文件: bgsync.cpp 项目: gormanb/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_rollback(OperationContext* txn,
                               const HostAndPort& source,
                               stdx::function<DBClientBase*()> getConnection) {
    // Abort only when syncRollback detects we are in a unrecoverable state.
    // In other cases, we log the message contained in the error status and retry later.
    auto status = syncRollback(txn,
                               OplogInterfaceLocal(txn, rsOplogName),
                               RollbackSourceImpl(getConnection, source, rsOplogName),
    if (status.isOK()) {
        // When the syncTail thread sees there is no new data by adding something to the buffer.
        // Wait until the buffer is empty.
        // This is an indication that syncTail has removed the sentinal marker from the buffer
        // and reset its local lastAppliedOpTime via the replCoord.
        while (!_oplogBuffer->isEmpty()) {
            if (inShutdown()) {

        // At this point we are about to leave rollback.  Before we do, wait for any writes done
        // as part of rollback to be durable, and then do any necessary checks that we didn't
        // wind up rolling back something illegal.  We must wait for the rollback to be durable
        // so that if we wind up shutting down uncleanly in response to something we rolled back
        // we know that we won't wind up right back in the same situation when we start back up
        // because the rollback wasn't durable.

        // If we detected that we rolled back the shardIdentity document as part of this rollback
        // then we must shut down to clear the in-memory ShardingState associated with the
        // shardIdentity document.
        if (ShardIdentityRollbackNotifier::get(txn)->didRollbackHappen()) {
                << "shardIdentity document rollback detected.  Shutting down to clear "
                   "in-memory sharding state.  Restarting this process should safely return it "
                   "to a healthy state";

        // It is now safe to clear the ROLLBACK state, which may result in the applier thread
        // transitioning to SECONDARY.  This is safe because the applier thread has now reloaded
        // the new rollback minValid from the database.
        if (!_replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << "; expected to be in state " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK)
                      << " but found self in " << _replCoord->getMemberState();
    if (ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError == status.code()) {
        fassertNoTrace(28723, status);
    warning() << "rollback cannot proceed at this time (retrying later): " << redact(status);
文件: bgsync.cpp 项目: alabid/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_rollback(OperationContext* txn,
                               const HostAndPort& source,
                               stdx::function<DBClientBase*()> getConnection) {
    // Abort only when syncRollback detects we are in a unrecoverable state.
    // In other cases, we log the message contained in the error status and retry later.
    auto status = syncRollback(txn,
                               OplogInterfaceLocal(txn, rsOplogName),
                               RollbackSourceImpl(getConnection, source, rsOplogName),
    if (status.isOK()) {
    if (ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError == status.code()) {
        fassertNoTrace(28723, status);
    warning() << "rollback cannot proceed at this time (retrying later): " << status;
void BackgroundSync::_rollback(OperationContext* txn,
                               const HostAndPort& source,
                               stdx::function<DBClientBase*()> getConnection) {
    // Abort only when syncRollback detects we are in a unrecoverable state.
    // In other cases, we log the message contained in the error status and retry later.
    auto status = syncRollback(txn,
                               OplogInterfaceLocal(txn, rsOplogName),
                               RollbackSourceImpl(getConnection, source, rsOplogName),
    if (status.isOK()) {
        // When the syncTail thread sees there is no new data by adding something to the buffer.
        // Wait until the buffer is empty.
        // This is an indication that syncTail has removed the sentinal marker from the buffer
        // and reset its local lastAppliedOpTime via the replCoord.
        while (!_buffer.empty()) {
            if (inShutdown()) {

        // It is now safe to clear the ROLLBACK state, which may result in the applier thread
        // transitioning to SECONDARY.  This is safe because the applier thread has now reloaded
        // the new rollback minValid from the database.
        if (!_replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << "; expected to be in state " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK)
                      << " but found self in " << _replCoord->getMemberState();
    if (ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError == status.code()) {
        fassertNoTrace(28723, status);
    warning() << "rollback cannot proceed at this time (retrying later): " << status;
文件: bgsync.cpp 项目: gormanb/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) {

    while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(pauseRsBgSyncProducer)) {

    // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing
    // from to track how far it has synced
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) {
            // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set
            // if there is no one to sync from

        if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp() &&
            (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary())) {

        if (_inShutdown_inlock()) {

    // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched
    OpTime lastOpTimeFetched;
    HostAndPort source;
    SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp;
    SyncSourceResolver* syncSourceResolver;
    OpTime minValid;
    if (_replCoord->getMemberState().recovering()) {
        auto minValidSaved = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn);
        if (minValidSaved > lastOpTimeFetched) {
            minValid = minValidSaved;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort();
        _syncSourceResolver = stdx::make_unique<SyncSourceResolver>(
            [&syncSourceResp](const SyncSourceResolverResponse& resp) { syncSourceResp = resp; });
        syncSourceResolver = _syncSourceResolver.get();
    // This may deadlock if called inside the mutex because SyncSourceResolver::startup() calls
    // ReplicationCoordinator::chooseNewSyncSource(). ReplicationCoordinatorImpl's mutex has to
    // acquired before BackgroundSync's.
    // It is safe to call startup() outside the mutex on this instance of SyncSourceResolver because
    // we do not destroy this instance outside of this function.
    auto status = _syncSourceResolver->startup();
    if (ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled == status || ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
    fassertStatusOK(40349, status);
    syncSourceResolver = nullptr;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);

    if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) {
        // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale.
        if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {
            warning() << "Too stale to catch up.";
            log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
            log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen
                  << " from " << syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();

        error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode";
        log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
        log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen;
        log() << "See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/resyncingaverystalereplicasetmember";
        auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode: " << status;
        bool worked = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING);
        if (!worked) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState();
    } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();
        source = _syncSourceHost;
    } else {
        if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) {
            log() << "failed to find sync source, received error "
                  << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus();
        // No sync source found.

    long long lastHashFetched;
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_stopped) {
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash;
        if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {

    // Set the applied point if unset. This is most likely the first time we've established a sync
    // source since stepping down or otherwise clearing the applied point. We need to set this here,
    // before the OplogWriter gets a chance to append to the oplog.
    if (StorageInterface::get(txn)->getAppliedThrough(txn).isNull()) {
        StorageInterface::get(txn)->setAppliedThrough(txn, _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime());

    // "lastFetched" not used. Already set in _enqueueDocuments.
    Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK();
    DataReplicatorExternalStateBackgroundSync dataReplicatorExternalState(
        _replCoord, _replicationCoordinatorExternalState, this);
    OplogFetcher* oplogFetcher;
    try {
        auto executor = _replicationCoordinatorExternalState->getTaskExecutor();
        auto config = _replCoord->getConfig();
        auto onOplogFetcherShutdownCallbackFn =
            [&fetcherReturnStatus](const Status& status, const OpTimeWithHash& lastFetched) {
                fetcherReturnStatus = status;

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        _oplogFetcher = stdx::make_unique<OplogFetcher>(
            OpTimeWithHash(lastHashFetched, lastOpTimeFetched),
        oplogFetcher = _oplogFetcher.get();
    } catch (const mongo::DBException& ex) {
        fassertFailedWithStatus(34440, exceptionToStatus());

    LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << _syncSourceHost << " starting at "
           << oplogFetcher->getCommandObject_forTest()["filter"];
    auto scheduleStatus = oplogFetcher->startup();
    if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": "
                  << scheduleStatus;

    LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source;

    // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to
    // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point.
    if (isStopped()) {

    if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) {
        // This is bad because it means that our source
        // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be.

        warning() << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
        // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it,
        // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field.
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing ||
               fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) {
        if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {
            warning() << "Rollback situation detected in catch-up mode; catch-up mode will end.";

        // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be
        // executed inside the fetcher callback.
        const int messagingPortTags = 0;
        ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags);
        std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection;
        auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, source]() -> DBClientBase* {
            if (!connection.get()) {
                connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr(
                    &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), kRollbackOplogSocketTimeout));
            return connection->get();

            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;

        log() << "Starting rollback due to " << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);

        // Wait till all buffered oplog entries have drained and been applied.
        auto lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime();
        if (lastApplied != lastOpTimeFetched) {
            log() << "Waiting for all operations from " << lastApplied << " until "
                  << lastOpTimeFetched << " to be applied before starting rollback.";
            while (lastOpTimeFetched > (lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime())) {
                if (isStopped() || inShutdown()) {
        // check that we are at minvalid, otherwise we cannot roll back as we may be in an
        // inconsistent state
        const auto minValid = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn);
        if (lastApplied < minValid) {
                                  str::stream() << "need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. "
                                                << "minvalid: "
                                                << minValid.toString()
                                                << " > our last optime: "
                                                << lastApplied.toString()));

