文件: smacker.c 项目: 26mansi/FFmpeg
static int smacker_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    SmackerContext *smk = s->priv_data;
    AVStream *st, *ast[7];
    int i, ret;
    int tbase;

    /* read and check header */
    smk->magic = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (smk->magic != MKTAG('S', 'M', 'K', '2') && smk->magic != MKTAG('S', 'M', 'K', '4'))
    smk->width = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->height = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->frames = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->pts_inc = (int32_t)avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->flags = avio_rl32(pb);
    if(smk->flags & SMACKER_FLAG_RING_FRAME)
    for(i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        smk->audio[i] = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->treesize = avio_rl32(pb);

    if(smk->treesize >= UINT_MAX/4){ // smk->treesize + 16 must not overflow (this check is probably redundant)
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "treesize too large\n");

//FIXME remove extradata "rebuilding"
    smk->mmap_size = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->mclr_size = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->full_size = avio_rl32(pb);
    smk->type_size = avio_rl32(pb);
    for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        smk->rates[i]  = avio_rl24(pb);
        smk->aflags[i] = avio_r8(pb);
    smk->pad = avio_rl32(pb);
    /* setup data */
    if(smk->frames > 0xFFFFFF) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too many frames: %"PRIu32"\n", smk->frames);
    smk->frm_size = av_malloc_array(smk->frames, sizeof(*smk->frm_size));
    smk->frm_flags = av_malloc(smk->frames);
    if (!smk->frm_size || !smk->frm_flags) {
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    smk->is_ver4 = (smk->magic != MKTAG('S', 'M', 'K', '2'));

    /* read frame info */
    for(i = 0; i < smk->frames; i++) {
        smk->frm_size[i] = avio_rl32(pb);
    for(i = 0; i < smk->frames; i++) {
        smk->frm_flags[i] = avio_r8(pb);

    /* init video codec */
    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    smk->videoindex = st->index;
    st->codec->width = smk->width;
    st->codec->height = smk->height;
    st->codec->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8;
    st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKVIDEO;
    st->codec->codec_tag = smk->magic;
    /* Smacker uses 100000 as internal timebase */
    if(smk->pts_inc < 0)
        smk->pts_inc = -smk->pts_inc;
        smk->pts_inc *= 100;
    tbase = 100000;
    av_reduce(&tbase, &smk->pts_inc, tbase, smk->pts_inc, (1UL<<31)-1);
    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 33, smk->pts_inc, tbase);
    st->duration = smk->frames;
    /* handle possible audio streams */
    for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        smk->indexes[i] = -1;
        if (smk->rates[i]) {
            ast[i] = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
            if (!ast[i])
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
            smk->indexes[i] = ast[i]->index;
            ast[i]->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
            if (smk->aflags[i] & SMK_AUD_BINKAUD) {
                ast[i]->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_RDFT;
            } else if (smk->aflags[i] & SMK_AUD_USEDCT) {
                ast[i]->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_DCT;
            } else if (smk->aflags[i] & SMK_AUD_PACKED){
                ast[i]->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKAUDIO;
                ast[i]->codec->codec_tag = MKTAG('S', 'M', 'K', 'A');
            } else {
                ast[i]->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;
            if (smk->aflags[i] & SMK_AUD_STEREO) {
                ast[i]->codec->channels       = 2;
                ast[i]->codec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
            } else {
                ast[i]->codec->channels       = 1;
                ast[i]->codec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO;
            ast[i]->codec->sample_rate = smk->rates[i];
            ast[i]->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = (smk->aflags[i] & SMK_AUD_16BITS) ? 16 : 8;
            if(ast[i]->codec->bits_per_coded_sample == 16 && ast[i]->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8)
                ast[i]->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE;
            avpriv_set_pts_info(ast[i], 64, 1, ast[i]->codec->sample_rate
                    * ast[i]->codec->channels * ast[i]->codec->bits_per_coded_sample / 8);

    /* load trees to extradata, they will be unpacked by decoder */
    if(ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, smk->treesize + 16)){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "Cannot allocate %"PRIu32" bytes of extradata\n",
               smk->treesize + 16);
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    ret = avio_read(pb, st->codec->extradata + 16, st->codec->extradata_size - 16);
    if(ret != st->codec->extradata_size - 16){
        return AVERROR(EIO);
    ((int32_t*)st->codec->extradata)[0] = av_le2ne32(smk->mmap_size);
    ((int32_t*)st->codec->extradata)[1] = av_le2ne32(smk->mclr_size);
    ((int32_t*)st->codec->extradata)[2] = av_le2ne32(smk->full_size);
    ((int32_t*)st->codec->extradata)[3] = av_le2ne32(smk->type_size);

    smk->curstream = -1;
    smk->nextpos = avio_tell(pb);

    return 0;
static int yop_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    YopDecContext *yop = s->priv_data;
    AVIOContext *pb  = s->pb;

