int test_solver(const char *method, MPI_Comm sub_comm) { int sub_size, sub_rank; fcs_float offset[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_a[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; fcs_int periodicity[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; fcs_int local_nparticles = 4; fcs_float positions[local_nparticles * 3], charges[local_nparticles]; fcs_float field[local_nparticles * 3], potentials[local_nparticles]; FCS fcs; FCSResult result; MPI_Comm_size(sub_comm, &sub_size); MPI_Comm_rank(sub_comm, &sub_rank); srandom(sub_rank * 2501); for (fcs_int i = 0; i < local_nparticles; ++i) { positions[3 * i + 0] = (fcs_float) random() / (fcs_float) RAND_MAX; positions[3 * i + 1] = (fcs_float) random() / (fcs_float) RAND_MAX; positions[3 * i + 2] = (fcs_float) random() / (fcs_float) RAND_MAX; charges[i] = 1.0; } result = fcs_init(&fcs, method, sub_comm); if (result != FCS_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if (fcsResult_getReturnCode(result) == FCS_WRONG_ARGUMENT) { printf("%d: solver method '%s' not available!\n", rank, method); return 10; } printf("%d: fcs_init failed!\n", rank); return 11; } result = fcs_set_common(fcs, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodicity, local_nparticles * sub_size); if (result != FCS_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("%d: fcs_set_common failed!\n", rank); return 12; } result = fcs_run(fcs, local_nparticles, local_nparticles, positions, charges, field, potentials); if (result != FCS_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("%d: fcs_run failed!\n", rank); return 13; } result = fcs_destroy(fcs); if (result != FCS_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("%d: fcs_destroy failed!\n", rank); return 14; } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char **arguments = argv; int arg_count = argc; /* time values for measuring near field time */ /* double t1 = 0.0, t2 = 0.0, tmax = 0.0; */ char *filename; fcs_int number_of_runs; MPI_Comm communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD; fcs_float *box_a; fcs_float *box_b; fcs_float *box_c; fcs_float *offset; fcs_float *particles; fcs_float *charges; fcs_float *velocities; fcs_float *masses; fcs_float *field; fcs_float *potentials; fcs_int periodicity[3]; #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM char FMM_parameters[] = "fmm_absrel,2,fmm_dipole_correction,0,fmm_tolerance_energy,1e-6,fmm_internal_tuning,0ll"; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG char PP3MG_parameters[] = "pp3mg_cells_x,128,pp3mg_cells_y,128,pp3mg_cells_z,128,pp3mg_ghosts,4"; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT char P2NFFT_parameters[] = "P2NFFT_required_accuracy,1e-6"; #endif FILE *input_file; FILE *xyz_file; fcs_int local_particles; char line[400]; fcs_int number_of_particles; fcs_int i, j, k; int comm_rank, comm_size; int dims[3], pers[3]; char c_dummy; /*different handles for different methods*/ #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM FCS handle_fmm = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_MEMD FCS handle_memd = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PEPC FCS handle_pepc = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT FCS handle_p2nfft = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P3M FCS handle_p3m = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG FCS handle_pp3mg = NULL; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_VMG FCS handle_vmg = NULL; #endif FCSResult result = NULL; const fcs_float time_step = 1e-7; const fcs_float charge_scale = 1.602e-19; const fcs_float mass_scale = 1.6e-26; /* scaling factor for MD steps */ const fcs_float scaling_factor = time_step * charge_scale / mass_scale; MPI_Comm cart_comm; char common_parameters[] = "box_a,1.0,0.0,0.0,box_b,0.0,1.0,0.0,box_c,0.0,0.0,1.0,periodicity,1,1,1,offset,0.0,0.0,0.0,near_field_flag,1"; periodicity[0] = 1; periodicity[1] = 1; periodicity[2] = 1; dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = 0; pers[0] = periodicity[0]; pers[1] = periodicity[1]; pers[2] = periodicity[2]; /* command line handling */ MPI_Init (&arg_count, &arguments); MPI_Comm_size (communicator, &comm_size); fprintf (stderr, "comm_size: %d \n", comm_size); MPI_Dims_create (comm_size, 3, dims); fprintf (stderr, "dims: %d %d %d\n", dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]); MPI_Cart_create (communicator, 3, dims, pers, 0, &cart_comm); communicator = cart_comm; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s <solver> <input_file_name> [<number_of_runs>]\n", argv[0]); fprintf (stderr, " currently only the files in test_env/data are supported\n"); return (-1); } filename = argv[1]; number_of_runs = 1; if (argc > 2) number_of_runs = atoi (argv[2]); MPI_Comm_rank (communicator, &comm_rank); MPI_Comm_size (communicator, &comm_size); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Interface test\n"); input_file = fopen (filename, "r"); if (input_file == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: file %s could not be opened!\n", filename); return 2; } for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { fgets (line, 400, input_file); } fscanf (input_file, "%c%" FCS_CONV_INT "d\n", &c_dummy, &number_of_particles); /* dividing particles up */ if (comm_rank == comm_size - 1) local_particles = number_of_particles - (comm_size - 1) * (number_of_particles / comm_size); else local_particles = number_of_particles / comm_size; particles = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); charges = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); velocities = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); masses = (fcs_float *) malloc (sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); field = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); potentials = (fcs_float *) malloc (sizeof (fcs_float) * local_particles); /* printf("%d particles: %d/%d\n", comm_rank, local_particles, number_of_particles); */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < number_of_particles; ++i) { if (((i >= comm_rank * local_particles) || i >= number_of_particles - local_particles) && i < (comm_rank + 1) * local_particles) { fscanf (input_file, "%" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\t %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f\n", (particles + j * 3), (particles + j * 3 + 1), (particles + j * 3 + 2), masses + j, (charges + j), (velocities + j * 3), (velocities + j * 3 + 1), (velocities + j * 3 + 2)); j++; } else { fgets (line, 400, input_file); } } box_a = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float)); box_b = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float)); box_c = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float)); offset = (fcs_float *) malloc (3 * sizeof (fcs_float)); box_a[0] = box_a[1] = box_a[2] = box_b[0] = box_b[1] = box_b[2] = box_c[0] = box_c[1] = box_c[2] = 0.0; box_a[0] = INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE; box_b[1] = INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE; box_c[2] = INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE; offset[0] = 0.0; offset[1] = 0.0; offset[2] = 0.0; if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "pp3mg"); result = fcs_init (&handle_pp3mg, "pp3mg", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "fmm"); result = fcs_init (&handle_fmm, "fmm", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_MEMD if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "memd"); result = fcs_init (&handle_memd, "memd", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PEPC if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "pepc"); result = fcs_init (&handle_pepc, "pepc", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "p2nfft"); result = fcs_init (&handle_p2nfft, "p2nfft", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P3M if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "p3m"); result = fcs_init (&handle_p3m, "p3m", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_VMG if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Initializing %s method...