bool Node::match(QStringList::const_iterator input, const QStringList &inputWords,
    const QString &currentThat, const QString &currentTopic, QStringList &capturedThatTexts,
    QStringList &capturedTopicTexts, QList<long> &categoriesId, Leaf **leaf)
    if (input == inputWords.end())
       return false;
    if ((word == "*") || (word == "_"))
        for (;input != inputWords.end(); input++)
            for (Node *child = childs.first(); child; child = childs.next())
                if (child->match(input, inputWords, currentThat, currentTopic, capturedThatTexts,
                            capturedTopicTexts, categoriesId, leaf))
                    return true;
        if (!word.isEmpty())
            if (word != *input)
                return false;
        for (Node *child = childs.first(); child; child = childs.next())
            if (child->match(input, inputWords, currentThat, currentTopic, capturedThatTexts,
                    capturedTopicTexts, categoriesId, leaf))
                return true;
    if (input == inputWords.end())
        for (*leaf = leafs.first(); *leaf; *leaf = leafs.next())
            if ( (!(*leaf)->that.isEmpty() && !exactMatch((*leaf)->that, currentThat, capturedThatTexts)) ||
                 // start lvk - Force match with current topic, if no match retry without topic
                 (!exactMatch((*leaf)->topic, currentTopic, capturedTopicTexts)) )
                //(!(*leaf)->topic.isEmpty() && !exactMatch((*leaf)->topic, currentTopic, capturedTopicTexts)) )
                // end lvk
            return true;

    return false;
文件: NDalign.C 项目: ondovb/canu
NDalign::makeNullHit(void) {

  _hits.push_back(exactMatch(0, 0, 0));

文件: NDalign.C 项目: ondovb/canu
NDalign::findHits(void) {

  for (map<uint64,int32>::iterator bit=_bMap.begin(); bit != _bMap.end(); bit++) {
    uint64  kmer = bit->first;
    int32   bpos = bit->second;

    if (bpos == INT32_MAX)
      //  Exists too many times in bSeq, don't care about it.

    int32  apos = _aMap[kmer];

    assert(apos != INT32_MAX);        //  Should never get a bMap if the aMap isn't set

    if ((apos - bpos < _minDiag) ||
        (apos - bpos > _maxDiag))
      fprintf(stderr, "NDalign::findHits()-- kmer "F_X64" apos - bpos = %d  _minDiag = %d  _maxDiag = %d\n",
              kmer, apos-bpos, _minDiag, _maxDiag);
    assert(apos - bpos >= _minDiag);  //  ...these too.
    assert(apos - bpos <= _maxDiag);

    _rawhits.push_back(exactMatch(apos, bpos, _merSize));

  fprintf(stderr, "NDalign::findHits()--  Found %u hits.\n", _rawhits.size());

文件: standard.c 项目: 0xheart0/vlc
static void checkAccessMux( sout_stream_t *p_stream, char *psz_access,
                            char *psz_mux )
    if( exactMatch( psz_access, "mmsh", 4 ) && !exactMatch( psz_mux, "asfh", 4 ) )
        msg_Err( p_stream, "mmsh output is only valid with asfh mux" );
    else if( !exactMatch( psz_access, "file", 4 ) &&
             ( exactMatch( psz_mux, "mov", 3 ) || exactMatch( psz_mux, "mp4", 3 ) ) )
        msg_Err( p_stream, "mov and mp4 mux are only valid with file output" );
    else if( exactMatch( psz_access, "udp", 3 ) )
        if( exactMatch( psz_mux, "ffmpeg", 6 ) || exactMatch( psz_mux, "avformat", 8 ) )
        {   /* why would you use ffmpeg's ts muxer ? YOU DON'T LOVE VLC ??? */
            char *psz_ffmpeg_mux = var_CreateGetString( p_stream, "sout-avformat-mux" );
            if( !psz_ffmpeg_mux || strncmp( psz_ffmpeg_mux, "mpegts", 6 ) )
                msg_Err( p_stream, "UDP output is only valid with TS mux" );
            free( psz_ffmpeg_mux );
        else if( !exactMatch( psz_mux, "ts", 2 ) )
            msg_Err( p_stream, "UDP output is only valid with TS mux" );
DataStore::IQualifierPtrH parseFilterExpression(const std::string& expression, 
  const DataStore::IFieldDescriptorConstList& fields)
  // For now, only support FIELD="value"