    AVCodecContext *audio_dec, *video_dec;
    AVStream *audio_stream, *video_stream;

    int frame_rate, ret;

    audio_stream = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    video_stream = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!audio_stream || !video_stream)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    // Extra data that will be passed to the decoder
    if (ff_alloc_extradata(video_stream->codec, 8))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    // Audio
    audio_dec               = audio_stream->codec;
    audio_dec->codec_type   = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
    audio_dec->codec_id     = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_APC;
    audio_dec->channels     = 1;
    audio_dec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO;
    audio_dec->sample_rate  = 22050;

    // Video
    video_dec               = video_stream->codec;
    video_dec->codec_type   = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    video_dec->codec_id     = AV_CODEC_ID_YOP;

    avio_skip(pb, 6);

    frame_rate              = avio_r8(pb);
    yop->frame_size         = avio_r8(pb) * 2048;
    video_dec->width        = avio_rl16(pb);
    video_dec->height       = avio_rl16(pb);

    video_stream->sample_aspect_ratio = (AVRational){1, 2};

    ret = avio_read(pb, video_dec->extradata, 8);
    if (ret < 8)
        return ret < 0 ? ret : AVERROR_EOF;

    yop->palette_size       = video_dec->extradata[0] * 3 + 4;
    yop->audio_block_length = AV_RL16(video_dec->extradata + 6);

    video_dec->bit_rate     = 8 * (yop->frame_size - yop->audio_block_length) * frame_rate;

    // 1840 samples per frame, 1 nibble per sample; hence 1840/2 = 920
    if (yop->audio_block_length < 920 ||
        yop->audio_block_length + yop->palette_size >= yop->frame_size) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "YOP has invalid header\n");

    avio_seek(pb, 2048, SEEK_SET);

    avpriv_set_pts_info(video_stream, 32, 1, frame_rate);

    return 0;
文件: mpc.c 项目: Ancaro/stepmania
static int mpc_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    MPCContext *c = s->priv_data;
    AVStream *st;

    if(avio_rl24(s->pb) != MKTAG('M', 'P', '+', 0)){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Not a Musepack file\n");
    c->ver = avio_r8(s->pb);
    if(c->ver != 0x07 && c->ver != 0x17){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Can demux Musepack SV7, got version %02X\n", c->ver);
    c->fcount = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    if((int64_t)c->fcount * sizeof(MPCFrame) >= UINT_MAX){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too many frames, seeking is not possible\n");
        c->frames = av_malloc(c->fcount * sizeof(MPCFrame));
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot allocate seektable\n");
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Container reports no frames\n");
    c->curframe = 0;
    c->lastframe = -1;
    c->curbits = 8;
    c->frames_noted = 0;

    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
    st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MUSEPACK7;
    st->codec->channels = 2;
    st->codec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
    st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = 16;

    if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, 16))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    avio_read(s->pb, st->codec->extradata, 16);
    st->codec->sample_rate = mpc_rate[st->codec->extradata[2] & 3];
    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 32, MPC_FRAMESIZE, st->codec->sample_rate);
    /* scan for seekpoints */
    st->start_time = 0;
    st->duration = c->fcount;

    /* try to read APE tags */
    if (s->pb->seekable) {
        int64_t pos = avio_tell(s->pb);
        if (!av_dict_get(s->metadata, "", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))
        avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET);

    return 0;
static int wsvqa_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s,
                             AVPacket *pkt)
    WsVqaDemuxContext *wsvqa = s->priv_data;
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    int ret = -1;
    uint8_t preamble[VQA_PREAMBLE_SIZE];
    uint32_t chunk_type;
    uint32_t chunk_size;
    int skip_byte;

    while (avio_read(pb, preamble, VQA_PREAMBLE_SIZE) == VQA_PREAMBLE_SIZE) {
        chunk_type = AV_RB32(&preamble[0]);
        chunk_size = AV_RB32(&preamble[4]);

        skip_byte = chunk_size & 0x01;

        if ((chunk_type == SND0_TAG) || (chunk_type == SND1_TAG) ||
            (chunk_type == SND2_TAG) || (chunk_type == VQFR_TAG)) {

            ret= av_get_packet(pb, pkt, chunk_size);
            if (ret<0)
                return AVERROR(EIO);

            switch (chunk_type) {
            case SND0_TAG:
            case SND1_TAG:
            case SND2_TAG:
                if (wsvqa->audio_stream_index == -1) {
                    AVStream *st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
                    if (!st)
                        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

                    wsvqa->audio_stream_index = st->index;
                    if (!wsvqa->sample_rate)
                        wsvqa->sample_rate = 22050;
                    if (!wsvqa->channels)
                        wsvqa->channels = 1;
                    if (!wsvqa->bps)
                        wsvqa->bps = 8;
                    st->codec->sample_rate = wsvqa->sample_rate;
                    st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = wsvqa->bps;
                    st->codec->channels = wsvqa->channels;
                    st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;