\n", "vmg"); result = fcs_init (&handle_vmg, "vmg", communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif MPI_Barrier(communicator); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); MPI_Barrier(communicator); #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for pp3mg...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_pp3mg, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_pp3mg, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of pp3mg... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_pp3mg); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning pp3mg... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_pp3mg, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_MEMD if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for memd...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_memd, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_memd, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of memd... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_memd); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning memd... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_memd, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PEPC if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for pepc...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_pepc, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_pepc, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of pepc... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_pepc); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning pepc... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_pepc, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for fmm...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_fmm, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_fmm, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of fmm... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_fmm); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning fmm... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_fmm, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for p2nfft...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_p2nfft, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_p2nfft, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of p2nfft ... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_p2nfft); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning p2nfft... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_p2nfft, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P3M if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for p3m...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_p3m, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_p3m, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of p3m ... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_p3m); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning p3m... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_p3m, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_VMG if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Setting common data for vmg...\n"); result = fcs_set_parameters(handle_vmg, common_parameters, FCS_FALSE); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); result = fcs_set_total_particles(handle_vmg, number_of_particles); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Parameters of vmg... \n"); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_print_parameters (handle_vmg); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Tuning vmg... \n"); result = fcs_tune (handle_vmg, local_particles, particles, charges); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); #endif MPI_Barrier(communicator); for (i = 0; i < number_of_runs; ++i) { switch(i%6) { #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG case 0: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running pp3mg ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_pp3mg, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM case 1: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running fmm ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_fmm, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_MEMD case -1: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running memd ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_memd, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT case 2: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running p2nfft ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_p2nfft, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P3M case 3: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running p3m ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_p3m, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_PEPC case 4: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running pepc ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_pepc, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_VMG case 5: if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("\n"); if (comm_rank == 0) printf ("Running vmg ... \n"); result = fcs_run (handle_vmg, local_particles, particles, charges, field, potentials); break; #endif default: printf( "Skipping step due to missing method \n"); continue; break; } if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); // if(comm_rank == 0) printf("Moving particles: %d... \n", i+1); // for (j = 0; j < local_particles; ++j) // { // for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) // { // *(velocities + j * 3 + k) += // *(field + j * 3 + k) * *(charges + j) / *(masses + j) * scaling_factor; // *(particles + j * 3 + k) += // *(velocities + j * 3 + k) * time_step; // if (*(periodicity + k) == 1) // { // if (*(particles + j * 3 + k) > INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE) // *(particles + j * 3 + k) -= INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE; // else if (*(particles + j * 3 + k) < 0.0l) // *(particles + j * 3 + k) += INTERFACE_TEST_BOX_SIZE; // } // } // } if ((i + 1) % INTERFACE_TEST_XYZ_INTERVAL == 0) { for (j = 0; j < comm_size; ++j) { if (j == comm_rank) { if ((j == 0) && ((i + 1) == INTERFACE_TEST_XYZ_INTERVAL)) xyz_file = fopen ("", "w"); else xyz_file = fopen ("", "a"); if (j == 0) { fprintf (xyz_file, "%" FCS_LMOD_INT "d\n%" FCS_LMOD_INT "d %s %s %d %" FCS_LMOD_INT "d %c %c %c\n", number_of_particles, i+1, "C", (i%4==0)?"pp3mg":(i%4==1)?"fmm":(i%4==2)?"p2nfft":(i%4==3)?"p3m":"unknown", comm_size, number_of_runs, (*periodicity == 1) ? 