// Accepts a full path to an HTML file. // Reads the file, detects the encoding // and returns the text converted to Unicode. QString HTMLEncodingResolver::ReadHTMLFile( const QString &fullfilepath ) { QFile file( fullfilepath ); // Check if we can open the file if ( !file.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { boost_throw( CannotOpenFile() << errinfo_file_fullpath( file.fileName().toStdString() ) << errinfo_file_errorstring( file.errorString().toStdString() ) ); } QByteArray data = file.readAll(); return Utility::ConvertLineEndings( GetCodecForHTML( data ).toUnicode( data ) ); }
void ExportEPUB::CreateEncryptionXML(const QString &fullfolderpath) { QTemporaryFile file; if (!file.open()) { boost_throw(CannotOpenFile() << errinfo_file_fullpath(file.fileName().toStdString()) << errinfo_file_errorstring(file.errorString().toStdString()) ); } EncryptionXmlWriter enc(*m_Book, file); enc.WriteXML(); // Write to disk immediately file.flush(); QFile::copy(file.fileName(), fullfolderpath + "/" + ENCRYPTION_XML_FILE_NAME); }