int32 fe_compute_melcosine(melfb_t *MEL_FB) { //SPEC: change to doing this routine in double; seems to help // consistency across platforms, and there doesn't seem to be // any particular reason to demand single here. jh/17/apr/2005 double period, freq; int32 i,j; period = (double)2*MEL_FB->num_filters; if ((MEL_FB->mel_cosine = (float **) fe_create_2d(MEL_FB->num_cepstra,MEL_FB->num_filters, sizeof(float)))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc failed in fe_compute_melcosine()\n...exiting\n"); exit(0); } for (i=0; i<MEL_FB->num_cepstra; i++) { freq = 2*(double)M_PI*(double)i/period; for (j=0;j< MEL_FB->num_filters;j++) MEL_FB->mel_cosine[i][j] = (float)cos((double)(freq*(j+0.5))); } return(0); }
/********************************************************************* FUNCTION: fe_process_utt PARAMETERS: fe_t *FE, int16 *spch, int32 nsamps, float **cep RETURNS: number of frames of cepstra computed DESCRIPTION: processes the given speech data and returns features. will prepend overflow data from last call and store new overflow data within the FE **********************************************************************/ int32 fe_process_utt(fe_t *FE, int16 *spch, int32 nsamps, float32 ***cep_block) /* RAH, upgraded cep_block to float32 */ { int32 frame_start, frame_count=0, whichframe=0; int32 i, spbuf_len, offset=0; double *spbuf, *fr_data, *fr_fea; int16 *tmp_spch = spch; float32 **cep=NULL; /* are there enough samples to make at least 1 frame? */ if (nsamps+FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS >= FE->FRAME_SIZE){ /* if there are previous samples, pre-pend them to input speech samps */ if ((FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS > 0)) { if ((tmp_spch = (int16 *) malloc (sizeof(int16)*(FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS +nsamps)))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n...exiting\n"); exit(0); } /* RAH */ memcpy (tmp_spch,FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS,FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS*(sizeof(int16))); /* RAH */ memcpy(tmp_spch+FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS, spch, nsamps*(sizeof(int16))); /* RAH */ /* memcpy(FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS + FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS, spch, nsamps*(sizeof(int16))); */ /* */ /* spch = FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS; */ /* */ nsamps += FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS; FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS = 0; /*reset overflow samps count */ } /* compute how many complete frames can be processed and which samples correspond to those samps */ frame_count=0; for (frame_start=0; frame_start+FE->FRAME_SIZE <= nsamps; frame_start += FE->FRAME_SHIFT) frame_count++; /* if (cep!=NULL) fe_free_2d((void**)cep); */ /* It should never not be NULL */ /* 01.14.01 RAH, added +1 Adding one gives us space to stick the last flushed buffer*/ if ((cep = (float32 **)fe_create_2d(frame_count+1,FE->NUM_CEPSTRA,sizeof(float32))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc for cep failed in fe_process_utt()\n\tfe_create_2d(%ld,%d,%d)\n...exiting\n",(long int) (frame_count+1),FE->NUM_CEPSTRA,sizeof(float32)); /* typecast to make the compiler happy - EBG */ exit(0); } spbuf_len = (frame_count-1)*FE->FRAME_SHIFT + FE->FRAME_SIZE; /* assert(spbuf_len <= nsamps);*/ if ((spbuf=(double *)calloc(spbuf_len, sizeof(double)))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n...exiting\n"); exit(0); } /* pre-emphasis if needed,convert from int16 to double */ if (FE->PRE_EMPHASIS_ALPHA != 0.0){ fe_pre_emphasis(tmp_spch, spbuf, spbuf_len, FE->PRE_EMPHASIS_ALPHA, FE->PRIOR); } else{ fe_short_to_double(tmp_spch, spbuf, spbuf_len); } /* frame based processing - let's make some cepstra... */ fr_data = (double *)calloc(FE->FRAME_SIZE, sizeof(double)); fr_fea = (double *)calloc(FE->NUM_CEPSTRA, sizeof(double)); if (fr_data==NULL || fr_fea==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n...exiting\n"); exit(0); } for (whichframe=0;whichframe<frame_count;whichframe++){ for (i=0;i<FE->FRAME_SIZE;i++) fr_data[i] = spbuf[whichframe*FE->FRAME_SHIFT + i]; fe_hamming_window(fr_data, FE->HAMMING_WINDOW, FE->FRAME_SIZE); fe_frame_to_fea(FE, fr_data, fr_fea); for (i=0;i<FE->NUM_CEPSTRA;i++) cep[whichframe][i] = (float32)fr_fea[i]; } /* done making cepstra */ /* assign samples which don't fill an entire frame to FE overflow buffer for