int main(int argc, char** argv) { exitFunction = myExit; NUM_BRANCHES = 1; // BAD if(argc < 2) { printUsage(std::cout); exitFunction(-1, false); } auto files = std::vector<std::string>{}; double burnin = 0; auto id = std::string{}; std::tie(id,files,burnin) = processCommandLine(argc, argv); for(auto f : files) std::cout << "file: " << f << std::endl; for(auto file : files) { if(not std::ifstream(file)) { std::cerr << "Error: could not open file >" << file << "<" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } } assert(files.size() > 0); auto&& bipEx = BipartitionExtractor(files, false, true); nat numTree = bipEx.getNumTreesInFile( ); // std::cout << "have "<< numTree << std::endl; nat absBurnin = nat(double(numTree) * burnin); bipEx.extractBips<true>(absBurnin); bipEx.printBipartitions(id); bipEx.printBipartitionStatistics(id); bipEx.printFileNames(id); bipEx.printBranchLengths(id); return 0; }
void MainWindow::loginDialog() { QDialog dialog(this); // Use a layout allowing to have a label next to each field QFormLayout form(&dialog); // Add some text above the fields form.addRow(new QLabel("Please enter credentials:")); // Add the lineEdits with their respective labels QLineEdit *userEdit = new QLineEdit(&dialog); QString userString = QString("Username:"******"Password:"******"Register"); okButton->setText("Ok"); cancelButton->setText("Cancel"); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(okButton); layout->addWidget(cancelButton); layout->addWidget(regButton); //QDialogButtonBox buttonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, &dialog); form.addRow(layout); QObject::connect(regButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(registerAccount())); QObject::connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dialog, SLOT(accept())); QObject::connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(exitFunction())); dialog.setWindowFlags( ( (dialog.windowFlags() | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint) & ~Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint) ); // ok button pressed enters the if statement // cancel button closes application // register button opens register dialog if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // If the user didn't dismiss the dialog, do something with the fields std::string user = userEdit->text().toStdString(); std::string pss = passEdit->text().toStdString(); if (userEdit->text() == "" || passEdit->text() == "") { invalidDialog("Please enter a valid username or password"); on_loginButton_clicked(); } else { authenticate(user, pss); enableStatus(true); } } }
void CommandLine::assertFileExists(std::string filename) { auto &&in = std::ifstream{filename}; if( not in ) { std::cerr << "could not file file " << filename << ". Aborting." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } }
void BlockParams::Read(NxsToken &token) { DemandEndSemicolon(token, "PARAMS"); nat idCtr = 0; auto catsFound = std::unordered_set<Category>{}; while(true) { token.GetNextToken(); NxsBlock::NxsCommandResult res = HandleBasicBlockCommands(token); if (res == NxsBlock::NxsCommandResult(STOP_PARSING_BLOCK)) return; if (res != NxsBlock::NxsCommandResult(HANDLED_COMMAND)) { auto str = token.GetToken(false); auto cat = CategoryFuns::getCategoryFromLinkLabel(str); parseScheme(token, cat, idCtr); if(catsFound.find(cat) != catsFound.end()) { cerr << "parsing error: found a linking scheme for category " << CategoryFuns::getShortName(cat) << " twice. Aborting." ; exitFunction(-1, true); } if( cat == Category::TOPOLOGY) { cerr << "not implemented"; assert(0); } } } }
void CommandLine::initialize( int argc, char **argv) { // first copy the command line string for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { _cmdString += std::string(argv[i], argv[i] + strlen(argv[i])); _cmdString += " "; } int c ; // TODO threads/ processes? while( (c = getopt(argc,argv, "c:df:vhn:w:s:t:R:r:M:C:m:Sq:zxT:")) != EOF) { try { switch(c) { case 'z': { quiet = true; } break; case 'c': // config file { configFileName = std::string(optarg); assertFileExists(configFileName); } break; case 'f': // aln file alnFileName = std::string(optarg); assertFileExists(alnFileName); break; case 'v': // version _onlyPrintVersion = true; break; case 