'T' : 'F', (*(periodicity + 1) == 1) ? 'T' : 'F', (*(periodicity + 2) == 1) ? 'T' : 'F'); } for (k = 0; k < local_particles; ++k) { fprintf (xyz_file, "O %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e\n", *(particles + 3 * k), *(particles + 3 * k + 1), *(particles + 3 * k + 2), *(charges + k), *(velocities + 3 * k), *(velocities + 3 * k + 1), *(velocities + 3 * k + 2)); /**(potentials + k), *(field + 3 * k), *(field + 3 * k + 1), *(field + 3 * k + 2));*/ } fclose (xyz_file); } MPI_Barrier (communicator); } } } // if (comm_rank == 0) // printf ("\n"); // if (comm_rank == 0) // printf ("Parameters... \n"); // if (comm_rank == 0) // fcs_print_parameters (handle); if (comm_rank == 0) fcs_result_print_result (result); fcs_result_destroy (result); free (box_a); free (box_b); free (box_c); free (offset); #if FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG fcs_destroy (handle_pp3mg); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_FMM fcs_destroy (handle_fmm); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT fcs_destroy (handle_p2nfft); #endif #if FCS_ENABLE_P3M fcs_destroy (handle_p3m); #endif /* printf("address of handle: %p\n",*fcs_get_box_a(handle)); */ free (particles); free (charges); free (velocities); free (field); free (potentials); free (masses); MPI_Finalize (); return (FCS_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char* method = "mmm1d"; const char* datafile = "../inp_data/mmm/mmm1d_wall.dat"; MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; fcs_int comm_rank, comm_size; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_size); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &comm_rank); fcs_int periodicity[3] = { 0, 0, 1 }; fcs_int node_grid[3] = {1, 1, comm_size}; fcs_int node[3]; if (comm_rank == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Creating cartesian communicator...\n"); MPI_Dims_create(comm_size, 3, node_grid); MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3, node_grid, periodicity, 1, &comm); if (comm_rank == 0) fprintf(stderr, " node_grid=(%d, %d, %d)\n", node_grid[0], node_grid[1], node_grid[2]); MPI_Cart_coords(comm, comm_rank, 3, node); fcs_int pid; if (comm_rank == 0) { printf("------------------------------\n"); printf("Running mmm1d test on %d nodes\n", comm_size); printf("------------------------------\n"); } fcs_float box_l[3] = { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 }; fcs_float offset[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; fcs_int n_particles=0, total_particles = 4; fcs_float charges[total_particles]; fcs_float positions[3*total_particles]; fcs_float forces[3*total_particles]; fcs_float potentials[total_particles]; fcs_float charge_sum = 0.0; if (comm_rank == 0) { printf("Reading %s...\n", datafile); FILE *data = fopen(datafile, "r"); if (!data) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't read %s!\n", datafile); perror("ERROR"); exit(1); } for (pid = 0; pid < total_particles; pid++) { fscanf(data, "%lf %lf %lf", &positions[3*pid], &positions[3*pid+1], &positions[3*pid+2]); fscanf(data, "%lf", &charges[pid]); printf("read: %d %le %le %le %le\n", pid, charges[pid], positions[3*pid], positions[3*pid+1], positions[3*pid+2]); charge_sum += charges[pid]; } fclose(data); n_particles=total_particles; /* printf("Charge 1 with value %e, position %e %e %e\n",charges[0],positions[0],positions[1],positions[2]); printf("Charge %d with value %e, position %e %e %e\n", n_particles,charges[n_particles-1],positions[3*n_particles-3],positions[3*n_particles-2],positions[3*n_particles-1]); */ } else n_particles=0; FCS handle = NULL; FCSResult result = NULL; if (comm_rank == 0) printf("\nInitializing mmm1d...\n"); result = fcs_init(&handle, method, comm); assert_fcs(result); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("\nSetting parameters...\n"); fcs_float box_a[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; box_a[0] = box_l[0]; box_b[1] = box_l[1]; box_c[2] = box_l[2]; result = fcs_set_common(handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodicity, total_particles); if (result != NULL) { fcs_result_print_result(result); MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } assert_fcs(result); /* Tuning */ if (comm_rank == 0) printf("\nTesting parameters interface...\n"); fcs_float val; fcs_int vali; fcs_mmm1d_get_far_switch_radius(handle, &val); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("default far switch radius: %f\n",val); fcs_mmm1d_set_far_switch_radius(handle, 6.0); fcs_mmm1d_get_far_switch_radius(handle, &val); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("new far switch radius: %f\n",val); fcs_mmm1d_get_bessel_cutoff(handle, &vali); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("default bessel_cutoff: %d\n",vali); fcs_mmm1d_set_bessel_cutoff(handle, 3); fcs_mmm1d_get_bessel_cutoff(handle, &vali); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("new bessel_cutoff: %d\n",vali); fcs_mmm1d_get_maxPWerror(handle, &val); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("default maxPWerror: %f\n",val); fcs_mmm1d_set_maxPWerror(handle, 0.0001); fcs_mmm1d_get_maxPWerror(handle, &val); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("new maxPWerror: %f\n",val); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("\nTesting tuning routine...\n"); result = fcs_tune(handle, n_particles, positions, charges); if (result != NULL) { fcs_result_print_result(result); MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } //fcs_mmm1d_get_bessel_cutoff(handle, &vali); //printf("calculated bessel cutoff: %d\n",vali); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("\nTesting running routine...\n"); result = fcs_run(handle, n_particles, positions, charges, forces, potentials); assert_fcs(result); MPI_Barrier(comm); if (comm_rank == 0) { for(pid=0; pid<total_particles; pid++) { printf("Potential on particle %d: %e\n", pid, potentials[pid]); //printf("Potential on particle 2: %e\n", potentials[1]); printf("Force on particle %d: %e, %e, %e\n", pid, forces[3*pid], forces[3*pid+1], forces[3*pid+2]); //printf("Force on particle 2: %e, %e, %e\n", forces[3], forces[4], forces[5]); } printf("\nFinalizing...\n"); } fcs_destroy(handle); MPI_Finalize(); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }
/** * Fortran wrapper function ot initialize an FCS solver method */ FCSResult fcs_init_f(FCS *handle, const char *method_name, MPI_Fint communicator) { MPI_Comm c_comm = MPI_Comm_f2c(communicator); return fcs_init(handle, method_name, c_comm); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int comm_rank, comm_size; const char* method = "p2nfft"; /* DEBUG */ // const char* datafile = "../inp_data/p2nfft/debug_wall_small.dat"; const char* datafile = "../inp_data/p3m/p3m_wall.dat"; MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; fcs_int periodicity[3] = { 1, 1, 1 }; fcs_int pid; fcs_float tolerance = 1.e-3; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_size); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &comm_rank); if(!comm_rank){ printf("-------------------\n"); printf("Running p2nfft test\n"); printf("-------------------\n"); } fcs_float box_l[3] = { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 }; fcs_float offset[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; /* DEBUG */ // int n_particles = 4; int n_particles = 300; fcs_float charges[300]; fcs_float positions[900]; fcs_float far_fields[900]; fcs_float forces[900]; fcs_float reference_forces[900]; fcs_float far_potentials[300]; fcs_float energies[300]; fcs_float virial[9]; fcs_int local_particles = 0; fcs_float local_charges[300]; fcs_float local_positions[900]; fcs_int global_particle_indices[300]; if(!comm_rank) printf("Reading %s...\n", datafile); FILE *data = fopen(datafile, "r"); if (!data) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't read %s!", datafile); perror("ERROR"); exit(1); } fcs_float charge_sum = 0.0; for (pid = 0; pid < n_particles; pid++) { fscanf(data, "%" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f", &positions[3*pid], &positions[3*pid+1], &positions[3*pid+2]); fscanf(data, "%" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f", &charges[pid]); fscanf(data, "%" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f %" FCS_CONV_FLOAT "f", &reference_forces[3*pid], &reference_forces[3*pid+1], &reference_forces[3*pid+2]); charge_sum += charges[pid]; } fclose(data); FCS handle = NULL; FCSResult result = NULL; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(!comm_rank) printf("Initializing p2nfft...\n"); result = fcs_init(&handle, method, comm); assert_fcs(result); if(!comm_rank) printf("Reading particles ... \n"); for (pid = 0; pid < n_particles; ++pid) { if (pid % comm_size == comm_rank) { local_charges[local_particles] = charges[pid]; local_positions[3*local_particles] = positions[3*pid]; local_positions[3*local_particles+1] = positions[3*pid+1]; local_positions[3*local_particles+2] = positions[3*pid+2]; global_particle_indices[local_particles] = pid; ++local_particles; } } if(!comm_rank) printf("Setting parameters...\n"); fcs_float box_a[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; box_a[0] = box_l[0]; box_b[1] = box_l[1]; box_c[2] = box_l[2]; result = fcs_set_common(handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodicity, n_particles); assert_fcs(result); /* Tuning */ fcs_set_tolerance(handle, FCS_TOLERANCE_TYPE_FIELD, tolerance); if(!comm_rank) printf("Tuning p2nfft to tolerance %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e...\n", tolerance); result = fcs_tune(handle, local_particles, local_positions, local_charges); assert_fcs(result); /* activate virial computation */ result = fcs_set_compute_virial(handle, 1); assert_fcs(result); /* Far field computation */ if(!comm_rank) printf("Running p2nfft (computing far fields and potentials)...\n"); result = fcs_run(handle, local_particles, local_positions, local_charges, far_fields, far_potentials); assert_fcs(result); /* get and print virial */ result = fcs_get_virial(handle, virial); assert_fcs(result); if(!comm_rank) printf("virial tensor = [%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e]\n", virial[0], virial[1], virial[2], virial[3], virial[4], virial[5], virial[6], virial[7], virial[8]); /* Add components */ for (pid = 0; pid < local_particles; pid++) { forces[3*pid] = local_charges[pid] * far_fields[3*pid]; forces[3*pid+1] = local_charges[pid] * far_fields[3*pid+1]; forces[3*pid+2] = local_charges[pid] * far_fields[3*pid+2]; energies[pid] = 0.5 * local_charges[pid] * far_potentials[pid]; } /* Compare forces to reference field */ fcs_float sqr_sum = 0.0; fcs_float sum_energy = 0.0; for (pid = 0; pid < local_particles; pid++) { sum_energy += energies[pid]; fcs_float d0 = forces[3*pid] - reference_forces[3*global_particle_indices[pid]]; fcs_float d1 = forces[3*pid+1] - reference_forces[3*global_particle_indices[pid]+1]; fcs_float d2 = forces[3*pid+2] - reference_forces[3*global_particle_indices[pid]+2]; sqr_sum += d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2; } /* Reduce to global values */ fcs_float global_total_energy, global_sqr_sum; MPI_Reduce(&sum_energy, &global_total_energy, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&sqr_sum, &global_sqr_sum, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (!comm_rank) { printf("sum_energy=%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", global_total_energy); printf("rms_error=%e\n", sqrt(global_sqr_sum / (fcs_float)n_particles)); } if(!comm_rank) printf("Finalizing...\n"); fcs_destroy(handle); MPI_Finalize(); if(!comm_rank) printf("Done.\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MPI_Comm comm; int comm_size, comm_rank; fcs_float *x, *q, *f, *p; fcs_int n_axis, n_total, n_local, n_local_max; fcs_int i, j, k; fcs_int p_c, p_start, p_stop,ip; fcs_float e_local, e_total; fcs_float madelung_approx; const fcs_float madelung = 1.74756459463318219; int mpi_thread_requested = MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE; int mpi_thread_provided; FCS fcs_handle; FCSResult fcs_result; char method[] = "pepc"; fcs_float box_a[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; fcs_float offset[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_int periodic[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; //fcs_int periodic[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; fcs_float theta = 0.2; fcs_float epsilon = 1.23e-6; MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, mpi_thread_requested, &mpi_thread_provided); comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_size); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &comm_rank); if (mpi_thread_provided < mpi_thread_requested && comm_rank == 0) { printf("Call to MPI_INIT_THREAD failed. Requested/provided level of multithreading: %d / %d. Continuing but expect program crash.\n", mpi_thread_requested, mpi_thread_provided); } n_axis = 16; n_total = n_axis * n_axis * n_axis; n_local = n_total / comm_size; if(comm_rank == comm_size-1) n_local += n_total % comm_size; n_local_max = n_total / comm_size + n_total % comm_size; if (comm_rank == 0) { printf("*** RUNNING pepc TEST ***\n"); printf(" n_total = %" FCS_LMOD_INT "d\n", n_total); printf(" n_procs = %d\n", comm_size); printf(" theta = %e\n", theta); printf(" epsilon = %e\n", epsilon); } x = (fcs_float*)malloc(3 * n_local * sizeof(fcs_float)); q = (fcs_float*)malloc( n_local * sizeof(fcs_float)); f = (fcs_float*)malloc(3 * n_local * sizeof(fcs_float)); p = (fcs_float*)malloc( n_local * sizeof(fcs_float)); p_c = 0; p_start = comm_rank*(n_total/comm_size); p_stop = p_start + n_local; for (ip=p_start; ip<p_stop; ip++, p_c++) { i = ip % n_axis; j = (ip / n_axis) % n_axis; k = ip / (n_axis*n_axis); x[3*p_c ] = offset[0] + (i * box_a[0]) / n_axis; x[3*p_c+1] = offset[1] + (j * box_b[1]) / n_axis; x[3*p_c+2] = offset[2] + (k * box_c[2]) / n_axis; q[p_c] = ((i+j+k)%2 ? 