eSpeak::eSpeak(std::unique_ptr<NUClear::Environment> environment) : Reactor(std::move(environment)) { // Initialize espeak, and set it to play out the speakers, and not exit if it can't find it's directory espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK, 500, nullptr, 1 << 15); espeak_SetVoiceByName("default"); espeak_SetParameter(espeakVOLUME, 100, 0); espeak_SetParameter(espeakCAPITALS, 6, 0); on<Trigger<messages::output::Say>, Options<Sync<eSpeak>>>([](const messages::output::Say& message) { // Wait to finish the current message (if any) // By waiting here this reaction can finish and return to the pool // if it does not have to wait for another say message espeak_Synchronize(); // Say the new message espeak_Synth(message.c_str(), // Text message.size() + 1, // Size (including null at end) 0, // Start position POS_CHARACTER, // Position Type (irrelevant since we start at the beginning) 0, // End position (0 means no end position) espeakCHARS_AUTO, // Flags (auto encoding) nullptr, // User identifier for callback nullptr // Callback ); }); on<Trigger<Shutdown>>([](const Shutdown&) { // Stop espeak espeak_Terminate(); }); }
void espeak_callback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& line) { // lock mutex before calling espeak functions boost::mutex::scoped_lock u_lock(mtx); /* Speak the string */ ROS_INFO("%s", line->data.c_str()); espeak_Synth(line->data.c_str(), line->data.length()+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO | espeakPHONEMES | espeakENDPAUSE, NULL, NULL); espeak_Synchronize(); //ROS_INFO("Speaking: \"%s\"", line->data.c_str()); }
int synchronize() { espeak_ERROR rc; if ( 1 == initFlag ) { rc = espeak_Synchronize(); if ( EE_INTERNAL_ERROR == rc ) { return -1; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[] ) { output = AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK; int I, Run = 1, L; espeak_Initialize(output, Buflength, path, Options ); espeak_SetVoiceByName(Voice); Size = strlen(text)+1; printf("Saying '%s'",text); espeak_Synth( text, Size, position, position_type, end_position, flags, unique_identifier, user_data ); espeak_Synchronize( ); printf("\n:Done\n"); return 0; }
/* TTS annoncement should be in thread otherwise * it will freez the game till announcemrnt finishes */ int tts_thread_func(void *arg) { espeak_POSITION_TYPE position_type = POS_CHARACTER; tts_argument recived = *((tts_argument*)(arg)); fprintf(stderr,"\nSpeaking : %s - %d",recived.text,recived.mode); if (recived.mode == INTERRUPT) T4K_Tts_cancel(); else T4K_Tts_wait(); int Size = strlen(recived.text)+1; espeak_Synth(recived.text, Size, 0, position_type, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO,0, NULL); espeak_Synchronize(); return 1; }
/** synthesizeText * Synthesizes a text string. * The text string could be annotated with SSML tags. * @text - text to synthesize * @buffer - buffer which will receive generated samples * @bufferSize - size of buffer * @userdata - pointer to user data which will be passed back to callback function * return tts_result */ tts_result TtsEngine::synthesizeText( const char * text, int8_t * buffer, size_t bufferSize, void * userdata ) { espeak_SetSynthCallback(eSpeakCallback); unsigned int unique_identifier; espeak_ERROR err; err = espeak_Synth(text, strlen(text), 0, // position POS_CHARACTER, 0, // end position (0 means no end position) espeakCHARS_UTF8, &unique_identifier, userdata); err = espeak_Synchronize(); return TTS_SUCCESS; }
