int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_SQFILE        *sqfp   = NULL;      
  ESL_SQ            *sq   = NULL;
  ESL_SQ            *dsq  = NULL;
  ESL_SQ            **prot;
  int               c;
  ESL_ALPHABET      *abc, *prot_abc;
  ESL_SQ            *prot6[6];
  int x;
  abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  prot_abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  if(argc != 2)
    printf("You need to pass an argument for a filepath to a dna/rna fasta file\n");
  if(eslOK != esl_sqfile_Open(argv[1], eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &sqfp)) 
    printf("Invalid filepath: %s\n", argv[1]);
  sq = esl_sq_Create();
  if(sq == NULL)
    printf("could not allocate new sequence\n");
  if(esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) != eslOK)
    printf("Not a valid fasta file %s\n", argv[1]);

  dsq = esl_sq_Create();
  if(dsq == NULL)
    printf("could not allocate digital sequence\n");
  if(esl_sq_Copy(sq, dsq) != eslOK)
    printf("could not copy sequence\n");
  if(esl_sq_Digitize(abc, dsq) != eslOK)
    printf("could not digitize sequence\n");

  esl_sqio_Write(stdout, sq, eslSQFILE_FASTA, 0);
  if(esl_trans_6frame(sq, prot6) != eslOK)
    printf("could not generate six frame translation\n");
  for(x = 0; x < 6; x++)
    esl_sqio_Write(stdout, prot6[x], eslSQFILE_FASTA, 0);
  if(esl_trans_orf(dsq, &prot, &c, 10) != eslOK)
    printf("could not translate open reading frames\n");
  for(x = 0; x < c; x++)
    esl_sqio_Write(stdout, prot[x], eslSQFILE_FASTA, 0);

  return 0;
static int
serial_loop(WORKER_INFO *info, P7_HMMFILE *hfp)
  int            status;
  int i;
  int seq_len = 0;
  int prev_hit_cnt = 0;
  P7_OPROFILE   *om        = NULL;
  P7_SCOREDATA  *scoredata = NULL;   /* hmm-specific data used by nhmmer */
  P7_DOMAIN *dcl;

  ESL_SQ        *sq_revcmp = NULL;
  if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL ) {
    sq_revcmp =  esl_sq_CreateDigital(info->qsq->abc);

    info->pli->nres += info->qsq->n;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/

  /* Main loop: */
  while ((status = p7_oprofile_ReadMSV(hfp, &abc, &om)) == eslOK)
      seq_len = 0;

      p7_pli_NewModel(info->pli, om, info->bg);
      p7_bg_SetLength(info->bg, info->qsq->n);
      p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, info->qsq->n);

      scoredata = p7_hmm_ScoreDataCreate(om, FALSE);

      //reverse complement
      if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL )

        p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, sq_revcmp, info->th, 0);
        p7_pipeline_Reuse(info->pli); // prepare for next search
        seq_len = info->qsq->n;
        for (i = prev_hit_cnt; i < info->th->N ; i++)
          dcl = info->th->unsrt[i].dcl;
          // modify hit positions to account for the position of the window in the full sequence
          dcl->ienv = seq_len - dcl->ienv + 1;
          dcl->jenv = seq_len - dcl->jenv + 1;
          dcl->iali = seq_len - dcl->iali + 1;
          dcl->jali = seq_len - dcl->jali + 1;
          dcl->ad->sqfrom = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqfrom + 1;
          dcl->ad->sqto = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqto + 1;


      if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_BOTTOMONLY) {
        p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, info->qsq, info->th, 0);
        seq_len += info->qsq->n;

      for (i = prev_hit_cnt; i < info->th->N ; i++)
        info->th->unsrt[i].lnP         += log((float)seq_len / (float)om->max_length);
        info->th->unsrt[i].dcl[0].lnP   = info->th->unsrt[i].lnP;
        info->th->unsrt[i].sortkey      = -1.0 * info->th->unsrt[i].lnP;
        info->th->unsrt[i].dcl[0].ad->L =  om->M;

      prev_hit_cnt = info->th->N;



  return status;
static void 
pipeline_thread(void *arg)
  int i, j;
  int status;
  int workeridx;
  WORKER_INFO   *info;
  ESL_THREADS   *obj;
  P7_OM_BLOCK   *block;
  void          *newBlock;
  P7_OPROFILE   *om        = NULL;
  P7_SCOREDATA  *scoredata = NULL;   /* hmm-specific data used by nhmmer */

