ( "\nCan't create, file %s already exists!\n", newfil );
	        else {	    
		    nbytes = (int)lflen;                
	    	    filptr = (FILE *)spf_create ( filnam, &nbytes, &iret );
                    if ( iret == 0 ) {
		        printf ( "\nSPF_CREATE: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
		    else {
		        er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, filnam, &ier, eliblen, strlen(filnam) );	
        if ( numsub == 2 ) {
	    if ( filptr != NULL ) {	    
	        printf ( "\nPlease close the opened file first.\n" );
	    else {
	        printf ( "\nEnter the file name:\n" );
	        scanf ( " %s", filnam );
	        printf ( "Do you want to create it if the file doesn't exist?\n" );
	        scanf ( " %s", ans );

	        if  ( ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y' ) {
	            spf_open ( filnam, TRUE, &filptr, &nbytes, &iret );
	        else {
                    spf_open ( filnam, FALSE, &filptr, &nbytes, &iret );

                if ( iret == 0 ) {
		    printf ( "\nSPF_OPEN: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
		else {
		    er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, filnam, &ier, eliblen, strlen(filnam) );

        if ( numsub == 3 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter length in bytes:\n" );
	    scanf ( " %d", &nbytes );
            spf_read ( filptr, filnam, nbytes, &iret );
            if ( iret == 0 ) {
                printf ( "\nSPF_READ: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
            else {
		er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, errstr, &ier, eliblen, errlen );


        if ( numsub == 4 ) {
	    if ( filptr != NULL ) {	    
	        printf ( "\nPlease close the opened file first.\n" );
	    else {
	        printf ( "\nEnter the file name:\n" );
	        scanf ( " %s", filnam );
                spf_load ( filnam, &iret );
		if ( iret == 0 ) {	    
                    printf ( "\nSPF_LOAD: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
		else {		
		    er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, filnam, &ier, eliblen, strlen(filnam) );

        if ( numsub == 5 ) {
	    printf ( "\nEnter the tag name:\n" );
	    scanf ( " %s", tag );
	    printf ( "Enter the data string:\n" );
	    scanf ( " %s", data );
            spf_write ( filptr, tag, data, &iret );

 	    if ( iret == 0 ) {	    
                 printf ( "\nSPF_WRITE: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    else {		
		 er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, errstr, &ier, eliblen, errlen );		

        if ( numsub == 6 ) {
	    printf ( "Enter the tag name:\n" );
	    scanf ( " %s", tag );
            spf_gtfld ( tag, data, &iret );
 	    if ( iret == 0 ) {
                printf ( "\nSPF_GTFLD: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    else {
		er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, tag, &ier, eliblen, strlen(tag) );

	    printf ( "\n Tag: %s \t Data: %s\n", tag, data );

        if ( numsub == 7 ) {
            spf_clnup ( &iret );

 	    if ( iret == 0 ) {
                printf ( "\nSPF_CLNUP: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    else {
		er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, errstr, &ier, eliblen, errlen );


	if ( numsub == 8 ) {

	    spf_close ( filptr, &iret );
            filptr = NULL;	    	    
 	    if ( iret == 0 ) {	    
                printf ( "\nSPF_CLOSE: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    else {
		er_wmsg ( errlib, &iret, errstr, &ier, eliblen, errlen );	     	    



    if  ( filptr != NULL )  fclose ( filptr );
    return 0;
int main ( void )
 * GDGRIB2                                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * This program encodes a selected GEMPAK grid into a GRIB2 message.    *
 *                                                                      *
 *  Command line:                                                       *
 *  gdgrib2                                                             *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP           5/2005   Orig                              *
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP           3/2006   Replaced dg_clal with dg_nend     *
 * T. Piper/SAIC        01/08   Added GD_INIT; removed from IN_BDTA     *
 * B. Yin/ERT           09/15   Added bulk processing from table        *

    int    respond, ret, ier, mode=1, done, skip, j;

    int    g2len;                     /* Length of GRIB2 message  */
    unsigned char  *g2msg;            /* GRIB2 message            */
    char  cur_gbfile[LLMXLN]="";
    char  chdr[22];          /* WMO Header               */
    FILE  *gbfptr=0;

    GDG2_input    input;                  /* user input variables */
    GDG2_gemgrid  gemgrid;                /* GEMPAK grid and info */
 *  Initialize TAE. 
    ip_init ( &respond, &ret );
    if ( ret == 0 ) {
	ip_idnt ( "GDGRIB2", &done, 7 );

 *  Initialize GEMPLT.
	gg_init ( &mode, &ret );
	if ( ret == 0 ) {

 *  Initialize grid library common area grdcmn.cmn
	    gd_init ( &ier );

 *  Initialize the DG library
	    dg_intl ( &ret );
	    done = 0;
	    skip = 1;
	else {
	    done = 1;
    else {
	done = 1;

 *  Process next request, if user has one.
    while ( done == 0 ) {

 *  Wait for user input, if not first time through this loop
        if ( skip == 0 ) ip_dynm( &done, &ret );
        skip = 0;
        if ( done != 0 ) break;          /*  Exit out of interactive loop  */

 *  Get user input info
        gdg2in( &input, &ret );

        if ( ret != 0 ) {
            er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);
        else if ((strlen(input.g2conv) != (size_t)0) && (ret == 0)) {
 *  Skip program prompt and get input from conversion table 
           skip = 1;

        if ( strlen(input.g2file) == (size_t)0 ) {
            er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);

 *  Get requested grid
        gdgetgrid( &input, &gemgrid, &ret );
        if ( ret != 0 ) {
            er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);

 *  Make GRIB2 field
        gdmakeg2( &input, &gemgrid, &g2msg, &g2len, &ret );
        if ( ret != 0 ) {
            er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);

 *  Open GRIB2 file, if not already open.
        if ( strncmp(input.g2file, cur_gbfile, LLMXLN) != 0 ) {

 *  If output GRIB file is different, must close previous one first
            if ( strlen(cur_gbfile) != (size_t)0 ) {
                cfl_clos( gbfptr, &ret);

 *  Open GRIB file
            gbfptr = cfl_aopn( input.g2file, &ret);
            if ( ret == 0 ) {
                strncpy( cur_gbfile, input.g2file, LLMXLN);
            else {
                ret = -24;
                er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);
                gbfptr = 0;

 *  Write out WMO Header, if requested
        gdmakewmo( &input, &gemgrid, chdr, &ret );
        if ( strlen(chdr) == (size_t)21 ) {
           cfl_writ( gbfptr, strlen(chdr), (unsigned char*)chdr, &ret );

 *  Write out GRIB2 message.
        cfl_writ( gbfptr, g2len, g2msg, &ret );
        if ( ret != 0 ) {
            ret = -25;
            er_wmsg("GDGRIB2",&ret," ",&ier,7,1);

 *  Free no longer needed allocated space
        if ( gemgrid.grid != 0 ) free(gemgrid.grid);
        if ( g2msg != 0 ) free(g2msg);


 *  Clean up files
    dg_nend( &ret );
    if ( gbfptr != 0 ) cfl_clos( gbfptr, &ret);

 *  Exit the GEMPAK user interface
    ip_exit( &ret );
int main ( void )
 * TESTNSN								*
 *									*
 * This program test the NSN library of routines.			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/99	Created					*
 * M. Li/GSC		 7/00	Added nsn_save and nsn_rest		*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 8/03	Add time interval to nsn_gtim, nsn_dspl	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 2/04	Add reference time flag to nsn_gtim	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 4/04	Added delta reference time to nsn_gtim	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		10/04	Added bin hours				*
 * T. Piper/SAIC        01/08   Added GD_INIT; removed from IN_BDTA     *
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	04/08   Insert new parms for nsn_dspl (CSC).	*
 *				Request input for bin hours.		*
	int	cont, ier, iret, numsub, id;
	char	ergrp[4], erstr[81], select[LLSCRN];

	int	iindex, jindex, knt, ntime, match, ititl, idelta,
		mode, istat, minute, isbcat, mrange, intrvl,
		ibfr, iaftr, mbfr, maftr, mstrct;
	char	alias[81], cycle[81], parms[81], color[81],
		level[81], vcord[81], filter[81], txtatt[81],
		garea[81], proj[5], panel[81], dattim[21], device[81],
		map[21], ltln[21], ans[9];
	unsigned int	jflag;
	Boolean	iflag;
	dttms_t	endtim, timarr[2000];

	char	blank[] = " ";


	in_bdta ( &ier );
	gd_init ( &ier );

	mode = 1;
	ginitp ( &mode, &istat, &ier );

	printf ( "Enter full DEVICE string:\n" );
	scanf ( " %s", device );

	gg_sdev ( device, &ier, strlen ( device ) );

	strcpy ( ergrp, "NSN" );

	cont = G_TRUE;

	while ( cont ) {
	    printf ( "\n\n" );
	    printf ( "   1 = NSN_INIT   2 = NSN_SATT   3 = NSN_QATT\n" );
	    printf ( "   4 = NSN_GTIM   5 = NSN_DSPL   6 = NSN_SAVE\n" );
	    printf ( "   7 = NSN_REST\n\n" );
	    printf ( "  20 = Change device\n\n" );
	    printf ( "\n" );
	    printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
	    scanf ( " %s", select );
	    switch ( select[0] ) {
		case 'e':
		case 'E':
			cont = G_FALSE;
			numsub = atoi ( select );

	    if  ( numsub == 1 )  {
		nsn_init ( &iret );

		printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 2 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );
		printf ( "Enter the data alias (e.g., UAIR):\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", alias );
		printf ( "Enter data subcategory number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &isbcat );
		printf ( "Enter the cycle date/time or NONE:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", cycle );
		printf ( "Enter the parm list:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", parms );
		printf ( "Enter the color list:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", color );
		printf ( "Enter the level:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", level );
		printf ( "Enter the vertical coordinate:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", vcord );
		printf ( "Enter the filter:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", filter );
		printf ( "Enter the text attributes string:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", txtatt );

		nsn_satt ( iindex, alias, isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &jindex,
			   &iret );

		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "jindex = %d\n", jindex );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 3 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );

		nsn_qatt ( iindex, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &iret );

		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "alias  = %s\n", alias );
		printf ( "isbcat = %d\n", isbcat );
		printf ( "cycle  = %s\n", cycle );
		printf ( "parms  = %s\n", parms );
		printf ( "color  = %s\n", color );
		printf ( "level  = %s\n", level );
		printf ( "vcord  = %s\n", vcord );
		printf ( "filter = %s\n", filter );
		printf ( "txtatt = %s\n", txtatt );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 4 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );
                printf ( "Enter end time for range:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", endtim );
		printf ( "Enter time range in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &mrange );
		printf ( "Enter time interval in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &intrvl );
		printf ( "Enter reference time flag:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %u", &jflag );
		iflag = (Boolean) jflag;
		printf ( "Enter delta reference time in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &idelta );

		nsn_gtim ( iindex, endtim, mrange, intrvl, iflag, 
			   &idelta, &ntime, timarr, &iret );

		printf ( "idelta = %d\n", idelta );
		printf ( "iret   = %d\n", iret );
		printf ( "ntime  = %d\n", ntime );
		if  ( ntime > 0 )  {
		    for ( knt = 0; knt < ntime; knt++ ) {
			printf ( "Times: timarr[%d] = %s\n",
				 knt, timarr[knt] );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 5 )  {
		printf ( "Enter index number:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &iindex );

		nsn_qatt ( iindex, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms, color,
			   level, vcord, filter, txtatt, &iret );

		printf ( "Enter GAREA:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", garea );

		printf ( "Default projection? (y/n)\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", ans );
		if  ( ans[0] == 'N' || ans[0] == 'n' )  {
		    printf ( "Enter PROJ:\n" );
		    scanf  ( " %s", proj );
		else {
		    strcpy ( proj, blank );

		printf ( "Enter PANEL:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", panel );
		printf ( "Enter DATTIM:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", dattim );

                printf ( "Enter end time for range:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %s", endtim );
		printf ( "Enter the time range in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &mrange );
		printf ( "Enter the time interval in minutes:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &intrvl );

		printf ( "Enter time match type:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &match );
		printf ( "Enter minutes for difference match:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &minute );
		printf ( "Enter title line:\n" );
		scanf  ( " %d", &ititl );
                printf ( "Enter binning time before current time: hh mm:\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d %d", &ibfr, &mbfr );
                printf ( "Enter binning time after current time: hh mm:\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d %d", &iaftr, &maftr );
                printf ( "Enter most recent only flag (0 for no; 1 for yes)\n" );
                scanf  ( " %d", &mstrct );

		gg_maps ( proj, garea, blank, &id, &ier,
			  strlen ( proj ), strlen ( garea ),
			  strlen ( blank ) );

		gclear ( &ier );