'd': dryRun = true; break; case 'h': // help _onlyPrintHelp = true; break; case 'n': // runid runid = std::string(optarg); break; case 't': // trees -- have that in the config file? treeFile = std::string(optarg); break; case 'w': // working dir workDir = std::string(optarg); break; case 's': // seed seed.v[0] = std::stoi(optarg); break; case 'r': checkpointId = std::string{optarg}; break; case 'q': modelFile = std::string{optarg}; break; case 'm': singleModel = std::string{optarg}; break; case 'S': saveMemorySEV = true; break; case 'M': memoryMode = MemoryMode(std::stoi(optarg)); break; case 'C': chainNumParallel = std::stoi(optarg); break; case 'R': runNumParallel = std::stoi(optarg); break; case 'T': _totalThreads = std::stoi(optarg); break; // case 'x': // readerStride = std::stoi(optarg); // break; case 'x': _hasThreadPinning = false; break; default: { std::cerr << "Encountered unknown command line option -" << char(c) << "\n\nFor an overview of program options, please use -h" << std::endl ; // TODO mpi-finalize stuff exitFunction(-1, true); } } } catch(const std::invalid_argument& ia) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument >" << optarg << "< to option >" << reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c) << "<" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } } if(_onlyPrintHelp || _onlyPrintVersion) return; if(isYggdrasil && (_totalThreads % (runNumParallel * chainNumParallel)) != 0 ) { std::cerr << "Error: for the threaded version it is currently necessary that the number of threads is a multiple of the product of the number of chains and runs that is executed in parallel." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } if("") == 0 ) { std::cerr << "please specify a runid with -n runid" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } if(seed.v[0] != 0 &&"") != 0 ) { std::cout << std::endl << "You provided a seed and run-id for a restart from a checkpoint.\n" << "Please be aware that the seed will be ignored." << std::endl; } if("") == 0 && seed.v[0] == 0 ) { std::cerr << "please specify a seed via -s seed (must NOT be 0)" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } if("") != 0 && not OutputFile::directoryExists(workDir)) { std::cout << std::endl << "Could not find the provided working directory >" << workDir << "<" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } if("") == 0 ) { std::cerr << "please specify an alignment file via -f file" << std::endl << "You have to transform your NEWICK-style alignment into a binary file using the appropriate parser (see manual)." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } if(alnFileIsBinary()) { if("") != 0 ||"") != 0 ) { std::cout << "Found binary alignment file. Additionally, you provided a model file\n" "(-q) or specified a data type for a single partiton. This information\n" "will be ignored.\n"; modelFile = ""; singleModel = ""; } } else { if("") == 0 && ("") == 0 || not std::ifstream(modelFile) ) ) { std::cout << "Found a phylip-style alignment file. However, you did not provide a\n" << "model file (see -q, resp. it coul not be found) or a data type specification for a single\n" << "partition (-m). Cannot proceed.\n" ; exitFunction(-1, true); } } if("") != 0 && not std::ifstream(treeFile)) { std::cout << "Could not find tree file passed via -t >" << treeFile << "<"<< std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } }
static std::tuple<std::string,std::vector<std::string>,double, nat,bool> processCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { auto id = std::string{}; auto thresh = double(50); bool isRefined = true; auto files = std::vector<std::string>{}; double burnin = 0.25; int c = 0; while( ( c = getopt(argc, argv, "n:t:f:b:h") ) != EOF ) { switch(c) { case 'h': printUsage(std::cout); exitFunction(0, false); break; case 'n': { id = std::string{optarg, strlen(optarg)}; } break; case 't' : { if(std::string{"MRE"}.compare(optarg) == 0 || std::string{"mre"}.compare(optarg) == 0) { thresh = 50; isRefined = true; } else { auto &&iss = std::istringstream{optarg}; iss >> thresh ; isRefined = false; } } break; case 'f': { int index = optind -1; while(index < argc) { auto next = std::string{argv[index]}; ++index; if(next[0] != '-') files.push_back(next); else { optind = index -1 ; break; } } } break; case 'b': { auto &&iss = std::istringstream {optarg}; iss >> burnin; } break; default: { std::cerr << "Unrecognized option >" << optarg << "<" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } } } if(thresh < 50 || thresh > 100 ) { std::cerr << "error: correct values for -t in [50,100] or MRE." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } if(files.size() == 0 ) { std::cerr << "Please specfiy tree input files via -f" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } if("") == 0) { std::cerr << "Please specify a runid for the output via -n. " << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } if(not ( 0 <= burnin && burnin < 1. )) { std::cerr << "The relative burn-in range is [0,1)." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } return std::make_tuple(id, files, burnin, thresh, isRefined); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { exitFunction = myExit; NUM_BRANCHES = 1; // BAD if(argc < 2 ) { printUsage(std::cout); exitFunction(-1, false); } bool isMre = false; auto threshold = double{0.}; std::string id= {}; double burnin = 0; auto files = std::vector<std::string>{}; std::tie(id, files, burnin, threshold, isMre) = processCommandLine(argc, argv); for(auto &file : files) { if(not std::ifstream(file)) { std::cerr << "Error: could not open file >" << file << "<" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } } assert(threshold > 1); threshold /= 100.; auto&& ct = ConsensusTree(files, burnin, threshold,isMre); auto header = ct.getTreeHeader(); auto result = ct.getConsensusTreeString(false); auto type = ct.getType(); auto&& ss = std::stringstream{}; ss << PROGRAM_NAME << "_" << type << "Nexus." << id; auto &&ss2 = std::ostringstream{}; ss2 << PROGRAM_NAME << "_" << type << "Newick." << id ; if(std::ifstream(ss.str())) { std::cerr << std::endl << "File " << ss.str() << " already exists (probably \n" << "left over from a previous run). Please choose a new run-id or remove\n" << "previous output files." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } auto &&outfile = std::ofstream(ss.str()); outfile << header << result << std::endl; outfile << "end;" << std::endl; auto &&outfile2 = std::ofstream{ss2.str()}; outfile2 << ct.getConsensusTreeString(true) << std::endl; std::cout << "Printed consensus tree in nexus format to " << ss.str() << std::endl; std::cout << "Printed consensus tree in newick format to " << ss2.str() << std::endl; return 0; }
void BlockParams::partitionError(nat partition, size_t totalPart) const { std::cerr << "In the parameter block of the configuration file you specified partition " << partition << ". However, there are only " << totalPart << " partitions in total in your alignment." << std::endl; std::cerr << "NOTICE that the first partition has id 0 and the last of n partitions has the id (n-1) . " << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); }
void BlockParams::parseScheme(NxsToken& token, Category cat, nat &idCtr) { auto numPart = tralnPtr->getNumberOfPartitions(); auto partAppeared = std::vector<bool>(numPart, false); token.GetNextToken(); assert(token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive("=")); token.GetNextToken(); assert(token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive("(")); auto scheme = std::vector<std::vector<nat>>{}; while(not token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive(")") ) { auto schemePart = std::vector<nat>{}; bool startingNext = true; // parse one partition part while( not token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive(")") && (startingNext || not token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive(",")) ) { startingNext = false; // check if the separation item is an expasion item (-) auto isLinkedRange = token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive("-") ; auto isUnlinkedRange = token.GetToken().EqualsCaseInsensitive(":") ; token.GetNextToken(); nat part = token.GetToken().ConvertToInt(); nat start = ( isLinkedRange || isUnlinkedRange ) ? schemePart.back() +1 : part; nat end = part + 1 ; for(nat i = start ; i < end ; ++i ) { if(not (i < numPart)) partitionError(i, numPart); if( { tout << "error: partition " << i << " occurring twice in the same scheme. Check your parameter-block!" << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, true); } = true; if(isUnlinkedRange) { scheme.push_back(schemePart); schemePart = {i}; } else schemePart.push_back(i); } token.GetNextToken(); } scheme.push_back(schemePart); } // instantiate the parameters for(auto schemePart : scheme ) { assert(schemePart.size() > 0 ); parameters.push_back(CategoryFuns::getParameterFromCategory(cat,idCtr,getNumSeen(cat), schemePart, tralnPtr->getNumberOfTaxa())); ++idCtr; } }