1.0 : -1.0); /* printf("init positions (rank %d) for particle id %d: %e %e %e %e\n", */ /* comm_rank, ip, x[3*p_c ], x[3*p_c+1], x[3*p_c+2], q[p_c]); */ } fcs_result = fcs_init(&fcs_handle, method, comm); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_common(fcs_handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodic, n_total); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_pepc_setup(fcs_handle, epsilon, theta); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_tune(fcs_handle, n_local, n_local_max, x, q); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_run(fcs_handle, n_local, n_local_max, x, q, f, p); assert_fcs(fcs_result); e_local = 0.0; for (i=0; i<n_local; ++i) e_local += p[i] * q[i]; MPI_Reduce(&e_local, &e_total, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, comm); //madelung_approx = 8.0 * M_PI / n_axis * e_total / n_total; madelung_approx = 1.0 / n_axis * e_total / n_total; if (comm_rank == 0) { printf("\n"); printf(" Results:\n"); printf(" Energy: %e\n", e_total); printf(" Madelung constant: %e\n", madelung_approx); printf(" Relative error: %e\n", fabs(madelung-fabs(madelung_approx))/madelung); } p_c = 0; p_start = comm_rank*(n_total/comm_size); p_stop = p_start + n_local; for (ip=p_start; ip<p_stop; ip++, p_c++) { /* printf("results (rank %d) for particle id %d: %e %e %e %e\n", */ /* comm_rank, ip, f[3*p_c ], f[3*p_c+1], f[3*p_c+2], p[p_c]); */ /* printf("dataout: %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n", x[3*p_c ], x[3*p_c+1], x[3*p_c+2], q[p_c], */ /* f[3*p_c ], f[3*p_c+1], f[3*p_c+2], p[p_c]); */ } fcs_destroy(fcs_handle); free(x); free(q); free(f); free(p); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("*** pepc DONE ***\n"); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
void init_fcs(void) { FCSResult res; fcs_int srf = 1; char *method; fcs_int pbc [3] = { pbc_dirs.x, pbc_dirs.y, pbc_dirs.z }; fcs_float BoxX[3] = { box_x.x, box_x.y, box_x.z }; fcs_float BoxY[3] = { box_y.x, box_y.y, box_y.z }; fcs_float BoxZ[3] = { box_z.x, box_z.y, box_z.z }; fcs_float off [3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; /* subtract CM momentum */ if (0 == imdrestart) { int i, k; real ptot[4], ptot_2[4], px, py, pz; ptot[0] = 0.0; ptot[1] = 0.0; ptot[2] = 0.0, ptot[3] = 0.0; for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) { /* loop over all cells */ cell *p = CELLPTR(k); for (i=0; i<p->n; i++) { ptot[0] += IMPULS(p,i,X); ptot[1] += IMPULS(p,i,Y); ptot[2] += IMPULS(p,i,Z); ptot[3] += MASSE(p,i); } } #ifdef MPI MPI_Allreduce( ptot, ptot_2, 4, REAL, MPI_SUM, cpugrid); ptot[0] = ptot_2[0]; ptot[1] = ptot_2[1]; ptot[2] = ptot_2[2]; ptot[3] = ptot_2[3]; #endif px = ptot[0]/ptot[3]; py = ptot[1]/ptot[3]; pz = ptot[2]/ptot[3]; for (k=0; k<NCELLS; ++k) { /* loop over all cells */ cell *p = CELLPTR(k); for (i=0; i<p->n; i++) { IMPULS(p,i,X) -= px * MASSE(p,i); IMPULS(p,i,Y) -= py * MASSE(p,i); IMPULS(p,i,Z) -= pz * MASSE(p,i); } } } switch (fcs_method) { case FCS_METH_DIRECT: method = "direct"; break; case FCS_METH_PEPC: method = "pepc"; break; case FCS_METH_FMM: method = "fmm"; break; case FCS_METH_P3M: method = "p3m"; srf = fcs_near_field_flag; break; case FCS_METH_P2NFFT: method = "p2nfft"; srf = fcs_near_field_flag; break; case FCS_METH_VMG: method = "vmg"; break; case FCS_METH_PP3MG: method = "pp3mg"; break; } /* initialize handle and set common parameters */ res = fcs_init(&handle, method, cpugrid); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_set_common(handle, srf, BoxX, BoxY, BoxZ, off, pbc, natoms); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_require_virial(handle, 1); ASSERT_FCS(res); /* set method specific parameters */ switch (fcs_method) { #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_DIRECT case FCS_METH_DIRECT: /* nothing to do */ break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_PEPC case FCS_METH_PEPC: res = fcs_pepc_setup(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_pepc_eps, (fcs_float)fcs_pepc_theta ); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_pepc_set_num_walk_threads( handle, (fcs_int)fcs_pepc_nthreads ); ASSERT_FCS(res); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_FMM case FCS_METH_FMM: res = fcs_fmm_set_absrel(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_fmm_absrel); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_fmm_set_tolerance_energy(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_tolerance); ASSERT_FCS(res); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_P3M case FCS_METH_P3M: if (0==srf) { res = fcs_p3m_set_r_cut(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_rcut); ASSERT_FCS(res); } res = fcs_set_tolerance(handle, FCS_TOLERANCE_TYPE_FIELD, (fcs_float)fcs_tolerance); ASSERT_FCS(res); if (fcs_grid_dim.x) res = fcs_p3m_set_grid(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.x); ASSERT_FCS(res); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT case FCS_METH_P2NFFT: if (0==srf) { res = fcs_p2nfft_set_r_cut(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_rcut); ASSERT_FCS(res); } res = fcs_set_tolerance(handle, FCS_TOLERANCE_TYPE_FIELD, (fcs_float)fcs_tolerance); ASSERT_FCS(res); if (fcs_grid_dim.x) { res = fcs_p2nfft_set_grid(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.x, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.y, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.z); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_p2nfft_intpol_order) { res = fcs_p2nfft_set_pnfft_interpolation_order(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_p2nfft_intpol_order); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_p2nfft_epsI) { res = fcs_p2nfft_set_epsI(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_p2nfft_epsI); ASSERT_FCS(res); } //res = fcs_p2nfft_set_pnfft_window_by_name(handle, "bspline"); //ASSERT_FCS(res); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_VMG case FCS_METH_VMG: if (fcs_vmg_near_field_cells) { res = fcs_vmg_set_near_field_cells(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_vmg_near_field_cells); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_vmg_interpol_order) { res = fcs_vmg_set_interpolation_order(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_vmg_interpol_order); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_vmg_discr_order) { res = fcs_vmg_set_discretization_order(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_vmg_discr_order); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_iter_tolerance > 0) { res = fcs_vmg_set_precision(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_iter_tolerance); ASSERT_FCS(res); } break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG case FCS_METH_PP3MG: /* use default values, if not specified otherwise */ if (fcs_grid_dim.x) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_cells_x(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.x); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_pp3mg_set_cells_y(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.y); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_pp3mg_set_cells_z(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_grid_dim.z); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_pp3mg_ghosts) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_ghosts(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_pp3mg_ghosts); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_pp3mg_degree) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_degree(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_pp3mg_degree); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_pp3mg_max_part) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_max_particles(handle, (fcs_int)fcs_pp3mg_max_part); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_max_iter) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_max_iterations(handle,(fcs_int)fcs_max_iter); ASSERT_FCS(res); } if (fcs_iter_tolerance > 0) { res = fcs_pp3mg_set_tol(handle, (fcs_float)fcs_iter_tolerance); ASSERT_FCS(res); } break; #endif default: error("FCS method unknown or not implemented"); break; } pack_fcs(); res = fcs_tune(handle, nloc, nloc_max, pos, chg); ASSERT_FCS(res); /* inform about tuned parameters */ switch (fcs_method) { fcs_int grid_dim[3]; fcs_float r_cut; #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_P3M case FCS_METH_P3M: res = fcs_p3m_get_r_cut(handle, &r_cut); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_p3m_get_grid(handle, grid_dim); ASSERT_FCS(res); if (0==myid) printf("FCS: Tuned grid dimensions, cutoff: %d %d %d, %f\n", grid_dim[0], grid_dim[1], grid_dim[2], r_cut); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_P2NFFT case FCS_METH_P2NFFT: res = fcs_p2nfft_get_grid(handle, grid_dim, grid_dim+1, grid_dim+2); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_p2nfft_get_r_cut(handle, &r_cut); ASSERT_FCS(res); if (0==myid) printf("FCS: Tuned grid dimensions, cutoff: %d %d %d, %f\n", grid_dim[0], grid_dim[1], grid_dim[2], r_cut); break; #endif #ifdef FCS_ENABLE_PP3MG case FCS_METH_PP3MG: res = fcs_pp3mg_get_cells_x(handle, grid_dim ); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_pp3mg_get_cells_y(handle, grid_dim+1); ASSERT_FCS(res); res = fcs_pp3mg_get_cells_z(handle, grid_dim+2); if (0==myid) printf("FCS: Tuned grid dimensions: %d %d %d\n", grid_dim[0], grid_dim[1], grid_dim[2]); ASSERT_FCS(res); break; #endif default: break; } /* add near-field potential, after fcs_tune */ if (0==srf) fcs_update_pottab(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { MPI_Comm comm; int comm_size, comm_rank; fcs_float *x, *q, *f, *p; fcs_int n_axis, n_total, n_local, n_local_max; fcs_int i, j, k; fcs_int p_c; FCS fcs_handle; FCSResult fcs_result; char method[] = "vmg"; fcs_float box_a[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; fcs_float offset[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_int periodic[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; fcs_int max_level = 6; fcs_int max_iterations = 20; fcs_int smoothing_steps = 3; fcs_int cycle_type = 1; fcs_float precision = 1e-10; fcs_int near_field_cells = 6; fcs_int interpolation_degree = 4; fcs_int discretization_order = 2; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_size); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &comm_rank); n_axis = 16; n_total = n_axis * n_axis * n_axis; if (comm_rank == 0) { n_local = n_total; n_local_max = n_total; }else { n_local = 0; n_local_max = 0; } if (comm_rank == 0) { printf("*** RUNNING vmg TEST ***\n"); printf(" n_total = %" FCS_LMOD_INT "d\n", n_total); printf(" n_procs = %d\n", comm_size); printf(" periodicity_x = %d\n", periodic[0]); printf(" periodicity_y = %d\n", periodic[1]); printf(" periodicity_z = %d\n", periodic[2]); printf(" max_level = %d\n", max_level); printf(" max_iterations = %d\n", max_iterations); printf(" smoothing_steps = %d\n", smoothing_steps); printf(" cycle_type = %d\n", cycle_type); printf(" precision = %e\n", precision); printf(" near_field_cells = %d\n", near_field_cells); printf(" interpolation_degree = %d\n", interpolation_degree); printf(" discretization_order = %d\n", discretization_order); } x = (fcs_float*)malloc(3 * n_local_max * sizeof(fcs_float)); q = (fcs_float*)malloc(n_local_max * sizeof(fcs_float)); f = (fcs_float*)malloc(3 * n_local_max * sizeof(fcs_float)); p = (fcs_float*)malloc(n_local_max * sizeof(fcs_float)); if (comm_rank == 0) { p_c = 0; for (i=0; i<n_axis; ++i) for (j=0; j<n_axis; ++j) for (k=0; k<n_axis; ++k) { x[3*p_c ] = offset[0] + (i * box_a[0]) / n_axis; x[3*p_c+1] = offset[1] + (j * box_b[1]) / n_axis; x[3*p_c+2] = offset[2] + (k * box_c[2]) / n_axis; q[p_c] = ((i+j+k)%2 ? 1.0 : -1.0); ++p_c; } } fcs_result = fcs_init(&fcs_handle, method, comm); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_common(fcs_handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodic, n_total); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_vmg_setup(fcs_handle, max_level, max_iterations, smoothing_steps, cycle_type, precision, near_field_cells, interpolation_degree, discretization_order); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_tune(fcs_handle, n_local, n_local_max, x, q); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_run(fcs_handle, n_local, n_local_max, x, q, f, p); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_destroy(fcs_handle); free(x); free(q); free(f); free(p); if (comm_rank == 0) printf("*** vmg DONE ***\n"); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char input_file_name[300], *conf_file_name; FILE *input_file, *conf_file; int i, j, help, p_local = 0; FCSResult fcs_result; FCS fcs_handle; char parameterstring[200]; int particles_i; fcs_int particles = 0; fcs_int local_particles = 0; fcs_float *pos = NULL; fcs_float *charges = NULL; fcs_float *field = NULL; fcs_float *potentials = NULL; int cells_x = 128, cells_y = 128, cells_z = 128; int periodic = 1; int ghosts = 4; int degree = 4; int max_particles_i; fcs_int max_particles = 2000000; int max_iterations; double err_bound = 1.e-3; int nu1, nu2; fcs_float box[DIM][DIM] = { {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; fcs_float offset[DIM] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; fcs_int periodic_flags[DIM] = {1,1,1}; /* Variables for analyzing results */ int read_ret_value = 0; double f_sum_local[DIM]; double f_sum[DIM]; double f_sum_squared_local[DIM]; double f_sum_squared[DIM]; double f_max_abs_local[DIM]; double f_max_abs[DIM]; double e_sum_local = 0.0; double e_sum = 0.0; int min = 0; /* Variables for reading data */ double my_x, my_y, my_z, my_q; /* Size of local domain */ double x_start, y_start, z_start; double x_end, y_end, z_end; int my_rank; int mpi_size; MPI_Comm mpi_comm_cart; int mpi_dims_i[DIM]; fcs_int mpi_dims[DIM]; int mpi_periods[DIM]; int mpi_coords[DIM]; MPI_Status status; double starttime = 0.0, endtime = 0.0; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); if (my_rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "----------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Running pp3mg test\n"); fprintf(stderr, "----------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Setting up MPI...