test_brush_load_inputs(void *user_data)
    char *input_json = read_file("brushes/modelling.myb");

    float opaque_speed2[] = {0.0, 0.28, 0.518519, 0.032083, 1.888889, -0.16625, 4.0, -0.28};
    Input opaque_setting_inputs[1];
    opaque_setting_inputs[0].cname = "speed2";
    opaque_setting_inputs[0].mapping_points = opaque_speed2;
    opaque_setting_inputs[0].no_mapping_points = 4;

    float opaque_multiply_pressure[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.52};
    Input opaque_multiply_setting_inputs[1];
    opaque_multiply_setting_inputs[0].cname = "pressure";
    opaque_multiply_setting_inputs[0].mapping_points = opaque_multiply_pressure;
    opaque_multiply_setting_inputs[0].no_mapping_points = 2;

    float radius_logarithmic_pressure[] = {0.0, 0.326667, 1.0, -0.49};
    float radius_logarithmic_speed1[] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.75};
    float radius_logarithmic_speed2[] = { 0.0, -0.15, 4.0, 1.05};
    Input radius_logarithmic_setting_inputs[] = {
        {"pressure", 2, radius_logarithmic_pressure},
        {"speed1", 2, radius_logarithmic_speed1},
        {"speed2", 2, radius_logarithmic_speed2}

    float smudge_pressure[] = {0.0, -0.0, 0.290123, -0.0375, 0.645062, -0.15, 1.0, -0.4};
    Input smudge_setting_inputs[] = {
            {"pressure", 4, smudge_pressure}

    Inputs expected_inputs[] = {
        {"anti_aliasing", 0, NULL},
        {"change_color_h", 0,     NULL},
        {"change_color_hsl_s", 0,     NULL},
        {"change_color_hsv_s", 0,     NULL},
        {"change_color_l", 0,     NULL},
        {"change_color_v", 0,     NULL},
        {"color_h", 0,     NULL},
        {"color_s", 0,     NULL},
        {"color_v", 0,     NULL},
        {"colorize", 0,     NULL},
        {"custom_input", 0,     NULL},
        {"custom_input_slowness", 0,     NULL},
        {"dabs_per_actual_radius", 0,     NULL},
        {"dabs_per_basic_radius", 0,     NULL},
        {"dabs_per_second", 0,     NULL},
        {"direction_filter", 0,     NULL},
        {"elliptical_dab_angle", 0,     NULL},
        {"elliptical_dab_ratio", 0,     NULL},
        {"eraser", 0,     NULL},
        {"hardness", 0,     NULL},
        {"lock_alpha", 0,     NULL},
        {"offset_by_random", 0,     NULL},
        {"offset_by_speed", 0,     NULL},
        {"offset_by_speed_slowness", 0,     NULL},
        {"opaque", 1,    opaque_setting_inputs},
        {"opaque_linearize", 0,     NULL},
        {"opaque_multiply",  1,    opaque_multiply_setting_inputs},
        {"radius_by_random", 0,     NULL},
        {"radius_logarithmic", 3,     radius_logarithmic_setting_inputs},
        {"restore_color", 0,     NULL},
        {"slow_tracking", 0, NULL},
        {"slow_tracking_per_dab", 0,     NULL},
        {"smudge", 1,    smudge_setting_inputs},
        {"smudge_length", 0,     NULL},
        {"smudge_radius_log", 0,     NULL},
        {"speed1_gamma", 0,     NULL},
        {"speed1_slowness", 0,     NULL},
        {"speed2_gamma", 0,     NULL},
        {"speed2_slowness", 0,     NULL},
        {"stroke_duration_logarithmic", 0,     NULL},
        {"stroke_holdtime", 0,     NULL},
        {"stroke_threshold",  0,    NULL},
        {"tracking_noise",  0,    NULL}
    int number_of_expected_inputs = sizeof(expected_inputs) / sizeof(Inputs);

    expect_int(MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTINGS_COUNT, number_of_expected_inputs,
               "Warning: number of values tested does not match number of settings. Update test!");

    MyPaintBrush *brush = mypaint_brush_new();
    mypaint_brush_from_string(brush, input_json);

    int passed = 1;

    // Check input/dynamics values
    for (int i=0; i<number_of_expected_inputs; i++) {
        const Inputs *inputs = &expected_inputs[i];

        MyPaintBrushSetting setting_id = mypaint_brush_setting_from_cname(inputs->cname);
        int correct = 1;

        if (inputs->inputs == NULL) {
            gboolean is_constant = mypaint_brush_is_constant(brush, setting_id);
            correct = expect_true(is_constant, "Setting %s should be constant (have 0 inputs)"); // TODO: expand %s for nicer errors