        _rollback(txn, source, getConnection);
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) {
        Seconds blacklistDuration(60);
        warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source "
                  << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << ".";
        _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration);
    } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "Fetcher stopped querying remote oplog with error: "
                  << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) {
    // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing
    // from to track how far it has synced
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) {
            // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set
            // if there is no one to sync from

        if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary() ||
            inShutdownStrict()) {

    while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsBgSyncProduce)) {

    // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched
    OpTime lastOpTimeFetched;
    HostAndPort source;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort();
    SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp =
        _syncSourceResolver.findSyncSource(txn, lastOpTimeFetched);

    if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) {
        // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale.
        error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode";
        log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
        log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen;
        log() << "See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/resyncingaverystalereplicasetmember";
        setMinValid(txn, {lastOpTimeFetched, syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen});
        auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode.";
        bool worked = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING);
        if (!worked) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState();
    } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();
        source = _syncSourceHost;
    } else {
        if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) {
            log() << "failed to find sync source, received error "
                  << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus();
        // No sync source found.

    long long lastHashFetched;
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_stopped) {
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash;

    const auto isV1ElectionProtocol = _replCoord->isV1ElectionProtocol();
    // Under protocol version 1, make the awaitData timeout (maxTimeMS) dependent on the election
    // timeout. This enables the sync source to communicate liveness of the primary to secondaries.
    // Under protocol version 0, use a default timeout of 2 seconds for awaitData.
    const Milliseconds fetcherMaxTimeMS(
        isV1ElectionProtocol ? _replCoord->getConfig().getElectionTimeoutPeriod() / 2 : Seconds(2));

    Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK();
    auto fetcherCallback = stdx::bind(&BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback,

    BSONObjBuilder cmdBob;
    cmdBob.append("find", nsToCollectionSubstring(rsOplogName));
    cmdBob.append("filter", BSON("ts" << BSON("$gte" << lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp())));
    cmdBob.append("tailable", true);
    cmdBob.append("oplogReplay", true);
    cmdBob.append("awaitData", true);
    cmdBob.append("maxTimeMS", durationCount<Milliseconds>(Minutes(1)));  // 1 min initial find.

    BSONObjBuilder metadataBob;
    if (isV1ElectionProtocol) {
        cmdBob.append("term", _replCoord->getTerm());
        metadataBob.append(rpc::kReplSetMetadataFieldName, 1);

    auto dbName = nsToDatabase(rsOplogName);
    auto cmdObj = cmdBob.obj();
    auto metadataObj = metadataBob.obj();
    Fetcher fetcher(&_threadPoolTaskExecutor,

    LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << " starting at "
           << cmdObj["filter"];
    auto scheduleStatus = fetcher.schedule();
    if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": "
                  << scheduleStatus;
    LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source;

    // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to
    // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point.
    if (isStopped()) {

    if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) {
        // This is bad because it means that our source
        // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be.

        warning() << fetcherReturnStatus.toString();
        // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it,
        // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field.
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing ||
               fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) {
        // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be
        // executed inside the fetcher callback.
        const int messagingPortTags = 0;
        ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags);
        std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection;
        auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, source]() -> DBClientBase* {
            if (!connection.get()) {
                connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr(
                    &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), oplogSocketTimeout));
            return connection->get();

            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;

        log() << "Starting rollback due to " << fetcherReturnStatus;

        // Wait till all buffered oplog entries have drained and been applied.
        auto lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime();
        if (lastApplied != lastOpTimeFetched) {
            log() << "Waiting for all operations from " << lastApplied << " until "
                  << lastOpTimeFetched << " to be applied before starting rollback.";
            while (lastOpTimeFetched > (lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime())) {
                if (isStopped() || inShutdown()) {
        // check that we are at minvalid, otherwise we cannot roll back as we may be in an
        // inconsistent state
        BatchBoundaries boundaries = getMinValid(txn);
        if (!boundaries.start.isNull() || boundaries.end > lastApplied) {
                                      << "need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. "
                                      << "minvalid: " << boundaries.end.toString()
                                      << " > our last optime: " << lastApplied.toString()));