                    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, st->codec->sample_rate);

                    switch (chunk_type) {
                    case SND0_TAG:
                        if (wsvqa->bps == 16)
                            st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE;
                            st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;
                    case SND1_TAG:
                        st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_WESTWOOD_SND1;
                    case SND2_TAG:
                        st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WS;
                        if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, 2))
                            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
                        AV_WL16(st->codec->extradata, wsvqa->version);

                pkt->stream_index = wsvqa->audio_stream_index;
                switch (chunk_type) {
                case SND1_TAG:
                    /* unpacked size is stored in header */
                        pkt->duration = AV_RL16(pkt->data) / wsvqa->channels;
                case SND2_TAG:
                    /* 2 samples/byte, 1 or 2 samples per frame depending on stereo */
                    pkt->duration = (chunk_size * 2) / wsvqa->channels;
            case VQFR_TAG:
                pkt->stream_index = wsvqa->video_stream_index;
                pkt->duration = 1;

            /* stay on 16-bit alignment */
            if (skip_byte)
                avio_skip(pb, 1);

            return ret;
        } else {
            case CMDS_TAG:
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_INFO, "Skipping unknown chunk 0x%08X\n", chunk_type);
            avio_skip(pb, chunk_size + skip_byte);

    return ret;
static int redspark_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    RedSparkContext *redspark = s->priv_data;
    AVCodecParameters *par;
    GetByteContext gbc;
    int i, coef_off, ret = 0;
    uint32_t key, data;
    uint8_t header[HEADER_SIZE];
    AVStream *st;

    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    par = st->codecpar;

    /* Decrypt header */
    data = avio_rb32(pb);
    key  = data ^ 0x52656453;
    data ^= key;
    AV_WB32(header, data);
    key = rol(key, 11);

    for (i = 4; i < HEADER_SIZE; i += 4) {
        key += rol(key, 3);
        data = avio_rb32(pb) ^ key;
        AV_WB32(header + i, data);

    par->codec_id    = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP;
    par->codec_type  = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;

    bytestream2_init(&gbc, header, HEADER_SIZE);
    bytestream2_seek(&gbc, 0x3c, SEEK_SET);
    par->sample_rate = bytestream2_get_be32u(&gbc);
    if (par->sample_rate <= 0 || par->sample_rate > 96000) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid sample rate: %d\n", par->sample_rate);

    st->duration = bytestream2_get_be32u(&gbc) * 14;
    redspark->samples_count = 0;
    bytestream2_skipu(&gbc, 10);
    par->channels = bytestream2_get_byteu(&gbc);
    if (!par->channels) {

    coef_off = 0x54 + par->channels * 8;
    if (bytestream2_get_byteu(&gbc)) // Loop flag
        coef_off += 16;

    if (coef_off + par->channels * (32 + 14) > HEADER_SIZE) {

    if (ff_alloc_extradata(par, 32 * par->channels)) {

    /* Get the ADPCM table */
    bytestream2_seek(&gbc, coef_off, SEEK_SET);
    for (i = 0; i < par->channels; i++) {
        if (bytestream2_get_bufferu(&gbc, par->extradata + i * 32, 32) != 32) {
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
        bytestream2_skipu(&gbc, 14);

    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, par->sample_rate);

    return ret;
文件: tta.c 项目: markjreed/vice-emu
static int tta_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    TTAContext *c = s->priv_data;
    AVStream *st;
    int i, channels, bps, samplerate;
    uint64_t framepos, start_offset;
    uint32_t nb_samples, crc;


    start_offset = avio_tell(s->pb);
    ffio_init_checksum(s->pb, tta_check_crc, UINT32_MAX);
    if (avio_rl32(s->pb) != AV_RL32("TTA1"))

    avio_skip(s->pb, 2); // FIXME: flags
    channels = avio_rl16(s->pb);
    bps = avio_rl16(s->pb);
    samplerate = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    if(samplerate <= 0 || samplerate > 1000000){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "nonsense samplerate\n");

    nb_samples = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    if (!nb_samples) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid number of samples\n");

    crc = ffio_get_checksum(s->pb) ^ UINT32_MAX;
    if (crc != avio_rl32(s->pb)) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Header CRC error\n");

    c->frame_size      = samplerate * 256 / 245;
    c->last_frame_size = nb_samples % c->frame_size;
    if (!c->last_frame_size)
        c->last_frame_size = c->frame_size;
    c->totalframes = nb_samples / c->frame_size + (c->last_frame_size < c->frame_size);
    c->currentframe = 0;

    if(c->totalframes >= UINT_MAX/sizeof(uint32_t) || c->totalframes <= 0){
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "totalframes %d invalid\n", c->totalframes);