  P7_DOMAIN *dcl;
  int seq_len = 0;
  int prev_hit_cnt = 0;

  ESL_SQ        *sq_revcmp = NULL;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/


  obj = (ESL_THREADS *) arg;
  esl_threads_Started(obj, &workeridx);

  info = (WORKER_INFO *) esl_threads_GetData(obj, workeridx);

  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, NULL, &newBlock);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  //reverse complement
  if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL ) {
    sq_revcmp =  esl_sq_CreateDigital(info->qsq->abc);
    info->pli->nres += info->qsq->n;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/

  /* loop until all blocks have been processed */
  block = (P7_OM_BLOCK *) newBlock;
  while (block->count > 0)
      /* Main loop: */
      for (i = 0; i < block->count; ++i)
        om = block->list[i];
        seq_len = 0;

        p7_pli_NewModel(info->pli, om, info->bg);
        p7_bg_SetLength(info->bg, info->qsq->n);
        p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, info->qsq->n);

        scoredata = p7_hmm_ScoreDataCreate(om, FALSE);

        //reverse complement
        if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL )
          p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, sq_revcmp, info->th, 0);
          p7_pipeline_Reuse(info->pli); // prepare for next search

          seq_len = info->qsq->n;
          for (j = prev_hit_cnt; j < info->th->N ; j++)
            dcl = info->th->unsrt[j].dcl;
            // modify hit positions to account for the position of the window in the full sequence
            dcl->ienv = seq_len - dcl->ienv + 1;
            dcl->jenv = seq_len - dcl->jenv + 1;
            dcl->iali = seq_len - dcl->iali + 1;
            dcl->jali = seq_len - dcl->jali + 1;
            dcl->ad->sqfrom = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqfrom + 1;
            dcl->ad->sqto = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqto + 1;

        if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_BOTTOMONLY) {
          p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, info->qsq, info->th, 0);
          seq_len += info->qsq->n;

        for (j = prev_hit_cnt; j < info->th->N ; j++)
          info->th->unsrt[j].lnP         += log((float)seq_len / (float)om->max_length);
          info->th->unsrt[j].dcl[0].lnP   = info->th->unsrt[j].lnP;
          info->th->unsrt[j].sortkey      = -1.0 * info->th->unsrt[j].lnP;
          info->th->unsrt[j].dcl[0].ad->L = om->M;

        prev_hit_cnt = info->th->N;
        block->list[i] = NULL;

      status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, block, &newBlock);
      if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

      block = (P7_OM_BLOCK *) newBlock;


  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, block, NULL);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  esl_threads_Finished(obj, workeridx);
/* Function:  main()
 * Synopsis:  break input sequence set into chunks, for each one building the
 *            Burrows-Wheeler transform and corresponding FM-index. Maintain requisite
 *            meta data.
 * Notes:     Currently depends on the divsufsort-lite code of Yuta Mori, though this
 *            could easily be replaced.
main(int argc, char **argv) 
  char tmp_filename[16] = "fmtmpXXXXXX";
  FILE *fptmp          = NULL;
  FILE *fp             = NULL;
  uint8_t *T           = NULL;
  uint8_t *BWT         = NULL;
  int *SA              = NULL; //what I write will be 32-bit ints, but I need to keep this as int so it'll work with libdivsufsort
  uint32_t *SAsamp     = NULL;
  uint32_t *occCnts_sb = NULL; // same indexing as above
  uint32_t *cnts_sb    = NULL;
  uint16_t *occCnts_b  = NULL; // this is logically a 2D array, but will be indexed as occ_cnts[alph_size*index + char]  (instead of occ_cnts[index][char])
  uint16_t *cnts_b     = NULL;
  FM_METADATA *meta    = NULL;

  clock_t t1, t2;
  struct tms ts1, ts2;

  long i,j,c;
  int status = eslOK;

  int chars_per_byte;
  int num_freq_cnts_sb ;
  int num_freq_cnts_b ;
  int num_SA_samples ;

  int             infmt     = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN;
  int             alphatype = eslUNKNOWN;
  int             alphaguess =eslUNKNOWN;
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc       = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *sq        = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *sqfp      = NULL;

