void extract_lua (FILE *f, const char *real_filename, const char *logical_filename, flag_context_list_table_ty *flag_table, msgdomain_list_ty *mdlp) { message_list_ty *mlp = mdlp->item[0]->messages; fp = f; real_file_name = real_filename; logical_file_name = xstrdup (logical_filename); line_number = 1; last_comment_line = -1; last_non_comment_line = -1; flag_context_list_table = flag_table; init_keywords (); /* Eat tokens until eof is seen. When extract_parenthesized returns due to an unbalanced closing parenthesis, just restart it. */ while (!extract_balanced (mlp, token_type_eof, null_context, null_context_list_iterator, arglist_parser_alloc (mlp, NULL))) ; fp = NULL; real_file_name = NULL; logical_file_name = NULL; line_number = 0; }
/* Extract messages until the next balanced closing parenthesis or bracket. Extracted messages are added to MLP. DELIM can be either token_type_rparen or token_type_rbracket, or token_type_eof to accept both. Return true upon eof, false upon closing parenthesis. */ static bool extract_balanced (message_list_ty *mlp, token_type_ty delim, flag_context_ty outer_context, flag_context_list_iterator_ty context_iter, struct arglist_parser *argparser) { /* Current argument number. */ int arg = 1; /* 0 when no keyword has been seen. 1 right after a keyword is seen. */ int state; /* Parameters of the keyword just seen. Defined only in state 1. */ const struct callshapes *next_shapes = NULL; /* Context iterator that will be used if the next token is a '('. */ flag_context_list_iterator_ty next_context_iter = passthrough_context_list_iterator; /* Current context. */ flag_context_ty inner_context = inherited_context (outer_context, flag_context_list_iterator_advance (&context_iter)); /* Start state is 0. */ state = 0; for (;;) { token_ty token; x_php_lex (&token); switch (token.type) { case token_type_symbol: { void *keyword_value; if (hash_find_entry (&keywords, token.string, strlen (token.string), &keyword_value) == 0) { next_shapes = (const struct callshapes *) keyword_value; state = 1; } else state = 0; } next_context_iter = flag_context_list_iterator ( flag_context_list_table_lookup ( flag_context_list_table, token.string, strlen (token.string))); free (token.string); continue; case token_type_lparen: if (extract_balanced (mlp, token_type_rparen, inner_context, next_context_iter, arglist_parser_alloc (mlp, state ? next_shapes : NULL))) { arglist_parser_done (argparser, arg); return true; } next_context_iter = null_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_rparen: if (delim == token_type_rparen || delim == token_type_eof) { arglist_parser_done (argparser, arg); return false; } next_context_iter = null_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_comma: arg++; inner_context = inherited_context (outer_context, flag_context_list_iterator_advance ( &context_iter)); next_context_iter = passthrough_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_lbracket: if (extract_balanced (mlp, token_type_rbracket, null_context, null_context_list_iterator, arglist_parser_alloc (mlp, NULL))) { arglist_parser_done (argparser, arg); return true; } case token_type_rbracket: if (delim == token_type_rbracket || delim == token_type_eof) { arglist_parser_done (argparser, arg); return false; } next_context_iter = null_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_string_literal: { lex_pos_ty pos; pos.file_name = logical_file_name; pos.line_number = token.line_number; if (extract_all) remember_a_message (mlp, NULL, token.string, inner_context, &pos, token.comment); else arglist_parser_remember (argparser, arg, token.string, inner_context, pos.file_name, pos.line_number, token.comment); drop_reference (token.comment); } next_context_iter = null_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_dot: case token_type_operator1: case token_type_operator2: case token_type_other: next_context_iter = null_context_list_iterator; state = 0; continue; case token_type_eof: arglist_parser_done (argparser, arg); return true; default: abort (); } } }