        _rollback(txn, source, getConnection);
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) {
        Seconds blacklistDuration(60);
        warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source "
                  << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << ".";
        _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration);
    } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "Fetcher error querying oplog: " << fetcherReturnStatus.toString();
 * Return whether there are non-local databases. If there was an error becauses the wrong mongod
 * version was used for these datafiles, a DBException with status ErrorCodes::MustDowngrade is
 * thrown.
bool repairDatabasesAndCheckVersion(OperationContext* opCtx) {
    auto const storageEngine = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine();
    Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);

    std::vector<std::string> dbNames = storageEngine->listDatabases();

    // Rebuilding indexes must be done before a database can be opened, except when using repair,
    // which rebuilds all indexes when it is done.
    if (!storageGlobalParams.readOnly && !storageGlobalParams.repair) {
        // Determine whether this is a replica set node running in standalone mode. If we're in
        // repair mode, we cannot set the flag yet as it needs to open a database and look through a
        // collection. Rebuild the necessary indexes after setting the flag.
        rebuildIndexes(opCtx, storageEngine);

    bool ensuredCollectionProperties = false;

    // Repair all databases first, so that we do not try to open them if they are in bad shape
    auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx);
    if (storageGlobalParams.repair) {

        if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(exitBeforeDataRepair)) {
            log() << "Exiting because 'exitBeforeDataRepair' fail point was set.";

        // Ensure that the local database is repaired first, if it exists, so that we can open it
        // before any other database to be able to determine if this is a replica set node running
        // in standalone mode before rebuilding any indexes.
        auto dbNamesIt = std::find(dbNames.begin(), dbNames.end(), NamespaceString::kLocalDb);
        if (dbNamesIt != dbNames.end()) {
            std::swap(dbNames.front(), *dbNamesIt);
            invariant(dbNames.front() == NamespaceString::kLocalDb);

        stdx::function<void(const std::string& dbName)> onRecordStoreRepair =
            [opCtx](const std::string& dbName) {
                if (dbName == NamespaceString::kLocalDb) {

        for (const auto& dbName : dbNames) {
            LOG(1) << "    Repairing database: " << dbName;
                           repairDatabase(opCtx, storageEngine, dbName, onRecordStoreRepair));

        // All collections must have UUIDs before restoring the FCV document to a version that
        // requires UUIDs.
        uassertStatusOK(ensureCollectionProperties(opCtx, dbNames));
        ensuredCollectionProperties = true;

        // Attempt to restore the featureCompatibilityVersion document if it is missing.
        NamespaceString fcvNSS(NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace);

        auto db = databaseHolder->getDb(opCtx, fcvNSS.db());
        Collection* versionColl;
        BSONObj featureCompatibilityVersion;
        if (!db || !(versionColl = db->getCollection(opCtx, fcvNSS)) ||
                              BSON("_id" << FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::kParameterName),
                              featureCompatibilityVersion)) {
            uassertStatusOK(restoreMissingFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument(opCtx, dbNames));

    if (!ensuredCollectionProperties) {
        uassertStatusOK(ensureCollectionProperties(opCtx, dbNames));

    if (!storageGlobalParams.readOnly) {
        // We open the "local" database before calling hasReplSetConfigDoc() to ensure the in-memory
        // catalog entries for the 'kSystemReplSetNamespace' collection have been populated if the
        // collection exists. If the "local" database didn't exist at this point yet, then it will
        // be created. If the mongod is running in a read-only mode, then it is fine to not open the
        // "local" database and populate the catalog entries because we won't attempt to drop the
        // temporary collections anyway.
        Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, NamespaceString::kSystemReplSetNamespace.db(), MODE_X);
        databaseHolder->openDb(opCtx, NamespaceString::kSystemReplSetNamespace.db());

    if (storageGlobalParams.repair) {
        if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(exitBeforeRepairInvalidatesConfig)) {
            log() << "Exiting because 'exitBeforeRepairInvalidatesConfig' fail point was set.";
        // This must be done after opening the "local" database as it modifies the replica set
        // config.
        auto repairObserver = StorageRepairObserver::get(opCtx->getServiceContext());
        if (repairObserver->isDataModified()) {
            warning() << "Modifications made by repair:";
            const auto& mods = repairObserver->getModifications();
            for (const auto& mod : mods) {
                warning() << "  " << mod;
            if (hasReplSetConfigDoc(opCtx)) {
                warning() << "WARNING: Repair may have modified replicated data. This node will no "
                             "longer be able to join a replica set without a full re-sync";

    const repl::ReplSettings& replSettings =

    // On replica set members we only clear temp collections on DBs other than "local" during
    // promotion to primary. On pure slaves, they are only cleared when the oplog tells them
    // to. The local DB is special because it is not replicated.  See SERVER-10927 for more
    // details.
    const bool shouldClearNonLocalTmpCollections =
        !(hasReplSetConfigDoc(opCtx) || replSettings.usingReplSets());