		strcpy ( map, "1" );
		gg_map ( map, &ier, strlen ( map ) );

		strcpy ( ltln, "2" );
		gg_ltln ( ltln, &ier, strlen ( ltln ) );

		nsn_dspl ( panel, dattim, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parms,
			   color, level, vcord, filter, txtatt,       
			   endtim, &mrange, &intrvl, &match, &minute, 
			   &ititl, &ibfr, &mbfr, &iaftr, &maftr,
			   &mstrct, &iret,
			   strlen ( panel ), strlen ( dattim ),
			   strlen ( alias ), strlen ( cycle ),
			   strlen ( parms ), strlen ( color ),
			   strlen ( level ), strlen ( vcord ),
			   strlen ( filter ), strlen ( txtatt ),
			   strlen ( endtim ) );

		geplot ( &ier );

		if  ( iret != 0 )  {
		    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
		    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
			      strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

            if  ( numsub == 6 )  {
                nsn_save ( &iret );

                printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

                if  ( iret != 0 )  {
                    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
                    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
                              strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

            if  ( numsub == 7 )  {
                nsn_rest ( &iret );

                printf ( "iret = %d\n", iret );

                if  ( iret != 0 )  {
                    strcpy ( erstr, " " );
                    er_wmsg ( ergrp, &iret, erstr, &ier,
                              strlen ( ergrp ), strlen ( erstr ) );

	    if  ( numsub == 10 )  {
		dumpcmn ( &iret );

	    if  ( numsub == 20 )  {
		printf ( "Enter full DEVICE string:\n" );
		scanf ( " %s", device );

		gg_sdev ( device, &ier, strlen ( device ) );

int main ( void )
 * GRPHGD								*
 *									*
 * This program runs the graph-to-grid algorithm.			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 2/05	Re-write in C based on grphgd.f		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 3/05	Added dg_intl				*
 * M. Li/SAIC		 4/05	Modified ggdriv				*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 5/05	Move dg_intl into gg_driv driver	*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	12/05	Add ces_gtrtbl				*
 * T. Piper/SAIC        01/08   Added GD_INIT; removed from IN_BDTA     *
int	respnd, iperr, done, one=1, ier, iret, rspflg=G_TRUE;
int	kx=0, ky=0, npoints;
float	*grid, *grid1, *hist, *work1, *work2, *work3, *buffer;
 *  Initialize TAE.
    ip_init ( &respnd, &iperr );
    if ( iperr == G_NORMAL )  {
	ip_idnt ( "GRPHGD", &ier, strlen("GRPHGD") );

 *  Initialize grid library common area grdcmn.cmn
        gd_init  ( &ier );
	done = G_FALSE;

    else  {

	iperr = -1;
	done = G_TRUE;


 *  Initialize GEMPLT in order to set grid navigation later.
    if ( done == G_FALSE )  {

	gg_init ( &one, &iret );

	if ( iret != G_NORMAL )  {
	    iperr = -3;
	    done = G_TRUE;

 *  Initialize device.
    if ( done == G_FALSE )  {

	gg_sdev ( "GN", &ier, strlen("GN") );

	if ( ier != G_NORMAL )  {
	    done = G_TRUE;

 *  Initialize the _grpTbl structure.
    if ( done == G_FALSE )  {
        ces_gtrtbl( &ier );
        if ( ier != G_NORMAL )  {
            done = G_TRUE;
 * Main loop.
    while ( done == G_FALSE ) {

	npoints = LLMXTG;
	G_MALLOC ( grid,	float, npoints, "Error allocating grid" );
	G_MALLOC ( grid1,	float, npoints, "Error allocating grid1" );
	G_MALLOC ( hist,	float, npoints, "Error allocating hist" );
	G_MALLOC ( work1,	float, npoints, "Error allocating work1" );
	G_MALLOC ( work2,	float, npoints, "Error allocating work2" );
	G_MALLOC ( work3,	float, npoints, "Error allocating work3" );
	G_MALLOC ( buffer,	float, npoints, "Error allocating buffer" );

	ggdriv ( grid, grid1, &kx, &ky, hist, work1, work2, work3, 
		 buffer, &rspflg, &ier );

	G_FREE ( hist, float );
	G_FREE ( grid, float );
	G_FREE ( grid1, float );
	G_FREE ( work1, float );
	G_FREE ( work2, float );
	G_FREE ( work3, float );
	G_FREE ( buffer, float );

 * Call dynamic tutor.
	ip_dynm ( &done, &ier );


 * Final error messages.
    if ( iperr != G_NORMAL )  {
	er_wmsg ( "GRPHGD", &iperr, " ", &ier, strlen("GRPHGD"), strlen(" ") );

    ip_exit ( &iret );

    return 0;

void de_mbr1 ( const int *k, const char *infl, char *outfl, int *iret )
 * de_mbr1								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine parses a GDFILE entry to find and handle ensemble 	*
 * specifications.  It is called from DG_NFIL.  The routine turns an 	*
 * ensemble entry into a single entry that DG_NFIL can handle.  	*
 *									*
 * de_mbr1 ( k, infl, outfl, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*k		const int	GDFILE entry position number	*
 *	*infl		const char	Input file entry		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*outfl		char*		Output file replaces INFL	*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -2 = grid file or template not	*
 *						exist			*
 *									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		12/04						*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		06/05	Parsed weight value			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		12/05	Translated from Fortran			*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 04/06   Added idtmch flag to CTB_DTGET CS       *
 * T. Piper/SAIC	04/07	Modified for cfl_scnt CSC		*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 4/08	Added bin mins & mstrct to CTB_DTGET CSC*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	12/11	Fixed check if there is no table entry	*
 * 				returned by ctb_dtget			*
    int index, nfarr, ic, is, iff, ir, ii, ino, ihb, mnb, iha, mna,
	mstrct, idtmch, nfile, istar, last, len, ier;
    long lens;
    char lsv[MXFLSZ], newfil[MXFLSZ], filnam[MXFLSZ], cycle[DTTMSZ],
        path[MXFLSZ], tmplt[MXFLSZ], dum[DTTMSZ], rplc[DTTMSZ], membr[17];
    char *opnptr, *clsptr, *starp, *ptr, **farr, *def = " ";
    struct dirent **dnlist=NULL;
    *iret = 0;
    outfl[0] = '\0';

 * Check if INFL contains a curly-bracket enclosed ensemble spec.
 * If not, the first entry is not an ensemble grid.  Do nothing.
    opnptr = strchr ( infl, '{' );
    if ( ! opnptr ) {
        strcpy ( outfl, infl );

 * Save the string between curly brackets to ensspc (k).  Get
 * the first element of the file(s). 
    cst_opcl ( infl, opnptr, &clsptr, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        *iret = -2;
    for ( index = 0, ptr = opnptr + 1; ptr < clsptr; index++, ptr++ ) {
        _ensdiag.ensspc[*k-1][index] = *ptr;
    _ensdiag.ensspc[*k-1][index] = '\0';

    clsptr = strchr ( _ensdiag.ensspc[*k-1], ',' );
    if ( ! clsptr ) {
        strcpy ( lsv, _ensdiag.ensspc[*k-1] );
    } else {
        for ( index = 0, ptr = _ensdiag.ensspc[*k-1];
	      ptr < clsptr; index++, ptr++ ) {
	    lsv[index] = *ptr;
	lsv[index] = '\0';

 * If file name is not an alias, do nothing.
    cfl_inqr ( lsv, NULL, &lens, newfil, &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 ) {
        strcpy ( outfl, lsv );

 * Get the template.  If the template does not end with "*", 
 * do nothing.
    farr = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 2, MXFLSZ, sizeof(char), &ier );
    if ( strchr ( lsv, '%' ) ) {
        cst_clst ( lsv, '%', def, 2, MXFLSZ, farr, &nfarr, &ier );
	strcpy ( lsv, farr[1] );
    cst_clst ( lsv, '|', def, 2, MXFLSZ, farr, &nfarr, &ier );
    strcpy ( filnam, farr[0] );
    strcpy ( cycle, farr[1] );
    cmm_free2d ( (void **)farr, &ier );
    ctb_dtget ( filnam, path, tmplt, &ic, &is, &iff, &ir, &ii, &ino,
                &ihb, &mnb, &iha, &mna, &mstrct, &idtmch, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        strcpy ( outfl, lsv );
    else {
	starp = strchr ( tmplt, '*' );
	istar = (int)( starp - tmplt );
	if ( ! starp ) {
	    strcpy ( outfl, lsv );

 * If the template contains an "*", then it is an ensemble with
 * multiple members.  The last member is the one sought.
    if ( strcmp ( cycle, def ) != 0 ) {
	cti_stan ( cycle, "YYMMDD/HHNN", dum, &ier );
	if ( strstr ( tmplt, "YYYYMMDD" ) ) {
	    strcpy ( rplc, "YY" );
	    strncat ( rplc, dum, 6 );
	    rplc[8] = '\0';
	    cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYYYMMDD", rplc,	tmplt, &ier );
	} else {
	    strncpy ( rplc, dum, 6 );
	    rplc[6] = '\0';
	    cst_rpst ( tmplt, "YYMMDD", rplc, tmplt, &ier );
	strncpy ( rplc, &dum[7], 2 );
	rplc[2] = '\0';
	cst_rpst ( tmplt, "HH", rplc, tmplt, &ier );

 * Retrieve the last member of the ensemble alias.
    cfl_scnt ( path, tmplt, -1, &dnlist, &nfile, &ier );
    if ( nfile == 0 ) {
	*iret = -2;
	er_wmsg ( "DE", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DE"), strlen(" ") );
    strcpy ( newfil, dnlist[0]->d_name );
    for (ii=0;ii<nfile;ii++){
    if ( dnlist != NULL ) free(dnlist);

 * Replace "*" in the template with member names.  Note
 * that "*" may be embedded in the template.
    if ( *(starp+1) == '\0' ) {
	last = G_TRUE;
    } else {
	last = G_FALSE;
    if ( last == G_TRUE ) {
	strcpy ( membr, &newfil[istar] );
    } else {
	len = strlen ( newfil ) - strlen ( tmplt ) + 1;
	cst_ncpy ( membr, &newfil[istar], len, &ier );

 * Recombine the alias and last member with the cycle.
    strcpy ( outfl, filnam );
    strcat ( outfl, ":" );
    strcat ( outfl, membr );
    if ( strcmp ( cycle, def ) != 0 ) {
        strcat ( outfl, "|" );
	strcat ( outfl, cycle );

void dgc_subg ( const char *ijskip, int *maxgrid, int *imll, int *jmll, 
                int *imur, int *jmur, int *iret )
 * dgc_subg								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine sets the internal subset grid given the reference	*
 * grid navigation set in GPLT and the map projection set in GPLT.	*
 * If the reference grid is globe wrapping with the addition of an	*
 * extra grid column, then the navigation set in GPLT must be that for	*
 * the grid with the extra column.					*
 * 									*
 * The subset grid is larger by five grid points than that strictly	*
 * needed to cover the map projection area.  This extension permits	*
 * more accurate computation of derivatives.  The subset grid relative	*
 * coordinates of the region strictly needed for the map are returned.	*
 * 									*
 *									*
 * IJSKIP is parsed by IN_GSKP.  IJSKIP information is entered using	*
 * the following format, where items in square brackets are optional:	*
 *									*
 *	IJSKIP = Iskip[;Istart][;Iend][/Jskip[;Jstart][;Jend]],		*
 *									*
 *	IJSKIP=Y[ES], or IJSKIP=N[O]					*
 *									*
 * The following rules apply in using IJSKIP input:			*
 *									*
 * 1.  If only Iskip is entered, then I and J skips are Iskip.  The	*
 *     beginning points and ending points are determined by querying	*
 *     the display projection to find the area on the reference grid	*
 *     needed to cover it.						*
 *									*
 * 2.  If any bounding value is omitted, it is determined automatically *
 *     by querying the display projection as in 1 above.		*
 *									*
 * 3.  If IJSKIP is blank or NO, skipping is not used to determine the	*
 *     internal grid navigation.					*
 * 									*
 * 4.  If IJSKIP is YES, all skip parameters are determined		*
 *     automatically.							*
 * 									*
 * dgc_subg ( ijskip, maxgrid, imll, jmll, imur, jmru, iret )		*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*ijskip		const char	User input for skip subsetting	*
 *	*maxgrid	int		Maximum grid size               *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*IMLL		int		Lower left map I bound		*
 *	*JMLL		int		Lower left map J bound		*
 *	*IMUR		int		Upper right map I bound		*
 *	*JMUR		int		Upper right map J bound		*
 * 	*IRET		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					-37 = no ref grid navigation set*
 *					-38 = glb wrap grd inconsistency*
 *					-39 = map projection is not set *
 *					-40 = subset grd bound error	*
 *					-41 = subset grid is too big	*
 *					-43 = cannot rearrange grid	*
 *					-44 = error set subset grid nav	*
 *					-48 = both I bounds required	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/HPC		08/02						*
 * K. Brill/HPC		 9/02	Also initialize gparmd () to blank	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	11/02	Added check for current nav vs saved nav*
 * K. Brill/HPC		11/02	Eliminate use of the SUBA logical array	*
 * K. Brill/HPC		12/02	Use IJSKIP input for subset by skipping *
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 3/04	Add check for outflg			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 5/04	Added call to DG_CONE			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 2/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP	 5/07	Added maxgrid argument                  *
    char gprj[5], cnum[5];
    float aglt1, agln1, aglt2, agln2, ag1, ag2, ag3, rimn, rjmn, rimx,
        rjmx, rglt[2], rgln[2], tnav[LLNNAV];
    double a, b, c;
    int lmx, mx, my, imn, jmn, imx, jmx, nx, ny, ix1, ix2, nsx, iy1, iy2,
        nsy, n, idx, idy, ichk, iadlx, iadly, iadrx, iadry, kxsg, kysg,
	kxysg, nu, mxnu, imn2, jmn2, imx2, jmx2, iadd, navsz;
    int nc, tobig, autos, angflg, navflg, done, ishf, ier, ierr, iir, i, k;