use on next pass */ if (spbuf_len < nsamps) { offset = ((frame_count)*FE->FRAME_SHIFT); memcpy(FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS,tmp_spch+offset,(nsamps-offset)*sizeof(int16)); FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS = nsamps-offset; FE->PRIOR = tmp_spch[offset-1]; assert(FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS<FE->FRAME_SIZE); } if (spch != tmp_spch) free (tmp_spch); free(spbuf); free(fr_data); free(fr_fea); } /* if not enough total samps for a single frame, append new samps to previously stored overlap samples */ else { memcpy(FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS+FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS,tmp_spch, nsamps*(sizeof(int16))); FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS += nsamps; assert(FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS < FE->FRAME_SIZE); frame_count=0; } *cep_block = cep; /* MLS */ return frame_count; }
int32 fe_build_melfilters(melfb_t *MEL_FB) { int32 i, whichfilt, start_pt; float leftfr, centerfr, rightfr, fwidth, height, *filt_edge; float melmax, melmin, dmelbw, freq, dfreq, leftslope,rightslope; /*estimate filter coefficients*/ MEL_FB->filter_coeffs = (float **)fe_create_2d(MEL_FB->num_filters, MEL_FB->fft_size, sizeof(float)); MEL_FB->left_apex = (float *) calloc(MEL_FB->num_filters,sizeof(float)); MEL_FB->width = (int32 *) calloc(MEL_FB->num_filters,sizeof(int32)); if (MEL_FB->doublewide==ON) filt_edge = (float32 *) calloc(MEL_FB->num_filters+4,sizeof(float32)); else filt_edge = (float32 *) calloc(MEL_FB->num_filters+2,sizeof(float32)); if (MEL_FB->filter_coeffs==NULL || MEL_FB->left_apex==NULL || MEL_FB->width==NULL || filt_edge==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"memory alloc failed in fe_build_mel_filters()\n...exiting\n"); exit(0); } dfreq = MEL_FB->sampling_rate/(float)MEL_FB->fft_size; melmax = fe_mel(MEL_FB->upper_filt_freq); melmin = fe_mel(MEL_FB->lower_filt_freq); dmelbw = (melmax-melmin)/(MEL_FB->num_filters+1); if (MEL_FB->doublewide==ON){ for (i=0;i<=MEL_FB->num_filters+3; ++i){ filt_edge[i] = fe_melinv(i*dmelbw + melmin); } } else { for (i=0;i<=MEL_FB->num_filters+1; ++i){ filt_edge[i] = fe_melinv(i*dmelbw + melmin); } } for (whichfilt=0;whichfilt<MEL_FB->num_filters; ++whichfilt) { /*line triangle edges up with nearest dft points... */ if (MEL_FB->doublewide==ON){ leftfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; centerfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt+2]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; rightfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt+4]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; }else{ leftfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; centerfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt+1]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; rightfr = (float)((int32)((filt_edge[whichfilt+2]/dfreq)+0.5))*dfreq; } MEL_FB->left_apex[whichfilt] = leftfr; fwidth = rightfr - leftfr; /* 2/fwidth for triangles of area 1 */ height = 2/(float)fwidth; if (centerfr != leftfr) { leftslope = height/(centerfr-leftfr); } if (centerfr != rightfr) { rightslope = height/(centerfr-rightfr); } /* Round to the nearest integer instead of truncating and adding one, which breaks if the divide is already an integer */ start_pt = (int32)(leftfr/dfreq + 0.5); freq = (float32)start_pt*dfreq; i=0; while (freq<centerfr){ MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[whichfilt][i] = (freq-leftfr)*leftslope; // fprintf (stderr, " MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[%d][%d]=%14f\n", whichfilt,i,MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[whichfilt][i]); freq += dfreq; i++; } /* If the two floats are equal, the leftslope computation above results in Inf, so we handle the case here. */ if (freq==centerfr){ MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[whichfilt][i] = height; freq += dfreq; i++; } while (freq<rightfr){ MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[whichfilt][i] = (freq-rightfr)*rightslope; // fprintf (stderr, " ....MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[%d][%d]=%14f\n", whichfilt,i,MEL_FB->filter_coeffs[whichfilt][i]); freq += dfreq; i++; } MEL_FB->width[whichfilt] = i; } free(filt_edge); return(0); }