  ESL_SQ       *tmpsq = NULL;
  ESL_SQ_BLOCK *block = NULL;

  char *fname_in = NULL;
  char *fname_out= NULL;
  int block_size = 50000000;
  int sq_cnt = 0;
  int use_tmpsq = 0;
  uint64_t block_length;
  uint64_t total_char_count = 0;

  int max_block_size;

  int numblocks = 0;
  uint32_t numseqs = 0;

  int allocedseqs = 1000;
  uint32_t seq_offset = 0;
  uint32_t ambig_offset = 0;
  uint32_t overlap = 0;
  uint16_t seq_cnt;
  uint16_t ambig_cnt;

  uint32_t prev_numseqs = 0;

  int compressed_bytes;
  uint32_t term_loc;

  ESL_GETOPTS     *go  = NULL;    /* command line processing                 */

  uint8_t        ambig_repl = 0;
  int            in_ambig_run = 0;
  FM_AMBIGLIST   ambig_list;

  ESL_ALLOC (meta, sizeof(FM_METADATA));
  if (meta == NULL)
    esl_fatal("unable to allocate memory to store FM meta data\n");

  ESL_ALLOC (meta->ambig_list, sizeof(FM_AMBIGLIST));
  if (meta->ambig_list == NULL)
      esl_fatal("unable to allocate memory to store FM ambiguity data\n");

  meta->alph_type   = fm_DNA;
  meta->freq_SA     = 8;
  meta->freq_cnt_b  = 256;
  meta->freq_cnt_sb = pow(2,16); //65536 - that's the # values in a short
  meta->seq_count = 0;
  ESL_ALLOC (meta->seq_data, allocedseqs * sizeof(FM_SEQDATA));
  if (meta->seq_data == NULL )
    esl_fatal("unable to allocate memory to store FM sequence data\n");

  process_commandline(argc, argv, &go, &fname_in, &fname_out);

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--bin_length")) meta->freq_cnt_b = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--bin_length");
  if ( meta->freq_cnt_b < 32 || meta->freq_cnt_b >4096 ||  (meta->freq_cnt_b & (meta->freq_cnt_b - 1))  ) // test power of 2
    esl_fatal("bin_length must be a power of 2, at least 128, and at most 4096\n");

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--sa_freq")) meta->freq_SA = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--sa_freq");
  if ( (meta->freq_SA & (meta->freq_SA - 1))  )  // test power of 2
    esl_fatal ("SA_freq must be a power of 2\n");

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--block_size")) block_size = 1000000 * esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--block_size");
  if ( block_size <=0  )
    esl_fatal ("block_size must be a positive number\n");

  //start timer
  t1 = times(&ts1);

  output_header(stdout, go, fname_in, fname_out);

  if (esl_opt_GetString(go, "--informat") != NULL) {
    infmt = esl_sqio_EncodeFormat(esl_opt_GetString(go, "--informat"));
    if (infmt == eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN) esl_fatal("%s is not a valid input sequence file format for --informat");

  status = esl_sqfile_Open(fname_in, infmt, NULL, &sqfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("No such file %s", fname_in);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Format of seqfile %s unrecognized.", fname_in);
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Open failed, code %d.", status);

  meta->fwd_only = 0;