    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, samplerate);
    st->start_time = 0;
    st->duration = nb_samples;

    framepos = avio_tell(s->pb) + 4*c->totalframes + 4;

    if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, avio_tell(s->pb) - start_offset))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    avio_seek(s->pb, start_offset, SEEK_SET);
    avio_read(s->pb, st->codec->extradata, st->codec->extradata_size);

    ffio_init_checksum(s->pb, tta_check_crc, UINT32_MAX);
    for (i = 0; i < c->totalframes; i++) {
        uint32_t size = avio_rl32(s->pb);
        av_add_index_entry(st, framepos, i * c->frame_size, size, 0,
        framepos += size;
    crc = ffio_get_checksum(s->pb) ^ UINT32_MAX;
    if (crc != avio_rl32(s->pb)) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Seek table CRC error\n");

    st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
    st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_TTA;
    st->codec->channels = channels;
    st->codec->sample_rate = samplerate;
    st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = bps;

    if (s->pb->seekable) {
        int64_t pos = avio_tell(s->pb);
        avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET);

    return 0;
文件: flic.c 项目: 15806905685/FFmpeg
static int flic_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    FlicDemuxContext *flic = s->priv_data;
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    unsigned char header[FLIC_HEADER_SIZE];
    AVStream *st, *ast;
    int speed;
    int magic_number;
    unsigned char preamble[FLIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE];

    flic->frame_number = 0;

    /* load the whole header and pull out the width and height */
    if (avio_read(pb, header, FLIC_HEADER_SIZE) != FLIC_HEADER_SIZE)
        return AVERROR(EIO);

    magic_number = AV_RL16(&header[4]);
    speed = AV_RL32(&header[0x10]);
    if (speed == 0)
        speed = FLIC_DEFAULT_SPEED;

    /* initialize the decoder streams */
    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    flic->video_stream_index = st->index;
    st->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    st->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_FLIC;
    st->codecpar->codec_tag = 0;  /* no fourcc */
    st->codecpar->width = AV_RL16(&header[0x08]);
    st->codecpar->height = AV_RL16(&header[0x0A]);

    if (!st->codecpar->width || !st->codecpar->height) {
        /* Ugly hack needed for the following sample: */
        /* http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/fli-flc/fli-bugs/specular.flc */
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING,
               "File with no specified width/height. Trying 640x480.\n");
        st->codecpar->width  = 640;
        st->codecpar->height = 480;

    /* send over the whole 128-byte FLIC header */
    if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codecpar, FLIC_HEADER_SIZE))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    memcpy(st->codecpar->extradata, header, FLIC_HEADER_SIZE);

    /* peek at the preamble to detect TFTD videos - they seem to always start with an audio chunk */
    if (avio_read(pb, preamble, FLIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE) != FLIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to peek at preamble\n");
        return AVERROR(EIO);

    avio_seek(pb, -FLIC_PREAMBLE_SIZE, SEEK_CUR);

    /* Time to figure out the framerate:
     * If the first preamble's magic number is 0xAAAA then this file is from
     * X-COM: Terror from the Deep. If on the other hand there is a FLIC chunk
     * magic number at offset 0x10 assume this file is from Magic Carpet instead.
     * If neither of the above is true then this is a normal FLIC file.
    if (AV_RL16(&preamble[4]) == FLIC_TFTD_CHUNK_AUDIO) {
        /* TFTD videos have an extra 22050 Hz 8-bit mono audio stream */
        ast = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
        if (!ast)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

        flic->audio_stream_index = ast->index;

        /* all audio frames are the same size, so use the size of the first chunk for block_align */
        ast->codecpar->block_align = AV_RL32(&preamble[0]);
        ast->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
        ast->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;
        ast->codecpar->codec_tag = 0;
        ast->codecpar->sample_rate = FLIC_TFTD_SAMPLE_RATE;
        ast->codecpar->channels = 1;
        ast->codecpar->bit_rate = st->codecpar->sample_rate * 8;
        ast->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample = 8;
        ast->codecpar->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO;
        ast->codecpar->extradata_size = 0;