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_googlecode_eyesfree_espeak_SpeechSynthesis_nativeSynthesize( JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jstring text) { if (DEBUG) LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); native_data_t *nat = getNativeData(env, object); const char *c_text = env->GetStringUTFChars(text, NULL); unsigned int unique_identifier; nat->env = env; espeak_SetSynthCallback(SynthCallback); espeak_Synth(c_text, strlen(c_text), 0, // position POS_CHARACTER, 0, // end position (0 means no end position) espeakCHARS_UTF8 | espeakSSML, // use or ignore xml tags &unique_identifier, nat); espeak_Synchronize(); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(text, c_text); return JNI_TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[] ) { output = AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK; int I, Run = 1, L; espeak_Initialize(output, Buflength, path, Options ); //espeak_SetVoiceByName(Voice); const char *langNativeString = "lt"; //Default to US English espeak_VOICE voice; memset(&voice, 0, sizeof(espeak_VOICE)); // Zero out the voice first voice.languages = langNativeString; = "klatt"; voice.variant = 2; voice.gender = 1; espeak_SetVoiceByProperties(&voice); Size = strlen(text)+1; printf("Saying '%s'",text); espeak_Synth( text, Size, position, position_type, end_position, flags, unique_identifier, user_data ); espeak_Synchronize( ); printf("\n:Done\n"); return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RobotSpeak::Speak(const char *psz, bool fWait) { // Tell msound to release itself if necessary... printf("Speak %s\n", psz); // See if we need to initialize. if (!_fSpeakInit) InitSpeak(); else { // if it is still playing cancel any active stuff... if (espeak_IsPlaying()) espeak_Cancel(); } if (psz) { espeak_Synth( psz, strlen(psz)+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO, &_uSpeakIdentifier, 0 ); if (fWait) espeak_Synchronize(); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) //============================== { static struct option long_options[] = { /* These options set a flag. */ // {"verbose", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 1}, // {"brief", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 0}, /* These options don't set a flag. We distinguish them by their indices. */ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"stdin", no_argument, 0, 0x100}, {"compile-debug", optional_argument, 0, 0x101}, {"compile", optional_argument, 0, 0x102}, {"punct", optional_argument, 0, 0x103}, {"voices", optional_argument, 0, 0x104}, {"stdout", no_argument, 0, 0x105}, {"split", optional_argument, 0, 0x106}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static const char* err_load = "Failed to read "; FILE *f_text=NULL; char *p_text=NULL; int option_index = 0; int c; int ix; int flag_stdin = 0; int flag_compile = 0; int filesize = 0; int synth_flags = espeakCHARS_AUTO | espeakPHONEMES | espeakENDPAUSE; int volume = -1; int speed = -1; int pitch = -1; int wordgap = -1; int option_capitals = -1; int option_punctuation = -1; int option_phonemes = -1; int option_linelength = 0; int option_waveout = 0; char filename[120]; char voicename[40]; char voice_mbrola[20]; char dictname[40]; #define N_PUNCTLIST 100 wchar_t option_punctlist[N_PUNCTLIST]; voicename[0] = 0; voice_mbrola[0] = 0; dictname[0] = 0; wavefile[0] = 0; filename[0] = 0; option_punctlist[0] = 0; while(true) { c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "a:bf:g:hk:l:mp:qs:v:w:xXz", long_options, &option_index); /* Detect the end of the options. */ if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'b': synth_flags |= espeakCHARS_8BIT; break; case 'h': printf("\n"); printf("eSpeak text-to-speech: %s\n%s",espeak_Info(NULL),help_text); exit(0); break; case 'k': option_capitals = atoi(optarg); break; case 'x': option_phonemes = 1; break; case 'X': option_phonemes = 2; break; case 'm': synth_flags |= espeakSSML; break; case 'p': pitch = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'f': strncpy0(filename,optarg,sizeof(filename)); break; case 'l': option_linelength = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': volume = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': speed = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': wordgap = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': strncpy0(voicename,optarg,sizeof(voicename)); break; case 'w': option_waveout = 1; strncpy0(wavefile,optarg,sizeof(filename)); break; case 'z': // remove pause from the end of a sentence synth_flags &= ~espeakENDPAUSE; break; case 0x100: // --stdin flag_stdin = 1; break; case 