    * timing vars
    struct   timeb t_gsgprj1, t_gsgprj2, t_gsgprj3, t_gqgprj1, t_gqgprj2, 
             t_gsgprj4, t_setr, t_gqbnd, t_gskp, t_gtrans1, t_mnav, t_cnav, 
             t_cone, t_current;
    *iret = 0;
    _dgsubg.dgsubg = G_TRUE;

    for ( i = 0; i < NGDFLS; i++ ) {
	if ( _nfile.outflg[i] == G_TRUE ) {
	    *iret = -63;

     * Set LMX to maximum allowed threshold for ijskip=yes
    lmx = LLMXTH;

     * Set the reference grid navigation in GPLT.
    cst_itos ( (int *)(&_dgsubg.refnav[1]), 1, &nc, gprj, &ier );
    cst_rmbl ( gprj, gprj, &nc, &ier );
    mx = G_NINT ( _dgsubg.refnav[4] );
    my = G_NINT ( _dgsubg.refnav[5] );
    agln1 = _dgsubg.refnav[7];
    if ( _dgfile.addcol == G_TRUE ) {
	mx += 1;
	agln2 = _dgsubg.refnav[7];
    } else {
	agln2 = _dgsubg.refnav[9];
    gsgprj ( gprj, &_dgsubg.refnav[10], &_dgsubg.refnav[11], 
             &_dgsubg.refnav[12], &mx, &my, &_dgsubg.refnav[6],
	     &_dgsubg.refnav[7], &_dgsubg.refnav[8], &agln2, &ier,
	     strlen(gprj) );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GEMPLT", &ier, " ", &ierr, strlen("GEMPLT"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -37;
    } else if ( _dgsubg.gwrapg == G_TRUE &&
        ( ! COMPAR ( agln1, agln2 ) && ! COMPAR ( (agln1+360.), agln2 ) ) ) {
	*iret = -38;

     * Get the shift for re-arranging any globe wrapping grid.
     * ISHIFT is stored in DGCMN.CMN.
    grc_setr ( &mx, &my, &_dgsubg.ishift, &ier );
    if ( ier == -22 ) {
	*iret = -39;
    } else if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -43;
    gqgprj ( gprj, &ag1, &ag2, &ag3, &mx, &my, &aglt1, &agln1, &aglt2,
             &agln2, &ier, sizeof(gprj) );
    gprj[4] = '\0';
    cst_lstr ( gprj, &nc, &ier );
    gprj[nc] = '\0';

     * Get the grid index bounds for the subset grid.
    gqbnd ( sys_G, &rimn, &rjmn, &rimx, &rjmx, &ier, strlen(sys_D) );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GEMPLT", &ier, " ", &ierr, strlen("GEMPLT"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -40;
    imn = (int)rimn;
    jmn = (int)rjmn;
    imx = G_NINT ( rimx + .5 );
    if ( G_DIFFT((float)((int)rimx), rimx, GDIFFD) ) imx = (int)rimx;
    jmx = G_NINT ( rjmx + .5 );
    if ( G_DIFFT((float)((int)rjmx), rjmx, GDIFFD) ) jmx = (int)rjmx;
    if ( imn < 1 ) imn = 1;
    if ( jmn < 1 ) jmn = 1;
    if ( imx > mx ) imx = mx;
    if ( jmx > my ) jmx = my;
    nx = imx - imn + 1;
    ny = jmx - jmn + 1;
    if ( nx * ny > lmx ) {
        tobig = G_TRUE;
    } else {
        tobig = G_FALSE;

     * Check for subsetting by skipping.
     * The bounds are returned from IN_GSKP as IMISSD if
     * not provided.  The skip value returned is converted
     * to a stride value by adding one, i.e. IDX=1 means
     * no skipping, IDX=2 means skip one point.
     * The mathematical relationship stating that the
     * original number of grid points from IMN to IMX must
     * equal the number of points skipped plus the number
     * kept is this:
     *	    (IMX - IMN + 1) = N + (N - 1) * nskip
     * where N is the number of points remaining after
     * skipping and nskip is the number of points skipped
     * between the points that are kept.
     * This equation appears a number of times in various
     * forms below.
    in_gskp ( ijskip, &ix1, &ix2, &nsx, &iy1, &iy2, &nsy, &autos, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "IN", &ier, " ", &iir, strlen("IN"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -40;
    if ( ix2 > mx ) {
	ier = -49;
	er_wmsg ( "DG", &ier, "I", &iir, strlen("DG"), strlen("I") );
	*iret = -40;
    } else if ( iy2 > my ) {
	ier = -49;
	er_wmsg ( "DG", &ier, "J", &iir, strlen("DG"), strlen("J") );
	*iret = -40;
    if ( autos == G_TRUE && tobig == G_TRUE ) {
	a = (double)( lmx - 1 );
	b = (double)( nx + ny - 2 * lmx );
	c = (double)( lmx - nx * ny );
	n = (int)( ( b + sqrt ( b * b - 4. * a * c ) ) / ( 2. * a ) );
	nsx = n + 1;
	nsy = nsx;
	cst_inch ( nsx, cnum, &ier );
	ier = 7;
	er_wmsg ( "DG", &ier, cnum, &iir, strlen("DG"), strlen(cnum) );
    idx = nsx + 1;
    idy = nsy + 1;
    if ( nsx > 0 ) {
	ichk = nx / nsx;
	if ( ichk <= 4 ) {
	    ier = 6;
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", &ier, "I", &iir, strlen("DG"), strlen("I") );
    if ( nsy > 0 ) {
	ichk = ny / nsy;
	if ( ichk <= 4 ) {
	    ier = 6;
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", &ier, "J", &iir, strlen("DG"), strlen("J") );

     * Extend the grid bounds if possible.
    iadlx = 0;
    iadly = 0;
    iadrx = 0;
    iadry = 0;
    imn2 = imn;
    jmn2 = jmn;
    imx2 = imx;
    jmx2 = jmx;
    iadd = 0;
    done = G_FALSE;
    while ( done == G_FALSE && iadd < 5 ) {
	iadd += 1;
	if ( imn2 > idx ) {
	    imn2 -= idx;
	    iadlx += idx;
	if ( jmn2 > idy ) {
	    jmn2 -= idy;
	    iadly += idy;
	if ( imx2 < ( mx - idx ) ) {
	    imx2 += idx;
	    iadrx += idx;
	if ( jmx2 < ( my - idy ) ) {
	    jmx2 += idy;
	    iadry += idy;
	kxsg = G_NINT ( (float)( imx2 - imn2 + 1 + nsx ) / (float)( 1 + nsx ) );
	kysg = G_NINT ( (float)( jmx2 - jmn2 + 1 + nsy ) / (float)( 1 + nsy ) );
	kxysg = kxsg * kysg;
	if ( (kxysg > *maxgrid) && (*maxgrid != IMISSD) ) {
	    done = G_TRUE;
	    if ( imn != imn2 ) {
		imn = imn2 + idx;
		iadlx -= idx;
	    if ( jmn != jmn2 ) {
		jmn = jmn2 + idy;
		iadly -= idy;
	    if ( imx != imx2 ) {
		imx = imx2 - idx;
		iadrx -= idx;
	    if ( jmx != jmx2 ) {
		jmx = jmx2 - idy;
		iadry -= idy;
	} else {
	    imn = imn2;
	    jmn = jmn2;
	    imx = imx2;
	    jmx = jmx2;

     * Adjust extend margins using the stride values.
    iadlx = iadlx / idx;
    iadrx = iadrx / idx;
    iadly = iadly / idy;
    iadry = iadry / idy;

     * Set the I dimension extraction bounds.  No shifting
     * is done if the user provides these bounds.  No
     * extend region is allowed if user provides bounds.
    ishf = _dgsubg.ishift;
    if ( ix1 > 0 ) {
	_dgsubg.ishift = 0;
	iadlx = 0;
	imn = ix1;
    if ( ix2 > 0 ) {
	_dgsubg.ishift = 0;
	iadrx = 0;
	imx = ix2;
    if ( ishf != _dgsubg.ishift ) {
	if ( ix1 < 0 || ix2 < 0 ) {
	    *iret = -48;

	 * Reset the grid projection in GPLT.
	mx = G_NINT ( _dgsubg.refnav[4] );
	my = G_NINT ( _dgsubg.refnav[5] );
	agln1 = _dgsubg.refnav[7];
	if ( _dgfile.addcol == G_TRUE ) {
	    mx += 1;
	    agln2 = _dgsubg.refnav[7];
	} else {
	    agln2 = _dgsubg.refnav[9];
	gsgprj ( gprj, &_dgsubg.refnav[10], &_dgsubg.refnav[11], 
	    &_dgsubg.refnav[12], &mx, &my, &_dgsubg.refnav[6],
	    &_dgsubg.refnav[7], &_dgsubg.refnav[8], &agln2, &ier,
	    strlen(gprj) );
	gqgprj ( gprj, &ag1, &ag2, &ag3, &mx, &my, &aglt1, &agln1, 
	    &aglt2, &agln2, &ier, sizeof(gprj) );
    if ( diagClbkPtr != NULL )
	gprj[4] = '\0';
	cst_lstr ( gprj, &nc, &ier );
	gprj[nc] = '\0';
	ierr = 5;
	er_wmsg ( "DG", &ierr, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );

     * Adjust IMX and IMN for skipping.
    if ( idx > 1 ) {
	nu = G_NINT ( (float)( imx - imn + 1 + nsx ) / (float)( 1 + nsx ) );
	mxnu = nu * ( 1 + nsx ) + imn - 1 - nsx;
	if ( mxnu > ( mx - idx ) && mxnu != ix2 ) {
	    mxnu = mx;
	    imn = mxnu - nu * ( 1 + nsx ) + 1 + nsx;
	    if ( imn < 1 ) {
		 * Start at 1 when full range is needed.
		imn = 1;
		nu = ( mxnu - imn + 1 + nsx ) / ( 1 + nsx );
		mxnu = nu * ( 1 + nsx ) + imn - 1 - nsx;
	imx = mxnu;
	if ( ( ix2 > 0 && imx != ix2 ) || 
	     ( ix1 > 0 && imn != ix1 ) ) {
	    ierr = 4;
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", &ierr, "I", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen("I") );

     * Set the J dimension extraction bounds. No extend
     * region is allowed if user provides bounds.
    if ( iy1 > 0 ) {
	iadly = 0;
	jmn = iy1;
    if ( iy2 > 0 ) {
	iadry = 0;
	jmx = iy2;

     * Adjust JMX and JMN for skipping.
    if ( idy > 1 ) { 
	nu = G_NINT ( (float)( jmx - jmn + 1 + nsy ) / (float)( 1 + nsy ) );
	mxnu = nu * ( 1 + nsy ) + jmn - 1 - nsy;
	if ( mxnu > ( my - idy ) && mxnu != iy2 ) {
	    mxnu = my;
	    jmn = mxnu - nu * ( 1 + nsy ) + 1 + nsy;
	    if ( jmn < 1 ) {
		 * Start at 1 when full range is needed.
		jmn = 1;
		nu = ( mxnu - jmn + 1 + nsy ) / ( 1 + nsy );
		mxnu = nu * ( 1 + nsy ) + jmn - 1 - nsy;
	jmx = mxnu;
	if ( ( iy2 > 0 && jmx != iy2 ) || ( iy1 > 0 && jmn != iy1 ) ) {
	    ierr = 4;
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", &ierr, "J", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen("J") );

