int MinosTestExport::exportAllDetails( HANDLE minosContestFile, bool newfile )
   stanzaCount = 0;
   if ( newfile )
      //      std::string lbuff = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' version='1.0'>" ;
      std::string lbuff = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='minos:client' version='1.0'>" ;
      lbuff += "\r\n" + fileHeader;
      DWORD ret = 0;
      bool res = WriteFile( minosContestFile, lbuff.c_str(), lbuff.length(), &ret, 0 );
      if ( !res || ret != lbuff.length() )
         MinosParameters::getMinosParameters() ->mshowMessage( "bad reply from write!" );
   exportMode( minosContestFile );
   exportContest( minosContestFile );
   exportQTH( minosContestFile );
   exportEntry( minosContestFile );
   exportStation( minosContestFile );
   exportCurrent( minosContestFile );
   exportOperators( minosContestFile );
   exportBundles( minosContestFile );

   return stanzaCount;
// AND we need an export operator change
int MinosTestExport::exportTest( HANDLE expfd, int mindump, int maxdump )
   stanzaCount = 0;
   std::string lbuff = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='minos:client' version='1.0'>" ;
   lbuff += "\r\n" + fileHeader;
   DWORD ret = 0;
   bool res = WriteFile( expfd, lbuff.c_str(), lbuff.length(), &ret, 0 );
   if ( !res || ret != lbuff.length() )
      MinosParameters::getMinosParameters() ->mshowMessage( "bad reply from write!" );

   // export a sequence of Minos stanzas

   // Don't want to export Minos as read only!
   bool wasRO = ct->readOnly.getValue();

   ct->readOnly.setValue( false );

   exportMode( expfd );

   ct->readOnly.setValue( wasRO );

   exportContest( expfd );
   exportQTH( expfd );
   exportEntry( expfd );
   exportStation( expfd );
   exportCurrent( expfd );
   exportOperators( expfd );     // not right... we need to log op changes
   exportBundles( expfd );

   bool inDump = false;
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ct->ctList.size(); i++ )
      BaseContact *dct = ct->ctList[ i ];
      ContestContact *lct = dynamic_cast<ContestContact *>( dct );

      if ( inDump && lct->contactFlags.getValue() & ( LOCAL_COMMENT | COMMENT_ONLY ) )
         exportComment( expfd, lct );

      int serials = atoi( lct->serials.getValue().c_str() );
      // dump the contact, until serial seen

      if ( ( serials >= mindump ) || ( mindump == 0 ) )
         inDump = true;

      if ( inDump && ( serials <= maxdump ) )
         exportQSO( expfd, lct );

      // Cannot assume that all serials are in order, so we need to go through
      // the whole contest

   return stanzaCount;
void StationTreeView::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* event )
	QModelIndex index = this->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
	ModelTreeItem* item = static_cast<ModelTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());

	if (!item)  // Otherwise sometimes it crashes when (unmotivated ;-) ) clicking in a treeview

	// The current index refers to a parent item (e.g. a listname)
	if (item->childCount() > 0)
		QMenu menu;
		QAction* propertyAction = menu.addAction("Display list properties...");
		QAction* exportAction   = menu.addAction("Export to GMS...");
		QAction* saveAction   = menu.addAction("Save to file...");
		QAction* removeAction   = menu.addAction("Remove station list");

		connect(propertyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPropertiesDialog()));
		connect(exportAction,   SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportList()));
		connect(saveAction,   SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveList()));
		connect(removeAction,   SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeStationList()));
	// The current index refers to a station object
		QString temp_name;
		QMenu menu;

		if (static_cast<StationTreeModel*>(model())->stationFromIndex(index,
		                                                              temp_name)->type() ==
			QAction* stratAction = menu.addAction("Display Stratigraphy...");
			QAction* exportAction = menu.addAction("Export to GMS...");
			connect(stratAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(displayStratigraphy()));
			connect(exportAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportStation()));
			menu.addAction("View Information...");
			QAction* showDiagramAction = menu.addAction("View Diagram...");
			connect(showDiagramAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,