  if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--alph")) {
    meta->alph    = esl_opt_GetString(go, "--alph") ;
    if ( esl_strcmp(meta->alph, "dna")==0  ||  esl_strcmp(meta->alph, "rna")==0) {
      meta->alph_type = fm_DNA;
      alphatype = eslDNA;
    } else if (esl_strcmp(meta->alph, "dna_full")==0  || esl_strcmp(meta->alph, "rna_full")==0) {
      meta->alph_type = fm_DNA_full;
      alphatype = eslDNA;
    } else if (esl_strcmp(meta->alph, "amino")==0) {
      meta->alph_type = fm_AMINO;
      alphatype = eslAMINO;
      meta->fwd_only = 1;
    } else {
      esl_fatal("Unknown alphabet type. Try 'dna', 'dna_full', or 'amino'\n%s", "");
  } else {
    esl_sqfile_GuessAlphabet(sqfp, &alphaguess);

    if (alphaguess == eslDNA || alphaguess == eslRNA) {
      meta->alph_type = fm_DNA;
      alphatype = eslDNA;
    } else if (alphaguess == eslAMINO) {
      meta->alph_type = fm_AMINO;
      alphatype = eslAMINO;
      meta->fwd_only = 1;
    } else {
      esl_fatal("Unknown alphabet type. Try 'dna', 'dna_full', or 'amino'\n%s", "");

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--fwd_only") )
    meta->fwd_only = 1;

  meta->alph = NULL;

  fm_alphabetCreate(meta, &(meta->charBits));
  chars_per_byte = 8/meta->charBits;

    //shift inv_alph up one, to make space for '$' at 0
  for (i=0; i<256; i++)
    if ( meta->inv_alph[i] >= 0)

  abc     = esl_alphabet_Create(alphatype);
  sq      = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  tmpsq   =  esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);

  esl_sqfile_SetDigital(sqfp, abc);
  block = esl_sq_CreateDigitalBlock(FM_BLOCK_COUNT, abc);
  block->complete = FALSE;
//  max_block_size = FM_BLOCK_OVERLAP+block_size+1  + block_size*.2; // +1 for the '$'
  max_block_size = FM_BLOCK_OVERLAP+block_size+1  + block_size; // temporary hack to avoid memory over-runs (see end of 1101_fmindex_benchmarking/00NOTES)

  if (alphatype == fm_DNA)

  /* Allocate BWT, Text, SA, and FM-index data structures, allowing storage of maximally large sequence*/
  ESL_ALLOC (T, max_block_size * sizeof(uint8_t));
  ESL_ALLOC (BWT, max_block_size * sizeof(uint8_t));
  ESL_ALLOC (SA, max_block_size * sizeof(int));
  ESL_ALLOC (SAsamp,     (1+floor((double)max_block_size/meta->freq_SA) ) * sizeof(uint32_t));

  ESL_ALLOC (occCnts_sb, (1+ceil((double)max_block_size/meta->freq_cnt_sb)) *  meta->alph_size * sizeof(uint32_t)); // every freq_cnt_sb positions, store an array of ints
  ESL_ALLOC (cnts_sb,    meta->alph_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
  ESL_ALLOC (occCnts_b,  ( 1+ceil((double)max_block_size/meta->freq_cnt_b)) *  meta->alph_size * sizeof(uint16_t)); // every freq_cnt_b positions, store an array of 8-byte ints
  ESL_ALLOC (cnts_b,     meta->alph_size * sizeof(uint16_t));

  if((T == NULL)  || (BWT == NULL)  || (SA==NULL) || (SAsamp==NULL) || (BWT==NULL) || (cnts_b==NULL) || (occCnts_b==NULL) || (cnts_sb==NULL) || (occCnts_sb==NULL) ) {
    esl_fatal( "%s: Cannot allocate memory.\n", argv[0]);

  // Open a temporary file, to which FM-index data will be written
  if (esl_tmpfile(tmp_filename, &fptmp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("unable to open fm-index tmpfile");