    // To check whether a featureCompatibilityVersion document exists.
    bool fcvDocumentExists = false;

    // To check whether we have databases other than local.
    bool nonLocalDatabases = false;

    // Refresh list of database names to include newly-created admin, if it exists.
    dbNames = storageEngine->listDatabases();
    for (const auto& dbName : dbNames) {
        if (dbName != "local") {
            nonLocalDatabases = true;
        LOG(1) << "    Recovering database: " << dbName;

        auto db = databaseHolder->openDb(opCtx, dbName);

        // First thing after opening the database is to check for file compatibility,
        // otherwise we might crash if this is a deprecated format.
        auto status = storageEngine->currentFilesCompatible(opCtx);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::CanRepairToDowngrade) {
                // Convert CanRepairToDowngrade statuses to MustUpgrade statuses to avoid logging a
                // potentially confusing and inaccurate message.
                // TODO SERVER-24097: Log a message informing the user that they can start the
                // current version of mongod with --repair and then proceed with normal startup.
                status = {ErrorCodes::MustUpgrade, status.reason()};
            severe() << "Unable to start mongod due to an incompatibility with the data files and"
                        " this version of mongod: "
                     << redact(status);
            severe() << "Please consult our documentation when trying to downgrade to a previous"
                        " major release";

        // If the server configuration collection already contains a valid
        // featureCompatibilityVersion document, cache it in-memory as a server parameter.
        if (dbName == "admin") {
            if (Collection* versionColl =
                    db->getCollection(opCtx, NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace)) {
                BSONObj featureCompatibilityVersion;
                if (Helpers::findOne(
                        BSON("_id" << FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::kParameterName),
                        featureCompatibilityVersion)) {
                    auto swVersion =
                    // Note this error path captures all cases of an FCV document existing,
                    // but with any value other than "4.0" or "4.2". This includes unexpected
                    // cases with no path forward such as the FCV value not being a string.
                                << "UPGRADE PROBLEM: Found an invalid "
                                   "featureCompatibilityVersion document (ERROR: "
                                << swVersion.getStatus()
                                << "). If the current featureCompatibilityVersion is below "
                                   "4.0, see the documentation on upgrading at "
                                << feature_compatibility_version_documentation::kUpgradeLink
                                << ".",

                    fcvDocumentExists = true;
                    auto version = swVersion.getValue();

                    // On startup, if the version is in an upgrading or downrading state, print a
                    // warning.
                    if (version ==
                        ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kUpgradingTo42) {
                        log() << "** WARNING: A featureCompatibilityVersion upgrade did not "
                              << "complete. " << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**          The current featureCompatibilityVersion is "
                              << FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::toString(version) << "."
                              << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**          To fix this, use the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion "
                              << "command to resume upgrade to 4.2." << startupWarningsLog;
                    } else if (version == ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::
                                              kDowngradingTo40) {
                        log() << "** WARNING: A featureCompatibilityVersion downgrade did not "
                              << "complete. " << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**          The current featureCompatibilityVersion is "
                              << FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::toString(version) << "."
                              << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**          To fix this, use the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion "
                              << "command to resume downgrade to 4.0." << startupWarningsLog;

        if (replSettings.usingReplSets()) {
            // We only care about _id indexes and drop-pending collections if we are in a replset.
            // Ensure oplog is capped (mongodb does not guarantee order of inserts on noncapped
            // collections)
            if (db->name() == "local") {
                checkForCappedOplog(opCtx, db);

        if (!storageGlobalParams.readOnly &&
            (shouldClearNonLocalTmpCollections || dbName == "local")) {

    // Fail to start up if there is no featureCompatibilityVersion document and there are non-local
    // databases present.
    if (!fcvDocumentExists && nonLocalDatabases) {
            << "Unable to start up mongod due to missing featureCompatibilityVersion document.";
        severe() << "Please run with --repair to restore the document.";

    LOG(1) << "done repairDatabases";
    return nonLocalDatabases;