/********************************************************************* FUNCTION: fe_process_utt PARAMETERS: fe_t *FE, int16 *spch, int32 nsamps, mfcc_t **cep, int32 nframes RETURNS: status, successful or not DESCRIPTION: processes the given speech data and returns features. will prepend overflow data from last call and store new overflow data within the FE **********************************************************************/ int32 fe_process_utt(fe_t * FE, int16 * spch, int32 nsamps, mfcc_t *** cep_block, int32 * nframes) { int32 frame_start, frame_count = 0, whichframe = 0; int32 i, spbuf_len, offset = 0; frame_t *spbuf, *fr_data; int16 *tmp_spch = spch; mfcc_t **cep = NULL; int32 return_value = FE_SUCCESS; int32 frame_return_value; /* Added byte-swapping for Endian-ness compatibility */ if (FE->swap) for (i = 0; i < nsamps; i++) SWAP_INT16(&spch[i]); /* are there enough samples to make at least 1 frame? */ if (nsamps + FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS >= FE->FRAME_SIZE) { /* if there are previous samples, pre-pend them to input speech samps */ if ((FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS > 0)) { if ((tmp_spch = (int16 *) malloc(sizeof(int16) * (FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS + nsamps))) == NULL) { E_WARN("memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n"); return FE_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR; } /* RAH */ memcpy(tmp_spch, FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS, FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS * (sizeof(int16))); /* RAH */ memcpy(tmp_spch + FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS, spch, nsamps * (sizeof(int16))); /* RAH */ nsamps += FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS; FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS = 0; /*reset overflow samps count */ } /* compute how many complete frames can be processed and which samples correspond to those samps */ frame_count = 0; for (frame_start = 0; frame_start + FE->FRAME_SIZE <= nsamps; frame_start += FE->FRAME_SHIFT) frame_count++; if ((cep = (mfcc_t **) fe_create_2d(frame_count + 1, FE->FEATURE_DIMENSION, sizeof(mfcc_t))) == NULL) { E_WARN ("memory alloc for cep failed in fe_process_utt()\n\tfe_create_2d(%ld,%d,%d)\n", (long int) (frame_count + 1), FE->FEATURE_DIMENSION, sizeof(mfcc_t)); return (FE_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } spbuf_len = (frame_count - 1) * FE->FRAME_SHIFT + FE->FRAME_SIZE; if ((spbuf = (frame_t *) calloc(spbuf_len, sizeof(frame_t))) == NULL) { E_WARN("memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n"); return (FE_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } /* Add dither, if requested */ if (FE->dither) { fe_dither(tmp_spch, spbuf_len); } /* pre-emphasis if needed, convert from int16 to float64 */ if (FE->PRE_EMPHASIS_ALPHA != 0.0) { fe_pre_emphasis(tmp_spch, spbuf, spbuf_len, FE->PRE_EMPHASIS_ALPHA, FE->PRIOR); } else { fe_short_to_frame(tmp_spch, spbuf, spbuf_len); } /* frame based processing - let's make some cepstra... */ fr_data = (frame_t *) calloc(FE->FRAME_SIZE, sizeof(frame_t)); if (fr_data == NULL) { E_WARN("memory alloc failed in fe_process_utt()\n"); return (FE_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } for (whichframe = 0; whichframe < frame_count; whichframe++) { for (i = 0; i < FE->FRAME_SIZE; i++) fr_data[i] = spbuf[whichframe * FE->FRAME_SHIFT + i]; fe_hamming_window(fr_data, FE->HAMMING_WINDOW, FE->FRAME_SIZE, FE->remove_dc); frame_return_value = fe_frame_to_fea(FE, fr_data, cep[whichframe]); if (FE_SUCCESS != frame_return_value) { return_value = frame_return_value; } } /* done making cepstra */ /* assign samples which don't fill an entire frame to FE overflow buffer for use on next pass */ if ((offset = ((frame_count) * FE->FRAME_SHIFT)) < nsamps) { memcpy(FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS, tmp_spch + offset, (nsamps - offset) * sizeof(int16)); FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS = nsamps - offset; FE->PRIOR = tmp_spch[offset - 1]; assert(FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS < FE->FRAME_SIZE); } if (spch != tmp_spch) free(tmp_spch); free(spbuf); free(fr_data); } /* if not enough total samps for a single frame, append new samps to previously stored overlap samples */ else { memcpy(FE->OVERFLOW_SAMPS + FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS, tmp_spch, nsamps * (sizeof(int16))); FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS += nsamps; assert(FE->NUM_OVERFLOW_SAMPS < FE->FRAME_SIZE); frame_count = 0; } *cep_block = cep; /* MLS */ *nframes = frame_count; return return_value; }