     * Compute subset grid final dimensions.
    kxsg = ( imx - imn + 1 + nsx ) / ( 1 + nsx );
    kysg = ( jmx - jmn + 1 + nsy ) / ( 1 + nsy );
    if ( kxsg <= 0 || kysg <= 0 ) {
	*iret = -40;
    kxysg = kxsg * kysg;

     * Set common block subset coordinates on reference grid.
    _dgsubg.jsgxmn = imn;
    _dgsubg.jsgymn = jmn;
    _dgsubg.jsgxmx = imx;
    _dgsubg.jsgymx = jmx;
    _dgsubg.jsgxsk = idx;
    _dgsubg.jsgysk = idy;

     * Set DG_HILO area bounds on subset grid.
    _dgarea.kgxmin = iadlx + 1;
    _dgarea.kgymin = iadly + 1;
    _dgarea.kgxmax = kxsg - iadrx;
    _dgarea.kgymax = kysg - iadry;

     * Strict map bounds are same as above.
    *imll = _dgarea.kgxmin;
    *jmll = _dgarea.kgymin;
    *imur = _dgarea.kgxmax;
    *jmur = _dgarea.kgymax;

     * Set the DGAREA common grid bounds calculation flag.
    _dgarea.jgxmin = 1;
    _dgarea.jgxmax = kxsg;
    _dgarea.jgymin = 1;
    _dgarea.jgymax = kysg;
    _dgarea.ksub1 = 1;
    _dgarea.ksub2 = kxysg;

     * Compute grid size and maximum number of internal grids
     * for the common block.
    if ( (kxysg > *maxgrid) && (*maxgrid != IMISSD) ) {
	 * Here is the future location to set up some other
	 * remapping.
	*iret = -41;

    _dgfile.kxd = kxsg;
    _dgfile.kyd = kysg;
    _dgfile.kxyd = kxysg;
    _dggrid.maxdgg = NDGRD;

     * Compute the navigation of the internal (subset) grid.
    strcpy ( _dgfile.cprj, gprj );
    rglt[0] = _dgsubg.jsgxmn;
    rgln[0] = _dgsubg.jsgymn;
    rglt[1] = _dgsubg.jsgxmx;
    rgln[1] = _dgsubg.jsgymx;
    nc = 2;
    gtrans ( sys_G, sys_M, &nc, rglt, rgln, rglt, rgln, &ier,
        strlen(sys_G), strlen(sys_M) );
    if ( G_ABS ( rgln[0] - 180. ) < .01 || G_ABS ( rgln[0] + 180. ) < .01 )
        rgln[0] = -180.;
    if ( G_ABS ( rgln[1] - 180. ) < .01 || G_ABS ( rgln[1] + 180. ) < .01 )
        rgln[0] = 180.;
    if ( G_ABS ( rgln[0] - rgln[1]) < 0.01 )
        rgln[1] = rgln[0];
    gsgprj ( _dgfile.cprj, &ag1, &ag2, &ag3, &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd, 
        &rglt[0], &rgln[0], &rglt[1], &rgln[1], &ier, strlen(_dgfile.cprj) );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	if ( _dgsubg.gwrapg == G_TRUE) {
	    ag2 += 180.;
	    if ( ag2 >= 360. ) ag2 -= 360.;
	    gsgprj ( _dgfile.cprj, &ag1, &ag2, &ag3, &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd,
		&rglt[0], &rgln[0], &rglt[1], &rgln[1], &ier,
		strlen(_dgfile.cprj) ) ;
	if ( ier != 0 ) {
		*iret = -44;
	} else {
	    *iret = -44;
    angflg = G_TRUE;
    grc_mnav ( _dgfile.cprj, &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd, &rglt[0], &rgln[0],
	&rglt[1], &rgln[1], &ag1, &ag2, &ag3, &angflg, tnav, &ier );

     * Check the current navigation against the saved navigation.
     * If they are different, then set the navigation flag to False.
    navsz = LLNNAV;
    grc_cnav ( tnav, _dgfile.snav, &navsz, &navflg, &ier );

     * Save the current navigation.
    for ( k = 0; k < LLNNAV; k++ ) {
	_dgfile.snav[k] = tnav[k];

    db_retsubgcrs (_dgfile.cprj, _dgfile.kxd, _dgfile.kyd, rglt[0], rgln[0],
                       rglt[1], rgln[1],ag1, ag2, ag3,&ier); 
     * Set the constant of the cone for various projections (code
     * duplicated from UPDCON.FOR in GEMPLT).
    _dgfile.anglr1 = ag1 * DTR;
    _dgfile.anglr2 = ag2 * DTR;
    _dgfile.anglr3 = ag3 * DTR;
    dg_cone ( _dgfile.cprj, &_dgfile.anglr1, &_dgfile.anglr3,
    	      &_dgfile.concon, iret );

     * Set lat/lon,  map scale factor, and rotation matrix
     * internal grid pointers to zero.
    _dgfile.idglat = 0;
    _dgfile.idglon = 0;
    _mapscl.ixmscl = 0;
    _mapscl.iymscl = 0;
    _mapscl.ixmsdy = 0;
    _mapscl.iymsdx = 0;
    _dgrtwd.irtcos = 0;
    _dgrtwd.irtsin = 0;
    _dglndc.lndsea = 0;

     * Initialize orientation angle.
    _dgovec.ornang = RMISSD;

     * Free all existing grids since navigation is changed.
    if ( navflg == G_FALSE ) {
        dg_fall ( &ier );

     * Initialize the origin for M calculation.
    _dgorig.orglat = RMISSD;
    _dgorig.orglon = RMISSD;
    _dgorig.orgxpt = RMISSD;
    _dgorig.orgypt = RMISSD;

     * Since there were no errors, set flag saying dg package has
     * been initialized.
    _dgfile.dgset = G_TRUE;

     * Initialize the pointer in the internal grid arrays.
    _dggrid.idglst = 0;

void gdgwrt ( const float *grid, const char *time1, const char *time2,
              const int *level1, const int *level2, const int *ivcord,
	      const char *parm, const char *grdnam, const char *gpack,
	      const int *ihzrmp, const int *idrct, int *iret )
 * gdgwrt								*
 *									*
 * This subrutine writes a warning message if a grid is already in	*
 * the file.  The grid identifier is written and the user is prompted	*
 * to accept the grid, change the parameter name or exit.		*
 *									*
 * gdgwrt ( grid, time1, time2, level1, level2, ivcord, parm, grdnam,	*
 *          gpack, ihzrmp, idrct, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*grid		const float	Grid of data			*
 *	*time1		const char	Grid date/time			*
 *	*time2		const char	Grid date/time			*
 *	*level1		const int	Grid levels			*
 *	*level2		const int	Grid levels			*
 *	*ivcord		const int	Grid vertical coordinate	*
 *	*parm		const char	Grid parameter name		*
 *	*grdnam		const char	User specified grid name	*
 *	*gpack		const char	Grid packing information	*
 *	*ihzrmp		const int	Horizontal remapping		*
 *	*idrct		const int	Directional flag		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  2 = user entered EXIT		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -7 = error writing grid	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * M. Goodman/RDS	10/85						*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	 7/87	Rewritten				*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	 8/88	GEMPAK 4				*
 * S. Schotz/GSC	 6/90	Get respnd locally from IP_RESP		*
 * K. Brill/NMC		02/91   Added in-line parameters		*
 * K. Brill/NMC		07/92	Change gname to upper case (J. Whistler)*
 * K. Brill/NMC		07/92	Added % in-line parameter		*
 * K. Brill/EMC		11/97	Fixed in-line parm: i->ii in DO ii loop	*
 * M. Li/SAIC		04/04	Added ihzrmp, and idrct			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/05	Modified for time/file management	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		12/05	Initialized ighdr			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 9/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
    char gname[13], gtime[21], glevl[13], gcord[13], answer[13], vparm[13],
         timout1[21], timout2[21], gdnbuf[LLMXLN+1], *pchr;
    int respnd, exist, tltflg, pagflg, newln, rplc;
    int ighdr[LLGDHD], levout1, levout2, ivcout;
    int dowhat, inam, ihat, iaat, ipct, len, zero, ii, ier;
    *iret = 0;
    tltflg = G_TRUE;
    pagflg = G_FALSE;
    newln  = G_FALSE;
    rplc   = G_TRUE;
    zero = 0;
    inam = 0;
    ihat = 0;
    iaat = 0;
    ipct = 0;

     * Get name of grid to use along with in-line parameters.
    if ( strlen(grdnam) > 0 ) {
        dowhat = DONAM;
        cst_lcuc ( (char *)grdnam, gdnbuf, &ier );
        for ( pchr = gdnbuf; *pchr != '\0'; pchr++ ) {
	    if ( *pchr == '^' ) dowhat = DOHAT;
	    if ( *pchr == '@' ) dowhat = DOAAT;
	    if ( *pchr == '%' ) dowhat = DOPCT;

	    switch ( dowhat ) {
	         * Retrieve grid name.
	        case DONAM:
		    gname[inam++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line time.
		case DOHAT:
		    if ( *pchr == '^' ) continue;
		    gtime[ihat++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line level.
		case DOAAT:
		    if ( *pchr == '@' ) continue;
		    glevl[iaat++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line vertical coordinate.
		case DOPCT:
		    if ( *pchr == '%' ) continue;
		    gcord[ipct++] = *pchr;
	gname[inam] = '\0';
	gtime[ihat] = '\0';
	glevl[iaat] = '\0';
	gcord[ipct] = '\0';
    if ( inam == 0 ) strcpy ( gname, parm );
    if ( ihat > 0 ) {
        strcpy ( timout1, gtime );
	timout2[0] = '\0';
    } else {
        strcpy ( timout1, time1 );
        strcpy ( timout2, time2 );

    if ( iaat > 0 ) {
	cst_numb ( glevl, &levout1, &ier );
        levout2 = -1;
    } else {
        levout1 = *level1;
        levout2 = *level2;
    if ( ipct > 0 ) {
        clv_cord ( gcord, vparm, &ivcout, &ier );
    } else {
        ivcout = *ivcord;

     * Check if the grid already exists in the grid file.
     * Write message that grid will be replaced.
    cst_lcuc ( gname, gname, &ier );
    dgc_qgrd  ( timout1, timout2, &levout1, &levout2, &ivcout, gname,
        &exist, &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 && exist == G_TRUE ) {
	printf ( "  This grid is already in file.  It will be replaced.\n" );

     * Write the grid identifiers.
    printf ( "\n" );
    grc_wtrm  ( stdout, &tltflg, &zero, timout1, timout2, &levout1,
        &levout2, &ivcout, gname, &ier );

     * Allow user to enter a new parameter name.
    ip_resp ( &respnd, &ier );
    if ( respnd == G_TRUE ) {
	tm_str ( "Enter a new grid parameter name, <cr> to accept",
	    &pagflg, &newln, answer, iret,
	    strlen("Enter a new grid parameter name, <cr> to accept"), 13 );
	st_null ( answer, answer, &len, &ier, 13, 13 );

	 * Return if the user typed EXIT.
	if ( *iret == 2 ) return;

	 * Check if user entered new name.
	if ( *iret == 0 ) strcpy ( gname, answer );

     * Write out the grid and check for errors.
    for ( ii = 0; ii < LLGDHD; ii++ ) ighdr[ii] = 0;
    if ( *ihzrmp != IMISSD ) ighdr[0] = *ihzrmp;
    if ( *idrct  != IMISSD ) ighdr[1] = *idrct;

    dgc_nwdt ( grid, timout1, timout2, &levout1, &levout2, &ivcout, gname,
        ighdr, gpack, &rplc, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -7;

void db_getduri ( char *queryType, char *source, char *model,
                  char *dattim, char *vcord, char *parm, char *evtname, 
                  int *level, int *level2,
                  char *dataURI, int *lDataURI, int *iret )
 *									*
 * db_getduri               						*
 *									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	11/08	Created                                 *
    int      ier, ier1, ier2, iplgn = 129;
    char     queryText[320];
    char     errStr[100], plgn[iplgn-1];
    struct   timeb t_callback, t_current;
    if ( duriClbkPtr == NULL ) {
       ier = -17;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, "db_getgduri", &ier1, 2, strlen("db_getgduri") );

    * Initialization
    *iret = 0;
    dataURI[0] = '\0';
    queryText[0] = '\0';
    *lDataURI = 0;

    * Populate the query strings 

    db_getparm ( plgn, &ier2,  iplgn);
    if ( ier2 != 0 ) {
      *iret = -1;
    if (strcmp ( queryType, "dataURI" ) == 0 ) {
      if ( strcmp ( source, "GRID") == 0 ) {
         sprintf (ePlugIn,   "%s", plgn);
         sprintf (eSrc, "%s", source);
         sprintf (eMdl, "%s", model);
         sprintf (gDattim, "%s", dattim);
         sprintf (gEventName, "%s", evtname);
         sprintf (gCord, "%s", vcord);
         if ( *level2 == -1 )
             sprintf (gLevel, "%d", *level);
             sprintf (gLevel, "%d:%d", *level, *level2);
         sprintf (gParm, "%s", parm);
         sprintf (eLibClass, "%s", "GempakDataURIRequest");
      else {
       ier = -9;
       sprintf (errStr, "%s+", queryType);
       strcat  (errStr, source);
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, errStr, &ier1, 2, strlen(errStr) );
       *iret = -1;
    else {
      ier = -8;
      er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, queryType, &ier1, 2, strlen(queryType) );
      *iret = -1;

    * Get the query text
    sprintf (queryText, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s", model, evtname, parm, vcord, gLevel, gDattim); 
    db_getQueryText ( queryType, queryText, &ier);
    if ( ier !=0 ) {
       ier = -3;
       er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, NULL, &ier1, 2, 0 );
       *iret = -1;
    * Execute the callback to get the datauri
    if ( duriStrLength > 0 && duriStrBack != NULL ) {
       if ( strstr(duriStrBack, "Error") == NULL ) {
         strcpy (dataURI, duriStrBack);
         *lDataURI = strlen(dataURI);
         G_FREE( duriStrBack, char );
       else {
          *iret = -1;
    else {
          ier = -18;
          er_wmsg ( "DB", &ier, "dataURI", &ier1, 2, strlen("dataURI") );
          *iret = -1;

void spf_open ( char *filnam, Boolean crt, FILE **fptr, int *flen, int *iret )
 * spf_open								*
 *									*
 * This function opens an SPF file for update. If the file doesn't 	*
 * exist and flag "crt" is TRUE, then it will be created. If the file   *
 * suffix is not ".spf", it will be added. If the user has only read    *
 * permission to the SPF file, it will be opened as "read-only".	*
 *									*
 * spf_open ( filnam, crt, fptr, flen, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *filnam		char		File name with full path	*
 *      crt		Boolean		Flag, create a new file or not	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *      **fptr		FILE		Pointer to a file pointer	*
 *      *flen		int		File size			*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					1 - File opened as READ_ONLY	*
 *					0 - Normal 			*
 *				       -1 - File does not exist		*
 *				       -2 - File cannot be opened	*
 *				       -3 - Failure to create SPF file	*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/GSC		6/01	create					*
 * J. Wu/GSC		6/01	use cst_srch()				*
 * J. Wu/GSC		7/01	allow access to read-only SPF files	*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	02/06	fix cfl_inqr call, make 3rd param long  *
    int	    ipos, ier, ierr;
    char    newfil[FILE_FULLSZ];
    char    filepart[MXFLSZ], pathpart[LLPATH];
    long    localFlen; 

    *iret = G_NORMAL;
    *flen = 0;
     *  Check if the file suffix is ".spf". If not, add it. 
    cfl_path ( filnam, pathpart, filepart, &ier ) ;   
    cst_srch ( 0, strlen(filepart), ".spf", filepart, &ipos, &ier );
    if ( ier == -4 ) {
        strcat (filnam, ".spf");
     *  Check the file status, if it exists, open it; otherwise, create
     *  it if authorized. 
    cfl_inqr( filnam, NULL, &localFlen, newfil, &ier ); 
    *flen = ( int ) localFlen;

    if ( ier == 0 ) { 

        *fptr = cfl_aopn( filnam, &ierr );
	if ( *fptr == NULL ) {
            *fptr = cfl_ropn( filnam, NULL, &ierr );
	    if ( *fptr == NULL ) {
	        *iret = -2;
	        er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ierr, filnam, &ier, 3, strlen( filnam ) );
	    else {
	       *iret = 1; 

    else {
        *iret = -1;
	if ( crt == TRUE ) {
            *fptr = ( FILE *) spf_create( filnam, flen, iret ); 
void aodtv64_runautomode ( int fcsttype, char *fcstfile, char *imagefile, 
		      float *cenlat, float *cenlon, int *posm )
 * aodtv64_runautomode                                                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function will get an initial storm center from a given forecast *
 * file, and then use the given IR image to calculate the storm 	*
 * center position.							*
 *                                                                      *
 * void aodtv64_runautomode ( fcsttype, fcstfile, imagefile, cenlat, 	*
 *			      cenlon, posm )                            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input  parameters:                                                   *
 *	fcsttype	int	Forecast file type			*
 *	*fcstfile	char	Forecast file				*
 *	*imagefile	char	Image file				*	
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*cenlat		float   latitude of storm center		*
 *	*cenlon		float   longitude of storm center		*
 *	*posm		int	positioning method			*	
 *                                                                      *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * M. Li/SAIC           01/07	Created					* 
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      01/07   Removed recalculation of lat/lons       *
    int         indx;
    int         iaodt, ier, ier2, pos, tpos;
    int         radius, irad, ii, jj, numx, numy;
    size_t	ifl, ipr;
    float       flat, flon, wlat, wlon;
    float       *ftmps, *flats, *flons, cenlon2, tlat, tlon;
    float       **temps, **lats, **lons;
    char	atcftype[80];

     	 * Set forecast file in AODT       
    	 strcpy(atcftype, "OFCL");

     	 * determine initial auto-center position estimate

     	 *   Set center location in AODT

     	 *   Read in IR image from imagefile 
	 radius = 500;
    	 cenlon2 = -1.0 * flon;
         irad = radius/4 + 5;
         numx = numy = irad*2 + 1;
         ftmps = (float *)malloc( (size_t)((numx)*(numy))* sizeof(float) );
         flats = (float *)malloc( (size_t)((numx)*(numy)) * sizeof(float) );
         flons = (float *)malloc( (size_t)((numx)*(numy)) * sizeof(float) );
         im_gtmp ( imagefile, "dset", sys_M, &flat, &cenlon2, &irad,
                   &numx, &numy, ftmps, flats, flons, &ier2,
                   strlen(imagefile), strlen("dset"), strlen(sys_M) );

         if ( ier2 != 0 )  {
            er_wmsg  ( "IM", &ier2, " ", &ier, strlen("IM"), strlen(" ") );
            exit (0);

         ifl = sizeof(float);
	 ipr = sizeof(float*);
         temps = (float **)calloc((size_t)numy, ipr);
         lats  = (float **)calloc((size_t)numy, ipr);
         lons  = (float **)calloc((size_t)numy, ipr);
         for ( jj = 0; jj < numy; jj++ ) {
            temps[jj] = (float *)calloc((size_t)numx, ifl);
            lats[jj]  = (float *)calloc((size_t)numx, ifl);
            lons[jj]  = (float *)calloc((size_t)numx, ifl);
         for ( jj = 0; jj < (numy); jj++ )  {
             for ( ii = 0; ii < (numx); ii++ )  {
                 indx = jj*(numy)+ii;
                 temps[jj][ii] = ftmps[indx];
                 lats[jj][ii] = flats[indx];
                 lons[jj][ii] = flons[indx] *= -1.0F;
	 free ( flons );
         free ( flats );
         free ( ftmps );

	 *   Load the IR image information in AODT 
	 iaodt = aodtv64_loadIRimage ( temps, lats, lons, numx, numy );
	 for ( jj = 0; jj < numy; jj++ ) {
             free ( temps[jj] );
             free ( lats[jj]  );
             free ( lons[jj]  );
         free( lons  );
         free( lats  );
         free( temps );

	 *   Set warmest pixel temp value in AODT  
 	 iaodt=aodtv64_getwarmeyetemplocation(&wlat, &wlon);
	 * determine "best" automated position
	 iaodt=aodtv64_runautomode2(flat, flon, &tlat, &tlon, &tpos);
	 *cenlat = tlat;
	 *cenlon = tlon;
	 *posm   = tpos; 
void na_gtbl ( const char *cpyfil, char *name, char *proj, int *nxgd,
               int *nygd, float *garea, float *rnvblk, float *anlblk,
	       int *iret )
 * na_gtbl								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine finds grid INNAME (a numerical or character          *
 * identifier prefaced by '#') in a grid navigation table, then makes 	*
 * the navigation and analysis blocks.  The grid navigation is set up	*
 * in GEMPLT in order to check its validity.				*
 *									*
 * na_gtbl ( cpyfil, name, proj, nxgd, nygd, garea, rnvblk, anlblk,	*
 *           iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*cpyfil		const char	Input for CPYFIL		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*name		char		Name of selected grid		*
 *	*proj		char		Grid projection			*
 *	*nxgd		int		Number of points in x dir	*
 *	*nygd		int		Number of points in y dir	*
 *	*garea		float		Grid corners			*
 *	*rnvblk		float		Grid navigation block		*
 *	*anlblk		float		Grid analysis block		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 +1 = EXIT entered		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -4 = invalid navigation	*
 *					 -9 = grid not found in table	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/EAI	 7/93		Copied from GDCTBL		*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	12/95		Changed FL_TOPN to FL_TBOP	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 7/06		Recoded from Fortran		*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      10/06   Added call to GR_VNAV                   *
    char gntrec[81], namgd[5], c2name[9], buffer[LLMXLN];
    float angl1, angl2, angl3, dbnds[4], deln;
    int angflg, found, valid;
    int iebnds[4], ingrdn, numgd, extnd, ier, ier1, iernum, navsz, i;
    FILE *lungrd;
    *iret = 0;
    name[0] = '\0';

     * Get the grid number (INGRDN) out of NAME; a conversion error
     * sets IERNUM .ne. 0 and it is assumed that NAME is a type.
    cst_lcuc ( (char *)cpyfil, c2name, &ier );
    strcpy ( name, &c2name[1] );
    cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Open the table of valid grid types.
    lungrd = cfl_tbop ( "grdnav.tbl", "grid", &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ier, "grdnav.tbl", &ier1,
	          strlen("CFL"), strlen("grdnav.tbl") );
	*iret = -9;

     * List the table contents for the user, if requested.
    if ( strcmp ( name, "LIST" ) == 0 ) {
	while ( ! feof ( lungrd) ) {
	    cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(gntrec), gntrec, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	    printf ( "%-79.79s\n", gntrec );

	 * Rewind the table file.
	cfl_seek ( lungrd, 0, SEEK_SET, &ier );

	 * Prompt user for grid choice.
	printf ( "Enter grid id or number or type EXIT: " );
	scanf ( " %s", name );
	if ( name[0] == 'e' || name[0] == 'E' ) {
	    *iret = +1;
	cst_lcuc ( name, name, &ier );
	cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Read through the list of valid grid types/numbers to get 
     * navigation/analysis information.
    found = G_FALSE;
    while ( ! feof ( lungrd ) ) {
    	cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %f %d",
                 namgd, &numgd, proj, &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		 &garea[0], &garea[1], &garea[2], &garea[3],
		 nxgd, nygd, &deln, &extnd );
	if ( strcmp ( name, namgd ) == 0 || ingrdn == numgd ) {
	    found = G_TRUE;
    cfl_clos ( lungrd, &ier );

     * Bail out if NAME wasn't found in the table.
    if ( found == G_FALSE ) {
	*iret = -9;

     * Fill navigation block.
    angflg = G_TRUE;
    gr_vnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		&angflg, &valid, &ier, strlen(proj) );

    if ( ier == 0 )
       grc_mnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                   &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
                   &angflg, rnvblk, &ier );
    else {
       *iret = -2;

     * Set up navigation in GEMPLT to check validity.
    navsz = 13;
    grc_snav  ( &navsz, rnvblk, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -4;

     * Make an analysis block.
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
	iebnds[i] = extnd;
	dbnds [i] = RMISSD;
    grc_mbn2 ( &deln, iebnds, dbnds, rnvblk, anlblk, &ier );

void de_swsprd ( const char *uarg, char *stprm, int *iret )
 * de_swsprd								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine computes the weighted ensemble spread of its scalar  *
 * argument.								*
 *									*
 * de_swsprd ( uarg, stprm, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input and parameters:						*
 *	*uarg		const char	Function argument string	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*stprm		char		Substitution string		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -8 = cannot parse argument	*
 *					 -9 = ensemble cannot computed	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	01/08	From de_ssprd				*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	01/08	Fixed the calculation problem		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 8/09	Use double arrays internally		*
 * K. Brill/HPC         11/10   Set any negative sqrt argument to zero	*
    char tname[13], pdum[13], time1[21], time2[21];
    char **argu;
    int ns, ns2, num, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, level1, level2, ivcord,
        nina, one, zero, i, j, ier, narg, numw, nsw;
    float *gns, *gnum, *gwgt, *gnumw;
    double *dgns, *dgns2, d1, d2, d3, d4;
    *iret = 0;
    one = 1;
    zero = 0;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Get new grid numbers.
    dg_nxts ( &ns, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_nxts ( &ns2, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Initialize the output grid.
    dg_getg ( &ns,  &gns,  &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    G_MALLOC(dgns, double, kxd*kyd, "DE_SWSPRD");
    G_MALLOC(dgns2, double, kxd*kyd, "DE_SWSPRD");
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
        gns[i] = 0.;
        dgns[i] = 0.;
	dgns2[i] = 0.;