\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Using %d tasks.\n", mpi_size); } if(argc == 1) { printf("No config file was specified!\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(-1); } /* read config and input files */ if(argc >= 2) { conf_file_name = argv[1]; read_ret_value = read_config_file(conf_file_name, input_file_name, &cells_x, &cells_y, &cells_z, &max_iterations, &max_particles_i, &nu1, &nu2, &ghosts, &err_bound); if(read_ret_value) { printf("Config file couldn't be read!\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(-1); } max_particles = max_particles_i; } if((input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { printf("input file name: %s\n" , input_file_name); printf("No input file was found!\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(-1); } fscanf(input_file, " %d", &particles_i); particles = particles_i; /* create a cartesian communicator */ for(i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) { mpi_periods[i] = 1; mpi_dims_i[i] = 0; } assert(MPI_Dims_create(mpi_size, 3, mpi_dims_i) == MPI_SUCCESS); assert(MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3, mpi_dims_i, mpi_periods, 1, &mpi_comm_cart) == MPI_SUCCESS); assert(MPI_Comm_rank(mpi_comm_cart, &my_rank) == MPI_SUCCESS); assert(MPI_Cart_coords(mpi_comm_cart, my_rank, 3, mpi_coords) == MPI_SUCCESS); for (i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) mpi_dims[i] = mpi_dims_i[i]; if (mpi_comm_cart != MPI_COMM_NULL) { /* initialize parameters for particle grid */ x_start = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[0] * (double)mpi_coords[0]; x_end = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[0] * (double)(mpi_coords[0]+1.); y_start = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[1] * (double)mpi_coords[1]; y_end = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[1] * (double)(mpi_coords[1]+1.); z_start = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[2] * (double)mpi_coords[2]; z_end = ((double)1.)/mpi_dims[2] * (double)(mpi_coords[2]+1.); local_particles = 0; /* count local partciles , domain decomposition */ for(i = 0; i < particles; ++i) { fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_x); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_y); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_z); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_q); if(x_start <= my_x && my_x < x_end && y_start <= my_y && my_y < y_end && z_start <= my_z && my_z < z_end) local_particles ++; } } fclose(input_file); if(local_particles != 0) { pos = malloc(local_particles*DIM*sizeof(fcs_float)); assert(pos); charges = malloc(local_particles*sizeof(fcs_float)); assert(charges); field = malloc(local_particles*DIM*sizeof(fcs_float)); assert(field); potentials = malloc(local_particles*sizeof(fcs_float)); assert(potentials); /* open the input file again and read particle data */ if((input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { printf("No input file found!\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(-1); } fscanf(input_file, " %d", &particles); p_local = 0; for(i = 0; i < particles; ++i ) { fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_x); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_y); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_z); fscanf(input_file, " %lf", &my_q); if(x_start <= my_x && my_x < x_end && y_start <= my_y && my_y < y_end && z_start <= my_z && my_z < z_end) { pos[p_local] = my_x; pos[p_local + 1] = my_y; pos[p_local + 2] = my_z; charges[p_local/3] = my_q; p_local += 3; } } } /* create FCSParameter object. IMPORTANT: pp3mg requires a cartesian MPI communicator which has to be created by the calling program */ fcs_result = fcs_init(&fcs_handle, "pp3mg", mpi_comm_cart); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_dimension (fcs_handle, DIM); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_common(fcs_handle, 1, box[0], box[1], box[2], offset, periodic_flags, particles); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_pp3mg_setup (fcs_handle, mpi_dims, cells_x, cells_y, cells_z, ghosts, max_iterations, max_particles, periodic_flags[0] /* FIXME */, degree, err_bound); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_tune(fcs_handle, local_particles, pos, charges); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_cart); if(my_rank == 0) { starttime = MPI_Wtime(); } /* 2. step: run pp3mg. IMPORTANT: domain decomposition, particles must be distributed */ /* according to the specified MPI communicator */ fcs_result = fcs_run(fcs_handle, local_particles, pos, charges, field, potentials); ASSERT_FCS(fcs_result); /* analyze results */ /* field = fcsOutput_getField(fcs_output); potentials = fcsOutput_getPotentials(fcs_output); */ MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_cart); if(my_rank == 0) { endtime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("pp3mg runtime with %d processors: %f s\n", mpi_size, endtime - starttime); } e_sum_local = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < local_particles; ++i) e_sum_local += potentials[i]; e_sum = 0.0; MPI_Reduce(&e_sum_local, &e_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, mpi_comm_cart); if(my_rank == 0) { min = cells_x; if(cells_y < min || cells_z < min) min = (cells_y < cells_z) ? cells_y : cells_z; printf("Self energy: %e\n", 1.0/(4.0 * PI) * 14.0/(5.0*1./(2.*ghosts*min))); printf("Approx. Madelung's constant: %e\n", e_sum/particles *2.0 * PI); printf( "Total energy:: %e\n\n", e_sum); } for(i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) { f_sum_local[i] = 0.0; f_sum[i] = 0.0; f_sum_squared_local[i] = 0.0; f_sum_squared[i] = 0.0; f_max_abs_local[i] = 0.0; f_max_abs[i] = 0.0; } for(i = 0; i < local_particles; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < DIM; ++j) { f_sum_local[j] += charges[i] * field[i*DIM + j]; f_sum_squared_local[j] += charges[i] * charges[i] * field[i*DIM + j]*field[i*DIM + j]; if(fabs(field[i*DIM + j]) > f_max_abs_local[j]) { f_max_abs_local[j] = fabs(charges[i] * field[i*DIM + j]); }/* end if */ }/* end for-j */ }/* end for-i */ for(j = 0; j < DIM; ++j) { f_max_abs[j] = f_max_abs_local[j]; } MPI_Reduce(f_sum_local, f_sum, 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, mpi_comm_cart); MPI_Reduce(f_sum_squared_local, f_sum_squared, 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, mpi_comm_cart); MPI_Reduce(f_max_abs_local, f_max_abs, 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, mpi_comm_cart); if(my_rank == 0) { printf("Norm of sum of forces: %e\n", sqrt(f_sum[0]*f_sum[0] + f_sum[1]*f_sum[1] + f_sum[2]*f_sum[2]) ); printf("Sqrt. of sum of squares of all components of forces: %f\n", sqrt(f_sum_squared[0] + f_sum_squared[1] + f_sum_squared[2])); printf("Maximal absolute force components: \n"); for(i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) { printf("%f ", f_max_abs[i]); } printf("\n"); } if(local_particles != 0) fclose(input_file); /* 3. step: deallocate resources for pp3mg */ fcs_destroy(fcs_handle); free (pos); free (charges); free (field); free (potentials); MPI_Comm_free(&mpi_comm_cart); MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { fcs_int total_num_particles = TEST_N_PARTICLES; fcs_int num_particles, max_num_particles; fcs_float box_size = TEST_BOX_SIZE; fcs_int pid, px, py, pz; fcs_float positions[3*TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float charges[TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float direct_fields[3*TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float direct_potentials[TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float p2nfft_fields[3*TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float p2nfft_potentials[TEST_N_PARTICLES]; fcs_float direct_virial[9], p2nfft_virial[9]; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; int comm_rank, comm_size; MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_size); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &comm_rank); pid = num_particles = 0; for (px = 0; px < TEST_BOX_SIZE; ++px) { for (py = 0; py < TEST_BOX_SIZE; ++py) { for (pz = 0; pz < TEST_BOX_SIZE; ++pz, ++pid) { if (pid % comm_size == comm_rank) { positions[3*num_particles] = px + 0.5; positions[3*num_particles + 1] = py + 0.5; positions[3*num_particles + 2] = pz + 0.5; charges[num_particles] = 1.0-((px + py + pz) % 2)*2; ++num_particles; } } } } max_num_particles = num_particles; /* Debugging */ for(int t=0; t<6; t++) fprintf(stderr, "init positions[%d] = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", t, positions[t]); fcs_float box_a[] = { box_size, 0.0, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_b[] = { 0.0, box_size, 0.0 }; fcs_float box_c[] = { 0.0, 0.0, box_size }; fcs_float offset[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; fcs_int periodicity[] = {0, 0, 0}; // fcs_int periodicity[] = {1, 1, 1}; FCS fcs_handle = NULL; FCSResult fcs_result = NULL; /* Calculate this system via FCS direct solver */ fcs_result = fcs_init(&fcs_handle, "direct", comm); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_common(fcs_handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodicity, total_num_particles); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_max_local_particles(fcs_handle, max_num_particles); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_tune(fcs_handle, num_particles, positions, charges); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_compute_virial(fcs_handle, 1); assert_fcs(fcs_result); /* Debugging */ for(int t=0; t<6; t++) fprintf(stderr, "before direct run: positions[%d] = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", t, positions[t]); fcs_result = fcs_run(fcs_handle, num_particles, positions, charges, direct_fields, direct_potentials); assert_fcs(fcs_result); /* Debugging */ for(int t=0; t<6; t++) fprintf(stderr, "after direct run: positions[%d] = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", t, positions[t]); fcs_result = fcs_get_virial(fcs_handle, direct_virial); assert_fcs(fcs_result); printf("Virial via FCS direct:\n"); if(!comm_rank) printf("virial tensor = [%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e]\n", direct_virial[0], direct_virial[1], direct_virial[2], direct_virial[3], direct_virial[4], direct_virial[5], direct_virial[6], direct_virial[7], direct_virial[8]); printf("Potentials via FCS direct:\n"); for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; ++pid) printf("%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", direct_potentials[pid]); printf("Fields via FCS direct:\n"); for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; ++pid) printf("[%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f]\n", direct_fields[3*pid+0], direct_fields[3*pid+1], direct_fields[3*pid+2]); fcs_destroy(fcs_handle); /* set p2nfft specific parameters */ fcs_float tolerance = 1.e-3; /* Calculate this system via FCS p2nfft solver */ fcs_result = fcs_init(&fcs_handle, "p2nfft", comm); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_common(fcs_handle, 1, box_a, box_b, box_c, offset, periodicity, total_num_particles); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_max_local_particles(fcs_handle, max_num_particles); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_set_tolerance(fcs_handle, FCS_TOLERANCE_TYPE_POTENTIAL, tolerance); fcs_result = fcs_tune(fcs_handle, num_particles, positions, charges); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_set_compute_virial(fcs_handle, 1); assert_fcs(fcs_result); /* Debugging */ for(int t=0; t<6; t++) fprintf(stderr, "test: positions[%d] = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", t, positions[t]); fcs_result = fcs_run(fcs_handle, num_particles, positions, charges, p2nfft_fields, p2nfft_potentials); assert_fcs(fcs_result); fcs_result = fcs_get_virial(fcs_handle, p2nfft_virial); assert_fcs(fcs_result); printf("Virial via FCS p2nfft:\n"); if(!comm_rank) printf("virial tensor = [%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e; %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "e]\n", p2nfft_virial[0], p2nfft_virial[1], p2nfft_virial[2], p2nfft_virial[3], p2nfft_virial[4], p2nfft_virial[5], p2nfft_virial[6], p2nfft_virial[7], p2nfft_virial[8]); printf("Potentials via FCS p2nfft:\n"); for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; ++pid) printf("%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", p2nfft_potentials[pid]); printf("Fields via FCS p2nfft:\n"); for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; ++pid) printf("[%" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f]\n", p2nfft_fields[3*pid+0], p2nfft_fields[3*pid+1], p2nfft_fields[3*pid+2]); fcs_destroy(fcs_handle); /* Compare results of direct and p2nfft solver */ fcs_float direct_energy = 0, p2nfft_energy = 0; for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; pid++) { direct_energy += 0.5 * charges[pid] * direct_potentials[pid]; p2nfft_energy += 0.5 * charges[pid] * p2nfft_potentials[pid]; } fcs_float sqr_sum = 0.0; for (pid = 0; pid < num_particles; ++pid) { fcs_float d0 = p2nfft_fields[3*pid] - direct_fields[3*pid]; fcs_float d1 = p2nfft_fields[3*pid+1] - direct_fields[3*pid+1]; fcs_float d2 = p2nfft_fields[3*pid+2] - direct_fields[3*pid+2]; sqr_sum += d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2; } /* Reduce to global values */ fcs_float direct_total_energy, p2nfft_total_energy, total_sqr_sum; MPI_Reduce(&direct_energy, &direct_total_energy, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&p2nfft_energy, &p2nfft_total_energy, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&sqr_sum, &total_sqr_sum, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (!comm_rank) { printf("direct_energy = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", direct_total_energy); printf("p2nfft_energy = %" FCS_LMOD_FLOAT "f\n", p2nfft_total_energy); printf("rms_error = %e\n", sqrt(total_sqr_sum / (fcs_float)total_num_particles)); } MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }