void potential_double(int *ndim,double *pos,double *acc,double *pot,double *time)

    double theta, sintheta, costheta, xi, mu, f1val, f2val, quant, psi;

    costheta = pos[Z] / sqrt(pos[X]*pos[X] + pos[Y]*pos[Y] + pos[Z]*pos[Z]);

    if(pos[Z] >= 0) {
        theta = acos(costheta);
        sintheta = cos(PI/2.0 - theta);
    } else {
        theta = -acos(costheta);
        sintheta = cos(PI/2.0 - theta);

    psi = atan2(pos[Y],pos[X]);
    xi = sqrt(pos[X]*pos[X] + pos[Y]*pos[Y] + pos[Z]*pos[Z])/a;

    quant = 1.0 + xi*xi;

    mu = (2.0*xi*sintheta)/quant;

    // Calculate the integrals

    f1val = f1(mu);
    f2val = f2(mu);

    // The energy (FIX THIS, it doesn't matter unless you want to separate out parts of the tail)

    *pot = ((-G*ringmass)/(2*PI)) * fenergy(pos[X],pos[Y],pos[Z],a);

    // The accelerations

    double accmag;
    accmag = (-G*ringmass / (PI*a*a)) * (xi*sintheta*pow(quant, -1.5)*f1val - pow(quant, -1.5)*f2val);

    acc[X] = accmag*cos(psi);
    acc[Y] = accmag*sin(psi);
    acc[Z] = (-G*ringmass / (PI*a*a)) * (xi*costheta*pow(quant, -1.5)*f1val);

 inline double fpower(double f) const {
   return fenergy(f)/(double)Signal::size;