	string authorization(char *diadoc_login, char *diadoc_passwd)
		CURL *curl;
		struct curl_slist *headerlist=NULL;
		struct curl_httppost *formpost=NULL;
		struct curl_httppost *lastptr=NULL;
		curl = curl_easy_init();
		//cout << diadoc_login1 << endl << endl << endl;
		char auth_url_part1[] = "https://diadoc-api.kontur.ru/Authenticate?login="******""; 
		strcat(auth_url_part2, auth_url_part1);
		strcat(auth_url_part2, diadoc_login);

		//cout << diadoc_login << endl;
		//cout << endl << strlen(diadoc_login) << endl << sizeof(*diadoc_login) << endl;

		char auth_url_part3[] = "&password="******"";
		strcat(auth_url_part4, auth_url_part3);
		strcat(auth_url_part4, diadoc_passwd);

		char auth_url[sizeof(auth_url_part2) + sizeof(auth_url_part4) + 40] = "";
		strcat (auth_url, auth_url_part2);
		strcat (auth_url, auth_url_part4);

				headerlist = curl_slist_append(headerlist, "POST https://diadoc-api.kontur.ru/Authenticate HTTP/1.1");
				headerlist = curl_slist_append(headerlist, "Authorization: DiadocAuth ddauth_api_client_id=comtec-e628f938-1133-449a-96d4-a105a0181e9a");
				curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
				curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "");
				curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, auth_url);
				string execute = execute_curl(curl, headerlist);
				return execute;
int lookupGeoIPWebService(
   const int iRetGeo,
   DB_QCN_GEO_IPADDR&  qgip,
   DB_QCN_TRIGGER&     qtrig,
   const double* dmxy,
   const double* dmz
                 int iReturn = iRetGeo; // "seed" our return code with the initial return code value
                 char *strURL = NULL, *strReply = NULL;

                 // the switch is the reply/return code from the lookup query into the qcn_geo_ipaddr table
                 // note that we may want to set error return code (iRetGeo) to 0 if it seems that this record
                 // will never get input, otherwise it will "nak" and retry (but if it's a bad GeoIP lookup, why bother?)

                 switch(iRetGeo) {
                    case ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND:  // no record, need to do a maxmind/geoip web service lookup!
                       strURL   = new char[BYTESIZE_URL];
                       strReply = new char[BYTESIZE_CURL];
                       memset(strURL, 0x00, sizeof(char) * BYTESIZE_URL);
                       memset(strReply, 0x00, sizeof(char) * BYTESIZE_CURL);
                       sprintf(strURL, FORMAT_MAXMIND, qtrig.ipaddr);
                       if (strlen(qtrig.ipaddr) > 6 && strlen(qtrig.ipaddr) < 16 &&  execute_curl(strURL, strReply, 512))  {
                          // returned OK, now check strReply -- should be a single line of comma-delimited fields:
                          // Returns: ISO 3166 Two-letter Country Code, Region Code, City, Latitude, Longitude, Error code
                          // good reply: (note 4 commas/5 fields)
                          //    GB,K2,Oxford,51.750000,-1.250000
                          // error reply: (note 5 commas/6 fields all null except last)
                          //    ,,,,,IP_NOT_FOUND
                          char* strComma[6] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
                          int i = 0;
                          strComma[0] = strchr(strReply, ',');  // get the first comma
                          for (i = 1; strComma[0] && i < 6; i++)  { // parse out fields
                             // search for next comma if last value wasn't NULL and haven't gone past the end of strReply
                             if (strComma[i-1] && strlen(strReply) > (size_t)(strComma[i-1] - strReply + 1)) {
                                strComma[i] = strchr(strComma[i-1]+1, ','); // note we skip a char to move off current comma ptr
                                if (!strComma[i]) break;  // if this is null, i.e.no comma found, may as well break
                          if (i<4 || strComma[4] || strComma[5]) { // if this isn't null, or less than 4 commas found, then there was an error
                            iReturn = 0; // ip not found, but this is a bad format web service lookup, so let's not bother retrying...
                              "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup for IP %s via %s to %s failed\nReply: %s\n",
                              qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qtrig.ipaddr, "libcurl", strURL, strReply
                          else {
                            // seems like a legit reply, so parse out
                            // note we need to insert into qcn_geo_ipaddr, get insert_id(), then insert into host_ipaddr & trigger
                            iReturn = 0; // success

                            // initialize vars for the copies
                            memset(&qgip.country, 0x00, sizeof(qgip.country));
                            memset(&qgip.region, 0x00, sizeof(qgip.region));
                            memset(&qgip.city, 0x00, sizeof(qgip.city));

                            // set location as geoip
                            strcpy(qhip.location, "geoip");    // mark as geoip (also noted in field  geoipaddr i.e points to qcn_geo_ipaddr record)

                            qgip.time_lookup = dtime(); // returns a double of current time, # of seconds since epoch

                            strncpy(qgip.country, strReply, strComma[0]-strReply);  // first comma entry is country; note length is OK starting from strReply
                            strncpy(qgip.region, strComma[0]+1, strComma[1]-strComma[0]-1);  // next is region, note subtract 1 from length (, position)
                            strncpy(qgip.city, strComma[1]+1, strComma[2]-strComma[1]-1);  // next is city