        } else {

            int number_of_inputs = inputs->no_inputs;
            expect_int(number_of_inputs, mypaint_brush_get_inputs_used_n(brush, setting_id), "");

            for (int i=0; i<number_of_inputs; i++) {
                const Input *input = &(inputs->inputs[i]);
                //const char *input_name = input->cname;
                MyPaintBrushInput input_id = mypaint_brush_input_from_cname(input->cname);

                int expected_number_of_mapping_points = input->no_mapping_points;
                int actual_number_of_mapping_points = mypaint_brush_get_mapping_n(brush, setting_id, input_id);

                if (!expect_int(expected_number_of_mapping_points, actual_number_of_mapping_points, "Mapping points. ")) {
                    correct = 0;

                for (int i=0; i<expected_number_of_mapping_points; i++) {
                    float expected_x = input->mapping_points[i*2];
                    float expected_y = input->mapping_points[(i*2)+1];

                    float actual_x;
                    float actual_y;
                    mypaint_brush_get_mapping_point(brush, setting_id, input_id, i, &actual_x, &actual_y);

                    if (!expect_float(expected_x, actual_x, ""))
                        correct = 0;
                    if (!expect_float(expected_y, actual_y, ""))
                        correct = 0;


        if (correct != 1) {
            passed = 0;


    return passed;
test_brush_load_base_values(void *user_data)
    char *input_json = read_file("brushes/impressionism.myb");

    BaseValue expected_base_values[] = {
        {"anti_aliasing", 0.66},
        {"change_color_h",     0.0},
        {"change_color_hsl_s",     0.0},
        {"change_color_hsv_s",     0.0},
        {"change_color_l",     0.0},
        {"change_color_v",     0.0},
        {"color_h",     0.0},
        {"color_s",     0.0},
        {"color_v",     0.0},
        {"colorize",     0.0},
        {"custom_input",     0.0},
        {"custom_input_slowness",     0.0},
        {"dabs_per_actual_radius",     6.0},
        {"dabs_per_basic_radius",     6.0},
        {"dabs_per_second",     80.0},
        {"direction_filter",     2.0},
        {"elliptical_dab_angle",     0.0},
        {"elliptical_dab_ratio",     7.1},
        {"eraser",     0.0},
        {"hardness",     0.8},
        {"lock_alpha",     0.0},
        {"offset_by_random",     0.6},
        {"offset_by_speed",     0.0},
        {"offset_by_speed_slowness",     1.0},
        {"opaque",     1.0},
        {"opaque_linearize",     0.9},
        {"opaque_multiply",     0.0},
        {"radius_by_random",     0.0},
        {"radius_logarithmic",     2.0},
        {"restore_color",     0.0},
        {"slow_tracking", 0.0},
        {"slow_tracking_per_dab",     0.0},
        {"smudge",     0.9},
        {"smudge_length",     0.0},
        {"smudge_radius_log",     0.0},
        {"speed1_gamma",     4.0},
        {"speed1_slowness",     0.04},
        {"speed2_gamma",     4.0},
        {"speed2_slowness",     0.8},
        {"stroke_duration_logarithmic",     6.0},
        {"stroke_holdtime",     10.0},
        {"stroke_threshold",     0.0},
        {"tracking_noise",     0.2}
    int number_of_expected_base_values = sizeof(expected_base_values) / sizeof(BaseValue);

    expect_int(MYPAINT_BRUSH_SETTINGS_COUNT, number_of_expected_base_values,
               "Warning: Number of base values tested does not match number of settings. Update the test!");

    MyPaintBrush *brush = mypaint_brush_new();
    mypaint_brush_from_string(brush, input_json);

    int passed = 1;

    // Check base values
    for (int i=0; i<number_of_expected_base_values; i++) {
        const BaseValue *base_value = &expected_base_values[i];
        int correct = -1;

        MyPaintBrushSetting id = mypaint_brush_setting_from_cname(base_value->cname);
        float expected = base_value->base_value;
        float actual = mypaint_brush_get_base_value(brush, id);

        correct = expect_float(expected, actual,
                               "Wrong base value for %s"); // TODO: expand %s for nicer errors

        if (!correct) {
            passed = 0;


    return passed;
static void test_getregiondata(void)
    GpStatus status;
    GpRegion *region, *region2;
    RegionDataPoint *point;
    UINT needed;
    DWORD buf[100];
    GpRect rect;
    GpPath *path;

    memset(buf, 0xee, sizeof(buf));

    status = GdipCreateRegion(&region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 12);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_INFINITE_RECT);

    status = GdipSetEmpty(region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 12);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_EMPTY_RECT);

    status = GdipSetInfinite(region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(20, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 12);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_INFINITE_RECT);

