void BumpFeatHLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                 const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // Get the texture coord.
   Var *texCoord = getInTexCoord( "texCoord", "float2", true, componentList );

   // Sample the bumpmap.
   Var *bumpMap = getNormalMapTex();
   LangElement *texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );
   Var *bumpNorm = new Var( "bumpNormal", "float4" );
   meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, new DecOp( bumpNorm ), bumpNorm, fd ) );

   // We transform it into world space by reversing the 
   // multiplication by the worldToTanget transform.
   Var *wsNormal = new Var( "wsNormal", "float3" );
   Var *worldToTanget = getInWorldToTangent( componentList );
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( mul( @.xyz, @ ) );\r\n", new DecOp( wsNormal ), bumpNorm, worldToTanget ) );

   // TODO: Restore this!
   // Check to see if we're rendering world space normals.
   if ( fd.materialFeatures[MFT_NormalsOut]  )
      Var *inNormal = getInTexCoord( "normal", "float3", false, componentList );

      LangElement *normalOut;
      Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( "col" );
      if ( outColor )
         normalOut = new GenOp( "float4( ( -@ + 1 ) * 0.5, @.a )", inNormal, outColor );
         normalOut = new GenOp( "float4( ( -@ + 1 ) * 0.5, 1 )", inNormal );

      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @; // MFT_NormalsOut\r\n", 
         assignColor( normalOut, Material::None ) ) );
      output = meta;

   output = meta;
void BumpFeatGLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                 const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;
	output = meta;

   // Get the texture coord.
   Var *texCoord = getInTexCoord( "texCoord", "vec2", true, componentList );

   // Sample the bumpmap.
   Var *bumpMap = getNormalMapTex();
	LangElement *texOp = NULL;
	//Handle atlased textures
   // http://www.infinity-universe.com/Infinity/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=65&Itemid=47
		// This is a big block of code, so put a comment in the shader code
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   // Atlased texture coordinate calculation (see BumpFeat*LSL for details)\r\n") );
      Var *atlasedTex = new Var;
      atlasedTex->setType( "vec2" );
      LangElement *atDecl = new DecOp(atlasedTex);
      // Parameters of the texture atlas
      Var *atParams  = new Var;
      atParams->setType( "float4" );
      atParams->uniform = true;
      atParams->constSortPos = cspPotentialPrimitive;
      // Parameters of the texture (tile) this object is using in the atlas
      Var *tileParams  = new Var;
      tileParams->setType( "float4" );
      tileParams->uniform = true;
      tileParams->constSortPos = cspPotentialPrimitive;
		const bool is_sm3 = (GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() > 2.0f);
         // Figure out the mip level
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 _dx_bump = ddx(@ * @.z);\r\n", texCoord, atParams ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 _dy_bump = ddy(@ * @.z);\r\n", texCoord, atParams ) );
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float mipLod_bump = 0.5 * log2(max(dot(_dx_bump, _dx_bump), dot(_dy_bump, _dy_bump)));\r\n"));
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   mipLod_bump = clamp(mipLod_bump, 0.0, @.w);\r\n", atParams));
         // And the size of the mip level
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   float mipPixSz_bump = pow(2.0, @.w - mipLod_bump);\r\n", atParams));
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   float2 mipSz_bump = mipPixSz_bump / @.xy;\r\n", atParams ) );
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   float2 mipSz = float2(1.0, 1.0);\r\n"));
		// Tiling mode
      if( true ) // Wrap
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = frac(@);\r\n", atDecl, texCoord ) );
      else       // Clamp
         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = saturate(@);\r\n", atDecl, texCoord));
      // Finally scale/offset, and correct for filtering
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = @ * ((mipSz_bump * @.xy - 1.0) / mipSz_bump) + 0.5 / mipSz_bump + @.xy * @.xy;\r\n", 
											  atlasedTex, atlasedTex, atParams, atParams, tileParams));
      // Add a newline
      meta->addStatement(new GenOp( "\r\n"));
         texOp = new GenOp( "tex2Dlod(@, float4(@, 0.0, mipLod_bump))", bumpMap, texCoord );
         texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );
      texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );
   Var *bumpNorm = new Var( "bumpNormal", "float4" );
   meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, new DecOp( bumpNorm ), bumpNorm, fd ) );