                            char *strTmp = new char[32];
                            memset(strTmp, 0x00, sizeof(char) * 32);
                            strncpy(strTmp, strComma[2]+1, strComma[3]-strComma[2]-1);  // next is latitude
                            qgip.latitude = safe_atof(strTmp);

                            memset(strTmp, 0x00, sizeof(char) * 32);
                            strComma[4] = strReply + strlen(strReply);  // make a fake endpoint
                            strncpy(strTmp, strComma[3]+1, strComma[4]-strComma[3]-1);  // next is longitude
                            qgip.longitude = safe_atof(strTmp);

                            delete [] strTmp;

                            iReturn = qgip.insert();
                            if (!iReturn) { // success, get insert_id
                               int iInsertID = qgip.db->insert_id();
                               if (iInsertID>0) {
                                    // now make a host record
                                    qhip.geoipaddrid = iInsertID;  // mark the geoip database id used 
                                    qtrig.geoipaddrid = qhip.geoipaddrid;
                                    qtrig.latitude   = qgip.latitude;
                                    qtrig.longitude  = qgip.longitude;
                                    qhip.latitude    = qgip.latitude;
                                    qhip.longitude   = qgip.longitude;
                                    qhip.levelvalue = 0;
                                    qhip.levelid    = 0;
                                    qhip.alignid    = 0;
                                    qtrig.levelvalue = 0;
                                    qtrig.levelid    = 0;
                                    qtrig.alignid    = 0;
                                    iReturn = qhip.insert();
                                    if (!iReturn) { // success, insert trigger, if fails retcode sent below
                                        qtrig.hostipaddrid = qhip.db->insert_id(); // need the qcn_host_ipaddr id for trigger table
                                        iReturn = qtrig.insert();
                                        if (iReturn) {
                                              "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup -- trigger %s insert failed\n",
                                              qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qtrig.ipaddr
                                        else {
                                            doTriggerMemoryInsert(qtrig, dmxy, dmz);
                                              "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup -- trigger %s insert success\n",
                                              qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qtrig.ipaddr
                                    else {
                                       iReturn = 0; // well we tried, return 0 so doesn't bother with this trigger again
                                            "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup -- host_ipaddr %s insert failed\n",
                                            qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qhip.ipaddr
                                    } // failed qhip insert
                               } // insertid
                               else { // failed qgip insert id
                                    "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup -- invalid insert id on geo_ipaddr %s\n",
                                    qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qhip.ipaddr
                            else { // bad geo_ipaddr insert
                                    "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup -- geo_ipaddr %s insert failed\n",
                                    qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qhip.ipaddr
                       else { // error in curl execution, set iReturn to non-zero so it can try again, should we insert trigger anyway?
                          iReturn = 2;
                             "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [2a] Maxmind/GeoIP web lookup of IP %s via %s to %s failed\n",
                             qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qtrig.ipaddr, "libcurl", strURL
                    case 0:  // record found already in geoip table, insert into host table and set lat/lng for qcn_trigger
                       qhip.geoipaddrid = qgip.id;  // mark the geoip database id used 
                       qhip.latitude    = qgip.latitude;
                       qhip.longitude   = qgip.longitude;
                       qtrig.latitude   = qgip.latitude;
                       qtrig.longitude  = qgip.longitude;
                       qhip.levelvalue = 0;
                       qhip.levelid    = 0;
                       qhip.alignid    = 0;
                       qtrig.levelvalue = 0;
                       qtrig.levelid    = 0;
                       qtrig.alignid    = 0;

                       iReturn = qhip.insert();  // note if the insert fails, return code will be set and returned below
                       qtrig.geoipaddrid = qhip.geoipaddrid;
                       if (!iReturn) { // success, insert trigger, if fails retcode sent below
                           qtrig.hostipaddrid = qhip.db->insert_id();
                           iReturn = qtrig.insert();  // note if the insert fails, return code will be set and returned below
                       if (iReturn) { // error, print out debug info
              char* strErr = new char[512];
              memset(strErr, 0x00, 512);
                SCHED_MSG_LOG::MSG_CRITICAL, "geoip lookup trigger insert\nerrcode %d - %s\n", iReturn, strErr);
              memset(strErr, 0x00, 512);
                SCHED_MSG_LOG::MSG_CRITICAL, "qhip trigger insert\nerrcode %d - %s\n", iReturn, strErr);
              delete [] strErr;  strErr = NULL;
                       else {
                          doTriggerMemoryInsert(qtrig, dmxy, dmz);
                          // trigger got in OK
                             "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [3] Trigger inserted after qcn_geo_ipaddr lookup; mag=%lf at (%lf, %lf) - sync offset %f at %f!\n",
                             qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received, qtrig.magnitude, qtrig.latitude, qtrig.longitude, qtrig.sync_offset, qtrig.time_sync
                    default:  // other database error, iReturn will be returned below
                          "[QCN] [HOST#%d] [RESULTNAME=%s] [TIME=%lf] [3] - Database error encountered on qcn_geo_ipaddr lookup!\n",
                          qtrig.hostid, qtrig.result_name, qtrig.time_received
                 if (strURL) delete [] strURL; // don't forget to get rid of these dynamic strings!
                 if (strReply) delete [] strReply;

                 return iReturn;