        /* Since the header information is incorrect we have to figure out the
         * framerate using block_align and the fact that the audio is 22050 Hz.
         * We usually have two cases: 2205 -> 10 fps and 1470 -> 15 fps */
        avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, ast->codecpar->block_align, FLIC_TFTD_SAMPLE_RATE);
        avpriv_set_pts_info(ast, 64, 1, FLIC_TFTD_SAMPLE_RATE);
    } else if (AV_RL16(&header[0x10]) == FLIC_CHUNK_MAGIC_1) {
        avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, FLIC_MC_SPEED, 70);

        /* rewind the stream since the first chunk is at offset 12 */
        avio_seek(pb, 12, SEEK_SET);

        /* send over abbreviated FLIC header chunk */
        if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codecpar, 12))
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        memcpy(st->codecpar->extradata, header, 12);

    } else if (magic_number == FLIC_FILE_MAGIC_1) {
        avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, speed, 70);
    } else if ((magic_number == FLIC_FILE_MAGIC_2) ||
               (magic_number == FLIC_FILE_MAGIC_3)) {
        avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, speed, 1000);
    } else {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid or unsupported magic chunk in file\n");

    return 0;
文件: rsd.c 项目: gbeauchesne/FFmpeg
static int rsd_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    int i, ret, version, start = 0x800;
    AVCodecContext *codec;
    AVStream *st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);

    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    avio_skip(pb, 3); // "RSD"
    version = avio_r8(pb) - '0';

    codec = st->codec;
    codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
    codec->codec_tag  = avio_rl32(pb);
    codec->codec_id   = ff_codec_get_id(rsd_tags, codec->codec_tag);
    if (!codec->codec_id) {
        char tag_buf[32];

        av_get_codec_tag_string(tag_buf, sizeof(tag_buf), codec->codec_tag);
        for (i=0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(rsd_unsupported_tags); i++) {
            if (codec->codec_tag == rsd_unsupported_tags[i]) {
                avpriv_request_sample(s, "Codec tag: %s", tag_buf);
                return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown codec tag: %s\n", tag_buf);

    codec->channels = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (!codec->channels)

    avio_skip(pb, 4); // Bit depth
    codec->sample_rate = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (!codec->sample_rate)

    avio_skip(pb, 4); // Unknown

    switch (codec->codec_id) {
        codec->block_align = 16 * codec->channels;
        if (pb->seekable)
            st->duration = av_get_audio_frame_duration(codec, avio_size(pb) - start);
        codec->block_align = 20 * codec->channels;
        if (pb->seekable)
            st->duration = av_get_audio_frame_duration(codec, avio_size(pb) - start);
        if (version == 2)
            start = avio_rl32(pb);

        codec->bits_per_coded_sample = 4;
        codec->block_align = 36 * codec->channels;
        if (pb->seekable)
            st->duration = av_get_audio_frame_duration(codec, avio_size(pb) - start);
        if (st->codec->codec_tag == MKTAG('G','A','D','P')) {
            /* RSD3GADP is mono, so only alloc enough memory
               to store the coeff table for a single channel. */

            start = avio_rl32(pb);

            if ((ret = ff_get_extradata(codec, s->pb, 32)) < 0)
                return ret;

            for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                AV_WB16(codec->extradata + i * 2, AV_RL16(codec->extradata + i * 2));

        } else {
            codec->block_align = 8 * codec->channels;
            avio_skip(s->pb, 0x1A4 - avio_tell(s->pb));

            if ((ret = ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, 32 * st->codec->channels)) < 0)
                return ret;

            for (i = 0; i < st->codec->channels; i++) {
                avio_read(s->pb, st->codec->extradata + 32 * i, 32);
                avio_skip(s->pb, 8);
        if (pb->seekable)
            st->duration = (avio_size(pb) - start) / (8 * st->codec->channels) * 14;
    case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE:
    case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE:
        if (version != 4)
            start = avio_rl32(pb);

        if (pb->seekable)
            st->duration = (avio_size(pb) - start) / 2 / codec->channels;

    avio_skip(pb, start - avio_tell(pb));

    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, codec->sample_rate);

    return 0;
文件: cafdec.c 项目: RAvenGEr/opencvr
/** Read magic cookie chunk */
static int read_kuki_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t size)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    AVStream *st      = s->streams[0];

    if (size < 0 || size > INT_MAX - AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE)
        return -1;

    if (st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {
        /* The magic cookie format for AAC is an mp4 esds atom.
           The lavc AAC decoder requires the data from the codec specific
           description as extradata input. */
        int strt, skip;

        strt = avio_tell(pb);
        ff_mov_read_esds(s, pb);
        skip = size - (avio_tell(pb) - strt);
        if (skip < 0 || !st->codec->extradata ||
                st->codec->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid AAC magic cookie\n");
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
        avio_skip(pb, skip);
    } else if (st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_ALAC) {
#define ALAC_PREAMBLE 12
#define ALAC_HEADER   36
#define ALAC_NEW_KUKI 24
        uint8_t preamble[12];
        if (size < ALAC_NEW_KUKI) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid ALAC magic cookie\n");
            avio_skip(pb, size);
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
        if (avio_read(pb, preamble, ALAC_PREAMBLE) != ALAC_PREAMBLE) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "failed to read preamble\n");
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

        if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, ALAC_HEADER))
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