	// If we have a detail normal map we add the xy coords of
   // it to the base normal map.  This gives us the effect we
   // want with few instructions and minial artifacts.
   if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_DetailNormalMap ) )
      bumpMap = new Var;
      bumpMap->setType( "sampler2D" );
      bumpMap->setName( "detailBumpMap" );
      bumpMap->uniform = true;
      bumpMap->sampler = true;
      bumpMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();
      texCoord = getInTexCoord( "detCoord", "vec2", true, componentList );
      texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );
      Var *detailBump = new Var;
      detailBump->setName( "detailBump" );
      detailBump->setType( "float4" );
      meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, new DecOp( detailBump ), detailBump, fd ) );
      Var *detailBumpScale = new Var;
      detailBumpScale->setType( "float" );
      detailBumpScale->setName( "detailBumpStrength" );
      detailBumpScale->uniform = true;
      detailBumpScale->constSortPos = cspPass;
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.xy += @.xy * @;\r\n", bumpNorm, detailBump, detailBumpScale ) );
   // We transform it into world space by reversing the 
   // multiplication by the worldToTanget transform.
   Var *wsNormal = new Var( "wsNormal", "vec3" );
   Var *worldToTanget = getInWorldToTangent( componentList );
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = normalize( tMul( @.xyz, @ ) );\r\n", new DecOp( wsNormal ), bumpNorm, worldToTanget ) );
void TerrainNormalMapFeatHLSL::processPix(   Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                             const MaterialFeatureData &fd )

   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   Var *viewToTangent = getInViewToTangent( componentList );

   // This var is read from GBufferConditionerHLSL and 
   // used in the prepass output.
   Var *gbNormal = (Var*)LangElement::find( "gbNormal" );
   if ( !gbNormal )
      gbNormal = new Var;
      gbNormal->setName( "gbNormal" );
      gbNormal->setType( "float3" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = @[2];\r\n", new DecOp( gbNormal ), viewToTangent ) );

   const S32 normalIndex = getProcessIndex();

   Var *detailBlend = (Var*)LangElement::find( String::ToString( "detailBlend%d", normalIndex ) );
   AssertFatal( detailBlend, "The detail blend is missing!" );

   // If we're using SM 3.0 then take advantage of 
   // dynamic branching to skip layers per-pixel.
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 3.0f )
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   if ( @ > 0.0f )\r\n", detailBlend ) );

   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   {\r\n" ) );

   // Get the normal map texture.
   Var *normalMap = _getNormalMapTex();

   /// Get the texture coord.
   Var *inDet = _getInDetailCoord( componentList );
   Var *inTex = getVertTexCoord( "texCoord" );

   // Sample the normal map.
   // We take two normal samples and lerp between them for
   // side projection layers... else a single sample.
   LangElement *texOp;
   if (mIsDirect3D11)
      String name(String::ToString("normalMapTex%d", getProcessIndex()));
      Var *normalMapTex = (Var*)LangElement::find(name);
      if (!normalMapTex)
         normalMapTex = new Var;
         normalMapTex->setName(String::ToString("normalMapTex%d", getProcessIndex()));
         normalMapTex->uniform = true;
         normalMapTex->texture = true;
         normalMapTex->constNum = normalMap->constNum;
      if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, normalIndex))
         texOp = new GenOp("lerp( @.Sample( @, @.yz ), @.Sample( @, @.xz ), @.z )",
            normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet, normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet, inTex);
         texOp = new GenOp("@.Sample(@, @.xy)", normalMapTex, normalMap, inDet);


      if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_TerrainSideProject, normalIndex))
         texOp = new GenOp("lerp( tex2D( @, @.yz ), tex2D( @, @.xz ), @.z )",
            normalMap, inDet, normalMap, inDet, inTex);
         texOp = new GenOp("tex2D(@, @.xy)", normalMap, inDet);

   // create bump normal
   Var *bumpNorm = new Var;
   bumpNorm->setName( "bumpNormal" );
   bumpNorm->setType( "float4" );

   LangElement *bumpNormDecl = new DecOp( bumpNorm );
   meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, bumpNormDecl, bumpNorm, fd ) );

   // Normalize is done later... 
   // Note: The reverse mul order is intentional. Affine matrix.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "      @ = lerp( @, mul( @.xyz, @ ), min( @, @.w ) );\r\n", 
      gbNormal, gbNormal, bumpNorm, viewToTangent, detailBlend, inDet ) );

   // End the conditional block.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   }\r\n" ) );

   // If this is the last normal map then we 
   // can test to see the total blend value
   // to see if we should clip the result.
   //if ( fd.features.getNextFeatureIndex( MFT_TerrainNormalMap, normalIndex ) == -1 )
      //meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   clip( @ - 0.0001f );\r\n", blendTotal ) );

   output = meta;
void DeferredBumpFeatGLSL::processPix( Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                       const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   // NULL output in case nothing gets handled
   output = NULL;

   if( fd.features[MFT_PrePassConditioner] )
      MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