  /* Main loop: */
  while (status == eslOK ) {

    //reset block as an empty vessel
    for (i=0; i<block->count; i++)
        esl_sq_Reuse(block->list + i);

    if (use_tmpsq) {
        esl_sq_Copy(tmpsq , block->list);
        block->complete = FALSE;  //this lets ReadBlock know that it needs to append to a small bit of previously-read seqeunce
        block->list->C = FM_BLOCK_OVERLAP; // overload the ->C value, which ReadBlock uses to determine how much
                                               // overlap should be retained in the ReadWindow step
    } else {
        block->complete = TRUE;

    status = esl_sqio_ReadBlock(sqfp, block, block_size, -1, alphatype != eslAMINO);
    if (status == eslEOF) continue;
    if (status != eslOK)  ESL_XEXCEPTION(status, "failure reading sequence block");

    seq_offset = numseqs;
    ambig_offset = meta->ambig_list->count;

    if (block->complete || block->count == 0) {
        use_tmpsq = FALSE;
    } else {
        /* The final sequence on the block was a probably-incomplete window of the active sequence.
         * Grab a copy of the end for use in the next pass, to ensure we don't miss hits crossing
         * the boundary between two blocks.
        esl_sq_Copy(block->list + (block->count - 1) , tmpsq);
        use_tmpsq = TRUE;

    block->first_seqidx = sq_cnt;
    sq_cnt += block->count - (use_tmpsq ? 1 : 0);// if there's an incomplete sequence read into the block wait to count it until it's complete.

    /* Read dseqs from block into text element T.
    *  Convert the dsq from esl-alphabet to fm-alphabet (1..k for alphabet of size k).
    *  (a) collapsing upper/lower case for appropriate sorting.
    *  (b) reserving 0 for '$', which must be lexicographically smallest
    *      (these will later be shifted to 0-based alphabet, once SA has been built)
    block_length = 0;
    for (i=0; i<block->count; i++) {

      //start a new block, with space for the name
      allocateSeqdata(meta, block->list+i, numseqs, &allocedseqs);

      //meta data
      meta->seq_data[numseqs].target_id       = block->first_seqidx + i ;
      meta->seq_data[numseqs].target_start    = block->list[i].start;
      meta->seq_data[numseqs].fm_start        = block_length;

      if (block->list[i].name == NULL) meta->seq_data[numseqs].name[0] = '\0';
          else  strcpy(meta->seq_data[numseqs].name, block->list[i].name );
      if (block->list[i].acc == NULL) meta->seq_data[numseqs].acc[0] = '\0';
          else  strcpy(meta->seq_data[numseqs].acc, block->list[i].acc );
      if (block->list[i].source == NULL) meta->seq_data[numseqs].source[0] = '\0';
          else  strcpy(meta->seq_data[numseqs].source, block->list[i].source );
      if (block->list[i].desc == NULL) meta->seq_data[numseqs].desc[0] = '\0';
          else  strcpy(meta->seq_data[numseqs].desc, block->list[i].desc );

      for (j=1; j<=block->list[i].n; j++) {
        c = abc->sym[block->list[i].dsq[j]];
        if ( meta->alph_type == fm_DNA) {
          if (meta->inv_alph[c] == -1) {
            // replace ambiguity characters by rotating through A,C,G, and T.
            c = meta->alph[ambig_repl];
            ambig_repl = (ambig_repl+1)%4;

            if (!in_ambig_run) {
              fm_addAmbiguityRange(meta->ambig_list, block_length, block_length);
            } else {
              meta->ambig_list->ranges[meta->ambig_list->count - 1].upper = block_length;
          } else {
        } else if (meta->inv_alph[c] == -1) {
          esl_fatal("requested alphabet doesn't match input text\n");

        T[block_length] = meta->inv_alph[c];

        if (j>block->list[i].C) total_char_count++; // add to total count, only if it's not redundant with earlier read


    T[block_length] = 0; // last character 0 is effectively '$' for suffix array

    seq_cnt = numseqs-seq_offset;
    ambig_cnt = meta->ambig_list->count - ambig_offset;