        /* For the old style cookie, we skip 12 bytes, then read 36 bytes.
         * The new style cookie only contains the last 24 bytes of what was
         * 36 bytes in the old style cookie, so we fabricate the first 12 bytes
         * in that case to maintain compatibility. */
        if (!memcmp(&preamble[4], "frmaalac", 8)) {
            if (size < ALAC_PREAMBLE + ALAC_HEADER) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid ALAC magic cookie\n");
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            if (avio_read(pb, st->codec->extradata, ALAC_HEADER) != ALAC_HEADER) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "failed to read kuki header\n");
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            avio_skip(pb, size - ALAC_PREAMBLE - ALAC_HEADER);
        } else {
            AV_WB32(st->codec->extradata, 36);
            memcpy(&st->codec->extradata[4], "alac", 4);
            AV_WB32(&st->codec->extradata[8], 0);
            memcpy(&st->codec->extradata[12], preamble, 12);
            if (avio_read(pb, &st->codec->extradata[24], ALAC_NEW_KUKI - 12) != ALAC_NEW_KUKI - 12) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "failed to read new kuki header\n");
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            avio_skip(pb, size - ALAC_NEW_KUKI);
    } else {
        if (ff_get_extradata(st->codec, pb, size) < 0)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    return 0;
文件: xwma.c 项目: DeHackEd/FFmpeg
static int xwma_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    int64_t size;
    int ret = 0;
    uint32_t dpds_table_size = 0;
    uint32_t *dpds_table = NULL;
    unsigned int tag;
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    AVStream *st;
    XWMAContext *xwma = s->priv_data;
    int i;

    /* The following code is mostly copied from wav.c, with some
     * minor alterations.

    /* check RIFF header */
    tag = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (tag != MKTAG('R', 'I', 'F', 'F'))
        return -1;
    avio_rl32(pb); /* file size */
    tag = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (tag != MKTAG('X', 'W', 'M', 'A'))
        return -1;

    /* parse fmt header */
    tag = avio_rl32(pb);
    if (tag != MKTAG('f', 'm', 't', ' '))
        return -1;
    size = avio_rl32(pb);
    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    ret = ff_get_wav_header(s, pb, st->codecpar, size, 0);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;
    st->need_parsing = AVSTREAM_PARSE_NONE;

    /* XWMA encoder only allows a few channel/sample rate/bitrate combinations,
     * but some create identical files with fake bitrate (1ch 22050hz at
     * 20/48/192kbps are all 20kbps, with the exact same codec data).
     * Decoder needs correct bitrate to work, so it's normalized here. */
    if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2) {
        int ch = st->codecpar->channels;
        int sr = st->codecpar->sample_rate;
        int br = st->codecpar->bit_rate;

        if (ch == 1) {
            if (sr == 22050 && (br==48000 || br==192000))
                br = 20000;
            else if (sr == 32000 && (br==48000 || br==192000))
                br = 20000;
            else if (sr == 44100 && (br==96000 || br==192000))
                br = 48000;
        else if (ch == 2) {
            if (sr == 22050 && (br==48000 || br==192000))
                br = 32000;
            else if (sr == 32000 && (br==192000))
                br = 48000;

        st->codecpar->bit_rate = br;

    /* Normally xWMA can only contain WMAv2 with 1/2 channels,
     * and WMAPRO with 6 channels. */
    if (st->codecpar->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2 &&
        st->codecpar->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_WMAPRO) {
        avpriv_request_sample(s, "Unexpected codec (tag %s; id %d)",
    } else {
        /* xWMA shouldn't have extradata. But the WMA codecs require it,
         * so we provide our own fake extradata.
         * First, check that there really was no extradata in the header. If
         * there was, then try to use it, after asking the user to provide a
         * sample of this unusual file.
        if (st->codecpar->extradata_size != 0) {
            /* Surprise, surprise: We *did* get some extradata. No idea
             * if it will work, but just go on and try it, after asking
             * the user for a sample.
            avpriv_request_sample(s, "Unexpected extradata (%d bytes)",
        } else if (st->codecpar->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_WMAPRO) {
            if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codecpar, 18))
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

            memset(st->codecpar->extradata, 0, st->codecpar->extradata_size);
            st->codecpar->extradata[ 0] = st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample;
            st->codecpar->extradata[14] = 224;
        } else {
            if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codecpar, 6))
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

            memset(st->codecpar->extradata, 0, st->codecpar->extradata_size);
            /* setup extradata with our experimentally obtained value */
            st->codecpar->extradata[4] = 31;

    if (!st->codecpar->channels) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid channel count: %d\n",
    if (!st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid bits_per_coded_sample: %d\n",

