void HighlighterByKate::highlight(const string& plain, const string type, std::ostream& out)

    m_note->setHighlightingMode(QString::fromStdString(type.empty() ? "None" : mimeMap[type]));
    out << exportDocument(m_note).toUtf8().constData();
void plotsDialog::on_exportMenuButton_triggered(QAction *arg1)
    if(arg1->text() == "Print")
    else if(arg1->text() == "pdf File")
//    else if(arg1->text() == "Data")
//        qDebug()<<"They want data!";
void MainWindow::initMenuFile() {
	//connect menu "File" Action
	connect(actionNew, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(newDocument()));
	connect(actionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(open()));
	connect(actionSave, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(save()));
	connect(actionSaveAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(saveAs()));
	connect(actionSaveACopyAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(saveACopyAs()));
	connect(actionSaveAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(saveAll()));
	connect(actionClose, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(close()));
	connect(actionCloseAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(closeAll()));
	connect(actionCloseAllExceptCurrentDocument, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(closeAllExceptCurrentDocument()));
	connect(actionReload, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(reload()));
	connect(actionPrint, SIGNAL(triggered()), _documentManager, SLOT(print()));
	connect(actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(closeAllWindows()));

	connect(actionExportAsHTML, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportDocument()));

	connect(actionNewSession, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(newSession()));
	connect(actionOpenSession, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(openSession()));
	connect(actionSwitchSession, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(switchSession()));
	connect(actionSaveSession, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(saveSession()));
	connect(actionSaveSessionAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(saveSessionAs()));
	connect(actionManageSessions, SIGNAL(triggered()), _sessionManager, SLOT(manageSessions()));

	//recent file actions
	connect(actionEmptyRecentFilesList, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearRecentFile()));
	connect(actionOpenAllRecentFiles, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openAllRecentFile()));
	_recentFileSeparator = menuRecentFiles->addSeparator();
	for (int i = 0; i < MaxRecentFiles; ++i) {
		_recentFileActions[i] = new QAction(this);
		connect(_recentFileActions[i], SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(openRecentFile()));
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent ):
    QMainWindow( parent )
    QWidget *w = new QWidget( this );

    d_plot = new Plot( w );

    d_panner = new QwtPolarPanner( d_plot->canvas() );
    d_panner->setEnabled( false );

    d_zoomer = new QwtPolarMagnifier( d_plot->canvas() );
    d_zoomer->setEnabled( false );

    d_settingsEditor = new SettingsEditor( w );

    d_settingsEditor->showSettings( d_plot->settings() );
    connect( d_settingsEditor, SIGNAL( edited( const PlotSettings & ) ),
        d_plot, SLOT( applySettings( const PlotSettings & ) ) );

    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( w );
    layout->addWidget( d_settingsEditor, 0 );
    layout->addWidget( d_plot, 10 );

    setCentralWidget( w );

    QToolBar *toolBar = new QToolBar( this );

    QToolButton *btnZoom = new QToolButton( toolBar );

    const QString zoomHelp =
        "Use the wheel to zoom in/out.\n"
        "When the plot is zoomed in,\n"
        "use the left mouse button to move it.";

    btnZoom->setText( "Zoom" );
    btnZoom->setIcon( QPixmap( zoom_xpm ) );
    btnZoom->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    btnZoom->setToolTip( zoomHelp );
    btnZoom->setCheckable( true );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnZoom );
    connect( btnZoom, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( enableZoomMode( bool ) ) );

    QToolButton *btnPrint = new QToolButton( toolBar );
    btnPrint->setText( "Print" );
    btnPrint->setIcon( QPixmap( print_xpm ) );
    btnPrint->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnPrint );
    connect( btnPrint, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( printDocument() ) );

#ifdef QT_SVG_LIB
    QToolButton *btnExport = new QToolButton( toolBar );
    btnExport->setText( "Export" );
    btnExport->setIcon( QPixmap( print_xpm ) );
    btnExport->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnExport );

    connect( btnExport, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( exportDocument() ) );

    addToolBar( toolBar );
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent ):
    QMainWindow( parent )
    d_plot = new Plot( this );

    const int margin = 5;
    d_plot->setContentsMargins( margin, margin, margin, 0 );

    setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::NoContextMenu );

    d_zoomer[0] = new Zoomer( QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft,
        d_plot->canvas() );
    d_zoomer[0]->setRubberBand( QwtPicker::RectRubberBand );
    d_zoomer[0]->setRubberBandPen( QColor( Qt::green ) );
    d_zoomer[0]->setTrackerMode( QwtPicker::ActiveOnly );
    d_zoomer[0]->setTrackerPen( QColor( Qt::white ) );

    d_zoomer[1] = new Zoomer( QwtPlot::xTop, QwtPlot::yRight,
         d_plot->canvas() );

    d_panner = new QwtPlotPanner( d_plot->canvas() );
    d_panner->setMouseButton( Qt::MidButton );

    d_picker = new QwtPlotPicker( QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft,
        QwtPlotPicker::CrossRubberBand, QwtPicker::AlwaysOn,
        d_plot->canvas() );
    d_picker->setStateMachine( new QwtPickerDragPointMachine() );
    d_picker->setRubberBandPen( QColor( Qt::green ) );
    d_picker->setRubberBand( QwtPicker::CrossRubberBand );
    d_picker->setTrackerPen( QColor( Qt::white ) );

    setCentralWidget( d_plot );

    QToolBar *toolBar = new QToolBar( this );

    QToolButton *btnZoom = new QToolButton( toolBar );
    btnZoom->setText( "Zoom" );
    btnZoom->setIcon( QPixmap( zoom_xpm ) );
    btnZoom->setCheckable( true );
    btnZoom->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnZoom );
    connect( btnZoom, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( enableZoomMode( bool ) ) );

    QToolButton *btnPrint = new QToolButton( toolBar );
    btnPrint->setText( "Print" );
    btnPrint->setIcon( QPixmap( print_xpm ) );
    btnPrint->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnPrint );
    connect( btnPrint, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( print() ) );

    QToolButton *btnExport = new QToolButton( toolBar );
    btnExport->setText( "Export" );
    btnExport->setIcon( QPixmap( print_xpm ) );
    btnExport->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
    toolBar->addWidget( btnExport );
    connect( btnExport, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( exportDocument() ) );


    QWidget *hBox = new QWidget( toolBar );

    QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( hBox );
    layout->setSpacing( 0 );
    layout->addWidget( new QWidget( hBox ), 10 ); // spacer
    layout->addWidget( new QLabel( "Damping Factor", hBox ), 0 );
    layout->addSpacing( 10 );

    QwtCounter *cntDamp = new QwtCounter( hBox );
    cntDamp->setRange( 0.0, 5.0, 0.01 );
    cntDamp->setValue( 0.0 );

    layout->addWidget( cntDamp, 0 );

    ( void )toolBar->addWidget( hBox );

    addToolBar( toolBar );
    ( void )statusBar();

    enableZoomMode( false );

    connect( cntDamp, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ),
        d_plot, SLOT( setDamp( double ) ) );

    connect( d_picker, SIGNAL( moved( const QPoint & ) ),
        SLOT( moved( const QPoint & ) ) );
    connect( d_picker, SIGNAL( selected( const QPolygon & ) ),
        SLOT( selected( const QPolygon & ) ) );