  // Hack some reasonably large values and use sscanf as a quick & dirty parser
  char fieldName[64];
  char expectedValue[1024];

  // Doesn't really work for all types of data, but should work for example
  // data sets.
  int parsedItems = sscanf(expression.c_str(), "%64[^=]=%1024[^\n]", fieldName, 
  if (parsedItems != 2)
    throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in filter expression");

  DataStore::IFieldDescriptorConstPtrH field = findFieldByName(fieldName, fields);
  if (!field)
    std::string ex = "Unrecognized field \"";
    ex += fieldName;
    ex += "\" specified in filter expression";
    throw std::runtime_error(ex);

  DataStore::ValuePtrH desiredValue = field->fromString(expectedValue);
  if (!desiredValue)
    std::string ex = "Syntax error in filter expression, value format is incorrect";
    throw std::runtime_error(ex);

  DataStore::IQualifierPtrH exactMatch(new DataStore::Logic::Exact(field, desiredValue));
  return exactMatch;
bool RectPacker::pack(int32_t sourceRectId)
  // try to find an exactly matching node for the given sourceRectId
  // if there is none, we split the current node until we find one
  foundNode = false; // will be set to true if we actually can create a macthing node
  recursionStack.push_back(0); // start at the rootNode

  SourceRect& currentSourceRect = sourceRects[sourceRectId];
  // check if current rect is degenerate and abort immediately
  if((currentSourceRect.rect.width == 0) || (currentSourceRect.rect.height == 0))
//    DOUT("rejecting degenerate rect");
    return false;
//  DOUT("------------------ "<<sourceRectId<<" "<<currentSourceRect.rect);

  // loop while we haven't found a match and still have space
  // the last entry in the stack will be the node we have to work with
  uint32_t iterations = 0;
  while(!foundNode && (recursionStack.size() > 0))
    int32_t currentNodeIndex = recursionStack.back();
    Node currentNode = nodes[currentNodeIndex]; // currentNode needs to be copied since we change the vector and the memory might be moved
//    DOUT("currentNodeIndex: "<<currentNodeIndex<<" stack size: "<<recursionStack.size()<<" rect: "<<currentNode.rect);
    // terminate if the currentNode is not in use yet and matches exactly
    if(!currentNode.hasBitmap() && !currentNode.hasChildren() && exactMatch(currentNode, currentSourceRect))
        foundNode = true;
//        currentNode.rect = currentSourceRect.rect;
        currentNode.rectid = currentSourceRect.id;
//        DOUT("///////////////////////////////////////// found match, stack size: "<<recursionStack.size());
        nodes[currentNodeIndex] = currentNode;
      // only split and recurse if node is not in use yet and sourceRect fits into this node
      if((currentNode.rectid == -1) && fits(currentNode, currentSourceRect))
        // make sure currentNode has children
        split(currentNode, currentSourceRect);
        // pop current node and add children if existent
        // add smaller child last so it will get checked first
        if((currentNode.large != -1) && (nodes[currentNode.large].rectid==-1)) recursionStack.push_back(currentNode.large);
        if((currentNode.tiny != -1) && (nodes[currentNode.tiny].rectid==-1)) recursionStack.push_back(currentNode.tiny);
//        DOUT("stack size after split: "<<recursionStack.size());
//        DOUT("node ids after split: "<<currentNode.tiny << " " << currentNode.large);
        nodes[currentNodeIndex] = currentNode;
        // just pop the node off the stack and continue
//        DOUT("won't split node that's already in use");
//  DOUT("iterations: "<<iterations<<" nodes: "<<nodes.size());
  sumIter += iterations;
  sumNodes += nodes.size();
//  checkOverlap();
  return foundNode;
QString AIMLParser::getResponse(QString input, QList<long> &categoriesId, const bool &srai)
    if (srai)
        _indent ++;