    /* set the sample rate */
    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, st->codecpar->sample_rate);

    /* parse the remaining RIFF chunks */
    for (;;) {
        if (pb->eof_reached) {
            ret = AVERROR_EOF;
            goto fail;
        /* read next chunk tag */
        tag = avio_rl32(pb);
        size = avio_rl32(pb);
        if (tag == MKTAG('d', 'a', 't', 'a')) {
            /* We assume that the data chunk comes last. */
        } else if (tag == MKTAG('d','p','d','s')) {
            /* Quoting the MSDN xWMA docs on the dpds chunk: "Contains the
             * decoded packet cumulative data size array, each element is the
             * number of bytes accumulated after the corresponding xWMA packet
             * is decoded in order."
             * Each packet has size equal to st->codecpar->block_align, which in
             * all cases I saw so far was always 2230. Thus, we can use the
             * dpds data to compute a seeking index.

            /* Error out if there is more than one dpds chunk. */
            if (dpds_table) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "two dpds chunks present\n");
                ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
                goto fail;

            /* Compute the number of entries in the dpds chunk. */
            if (size & 3) {  /* Size should be divisible by four */
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING,
                       "dpds chunk size %"PRId64" not divisible by 4\n", size);
            dpds_table_size = size / 4;
            if (dpds_table_size == 0 || dpds_table_size >= INT_MAX / 4) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                       "dpds chunk size %"PRId64" invalid\n", size);
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

            /* Allocate some temporary storage to keep the dpds data around.
             * for processing later on.
            dpds_table = av_malloc_array(dpds_table_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
            if (!dpds_table) {
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

            for (i = 0; i < dpds_table_size; ++i) {
                dpds_table[i] = avio_rl32(pb);
                size -= 4;
        avio_skip(pb, size);

    /* Determine overall data length */
    if (size < 0) {
        goto fail;
    if (!size) {
        xwma->data_end = INT64_MAX;
    } else
        xwma->data_end = avio_tell(pb) + size;

    if (dpds_table && dpds_table_size) {
        int64_t cur_pos;
        const uint32_t bytes_per_sample
                = (st->codecpar->channels * st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample) >> 3;

        /* Estimate the duration from the total number of output bytes. */
        const uint64_t total_decoded_bytes = dpds_table[dpds_table_size - 1];

        if (!bytes_per_sample) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                   "Invalid bits_per_coded_sample %d for %d channels\n",
                   st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample, st->codecpar->channels);
            ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            goto fail;

        st->duration = total_decoded_bytes / bytes_per_sample;

        /* Use the dpds data to build a seek table.  We can only do this after
         * we know the offset to the data chunk, as we need that to determine
         * the actual offset to each input block.
         * Note: If we allowed ourselves to assume that the data chunk always
         * follows immediately after the dpds block, we could of course guess
         * the data block's start offset already while reading the dpds chunk.
         * I decided against that, just in case other chunks ever are
         * discovered.
        cur_pos = avio_tell(pb);
        for (i = 0; i < dpds_table_size; ++i) {
            /* From the number of output bytes that would accumulate in the
             * output buffer after decoding the first (i+1) packets, we compute
             * an offset / timestamp pair.
                               cur_pos + (i+1) * st->codecpar->block_align, /* pos */
                               dpds_table[i] / bytes_per_sample,            /* timestamp */
                               st->codecpar->block_align,                   /* size */
                               0,                                           /* duration */
    } else if (st->codecpar->bit_rate) {
文件: rl2.c 项目: Ancaro/stepmania
 * read rl2 header data and setup the avstreams
 * @param s demuxer context
 * @return 0 on success, AVERROR otherwise
static av_cold int rl2_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    AVStream *st;
    unsigned int frame_count;
    unsigned int audio_frame_counter = 0;
    unsigned int video_frame_counter = 0;
    unsigned int back_size;
    unsigned short sound_rate;
    unsigned short rate;
    unsigned short channels;
    unsigned short def_sound_size;
    unsigned int signature;
    unsigned int pts_den = 11025; /* video only case */
    unsigned int pts_num = 1103;
    unsigned int* chunk_offset = NULL;
    int* chunk_size = NULL;
    int* audio_size = NULL;
    int i;
    int ret = 0;

    avio_skip(pb,4);          /* skip FORM tag */
    back_size = avio_rl32(pb); /**< get size of the background frame */
    signature = avio_rb32(pb);
    avio_skip(pb, 4);         /* data size */
    frame_count = avio_rl32(pb);