     * Set the number of input arguments.  There could be two arguments.
    for ( i = 0; i < MXARGS; i++ ) {
	_ensdiag.allarg[i][0] = '\0';
    nina = 2;
    argu = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 2, LLMXLN, sizeof(char), &ier );
    cst_clst ( (char *)uarg, '&', " ", nina, LLMXLN, argu, &narg, &ier );
    for ( i = 0; i < narg; i++ ) {
        strcpy ( _ensdiag.allarg[i], argu[i] );
        if ( i > 0 && strcmp(argu[i], " ") == 0 ) {
            cst_rlch ( RMISSD, 1, _ensdiag.allarg[i], &ier );

    cmm_free2d ( (void **) argu, &ier );
    if ( narg < 1 ) {
        *iret = -15;
      else if ( narg == 1 ) {
        cst_rlch ( RMISSD, 1, _ensdiag.allarg[1], &ier );
      else if ( narg == 2 ) {
        dg_nxts ( &nsw, iret );
        if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
        dg_getg ( &nsw, &gwgt, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
        for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
            gwgt[i] = 0.;

     * Scan the allarg array.
    de_scan ( &narg, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Loop over number of members set by DE_SCAN.
    for ( i = 0; i < _ensdiag.nummbr; i++ ) {
        if ( narg == 2 ) {
           de_mset ( &i, iret );
           * Compute weight grid and retrieve it from the stack.
           dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[1], iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
               er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
              *iret = -8;
           dg_driv ( &one, iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
               er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[1], &ier,
                         strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[1]) );
               *iret = -9;
           dg_tops ( tname, &numw, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
                     &ivcord, pdum, iret );
           dg_getg ( &numw, &gnumw, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );

           * Compute field grid and retrieve it from the stack.
           dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
              er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
              *iret = -8;
           dg_driv( &one, iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
              er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[0], &ier,
                   strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[0]) );
              *iret = -9;
           * Retrieve the output grid from the stack.  Check that the
           * output is a scalar.
           dg_tops ( tname, &num, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
                    &ivcord, pdum, iret );
           dg_getg ( &num, &gnum, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
           for ( j = ksub1 - 1; j < ksub2; j++ ) {
              d1 = gnum[j];
              d2 = dgns[j];
              d3 = dgns2[j];
              d4 = gnumw[j];
              if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) || ERMISS ( d2 ) || 
                   ERMISS ( d3 ) || ERMISS ( d4 ) ) {
                 dgns[j]  = RMISSD;
                 dgns2[j] = RMISSD;
                 gwgt[j] = RMISSD;
              } else {
                 dgns[j]  += d1 * d4;
                 dgns2[j] += d1 * d1 * d4;
                 gwgt[j] += d4;
           dg_frig ( &numw, &ier );
           dg_frig ( &num, &ier );
        } else if ( narg == 1 ) {
	   de_mset ( &i, iret );
	   dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], iret );
	   if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	      er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	      *iret = -8;
	   dg_driv( &one, iret );
	   if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	       er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[0], &ier,
	             strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[0]) );
	       *iret = -9;

	   * Retrieve the output grid from the stack.  Check that the 
	   * output is a scalar.
	   dg_tops ( tname, &num, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
	             &ivcord, pdum, iret );
	   dg_getg ( &num, &gnum, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );

	   for ( j = ksub1 - 1; j < ksub2; j++ ) {
	      d1 = gnum[j];
	      d2 = dgns[j];
	      d3 = dgns2[j];
	      if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) || ERMISS ( d2 ) || ERMISS ( d3 ) ) {
	  	 dgns[j] = RMISSD;
		 dgns2[j] = RMISSD;;
	      } else {
	 	 dgns[j] += d1 * _ensdiag.enswts[i];
		 dgns2[j] += d1 * d1 * _ensdiag.enswts[i];
	   dg_frig ( &num, &ier );

     * Compute Variance.
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
	d2 = dgns[i];
	d3 = dgns2[i];
	if ( ERMISS ( d2 ) || ERMISS ( d3 ) ) {
	    dgns[i] = RMISSD;
	} else {
            if ( narg == 2) {
                 d1 = gwgt[i];
	       if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) ) {
	          dgns[i] = RMISSD;
               } else {
	         dgns[i] = dgns[i]/gwgt[i];
	         dgns[i] = dgns2[i]/gwgt[i] - dgns[i] * dgns[i];
            } else if ( narg == 1 ) {
	       dgns[i] = dgns2[i] - dgns[i] * dgns[i];

     * Compute spread (standard deviation).
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
	d2 = dgns[i];
	if ( ERMISS ( d2 ) ) {
	    dgns[i] = RMISSD;
	} else {
            if ( dgns[i] < 0.0 ) {
		dgns[i] = 0.0;
	    dgns[i] = sqrt ( dgns[i] );

     * Assign the result to the output array and free the internal arrays.
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
	gns[i] = (float)dgns[i];
    G_FREE(dgns, double);
    G_FREE(dgns2, double);

     * Reset DGCMN.CMN and set internal grid identifier.
    de_rset ( iret );
    dg_udig ( "EXX_", &ns, &zero, &_ensdiag.idgens, stprm, iret );
    dg_esub ( &ns, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 )  *iret = ier;

void dg_tadc ( int *iret )
 * dg_tadc                                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine determines if an added column is required for the	*
 * transfer navigation.							*
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine sets the adcltg and gwrptg flags in the HINTRP block *
 * of DGCMN.CMN								*
 *                                                                      *
 * The transfer navigation is assumed to be set in GPLT.		*
 *                                                                      *
 * dg_tadc ( iret ) 		 		                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret		int		Return code                     *
 *                                        0 = normal return             *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * K. Brill/HPC		 3/04	Created from DG_ADCL			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 2/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
 * K. Brill/HPC         11/11   Remove check for exceeding LLMXTG	*
    char gprj[5];
    float rgx[2], rgy[2];
    int mx, my, two, ier, ier2;
    *iret   = 0;
    two = 2;

    _hintrp.gwrptg = G_FALSE;
    _hintrp.adcltg = G_FALSE;
    grc_rnav ( _hintrp.tfrnav, gprj, &mx, &my, &ier );
    if ( strcmp ( gprj, "MER" ) == 0 || strcmp ( gprj, "CED" ) == 0 ) {
/*	if ( ( my * (mx+1) ) > LLMXTG ) return; */
	rgx[0] = 1.;
	rgy[0] = 1.;
	rgx[1] = (float)( mx + 1 );
	rgy[1] = 1.;
	gtrans ( sys_G, sys_M, &two, rgx, rgy, rgx, rgy, &ier,
	         strlen(sys_G), strlen(sys_M) );
	if ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] - rgy[1] ) < 0.005 ||
	    ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] + 180. ) < 0.005 &&
	      G_ABS ( rgy[1] - 180. ) < 0.005 ) ) {
	    mx += 1;
	    gsgprj ( gprj, &_hintrp.tfrnav[10], &_hintrp.tfrnav[11],
		&_hintrp.tfrnav[12], &mx, &my, &_hintrp.tfrnav[6],
		&_hintrp.tfrnav[7], &_hintrp.tfrnav[8], &_hintrp.tfrnav[7],
		&ier, strlen(gprj) );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) {
		er_wmsg ( "GEMPLT", &ier, " ", &ier2,
		    strlen("GEMPLT"), strlen(" " ) );
		*iret = -7;
	    _hintrp.adcltg = G_TRUE;
	    _hintrp.gwrptg = G_TRUE;
	} else {
	    _hintrp.adcltg = G_FALSE;

    if ( ( strcmp ( gprj, "MER" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp ( gprj, "MCD" ) == 0 ) ||
	 ( strcmp ( gprj, "CED" ) == 0 ) ) {
	 * Set GWRAPG flag for globe wrapping grid.
	rgx[0] = 1.;
	rgy[0] = 1.;
	rgx[1] = (float)mx;
	rgy[1] = 1.;
	gtrans ( sys_G, sys_M, &two, rgx, rgy, rgx, rgy, &ier,
	         strlen(sys_G), strlen(sys_M) );
	if ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] - rgy[1] ) < 0.005 ||
	    ( G_ABS ( rgy[0] + 180. ) < 0.005 &&
	      G_ABS ( rgy[1] - 180. ) < 0.005 ) )  _hintrp.gwrptg = G_TRUE;

void de_ssum ( const char *uarg, char *stprm, int *iret )
 * de_ssum								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine computes the sum over the ensemble of a scalar.	*
 *									*
 * de_ssum ( uarg, stprm, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input and parameters:						*
 *	*uarg		const char	Function argument string	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*stprm		char		Substitution string		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -8 = cannot parse argument	*
 *					 -9 = ensemble cannot computed	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/HPC         08/10	Created from de_ssprd			*
    char tname[13], pdum[13], time1[21], time2[21];
    int ns, num, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, level1, level2, ivcord,
        nina, one, zero, i, j, ier;
    float *gns, *gnum;
    double *dgns, d1, d2;
    *iret = 0;
    one = 1;
    zero = 0;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Get a new grid number.
    dg_nxts ( &ns, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Initialize the output grid.
     * Allocate internal double arrays.
    dg_getg ( &ns,  &gns,  &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    G_MALLOC(dgns, double, kxd*kyd, "DE_SSUM");
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
        gns[i] = 0.;
        dgns[i] = 0.;

     * Set the number of input arguments.  There is only one argument
     * for DE_SSUM.
    nina = 1;
    for ( i = 0; i < MXARGS; i++ ) {
	_ensdiag.allarg[i][0] = '\0';
    strcpy ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], uarg );

     * Scan the allarg array.
    de_scan ( &nina, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Loop over number of members set by DE_SCAN.
    for ( i = 0; i < _ensdiag.nummbr; i++ ) {
	de_mset ( &i, iret );
	dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	    *iret = -8;
	dg_driv( &one, iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[0], &ier,
	        strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[0]) );
	    *iret = -9;

	 * Retrieve the output grid from the stack.  Check that the 
	 * output is a scalar.
	dg_tops ( tname, &num, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
	    &ivcord, pdum, iret );
	dg_getg ( &num, &gnum, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );

	for ( j = ksub1 - 1; j < ksub2; j++ ) {
	    d1 = gnum[j];
	    d2 = dgns[j];
	    if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) || ERMISS ( d2 ) ) {
		dgns[j] = RMISSD;
	    } else {
		dgns[j] += gnum[j];
	dg_frig ( &num, &ier );

     * Assign the result to the output array and free the internal arrays.
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
        gns[i] = (float)dgns[i];
    G_FREE(dgns, double);

     * Reset DGCMN.CMN and set internal grid identifier.
    de_rset ( iret );
    dg_udig ( "EXX_", &ns, &zero, &_ensdiag.idgens, stprm, iret );
    dg_esub ( &ns, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 )  *iret = ier;

void pglpfw_loadLPF ( int *iret )
 * pglpfw_loadLPF							*
 *									*
 * This function opens a LP file and load the VG files into different	*
 * layers by the specified color, fill modes, and group types. If the	*
 * the VG file does not exist, it will be created.			*
 *									*
 * void pglpfw_loadLPF ( iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *   *iret		int	 	 0 = normal 			*
 *					-1 = no file name		*
 *					-2 = error on read		*
 * Return parameters:							*
 *			NONE						*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		04/02						*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		05/02	added layer display mode		*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	06/02	param change to ctb_lygetname		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/02	fix the crashing from multi-exposures	*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	03/03   removed one call to pglayer_setDefGrp() *
 * E. Safford/SAIC	04/04	ChngMade flag TRUE if outfile specified	*
    Widget	curwid;
    char	fname[FILE_FULLSZ], vfile[FILE_FULLSZ];

    char	outfile[FILE_FULLSZ];
    char	path[LLPATH];

    char	gtype[10], ugtype[10], laynam[10], mode[4], umode[4];
    char	cmode[5], ucmode[5], *cptr;
    int		ipos, ier, ier1, ntop, icolr, layer_num;
    int		ii, grpid;

    Boolean	can_open, outfile_ok;


    *iret      = 0;
    can_open   = FALSE;
    outfile_ok = FALSE;

    if ( strlen(_fileName) <= (size_t)0 ) {
	*iret = -1;
    else {
        strcpy (fname, _dirPath);
        strcat (fname, _fileName);

        cst_srch ( 0, strlen(fname), ".lpf", fname, &ipos, &ier );
        if ( ier == -4 ) {
	    strcat(fname, ".lpf");