    QString indentSpace = QString().fill(' ', 2*_indent);
    _logStream << (!srai ? "\n" : "") + indentSpace + (srai ? "::SRAI: " : "::User Input: ") +
        input + "\n";

    //perform substitutions for input string
    QVALUELIST_CLASSNAME<QRegExp>::Iterator itOld = _subOld.begin();
    QStringList::Iterator itNew = _subNew.begin();
    for (; itOld != _subOld.end(); ++itOld, ++itNew )
        input.replace(*itOld, *itNew);

    if (!srai)
        if (_inputList.count() > MAX_LIST_LENGTH)

    QStringList capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts;
    QString curTopic = _parameterValue["topic"];

    _logStream << "::Current Topic: " << curTopic;

    Leaf *leaf = NULL;
    QString result("");
    QStringList sentences = QStringList::split(QRegExp("[\\.\\?!,;\\x061f]"), input);
    QStringList::Iterator sentence = sentences.begin();

    while (sentence != sentences.end())
        if (sentence != sentences.begin())
            result += " ";

        *sentence = (*sentence).lower();
        QStringList inputWords = QStringList::split(' ', *sentence);
        QStringList::ConstIterator it = inputWords.begin();

        if (!_root.match(it, inputWords, _thatList.count() && _thatList[0].count() ?
            _thatList[0][0] : QString(""), curTopic, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts, categoriesId, &leaf)) {

            // start lvk - force match with current topic, if no match retry without topic
            if (curTopic.isEmpty()) {
            // end lvk
                return "Internal Error!";
            // start lvk - force match with current topic, if no match retry without topic
            } else {
                _parameterValue["topic"] = "";
                return getResponse(input, categoriesId, srai);
            // end lvk

        Node *parentNode = leaf->parent;
        QString matchedPattern = parentNode->word;

        while (parentNode->parent->parent)
            parentNode = parentNode->parent;
            matchedPattern = parentNode->word + " " + matchedPattern;

        _logStream << indentSpace + "::Matched pattern: [" + matchedPattern + "]";

        if (!leaf->that.isEmpty())
           _logStream << " - Matched that: [" + leaf->that + "]";
        if (!leaf->topic.isEmpty())
           _logStream << " - Matched topic: [" + leaf->topic + "]";
        _logStream << "\n";

        exactMatch(matchedPattern, *sentence, capturedTexts);

        //strip whitespaces from the beggining and the end of result
        if (_visitedNodeList.contains(&leaf->tmplate))
            result += "ProgramQ: Infinite loop detected!";
            result += resolveNode(&leaf->tmplate, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts).stripWhiteSpace();


    if (!srai)
        QString tempResult = result.simplifyWhiteSpace();
        //get the sentences of the result splitted by: . ? ! ; and "arabic ?"
        QStringList thatSentencesList = QStringList::split(QRegExp("[\\.\\?!;\\x061f]"), tempResult);
        QStringList inversedList;
        for (QStringList::Iterator it = thatSentencesList.begin(); it != thatSentencesList.end(); ++it)
            //perform substitutions for that string
            itOld = _subOld.begin();
            itNew = _subNew.begin();
            for (; itOld != _subOld.end(); ++itOld, ++itNew )
                tempResult.replace(*itOld, *itNew);
        if (_thatList.count() > MAX_LIST_LENGTH)

    _logStream << indentSpace + "::Result: " + result + "\n";
    if (srai)
        _indent --;

