void fc3d_ProjectedGradientOnCylinder(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  double* q = problem->q;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  /* Dimension of the problem */
  int n = 3 * nc;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Projected Gradient iterations *****/
  int j, iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  int nLocal = 3;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver
  double * velocitytmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0;
  int isVariable = 0;
  double rhoinit, rhomin;
  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    /* Variable step in fixed*/
    isVariable = 1;
    printf("Variable step (line search) in Projected Gradient iterations\n");
    rhoinit = dparam[3];
    rhomin = dparam[4];

  double * reactionold;
  double * direction;
  if (isVariable)
    reactionold = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    direction = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double alpha = 1.0;
  double beta = 1.0;

  /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */

  if (!isVariable)
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocitytmp);
      // projection for each contact
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, velocitytmp, 1, reaction , 1);
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[ contact * nLocal],


      printf("reaction before LS\n");
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + j, reaction[3 * contact + j]);
      printf("velocitytmp before LS\n");
      for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          printf("velocitytmp[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + j, velocitytmp[3 * contact + j]);
      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_Tresca_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (options->callback)
        options->callback->collectStatsIteration(options->callback->env, nc * 3, 
                                        reaction, velocity, 
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);

      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;
    rho =  rhoinit;

    cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
    prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

    cblas_daxpy(n, rho, velocitytmp, 1, reaction, 1);

    for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
      projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[contact * nLocal],
    cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
    prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

    double oldcriterion = cblas_ddot(n, reaction, 1, velocitytmp, 1);
    printf("oldcriterion =%le \n", oldcriterion);

    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      // store the old reaction
      cblas_dcopy(n , reaction , 1 , reactionold , 1);
      // compute the direction
      cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);
      cblas_dcopy(n, velocitytmp, 1, direction, 1);

      // start line search
      j = 0;

      if (rho <= 100 * rhoinit) rho = 10.0 * rho;

      double newcriterion = 1e24;

        cblas_dcopy(n , reactionold , 1 , reaction , 1);
        cblas_daxpy(n, rho, direction, 1, reaction , 1) ;
        printf("LS iteration %i step 0 \n", j);
        printf("rho = %le \n", rho);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t",
                   3 * contact + k, reaction[3 * contact + k]);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          projectionOnCylinder(&reaction[contact * nLocal],
        /*          printf("options->dWork[%i] = %le\n",contact, options->dWork[contact]  );} */
        printf("LS iteration %i step 1 after projection\n", j);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("reaction[%i] = %le\t",
                   3 * contact + k, reaction[3 * contact + k]);
        cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1);
        prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, 1.0, M, reaction, 1.0, velocitytmp);

        printf("LS iteration %i step 3 \n", j);
        for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
          for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            printf("velocitytmp[%i] = %le\t", 3 * contact + k, velocitytmp[3 * contact + k]);

        newcriterion = cblas_ddot(n, reaction, 1, velocitytmp, 1);

        printf("LS iteration %i newcriterion =%le\n", j, newcriterion);
        if (rho > rhomin)
          rho = rhomin;

        rho = 0.5 * rho;
      while (newcriterion > oldcriterion &&
             ++j <= options->iparam[2]);
      oldcriterion = newcriterion;

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      fc3d_Tresca_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);

      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;

  printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - Projected Gradient On Cylinder (PGoC)- #Iteration %i Final Residual = %14.7e\n", iter, error);
  dparam[0] = tolerance;
  dparam[1] = error;
  if (isVariable)
void fc3d_ConvexQP_ProjectedGradient_Cylinder(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  /* Dimension of the problem */
  int n = 3 * nc;

  ConvexQP *cqp = (ConvexQP *)malloc(sizeof(ConvexQP));
  cqp->M = problem->M;
  cqp->q = problem->q;
  cqp->A = NULL; /* The A matrix is the identity and b is equal to zero */
  cqp->b = NULL;
  cqp->ProjectionOnC = &Projection_ConvexQP_FC3D_Cylinder;

  int iter=0;
  double error=1e24;

  FrictionContactProblem_as_ConvexQP *fc3d_as_cqp= (FrictionContactProblem_as_ConvexQP*)malloc(sizeof(FrictionContactProblem_as_ConvexQP));
  cqp->env = fc3d_as_cqp ;
  cqp->size = n;

  /*set the norm of the ConvexQP to the norm of problem->q  */
  double norm_q = cblas_dnrm2(nc*3 , problem->q , 1);
  cqp->normConvexQP= norm_q;

  fc3d_as_cqp->cqp = cqp;
  fc3d_as_cqp->fc3d = problem;
  fc3d_as_cqp->options = options;
  /* frictionContact_display(fc3d_as_cqp->fc3d); */

  SolverOptions * cqpsolver_options = (SolverOptions *) malloc(sizeof(SolverOptions));


  int isize = options->iSize;
  int dsize = options->dSize;
  int cqp_isize = cqpsolver_options->iSize;
  int cqp_dsize = cqpsolver_options->dSize;
  if (isize != cqp_isize )
    printf("Warning: options->iSize in fc3d_ConvexQP_FixedPointProjection is not consitent with options->iSize in ConvexQP_FPP\n");
  if (dsize != cqp_dsize )
    printf("Warning: options->iSize in fc3d_ConvexQP_FixedPointProjection is not consitent with options->iSize in ConvexQP_FPP\n");
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < min(isize,cqp_isize); i++)
    if (options->iparam[i] != 0 )
      cqpsolver_options->iparam[i] = options->iparam[i] ;
  for (i = 0; i <  min(dsize,cqp_dsize); i++)
    if (fabs(options->dparam[i]) >= 1e-24 )
      cqpsolver_options->dparam[i] = options->dparam[i] ;

  convexQP_ProjectedGradient(cqp, reaction, velocity , info , cqpsolver_options);

  /* **** Criterium convergence **** */

  fc3d_Tresca_compute_error(problem, reaction , velocity, options->dparam[0], options, norm_q, &error);

  /* for (i =0; i< n ; i++) */
  /* { */
  /*   printf("reaction[%i]=%f\t",i,reaction[i]);    printf("velocity[%i]=F[%i]=%f\n",i,i,velocity[i]); */
  /* } */

  error = cqpsolver_options->dparam[1];
  iter = cqpsolver_options->iparam[7];

  options->dparam[SICONOS_DPARAM_RESIDU] = error;
  options->iparam[SICONOS_IPARAM_ITER_DONE] = iter;

  if (verbose > 0)
    printf("--------------- FC3D - ConvexQP Fixed Point Projection (ConvexQP_FPP) - #Iteration %i Final Residual = %14.7e\n", iter, error);