      Var *viewToTangent = getInViewToTangent( componentList );

      // create texture var
      Var *bumpMap = getNormalMapTex();
      Var *texCoord = getInTexCoord( "texCoord", "vec2", true, componentList );
      LangElement *texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );

      // create bump normal
      Var *bumpNorm = new Var;
      bumpNorm->setName( "bumpNormal" );
      bumpNorm->setType( "vec4" );

      LangElement *bumpNormDecl = new DecOp( bumpNorm );
      meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, bumpNormDecl, bumpNorm, fd ) );

      // If we have a detail normal map we add the xy coords of
      // it to the base normal map.  This gives us the effect we
      // want with few instructions and minial artifacts.
      if ( fd.features.hasFeature( MFT_DetailNormalMap ) )
         bumpMap = new Var;
         bumpMap->setType( "sampler2D" );
         bumpMap->setName( "detailBumpMap" );
         bumpMap->uniform = true;
         bumpMap->sampler = true;
         bumpMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

         texCoord = getInTexCoord( "detCoord", "vec2", true, componentList );
         texOp = new GenOp( "tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord );

         Var *detailBump = new Var;
         detailBump->setName( "detailBump" );
         detailBump->setType( "vec4" );
         meta->addStatement( expandNormalMap( texOp, new DecOp( detailBump ), detailBump, fd ) );

         Var *detailBumpScale = new Var;
         detailBumpScale->setType( "float" );
         detailBumpScale->setName( "detailBumpStrength" );
         detailBumpScale->uniform = true;
         detailBumpScale->constSortPos = cspPass;
         meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.xy += @.xy * @;\r\n", bumpNorm, detailBump, detailBumpScale ) );

      // This var is read from GBufferConditionerHLSL and 
      // used in the prepass output.
      // By using the 'half' type here we get a bunch of partial
      // precision optimized code on further operations on the normal
      // which helps alot on older Geforce cards.
      Var *gbNormal = new Var;
      gbNormal->setName( "gbNormal" );
      gbNormal->setType( "half3" );
      LangElement *gbNormalDecl = new DecOp( gbNormal );

      // Normalize is done later... 
      // Note: The reverse mul order is intentional. Affine matrix.
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = half3(tMul( @.xyz, @ ));\r\n", gbNormalDecl, bumpNorm, viewToTangent ) );

      output = meta;

   else if (fd.features[MFT_AccuMap])
      Var *bumpSample = (Var *)LangElement::find("bumpSample");
      if (bumpSample == NULL)
         MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

         Var *texCoord = getInTexCoord("texCoord", "vec2", true, componentList);

         Var *bumpMap = getNormalMapTex();

         bumpSample = new Var;
         LangElement *bumpSampleDecl = new DecOp(bumpSample);

         meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = tex2D(@, @);\r\n", bumpSampleDecl, bumpMap, texCoord));

         if (fd.features.hasFeature(MFT_DetailNormalMap))
            Var *bumpMap = (Var*)LangElement::find("detailBumpMap");
            if (!bumpMap) {
               bumpMap = new Var;
               bumpMap->uniform = true;
               bumpMap->sampler = true;
               bumpMap->constNum = Var::getTexUnitNum();

            texCoord = getInTexCoord("detCoord", "vec2", true, componentList);
            LangElement *texOp = new GenOp("tex2D(@, @)", bumpMap, texCoord);

            Var *detailBump = new Var;
            meta->addStatement(expandNormalMap(texOp, new DecOp(detailBump), detailBump, fd));

            Var *detailBumpScale = new Var;
            detailBumpScale->uniform = true;
            detailBumpScale->constSortPos = cspPass;
            meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @.xy += @.xy * @;\r\n", bumpSample, detailBump, detailBumpScale));

         output = meta;

   else if (   fd.materialFeatures[MFT_NormalsOut] || 
               fd.features[MFT_ForwardShading] || 
               !fd.features[MFT_RTLighting] )
      Parent::processPix( componentList, fd );
   else if ( fd.features[MFT_PixSpecular] && !fd.features[MFT_SpecularMap] )
      Var *bumpSample = (Var *)LangElement::find( "bumpSample" );
      if( bumpSample == NULL )
         Var *texCoord = getInTexCoord( "texCoord", "vec2", true, componentList );

         Var *bumpMap = getNormalMapTex();

         bumpSample = new Var;
         bumpSample->setType( "vec4" );
         bumpSample->setName( "bumpSample" );
         LangElement *bumpSampleDecl = new DecOp( bumpSample );

         output = new GenOp( "   @ = tex2D(@, @);\r\n", bumpSampleDecl, bumpMap, texCoord );

   output = NULL;