     *  Open the layer product file.
    ctb_lyrd ( fname, &ntop, &ier );

    if ( ntop < 0 || ier < 0 ) { 
	er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ier, fname, &ier1, 3, strlen(fname) );
   	pglayer_setChngMade ( 0, FALSE );
	*iret = -2;

     * Prompt error message if default is used.
    else if ( ier > 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ier, " ", &ier1, 3, 1 );

     *  Delete all records and clear drawing area

     *  Store the LPF into layer structure.
    ntop = G_MIN ( ntop, MAX_LAYERS );
    curwid = pgpalw_getOperWid ( FUNC_LAYER );
    pgpalw_setCurOper ( curwid );
    pgpalw_actvLayer ( False );
    for ( ii = 0; ii < ntop; ii++ ) {

	 * Set color mode.
	ctb_lygetcmode ( ii, cmode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( cmode, ucmode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp ( ucmode, "MONO" ) == 0 )  {
	    pglayer_setDsplClr ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setDsplClr ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set color ID.
	ctb_lygetcolor ( ii, &icolr, &ier );

	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setMonoClr ( ii, icolr );
	else {
	    icolr = 19;
	    pglayer_setMonoClr ( ii, icolr );

	 * Get the output VG file name
	outfile_ok = FALSE;
        ctb_lygetoutfile( ii, outfile, &ier );

	if ( strlen( outfile ) > (size_t)0 ) {

	     * Check if the outfile is valid VG file. If the file does not exist,
	     * create it. If the file is invalid, an error message is generated. 
	     * The outfile_ok flag signals a good outfile condition.  Otherwise 
	     * we have no outfile available.
	    cvg_valid ( outfile, &ier );
            if ( ier >= 0 ) {
                outfile_ok = TRUE;
	        if ( ier > 0 ) {
	            cvg_crvgf( outfile, &ier );
		    ier = 2;
		    er_wmsg( "CVG", &ier, outfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(outfile) );
	    else {
	        er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, outfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));

	 * Set input VG file name.
	ctb_lygetfile ( ii, vfile, &ier );

	 * Check if this is a valid VG file. 
	 * If the file does not exist, and we did not find a file and there, 
	 * is no specified output file, then create one.  If the file is 
	 * invalid, an error message is written out.
	cvg_valid ( vfile, &ier );
	if ( ier >= 0 ) {
	    can_open = TRUE;
	    if ( ier > 0 && !outfile_ok ) {
		cvg_crvgf ( vfile, &ier );
		ier = 2;
	    	er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, vfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));
	else {
	    can_open = FALSE;
	    er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, vfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));

	if ( (cptr = strrchr (vfile, '/') ) == (char *) NULL) {
	    pglayer_setFileName ( ii, vfile );
	    strcpy (path, "./");
	else {
	    pglayer_setFileName ( ii, cptr );
	    cptr[0] = '\0';
	    strcpy ( path, vfile );
	pglayer_setFilePath ( ii, path );

	 * Set group type.
	ctb_lygetgrptyp ( ii, gtype, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( gtype, ugtype, &ier1 );
	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    ces_gtgid ( ugtype, &grpid, &ier1 );

            if ( ier1 == 0 ) {
	         pglayer_setDefGrp ( ii, grpid );

	 * Set fill mode.
	ctb_lygetfmode ( ii, mode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( mode, umode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp (umode, "OFF") == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setFill ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setFill ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set display mode.
	ctb_lygetdsply ( ii, mode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( mode, umode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp (umode, "OFF") == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setDsplOn ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setDsplOn ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set layer name.
	ctb_lygetname ( ii, sizeof(laynam), laynam, &ier );
	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setName ( ii, laynam );
	 * Prepare to draw in a new layer.
	pglpfw_prepLPF ( ii );
	 * Reset flags for change mode.
  	pglayer_setChngMade ( ii, FALSE );

	 * Load VG files.
	if ( can_open ) {
	    pgfilw_openVGF (FALSE, &ier);

	 *  If the outfile_ok is true, then reset the file name for the layer. 
	 *  Also, since there is a specified output file in the lpf, set the 
	 *  save flag so any save to it is done without the initial Save As.
	if ( outfile_ok ) {
	    if ( (cptr = strrchr (outfile, '/') ) == (char *) NULL) {
	        pglayer_setFileName ( ii, outfile );
	        strcpy (path, "./");
	    else {
	        pglayer_setFileName ( ii, cptr );
	        cptr[0] = '\0';
	        strcpy ( path, outfile );
	    pglayer_setFilePath ( ii, path );
  	    pglayer_setChngMade ( ii, TRUE );
            pglayer_setFileSaved( ii, True );

     * If reaching MAX_LAYERS, set "ADD LAYER" button insensitive.
    layer_num = pglayer_getNumLayers();
    if ( layer_num == MAX_LAYERS ) {
        pgpalw_setBtnSntv ( FUNC_LAYER, FALSE );        
     *  Bring up the layering window.
    pglayrw_manageLayers ();
void dgc_nwdt ( const float *grid, const char *time1, const char *time2,
	        const int *level1, const int *level2, const int *ivcord,
	        const char *parm, const int *igdhdr, const char *gpack,
	        const int *rplc, int *iret )
 * dgc_nwdt                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine writes a packed grid.				*
 *                                                                      *
 * dgc_nwdt ( grid, time1, time2, level1, level2, ivcord, parm, igdhdr,	*
 *            gpack, rplc, iret )					*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*grid		const float	Grid to write out		*
 *      *time1		const char	GEMPAK times                    *
 *      *time2		const char	GEMPAK times                    *
 *      *level1		const int	GEMPAK grid levle               *
 *      *level2		const int	GEMPAK grid levle               *
 *      *ivcord          const int	Vertical coordinate             *
 *      *parm            const char	GEMPAK parameter name           *
 *	*igdhdr		const int	Grid header			*
 *	*gpack		const char	Grid packing from user input	*
 *	*rplc		const int	Flag to replace existing grid	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret		int		Return code                     *
 *                                        0 = normal return             *
 *                                      -61 = grid file open failed     *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * R. Tian/SAIC          3/04                                           *
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/05		Changed LLNANV to LLNNAV	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 5/05		Added outflg checking		*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 5/05		Add calls to ER_WMSG		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 3/06		Recoded from Fortran		*
    char filnam[MXFLSZ+1], fullnm[MXFLSZ+1];
    float rnvblk[LLNNAV], adum1;
    int same;
    int iout, ifn, mxgd, ipktyp, nbits, navsz, zero, i, ier, ierr;
    *iret = 0;
    navsz = LLNNAV;
    zero = 0;

    iout = -1;
    for ( i = 0; i < NGDFLS; i++ ) {
	if ( _nfile.outflg[i] == G_TRUE ) {
	    iout = i;
    if ( iout == -1 ) {
	*iret = -61;

     * Open the output file
    if ( _nfile.ntmplt[iout][0] != '\0' ) {
	 * This entry is a template
	cfl_mnam ( (char *)time1, _nfile.ntmplt[iout], filnam, &ier );
	strcpy ( fullnm, _nfile.gflpth[iout] );
	strcat ( fullnm, "/" );
	strcat ( fullnm, filnam );
    } else {
	 * This entry is an actual file
	strcpy ( fullnm, _nfile.crtfnm[iout] );

    gd_open ( fullnm , &_nfile.outflg[iout], &zero, &navsz, &ifn, &adum1,
              rnvblk, &mxgd, &ier, strlen(fullnm) );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GD", &ier, " ", &ierr, strlen("GD"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -61;

     * Compare the returned navigation with the internal navigation
    grc_cnav ( rnvblk, _dgfile.snav, &navsz, &same, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GR", &ier, " ", &ierr, strlen("GD"), strlen(" ") );
    if ( same == G_FALSE ) {
	*iret = -64;

     * Write the packed grid
    grc_pack ( gpack, &ipktyp, &nbits, &ier );
    cgd_wpgd ( &ifn, grid, &_dgfile.kxd, &_dgfile.kyd, igdhdr, time1, time2,
        level1, level2, ivcord, parm, rplc, &ipktyp, &nbits, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "GD", &ier, " ", &ierr, strlen("GD"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -65;

void gb2_vcrd ( char *wmolvltbl, char *lcllvltbl, Gribmsg *cmsg, 
                int *levels, int *vcord, char *unit, int *iret )
 * gb2_vcrd								*
 *									*
 * This routine computes the vertical coordinate level/layer values     *
 * from the GRIB2 PDS.	Also, the GEMPAK vertical coordinate type is    *
 * obtained from the appropriate GRIB2 vertical coordinate table.       *
 *									*
 * If either wmolvltbl or lcllvltbl are NULL, the default tables are    *
 * read.                                                                *
 *									*
 * gb2_vcrd ( wmolvltbl, lcllvltbl, cmsg, levels, vcord, iret )		*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *wmolvltbl      char            WMO vertical coordinate table   *
 *      *lcllvltbl      char            Local vertical coordinate table *
 *	*cmsg  	    struct Gribmsg      GRIB2  message structure        *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *      levels[2]       int             lower/upper level/layer values  *
 *	*vcord		int		GEMPAK vertical goordinate type *
 *	*iret		int		return code			*
 *                                        -27 = Unrecognized PDT number *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      11/04                                           *
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      10/05           Use new routines to read tables *
    int     ret, ier, lvl1, lvl2, iver, lclver, ilen;
    G2level g2lev;
    G2lvls  *g2lvltbl;
    char    vparm[12], ctemp[20];
    float   rlevel[2];
    double  sfact;


    *iret = 0;

     *  Get Level into from vertical coordinate table(s).

    if ( ( lvl1 < 192 || lvl1 == 255 ) && 
         ( lvl2 < 192 || lvl2 == 255 ) ) {
        *  Get WMO vertical coordinate table.
        gb2_gtwmolvltbl( wmolvltbl, iver, &g2lvltbl, &ier);
        if ( ier == 0 ) {
            *  Get Level into from WMO vertical coordinate table.
            gb2_sklvl( lvl1, lvl2, g2lvltbl, &g2lev, &ier);
    else {
        *  Get Local vertical coordinate table.
        gb2_gtlcllvltbl( lcllvltbl, cmsg->origcntr, lclver, &g2lvltbl, &ier);
        if ( ier == 0 ) {
            *  Get Level into from Local vertical coordinate table.
            gb2_sklvl( lvl1, lvl2, g2lvltbl, &g2lev, &ier);
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        if ( ier == -30 ) {
            sprintf(ctemp,"%d|%d", lvl1, lvl2);

     *  Calculate GEMPAK vertical coordinate type
    lv_cord ( g2lev.abbrev, vparm, vcord, &ier, 4, 12);
    if ( ier != 0 ) {

    /*cst_lstr ( g2lev.unit, &ilen, &ier );*/
    cst_rmbl ( g2lev.unit, unit, &ilen, &ier );
    if ( ( strcmp(unit,"Pa") == 0 ) && ( g2lev.scale == -2 ) )
       sprintf ( unit, "hPa\0" );
       strncat( unit, g2lev.unit, ilen);*/

     *  Extract vertical coordinate levels from GRIB2 PDS
    gb2_vlev ( cmsg->gfld, rlevel, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {

     *  Scale level values by scale factor found in vertical 
     *  coordinate table.
    levels[0] = (int)rint( rlevel[0] * sfact );
    if  ( rlevel[1] == -1.0 )  {
        levels[1] = -1;
    else {
        levels[1] = (int)rint( rlevel[1] * sfact );

    if ( lvl1 == 1 ) {          /*  Surface  */
        levels[0] = 0;
        levels[1] = -1;

void de_prcntl ( const char *uarg, char *stprm, int *iret )
 * de_prcntl								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine returns a value at each grid point such that the 	*
 * value returned is greater than or equal to the value found at the	*
 * same grid point in P% of the weighted members of an ensemble.  The	*
 * value of P ranges between 0 and 100 and may vary from grid point to	*
 * point.								*
 *									*
 * The relationship between the percentile value, p, and the index, k,	*
 * in the order statistics of count N is				*
 *									*
 *                   ( k - 1 ) / ( N - 1 ) = p		(1)		*
 *									*
 * Rewriting this in terms of equally weighted order statistics 	*
 * (multiplying both sides by (N-1)/N) yields				*
 *									*
 *                   (k-1)*(1/N) = p - p*(1/N)	 	(2)		*
 *									*
 * Since k can have a fractional value, the weights may vary, and the	*
 * (1/N) subtracted on both sides of (2) must be the first weight value *
 * (w(1)), the problem is one of finding integer K and residual weight	*
 * wr such that								*
 *									*
 *                    K							*
 *              wr + SUM w(i) = p ( 1 - w(1) )          (3)		*
 *                   i=2						*
 *									*
 * The value of wr is easily obtained by solving (3) after summing the	*
 * weights up to the point in the order statistics where adding on one	*
 * more weight exceeds the value of the R.H.S of (3).  The value of wr  *
 * establishes the position in the weight summation to which to		*
 * interpolate the values of the order statistics, x, according to the	*
 * following linear relationship:					*
 *									*
 *    wr / [ W(K+1) - W(K) ] = [ x - x(K) ] / [ x(K+1) - x(K) ]  (4)    *
 *									*
 * In (4), W(K) is the summation of the weights from i=2 to K.  The	*
 * percentile value is found by solving (4) for x.  Since the denom-	*
 * inator on the L.H.S of (4) is just w(K+1), the value of x is		*
 *									*
 *      x = x(K) + [ wr / w(K+1) ] * [ x(K+1) - x(K) ]         (5)	*
 *									*
 *									*
 * de_prcntl ( uarg, stprm, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input and parameters:						*
 *	*uarg		const char	Function argument string	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*stprm		char		Substitution string		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 +3 = Percentile < 0		*
 *					 +1 = Percentile > 100		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -8 = cannot parse argument	*
 *					 -9 = ensemble cannot computed	*
 * 					-15 = Incorrect # of arguments	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		01/05						*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/06	Translated from Fortran			*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	08/06	Added G_DIFF				*
 * K. Brill/HPC		08/06   Fix to remove low bias; document eqtns	*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 01/08   Add ability to use weights              *
    char tname[13], pdum[13], time1[21], time2[21];
    char **argu;
    int igo, igp, num, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, nina, narg, level1, level2,
        ivcord, zero, one, three, ii, jj, kk, ll, ier;
    int wmesg, nmesg, iswflg, istop, iwpntr;
    int nsw, numw;
    float *gigo, *gigp, *gnum, data, swpbuf, pntt, psum, smw, wr,
          *gnumw, *gwgt, d1;
    *iret = 0;
    zero = 0;
    one = 1;
    three = 3;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Get a new grid number.
    dg_nxts ( &igo, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Initialize the output grid.
    dg_getg ( &igo, &gigo, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    for ( ii = ksub1 - 1; ii < ksub2; ii++ ) {
	gigo[ii] = RMISSD;

     * Set the number of input arguments.  There are two arguments
     * for DE_PRCNTL.
    for ( ii = 0; ii < MXARGS; ii++ ) {
	_ensdiag.allarg[ii][0] = '\0';
    nina = 3;
    argu = (char **)cmm_malloc2d ( 3, MXFLSZ+1, sizeof(char), &ier );
    cst_clst ( (char *)uarg, '&', " ", nina, MXFLSZ, argu, &narg, &ier );
    for ( ii = 0; ii < narg; ii++ ) {
        strcpy ( _ensdiag.allarg[ii], argu[ii] );

     * If weight grid is provided get new grid number
     * for sum-weight grid and initialize it
    if ( narg == 3 ) {
       dg_nxts ( &nsw, iret );
       if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
       dg_getg ( &nsw, &gwgt, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
       for ( ii = ksub1 - 1; ii < ksub2; ii++ ) {
         gwgt[ii] = 0.;
    cmm_free2d ( (void **) argu, &ier );
    if ( narg < 2 ) {
	*iret = -15;

     * Scan the allarg array.
    de_scan ( &narg, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Evaluate the static argument defined by the second entry in
     * uarg or allarg (2).
    dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[1], iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -8;
    dg_driv ( &one, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[1], &ier,
	    strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[1]) );
	*iret = -9;

     * Retrieve the output grid from the stack.  Check that the 
     * output is a scalar.
    dg_tops ( tname, &igp, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
        &ivcord, pdum, iret );
    dg_getg ( &igp, &gigp, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );

     * Loop over number of members set by DE_SCAN.
    for ( ii = 0; ii < _ensdiag.nummbr; ii++ ) {
	de_mset ( &ii, iret );
	dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	    *iret = -8;
	dg_driv ( &one, iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[0], &ier,
	        strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[0]) );
	    *iret = -9;

	 * Retrieve the output grid from the stack and store the
	 * grid number.
	dg_tops ( tname, &num, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
	    &ivcord, pdum, iret );
	_ensdiag.iglist[ii] = num;

         * If the weight grid present store the starting index
         * of the weight grid.
        if ( narg == 3 ) {
           dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[2], iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
              er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
              *iret = -8;
           dg_driv ( &one, iret );
           if ( *iret != 0 ) {
              er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[2], &ier,
                   strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[2]) );
              *iret = -9;

           dg_tops ( tname, &numw, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
                &ivcord, pdum, iret );
           dg_getg ( &numw, &gnumw, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
           _ensdiag.iwlist[ii] = numw;
            * the weight summing grid
           for ( jj = ksub1 - 1; jj < ksub2; jj++ ) {
                d1 = gnumw[jj];
                if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) || ERMISS ( gwgt[jj] ) ) {
                    gwgt[jj]  = RMISSD;
                } else {
                    gwgt[jj] += gnumw[jj];

    wmesg = G_FALSE;
    nmesg = G_FALSE;
    for ( ll = ksub1 - 1; ll < ksub2; ll++ ) {
	for ( ii = 0; ii < _ensdiag.nummbr; ii++ ) {
	    num = _ensdiag.iglist[ii];
	    dg_getg ( &num, &gnum, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
	    data = gnum[ll];
            * Fill out the weight array and normalize by the sum of weights
            if ( narg == 3 ) {
               numw = _ensdiag.iwlist[ii];
               dg_getg ( &numw, &gnumw, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
               _ensdiag.ewtval[ii] = gnumw[ll] / gwgt[ll];
	    if ( ! ERMISS ( data ) ) {
	        _ensdiag.emvalu[ii] = data;
	        _ensdiag.igpntr[ii] = ii;
	        if ( ii == _ensdiag.nummbr - 1 ) {
		     * Bubble sorting the grid values in emvalu with 
		     * emvalue (1) lowest and emvalu (nummbr) highest.
	            iswflg = 1;
	            istop = _ensdiag.nummbr - 1;
		    while ( iswflg != 0 && istop >= 0 ) {
		        iswflg = 0;
		        for ( kk = 0; kk < istop; kk++ ) {
		            if ( _ensdiag.emvalu[kk] > _ensdiag.emvalu[kk+1] ) {
		                iswflg = 1;
			        swpbuf = _ensdiag.emvalu[kk];
			        iwpntr = _ensdiag.igpntr[kk];
			        _ensdiag.emvalu[kk] = _ensdiag.emvalu[kk+1];
			        _ensdiag.igpntr[kk] = _ensdiag.igpntr[kk+1];
			        _ensdiag.emvalu[kk+1] = swpbuf;
			        _ensdiag.igpntr[kk+1] = iwpntr;

		     * Set normalized target percentile.
		    pntt = gigp[ll] / 100.0F;
		    if ( pntt >= 1. ) {
		        gigo[ll] = _ensdiag.emvalu[_ensdiag.nummbr-1];
		        if ( pntt > 1.0F && wmesg == G_FALSE ) {
		            er_wmsg ( "DE", &one, " ", &ier,
		                strlen("DE"), strlen(" ") );
			    wmesg = G_TRUE;
		    } else if ( pntt <= 0. ) {
		        gigo[ll] = _ensdiag.emvalu[0];
		        if ( pntt < 0.0F &&  nmesg == G_FALSE ) {
		            er_wmsg ( "DE", &three, " ", &ier,
			        strlen("DE"), strlen(" ") );
			    nmesg = G_TRUE;
		    } else {
		        jj = 0;
		        psum = 0.0;
                        if ( narg == 3 ) {
			   pntt = pntt * ( 1.0F - _ensdiag.ewtval[_ensdiag.igpntr[0]] );
                         else {
			   pntt = pntt * ( 1.0F - _ensdiag.enswts[_ensdiag.igpntr[0]] );
		        while (jj < _ensdiag.nummbr - 1 && psum < pntt ) {
                             *  The 1st weight ([0]) must be omitted from the
                             *  summation.
                             if ( narg == 3 ) {
		                psum += _ensdiag.ewtval[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]];
                              else {
		                psum += _ensdiag.enswts[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]];

		         * Compute the percentile value for the output grid.
		        if ( G_DIFF(psum, pntt) ) {
		            gigo[ll] = _ensdiag.emvalu[jj];
		        } else {
                            if ( narg == 3 ) {
		                smw = psum - _ensdiag.ewtval[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]];
			        wr = pntt - smw;
			        if ( G_DIFF (_ensdiag.ewtval[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]], 0.0F) ) {
		                   gigo[ll] =  RMISSD;
			        } else {
		                   gigo[ll] =  _ensdiag.emvalu[jj-1] + 
                                            ( wr / _ensdiag.ewtval[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]] ) *
                              else {
		                smw = psum - _ensdiag.enswts[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]];
			        wr = pntt - smw;
			        if ( G_DIFF (_ensdiag.enswts[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]], 0.0F) ) {
		                   gigo[ll] =  RMISSD;
			        } else {
		                   gigo[ll] =  _ensdiag.emvalu[jj-1] + 
                                            ( wr / _ensdiag.enswts[_ensdiag.igpntr[jj]] ) *

     * Reset DGCMN.CMN and set internal grid identifier.
    de_rset ( iret );
    dg_udig ( "EXX_", &igo, &zero, &_ensdiag.idgens, stprm, iret );
    dg_esub ( &igo, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) *iret = ier;

int guitst_gmpkInit ( Widget w )
 * guitst_gmpkInit                                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function initializes GEMPAK variables.                          *
 *                                                                      *
 * int guitst_gmpkInit(w)                                               *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  w   Widget      widget ID                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      G_NORMAL  successful                            *
 *                      -1        error occured                         *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * C. Lin/EAI      02/93                                                *
 * S. Wang/GSC     10/97        modified for guitst                     *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP   9/02	Updated to support 16 and 24 bit graphic*
int  gemscreen, iret=0, mode, ignore, respond;
char msg[]="Fatal Error: no graphic colors. Exit guitst.\n";


         * Get root, colormap, visual, depth

        gemdisplay = XtDisplay(w);
        gemscreen  = DefaultScreen((XtPointer)gemdisplay);
        root       = DefaultRootWindow((XtPointer)gemdisplay);
        gemmap     = DefaultColormap((XtPointer)gemdisplay, gemscreen);
        gemvis     = DefaultVisual((XtPointer)gemdisplay, gemscreen);

         * Initialize the global color bank structure
        xgbank(gemdisplay, &iret);
        if ( iret != 0 )  return(-1);

         * allocate read and write color cells for
         * graphics
        xcaloc( GraphCid, &iret );
        if ( iret == G_NCLRAL ) {
                er_wmsg("gemplt", &iret, NULL, &ignore,
                                strlen("gemplt"), 0 );
        else {
                if ( iret == G_ZEROCB ) {

	xscint ( &iret );

         * initialize GEMPAK common blocks other than graphics
        ip_init( &respond, &iret );

         * initialize GEMPAK plotting package
        mode = 1;
        gg_init( &mode, &iret );


void  gb2_gtwmolvltbl( char *wmolvltbl, int iver, G2lvls **g2levtbl, int *iret)
 * gb2_gtwmolvltbl							*
 *									*
 * This function reads the WMO GRIB2 level/layer table from             *
 * specified file and returns a structure containing the table          *
 * entries 								*
 *                                                                      *
 * If wmolvltbl is NULL, the default table is read.                     *
 *									*
 * gb2_gtwmolvltbl ( wmolvltbl, iver, g2levtbl, iret )          	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *wmolvltbl      char            WMO vertical coordinate table   *
 *      iver            int             WMO Table version number        *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	**g2levtbl	G2lvls		struct for level table entries  *
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *                                        -29 = Error reading table     *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP		 08/2005				*

    char tmpname[LLMXLN];
    int  ier;
    static char currtable[LLMXLN];
    static G2lvls currlvltbl={0,0};

    *iret = 0;

     *  Check if user supplied table.  If not, use default.
    if ( strlen(wmolvltbl) == (size_t)0 ) {
        sprintf( tmpname,"g2vcrdwmo%d.tbl", iver );
    else {
        strcpy( tmpname, wmolvltbl );

     *  Check if table has already been read in. 
     *  If different table, read new one in.
    if ( strcmp( tmpname, currtable ) != 0 ) {
        if ( currlvltbl.info != 0 ) {
        printf(" Opening WMO GRIB2 Vertical Coordinate Table %s...\n",tmpname);
        ctb_g2rdlvl( tmpname, &currlvltbl, &ier );
        if ( ier != 0 ) {
            *g2levtbl = &currlvltbl;
    strcpy( currtable, tmpname );
    *g2levtbl = &currlvltbl;
