double PropsSI(const std::string &Output, const std::string &Name1, double Prop1, const std::string &Name2, double Prop2, const std::string &Ref)
	std::string backend, fluid;
    // In this function the error catching happens;
	std::cout << "macro is on; error checking disabled in PropsSI" << std::endl;
        // BEGIN OF TRY
		// Here is the real code that is inside the try block
		extract_backend(Ref, backend, fluid);
		double val = _PropsSI(Output, Name1, Prop1, Name2, Prop2, backend, fluid, std::vector<double>());
		if (get_debug_level() > 1){ std::cout << format("_PropsSI will return %g",val) << std::endl; }
        return val;
        // END OF TRY
    catch(const std::exception& e){
		set_error_string(e.what() + format(" : PropsSI(\"%s\",\"%s\",%0.10g,\"%s\",%0.10g,\"%s\")",Output.c_str(),Name1.c_str(), Prop1, Name2.c_str(), Prop2, Ref.c_str())); 
		#if defined (PROPSSI_ERROR_STDOUT)
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; 
		if (get_debug_level() > 1){std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;}
		return _HUGE; 
		return _HUGE; 
double PropsSI(const std::string &Output, const std::string &Name1, double Prop1, const std::string &Name2, double Prop2, const std::string &Ref, const std::vector<double> &z)
	std::string backend, fluid;
	// Fractions are already provided, we just need to parse the Ref string
	extract_backend(Ref, backend, fluid);
    CATCH_ALL_ERRORS_RETURN_HUGE(return _PropsSI(Output,Name1,Prop1,Name2,Prop2,backend, fluid,z);)
double PropsSI(const std::string &Output, const std::string &Name1, double Prop1, const std::string &Name2, double Prop2, const std::string &Ref)
    #if !defined(NO_ERROR_CATCHING)

        // BEGIN OF TRY
        // Here is the real code that is inside the try block

        std::string backend, fluid;
        extract_backend(Ref, backend, fluid);
        std::vector<double> fractions(1, 1.0);
        // extract_fractions checks for has_fractions_in_string / has_solution_concentration; no need to double check
        std::string fluid_string = extract_fractions(fluid, fractions);
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > IO;
        _PropsSImulti(strsplit(Output,'&'), Name1, std::vector<double>(1, Prop1), Name2, std::vector<double>(1, Prop2), backend, strsplit(fluid_string, '&'), fractions, IO);
        if (IO.empty()){ throw ValueError(get_global_param_string("errstring").c_str()); }
        if (IO.size()!= 1 || IO[0].size() != 1){ throw ValueError(format("output should be 1x1; error was %s", get_global_param_string("errstring").c_str())); }

        double val = IO[0][0];

        if (get_debug_level() > 1){ std::cout << format("_PropsSI will return %g",val) << std::endl; }
        return val;
        // END OF TRY
    #if !defined(NO_ERROR_CATCHING)
    catch(const std::exception& e){
        set_error_string(e.what() + format(" : PropsSI(\"%s\",\"%s\",%0.10g,\"%s\",%0.10g,\"%s\")",Output.c_str(),Name1.c_str(), Prop1, Name2.c_str(), Prop2, Ref.c_str()));
        #if defined (PROPSSI_ERROR_STDOUT)
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
        if (get_debug_level() > 1){std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;}
        return _HUGE;
        return _HUGE;