static std::tuple<std::string, std::vector<std::string>,double> processCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { double burnin = 0.25; auto files = std::vector<std::string> {}; auto id = std::string{}; int c = 0; while( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "n:f:b:h") ) != EOF ) { switch(c) { case 'h': { printUsage(std::cout); exitFunction(-1, false); } break; case 'n': { id = std::string{optarg, optarg + strlen(optarg)}; } break; case 'f': { int index = optind -1; while(index < argc) { auto next = std::string{strdup(argv[index])}; ++index; if(next[0] != '-') files.push_back(next); else { optind = index -1 ; break; } } } break; case 'b': { auto &&iss = std::istringstream{optarg}; iss >> burnin; } break; default : { std::cerr << "Error: unknown option >" << char(c) << "<. " << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } } } if(not ( 0<= burnin && burnin < 1. ) ) { std::cerr << "The relative burn-in to be discarded must be in the range [0,1)." << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } if("") == 0) { std::cerr << "Please provide a run-id via -n " << std::endl; exitFunction(-1, false); } return std::make_tuple(id, files, burnin); }
void Parser::constructor(string const& name, IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TypeDef> type, TypePtr const& typeRef) { IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TypeConstructor> ctor(new TypeConstructor(name)); type->constructors.push_back(ctor); ctor->type = typeRef; expect(TLParen); if(token != TRParen) { do { bool isLet = test(TLet); string name; // TODO: Common pattern? TypePtr type = maybeType(false); if(! type) { name = expectIdent(); type = typeName(false); } ctor->members.push_back(TypeMember(name, type)); ++ctor->ctorParams; } while(test(TComma)); } { string const& ctorName = name; // Constructor function IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FuncDef> ctorFunc(new FuncDef(ctorName)); enterFunction(ctorFunc); enterScope(new Scope); // Constructor function has the same type parameters for(auto& p : type->typeParams) ctorFunc->typeParams.push_back(p); int dummy = 0; IntrusiveRefCntPtr<CreateExpr> body(new CreateExpr()); body->ctor = ctor; for(int i = 0; i < ctor->ctorParams; ++i) { auto& member = ctor->members[i]; auto p = declParam(ctorFunc,, member.type->fresh(), &dummy); body->parameters.push_back(ExprPtr(new VarRef(p))); } ctorFunc->body = exitScope<Expr>(body); ctorFunc->returnType = typeRef; // TODO: Check for name collision mod->functions[ctorName] = ctorFunc; mod->constructorDefs[ctorName] = ctor; exitFunction(); } expect(TRParen, true); }
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FuncDef> Parser::funcDef(bool allowImplicitTypeVars) { string const& name = nextIdent(false); // TODO: Always surround this in a type scope? IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FuncDef> def(new FuncDef(name)); int paramCount = 0; enterFunction(def); enterScope(new Scope); if(test(TLParen)) { if(token != TRParen) { do { TypePtr type; string paramName; if(allowImplicitTypeVars) { paramName = expectIdent(); type = typeNameOrNewVar(false); } else { type = maybeType(false); if(! type) { paramName = expectIdent(); type = typeName(false); } } declParam(def, paramName, type, ¶mCount); } while(test(TComma)); } expect(TRParen, true); } TypePtr returnType; if(firstType[token] || token == TIdent) // TODO: Types may be TIdent too, in certain circumstances { returnType = typeNameOrNewVar(true); } if(test(TLBrace)) { auto const& body = statements(); expect(TRBrace, true); def->body = exitScope<Expr>(body); } def->returnType = returnType; assert(paramCount == def->parameters.size()); // TODO: Check for name collision mod->functions[def->name] = def; exitFunction(); return def; }