void LibraryModule::getLocalCompiledFiles (const File& localModuleFolder, Array<File>& result) const
    const var compileArray (moduleInfo.moduleInfo ["compile"]); // careful to keep this alive while the array is in use!

    if (const Array<var>* const files = compileArray.getArray())
        for (int i = 0; i < files->size(); ++i)
            const var& file = files->getReference(i);
            const String filename (file ["file"].toString());

            if (filename.isNotEmpty()
                  #if JUCE_MAC
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("xcode", file ["target"].toString())
                  #elif JUCE_WINDOWS
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("msvc",  file ["target"].toString())
                  #elif JUCE_LINUX
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("linux", file ["target"].toString())
                result.add (localModuleFolder.getChildFile (filename));
static bool fileTargetMatches (ProjectExporter& exporter, const String& target)
    if (exporter.isXcode())         return exporterTargetMatches ("xcode", target);
    if (exporter.isWindows())       return exporterTargetMatches ("msvc", target);
    if (exporter.isLinux())         return exporterTargetMatches ("linux", target);
    if (exporter.isAndroid())       return exporterTargetMatches ("android", target);
    if (exporter.isCodeBlocks())    return exporterTargetMatches ("mingw", target);
    return target.isEmpty();