    //build and write FM-index for T.  This will be a BWT on the reverse of the sequence, required for reverse-traversal of the BWT
    buildAndWriteFMIndex(meta, seq_offset, ambig_offset, seq_cnt, ambig_cnt, (uint32_t)block->list[0].C, T, BWT, SA, SAsamp,
        occCnts_sb, cnts_sb, occCnts_b, cnts_b, block_length, fptmp);

    if ( ! meta->fwd_only ) {
      //build and write FM-index for un-reversed T  (used to find reverse hits using forward traversal of the BWT
      buildAndWriteFMIndex(meta, seq_offset, ambig_offset, seq_cnt, ambig_cnt, 0, T, BWT, SA, NULL,
          occCnts_sb, cnts_sb, occCnts_b, cnts_b, block_length, fptmp);

    prev_numseqs = numseqs;



  meta->seq_count = numseqs;
  meta->block_count = numblocks;

    /* Finished writing the FM-index data to a temporary file. Now write
     * metadata to fname_out, than append FM-index data from temp file
  if((fp = fopen(fname_out, "wb")) == NULL)
    esl_fatal( "%s: Cannot open file `%s': ", argv[0], fname_out);

    //write out meta data
  if( fwrite(&(meta->fwd_only),     sizeof(meta->fwd_only),     1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->alph_type),    sizeof(meta->alph_type),    1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->alph_size),    sizeof(meta->alph_size),    1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->charBits),     sizeof(meta->charBits),     1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->freq_SA),      sizeof(meta->freq_SA),      1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->freq_cnt_sb),  sizeof(meta->freq_cnt_sb),  1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->freq_cnt_b),   sizeof(meta->freq_cnt_b),   1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->block_count),  sizeof(meta->block_count),  1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->seq_count),    sizeof(meta->seq_count),    1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&(meta->ambig_list->count),  sizeof(meta->ambig_list->count),    1, fp) != 1 ||
      fwrite(&total_char_count,     sizeof(total_char_count),   1, fp) != 1
    esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing meta data for FM index.\n", argv[0]);

  for (i=0; i<meta->seq_count; i++) {
    if( fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].target_id),    sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].target_id),          1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].target_start), sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].target_start),       1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].fm_start),     sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].fm_start),  1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].length),       sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].length), 1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].name_length),  sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].name_length), 1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].acc_length),   sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].acc_length), 1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].source_length),sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].source_length), 1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->seq_data[i].desc_length),  sizeof(meta->seq_data[i].desc_length), 1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(meta->seq_data[i].name,            sizeof(char),    meta->seq_data[i].name_length+1  , fp) !=  meta->seq_data[i].name_length+1 ||
        fwrite(meta->seq_data[i].acc,             sizeof(char),    meta->seq_data[i].acc_length+1   , fp) !=  meta->seq_data[i].acc_length+1 ||
        fwrite(meta->seq_data[i].source,          sizeof(char),    meta->seq_data[i].source_length+1, fp) !=  meta->seq_data[i].source_length+1 ||
        fwrite(meta->seq_data[i].desc,            sizeof(char),    meta->seq_data[i].desc_length+1  , fp) !=  meta->seq_data[i].desc_length+1
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing meta data for FM index.\n", argv[0]);

  for (i=0; i<meta->ambig_list->count; i++) {
    if( fwrite(&(meta->ambig_list->ranges[i].lower), sizeof(meta->ambig_list->ranges[i].lower),       1, fp) != 1 ||
        fwrite(&(meta->ambig_list->ranges[i].upper), sizeof(meta->ambig_list->ranges[i].upper),       1, fp) != 1
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing ambiguity data for FM index.\n", argv[0]);

  /* now append the FM-index data in fptmp to the desired output file, fp */
  for (i=0; i<numblocks; i++) {

    for(j=0; j< (meta->fwd_only?1:2); j++ ) { //do this once or twice, once for forward-T index, and possibly once for reversed
    //first, read
    if(fread(&block_length, sizeof(block_length), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading block_length in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&term_loc, sizeof(term_loc), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading terminal location in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&seq_offset, sizeof(seq_offset), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading seq_offset in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&ambig_offset, sizeof(ambig_offset ), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading ambig_offset in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&overlap, sizeof(overlap), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading overlap in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&seq_cnt, sizeof(seq_cnt), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading seq_cnt in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(&ambig_cnt, sizeof(ambig_cnt), 1, fptmp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading ambig_cnt in FM index.\n", argv[0]);

    compressed_bytes =   ((chars_per_byte-1+block_length)/chars_per_byte);
    num_freq_cnts_b  = 1+ceil((double)block_length/meta->freq_cnt_b);
    num_freq_cnts_sb = 1+ceil((double)block_length/meta->freq_cnt_sb);
    num_SA_samples   = 1+floor((double)block_length/meta->freq_SA);