    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    rect.X = 10;
    rect.Y = 20;
    rect.Width = 100;
    rect.Height = 200;
    status = GdipCreateRegionRectI(&rect, &region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(36, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(36, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 28);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 5, 10.0);
    expect_float(buf + 6, 20.0);
    expect_float(buf + 7, 100.0);
    expect_float(buf + 8, 200.0);

    rect.X = 50;
    rect.Y = 30;
    rect.Width = 10;
    rect.Height = 20;
    status = GdipCombineRegionRectI(region, &rect, CombineModeIntersect);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    rect.X = 100;
    rect.Y = 300;
    rect.Width = 30;
    rect.Height = 50;
    status = GdipCombineRegionRectI(region, &rect, CombineModeXor);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    rect.X = 200;
    rect.Y = 100;
    rect.Width = 133;
    rect.Height = 266;
    status = GdipCreateRegionRectI(&rect, &region2);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    rect.X = 20;
    rect.Y = 10;
    rect.Width = 40;
    rect.Height = 66;
    status = GdipCombineRegionRectI(region2, &rect, CombineModeUnion);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    status = GdipCombineRegionRegion(region, region2, CombineModeComplement);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    rect.X = 400;
    rect.Y = 500;
    rect.Width = 22;
    rect.Height = 55;
    status = GdipCombineRegionRectI(region, &rect, CombineModeExclude);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(156, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(156, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 148);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 10);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, CombineModeExclude);
    expect_dword(buf + 5, CombineModeComplement);
    expect_dword(buf + 6, CombineModeXor);
    expect_dword(buf + 7, CombineModeIntersect);
    expect_dword(buf + 8, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 9, 10.0);
    expect_float(buf + 10, 20.0);
    expect_float(buf + 11, 100.0);
    expect_float(buf + 12, 200.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 13, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 14, 50.0);
    expect_float(buf + 15, 30.0);
    expect_float(buf + 16, 10.0);
    expect_float(buf + 17, 20.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 18, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 19, 100.0);
    expect_float(buf + 20, 300.0);
    expect_float(buf + 21, 30.0);
    expect_float(buf + 22, 50.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 23, CombineModeUnion);
    expect_dword(buf + 24, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 25, 200.0);
    expect_float(buf + 26, 100.0);
    expect_float(buf + 27, 133.0);
    expect_float(buf + 28, 266.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 29, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 30, 20.0);
    expect_float(buf + 31, 10.0);
    expect_float(buf + 32, 40.0);
    expect_float(buf + 33, 66.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 34, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 35, 400.0);
    expect_float(buf + 36, 500.0);
    expect_float(buf + 37, 22.0);
    expect_float(buf + 38, 55.0);

    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region2);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    /* Try some paths */

    status = GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    GdipAddPathRectangle(path, 12.5, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0);

    status = GdipCreateRegionPath(path, &region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(72, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(72, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 64);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_PATH);
    expect_dword(buf + 5, 0x00000030);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 6));
    expect_dword(buf + 7, 0x00000004);
    expect_dword(buf + 8, 0x00000000);
    expect_float(buf + 9, 12.5);
    expect_float(buf + 10, 13.0);
    expect_float(buf + 11, 26.5);
    expect_float(buf + 12, 13.0);
    expect_float(buf + 13, 26.5);
    expect_float(buf + 14, 28.0);
    expect_float(buf + 15, 12.5);
    expect_float(buf + 16, 28.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 17, 0x81010100);

    rect.X = 50;
    rect.Y = 30;
    rect.Width = 10;
    rect.Height = 20;
    status = GdipCombineRegionRectI(region, &rect, CombineModeIntersect);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(96, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    expect(96, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 88);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 2);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, CombineModeIntersect);
    expect_dword(buf + 5, RGNDATA_PATH);
    expect_dword(buf + 6, 0x00000030);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 7));
    expect_dword(buf + 8, 0x00000004);
    expect_dword(buf + 9, 0x00000000);
    expect_float(buf + 10, 12.5);
    expect_float(buf + 11, 13.0);
    expect_float(buf + 12, 26.5);
    expect_float(buf + 13, 13.0);
    expect_float(buf + 14, 26.5);
    expect_float(buf + 15, 28.0);
    expect_float(buf + 16, 12.5);
    expect_float(buf + 17, 28.0);
    expect_dword(buf + 18, 0x81010100);
    expect_dword(buf + 19, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 20, 50.0);
    expect_float(buf + 21, 30.0);
    expect_float(buf + 22, 10.0);
    expect_float(buf + 23, 20.0);