    return result;
//recursively replace all the values & return the QString result
QString AIMLParser::resolveNode(QDomNode* node, QList<long> &categoriesId, const QStringList &capturedTexts,
    const QStringList &capturedThatTexts, const QStringList &capturedTopicTexts)
    QString result("");
    QString nodeName = node->nodeName();
    QDomElement element = node->toElement();
    if (nodeName == "random")
        QVALUELIST_CLASSNAME<QDomNode> childNodes = elementsByTagName(node, "li");
        uint childCount = childNodes.count();
        uint random = rand() % childCount;
        QDomNode child = childNodes[random];
        result = resolveNode(&child, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts);
    else if (nodeName == "condition")
        QString name("");
        uint condType = 2;
        if (element.hasAttribute("name"))
            condType = 1;
            name = element.attribute("name");
            if (element.hasAttribute("value"))
                condType = 0;
                QString value = element.attribute("value").upper();
                QStringList dummy;
                if (exactMatch(value, _parameterValue[name].upper(), dummy))
                    //dirty trick to avoid infinite loop !
                    result = resolveNode(&element, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts);
        if (condType)
            QVALUELIST_CLASSNAME<QDomNode> childNodes = elementsByTagName(node, "li");
            for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.count(); i++)
                QDomNode n = childNodes[i];
                if (n.toElement().hasAttribute("value"))
                    if (condType == 2)
                        name = n.toElement().attribute("name");
                    QString value = n.toElement().attribute("value").upper();
                    QStringList dummy;
                    if (exactMatch(value, _parameterValue[name].upper(), dummy))
                        result = resolveNode(&n, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts);
                    result = resolveNode(&n, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts);
        QDomNode n = node->firstChild();
        while (!n.isNull())
            result += resolveNode(&n, categoriesId, capturedTexts, capturedThatTexts, capturedTopicTexts);
            n = n.nextSibling();
        if (node->isText())
            result = node->toText().nodeValue();
        else if (nodeName == "set")
            _parameterValue[element.attribute("name")] = result.stripWhiteSpace();
        else if (nodeName == "srai")
            result = getResponse(result, categoriesId, true);
        else if (nodeName == "think")
            result = "";
        else if (nodeName == "system")
            //lvk: Remvoved for security reasons
            //result = executeCommand(result);
        else if (nodeName == "learn")
            result = "";
        else if (nodeName == "uppercase")
            result = result.upper();
        else if (nodeName == "lowercase")
            result = result.lower();
        else if (!node->hasChildNodes())
            if (nodeName == "star")
                int index = element.attribute("index", "1").toUInt() - 1;
                result = index < capturedTexts.count() ? capturedTexts[index] : QString("");
            else if (nodeName == "thatstar")
                int index = element.attribute("index", "1").toUInt() - 1;
                result = index < capturedThatTexts.count() ? capturedThatTexts[index] : QString("");
            else if (nodeName == "topicstar")
                int index = element.attribute("index", "1").toUInt() - 1;
                result = index < capturedTopicTexts.count() ? capturedTopicTexts[index] : QString("");
            else if (nodeName == "that")
                QString indexStr = element.attribute("index", "1,1");
                if (!indexStr.contains(","))
                   indexStr = "1," + indexStr;
                int index1 = indexStr.section(',', 0, 0).toInt()-1;
                int index2 = indexStr.section(',', 1, 1).toInt()-1;
                result = (index1 < _thatList.count()) && (index2 < _thatList[index1].count()) ?
                   _thatList[index1][index2] : QString("");
            else if (nodeName == "sr")
                result = getResponse(capturedTexts.count() ? capturedTexts[0] : QString(""), categoriesId, true);
            else if ( (nodeName == "br") || (nodeName == "html:br") )
                result = "\n";
            else if ( nodeName == "get" )
                result = _parameterValue[element.attribute("name")];
            else if ( nodeName == "bot")
                result = _botVarValue[element.attribute("name")];
            else if ( (nodeName == "person") || (nodeName == "person2") || (nodeName == "gender") )
                result = capturedTexts.count() ? capturedTexts[0] : QString("");
            else if (nodeName == "input")
                int index = element.attribute("index", "1").toUInt() - 1;
                result = index < _inputList.count() ? _inputList[index] : QString("");
            //the following just to avoid warnings !
            else if (nodeName == "li")
                _logStream << "Warning: unknown tag \"" + nodeName + "\"\n";
        //the following just to avoid warnings !
        else if ((nodeName == "template") || (nodeName == "pattern") || (nodeName == "li")
                 || (nodeName == "person") || (nodeName == "person2") || (nodeName == "gender")
                 || (nodeName == "parsedCondition"))
            _logStream << "Warning: unknown tag \"" + nodeName + "\"\n";
    return result;