    //j==0 test cause T and SA to be written only for forward sequence
    if(j==0 && fread(T, sizeof(uint8_t), compressed_bytes, fptmp) != compressed_bytes)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading T in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(BWT, sizeof(uint8_t), compressed_bytes, fptmp) != compressed_bytes)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading BWT in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(j==0 && fread(SAsamp, sizeof(uint32_t), (size_t)num_SA_samples, fptmp) != (size_t)num_SA_samples)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading SA in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(occCnts_b, sizeof(uint16_t)*(meta->alph_size), (size_t)num_freq_cnts_b, fptmp) != (size_t)num_freq_cnts_b)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading occCnts_b in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fread(occCnts_sb, sizeof(uint32_t)*(meta->alph_size), (size_t)num_freq_cnts_sb, fptmp) != (size_t)num_freq_cnts_sb)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error reading occCnts_sb in FM index.\n", argv[0]);

    //then, write
    if(fwrite(&block_length, sizeof(block_length), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing block_length in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&term_loc, sizeof(term_loc), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing terminal location in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&seq_offset, sizeof(seq_offset), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing seq_offset in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&ambig_offset, sizeof(ambig_offset), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing ambig_offset in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&overlap, sizeof(overlap), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing overlap in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&seq_cnt, sizeof(seq_cnt), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing seq_cnt in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(&ambig_cnt, sizeof(ambig_cnt), 1, fp) !=  1)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing ambig_cnt in FM index.\n", argv[0]);

    if(j==0 && fwrite(T, sizeof(uint8_t), compressed_bytes, fp) != compressed_bytes)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing T in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(BWT, sizeof(uint8_t), compressed_bytes, fp) != compressed_bytes)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing BWT in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(j==0 && fwrite(SAsamp, sizeof(uint32_t), (size_t)num_SA_samples, fp) != (size_t)num_SA_samples)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing SA in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(occCnts_b, sizeof(uint16_t)*(meta->alph_size), (size_t)num_freq_cnts_b, fp) != (size_t)num_freq_cnts_b)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing occCnts_b in FM index.\n", argv[0]);
    if(fwrite(occCnts_sb, sizeof(uint32_t)*(meta->alph_size), (size_t)num_freq_cnts_sb, fp) != (size_t)num_freq_cnts_sb)
      esl_fatal( "%s: Error writing occCnts_sb in FM index.\n", argv[0]);


  fprintf (stderr, "Number of characters in index:  %ld\n", (long)total_char_count);
  fprintf (stderr, "Number of FM-index blocks:      %ld\n", (long)meta->block_count);




  // compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
  t2 = times(&ts2);
    double clk_ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
    double elapsedTime = (t2-t1)/clk_ticks;

    fprintf (stderr, "run time:  %.2f seconds\n", elapsedTime);

  return (eslOK);

  /* Deallocate memory. */
  if (fp)         fclose(fp);
  if (T)          free(T);
  if (BWT)        free(BWT);
  if (SA)         free(SA);
  if (SAsamp)     free(SAsamp);
  if (occCnts_b)  free(occCnts_b);
  if (cnts_b)     free(cnts_b);
  if (occCnts_sb) free(occCnts_sb);
  if (cnts_sb)    free(cnts_sb);
  if (ambig_list.ranges) free(ambig_list.ranges);


  if (tmpsq) esl_sq_Destroy(tmpsq);
  if (block) esl_sq_DestroyBlock(block);

  fprintf (stderr, "failure during memory allocation\n");