    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);
    status = GdipDeletePath(path);
    ok(status == Ok, "status %08x\n", status);

    /* Test an empty path */
    status = GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCreateRegionPath(path, &region);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(36, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(36, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 28);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_PATH);

    /* Second signature for pathdata */
    expect_dword(buf + 5, 12);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 6));
    expect_dword(buf + 7, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 8, 0x00004000);

    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* Test a simple triangle of INTs */
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 8, 1, 5, 6);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipClosePathFigure(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCreateRegionPath(path, &region);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(56, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(56, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 48);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3 , 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4 , RGNDATA_PATH);

    expect_dword(buf + 5, 32);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 6));
    expect_dword(buf + 7, 4);
    expect_dword(buf + 8, 0x00004000); /* ?? */

    point = (RegionDataPoint*)buf + 9;
    expect(5, point[0].X);
    expect(6, point[0].Y);
    expect(7, point[1].X); /* buf + 10 */
    expect(8, point[1].Y);
    expect(8, point[2].X); /* buf + 11 */
    expect(1, point[2].Y);
    expect(5, point[3].X); /* buf + 12 */
    expect(6, point[3].Y);
    expect_dword(buf + 13, 0x81010100); /* 0x01010100 if we don't close the path */

    status = GdipDeletePath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* Test a floating-point triangle */
    status = GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.6, 6.2, 7.2, 8.9);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 8.1, 1.6, 5.6, 6.2);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCreateRegionPath(path, &region);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(72, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(72, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 64);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 0);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, RGNDATA_PATH);

    expect_dword(buf + 5, 48);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 6));
    expect_dword(buf + 7, 4);
    expect_dword(buf + 8, 0);
    expect_float(buf + 9, 5.6);
    expect_float(buf + 10, 6.2);
    expect_float(buf + 11, 7.2);
    expect_float(buf + 12, 8.9);
    expect_float(buf + 13, 8.1);
    expect_float(buf + 14, 1.6);
    expect_float(buf + 15, 5.6);
    expect_float(buf + 16, 6.2);

    status = GdipDeletePath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* Test for a path with > 4 points, and CombineRegionPath */
    GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 50, 70.2, 60, 102.8);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 55.4, 122.4, 40.4, 60.2);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 45.6, 20.2, 50, 70.2);
    expect(Ok, status);
    rect.X = 20;
    rect.Y = 25;
    rect.Width = 60;
    rect.Height = 120;
    status = GdipCreateRegionRectI(&rect, &region);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCombineRegionPath(region, path, CombineModeUnion);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipGetRegionDataSize(region, &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(116, needed);
    status = GdipGetRegionData(region, (BYTE*)buf, sizeof(buf), &needed);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(116, needed);
    expect_dword(buf, 108);
    trace("buf[1] = %08x\n", buf[1]);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 2));
    expect_dword(buf + 3, 2);
    expect_dword(buf + 4, CombineModeUnion);
    expect_dword(buf + 5, RGNDATA_RECT);
    expect_float(buf + 6, 20);
    expect_float(buf + 7, 25);
    expect_float(buf + 8, 60);
    expect_float(buf + 9, 120);
    expect_dword(buf + 10, RGNDATA_PATH);

    expect_dword(buf + 11, 68);
    expect_magic((DWORD*)(buf + 12));
    expect_dword(buf + 13, 6);
    expect_float(buf + 14, 0x0);

    expect_float(buf + 15, 50);
    expect_float(buf + 16, 70.2);
    expect_float(buf + 17, 60);
    expect_float(buf + 18, 102.8);
    expect_float(buf + 19, 55.4);
    expect_float(buf + 20, 122.4);
    expect_float(buf + 21, 40.4);
    expect_float(buf + 22, 60.2);
    expect_float(buf + 23, 45.6);
    expect_float(buf + 24, 20.2);
    expect_float(buf + 25, 50);
    expect_float(buf + 26, 70.2);
    expect_dword(buf + 27, 0x01010100);
    expect_dword(buf + 28, 0x00000101);

    status = GdipDeletePath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipDeleteRegion(region);
    expect(Ok, status);