0x105: // --stdout option_waveout = 1; strcpy(wavefile,"stdout"); break; case 0x101: // --compile-debug case 0x102: // --compile strncpy0(voicename,optarg,sizeof(voicename)); flag_compile = c; quiet = 1; break; case 0x103: // --punct option_punctuation = 1; if(optarg != NULL) { ix = 0; while((ix < N_PUNCTLIST) && ((option_punctlist[ix] = optarg[ix]) != 0)) ix++; option_punctlist[N_PUNCTLIST-1] = 0; option_punctuation = 2; } break; case 0x104: // --voices espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS,0,NULL,0); DisplayVoices(stdout,optarg); exit(0); case 0x106: // -- split if(optarg == NULL) samples_split = 30; // default 30 minutes else samples_split = atoi(optarg); break; default: exit(0); } } if(option_waveout || quiet) { // writing to a file (or no output), we can use synchronous mode samplerate = espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS,0,NULL,0); samples_split = (samplerate * samples_split) * 60; espeak_SetSynthCallback(SynthCallback); if(samples_split) { char *extn; extn = strrchr(wavefile,'.'); if((extn != NULL) && ((wavefile + strlen(wavefile) - extn) <= 4)) { strcpy(filetype,extn); *extn = 0; } } else if(option_waveout) { if(OpenWavFile(wavefile,samplerate) != 0) exit(4); } } else { // play the sound output samplerate = espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK,0,NULL,0); } if(voicename[0] == 0) strcpy(voicename,"default"); if(espeak_SetVoiceByName(voicename) != EE_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"%svoice '%s'\n",err_load,voicename); exit(2); } if(flag_compile) { // This must be done after the voice is set espeak_CompileDictionary("", stderr, flag_compile & 0x1); exit(0); } // set any non-default values of parameters. This must be done after espeak_Initialize() if(speed > 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakRATE,speed,0); if(volume >= 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakVOLUME,volume,0); if(pitch >= 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakPITCH,pitch,0); if(option_capitals >= 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakCAPITALS,option_capitals,0); if(option_punctuation >= 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakPUNCTUATION,option_punctuation,0); if(wordgap >= 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakWORDGAP,wordgap,0); if(option_linelength > 0) espeak_SetParameter(espeakLINELENGTH,option_linelength,0); if(option_punctuation == 2) espeak_SetPunctuationList(option_punctlist); if(option_phonemes >= 0) espeak_SetPhonemeTrace(option_phonemes,stderr); if(filename[0]==0) { if((optind < argc) && (flag_stdin == 0)) { // there's a non-option parameter, and no -f or --stdin // use it as text p_text = argv[optind]; } else { f_text = stdin; if(flag_stdin == 0) { flag_stdin = 2; } } } else { filesize = GetFileLength(filename); f_text = fopen(filename,"r"); } if((f_text == NULL) && (p_text == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"%sfile '%s'\n",err_load,filename); exit(1); } if(p_text != NULL) { int size; size = strlen(p_text); espeak_Synth(p_text,size+1,0,POS_CHARACTER,0,synth_flags,NULL,NULL); } else if(flag_stdin) { int max = 1000; p_text = (char *)malloc(max); if(flag_stdin == 2) { // line by line input on stdin while(fgets(p_text,max,stdin) != NULL) { p_text[max-1] = 0; espeak_Synth(p_text,max,0,POS_CHARACTER,0,synth_flags,NULL,NULL); } } else { // bulk input on stdin ix = 0; while(!feof(stdin)) { p_text[ix++] = fgetc(stdin); if(ix >= (max-1)) { max += 1000; p_text = (char *)realloc(p_text,max); } } if(ix > 0) { p_text[ix-1] = 0; espeak_Synth(p_text,ix+1,0,POS_CHARACTER,0,synth_flags,NULL,NULL); } } } else if(f_text != NULL) { if((p_text = (char *)malloc(filesize+1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate memory %d bytes",filesize); exit(3); } fread(p_text,1,filesize,f_text); p_text[filesize]=0; espeak_Synth(p_text,filesize+1,0,POS_CHARACTER,0,synth_flags,NULL,NULL); fclose(f_text); } espeak_Synchronize(); return(0); }
static void spk_drain(volatile SpeechSynthesizer *spk) { espeak_Synchronize(); }