    /* disallow back_sizes and frame_counts that may lead to overflows later */
    if(back_size > INT_MAX/2  || frame_count > INT_MAX / sizeof(uint32_t))

    avio_skip(pb, 2);         /* encoding mentod */
    sound_rate = avio_rl16(pb);
    rate = avio_rl16(pb);
    channels = avio_rl16(pb);
    def_sound_size = avio_rl16(pb);

    /** setup video stream */
    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
         return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_RL2;
    st->codec->codec_tag = 0;  /* no fourcc */
    st->codec->width = 320;
    st->codec->height = 200;

    /** allocate and fill extradata */
    st->codec->extradata_size = EXTRADATA1_SIZE;

    if(signature == RLV3_TAG && back_size > 0)
        st->codec->extradata_size += back_size;

    if(ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, st->codec->extradata_size))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    if(avio_read(pb,st->codec->extradata,st->codec->extradata_size) !=
        return AVERROR(EIO);

    /** setup audio stream if present */
        if (!channels || channels > 42) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid number of channels: %d\n", channels);
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

        pts_num = def_sound_size;
        pts_den = rate;

        st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
        if (!st)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
        st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;
        st->codec->codec_tag = 1;
        st->codec->channels = channels;
        st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = 8;
        st->codec->sample_rate = rate;
        st->codec->bit_rate = st->codec->channels * st->codec->sample_rate *
        st->codec->block_align = st->codec->channels *
            st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample / 8;

    avpriv_set_pts_info(s->streams[0], 32, pts_num, pts_den);

    chunk_size =   av_malloc(frame_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
    audio_size =   av_malloc(frame_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
    chunk_offset = av_malloc(frame_count * sizeof(uint32_t));

    if(!chunk_size || !audio_size || !chunk_offset){
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    /** read offset and size tables */
    for(i=0; i < frame_count;i++)
        chunk_size[i] = avio_rl32(pb);
    for(i=0; i < frame_count;i++)
        chunk_offset[i] = avio_rl32(pb);
    for(i=0; i < frame_count;i++)
        audio_size[i] = avio_rl32(pb) & 0xFFFF;

    /** build the sample index */
        if(chunk_size[i] < 0 || audio_size[i] > chunk_size[i]){
            ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

        if(sound_rate && audio_size[i]){
            av_add_index_entry(s->streams[1], chunk_offset[i],
                audio_frame_counter,audio_size[i], 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME);
            audio_frame_counter += audio_size[i] / channels;
        av_add_index_entry(s->streams[0], chunk_offset[i] + audio_size[i],


    return ret;
文件: apetag.c 项目: Ancaro/stepmania
static int ape_tag_read_field(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    uint8_t key[1024], *value;
    uint32_t size, flags;
    int i, c;

    size = avio_rl32(pb);  /* field size */
    flags = avio_rl32(pb); /* field flags */
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(key) - 1; i++) {
        c = avio_r8(pb);
        if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7E)
            key[i] = c;
    key[i] = 0;
    if (c != 0) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Invalid APE tag key '%s'.\n", key);
        return -1;
    if (size >= UINT_MAX)
        return -1;
    if (flags & APE_TAG_FLAG_IS_BINARY) {
        uint8_t filename[1024];
        enum AVCodecID id;
        AVStream *st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
        if (!st)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

        size -= avio_get_str(pb, size, filename, sizeof(filename));
        if (size <= 0) {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Skipping binary tag '%s'.\n", key);
            return 0;

        av_dict_set(&st->metadata, key, filename, 0);

        if ((id = ff_guess_image2_codec(filename)) != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
            AVPacket pkt;
            int ret;

            ret = av_get_packet(s->pb, &pkt, size);
            if (ret < 0) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error reading cover art.\n");
                return ret;

            st->disposition      |= AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC;
            st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
            st->codec->codec_id   = id;

            st->attached_pic              = pkt;
            st->attached_pic.stream_index = st->index;
            st->attached_pic.flags       |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
        } else {
            if (ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, size))
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
            if (avio_read(pb, st->codec->extradata, size) != size) {
                st->codec->extradata_size = 0;
                return AVERROR(EIO);
            st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT;
    } else {
        value = av_malloc(size+1);
        if (!value)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        c = avio_read(pb, value, size);
        if (c < 0) {
            return c;
        value[c] = 0;
        av_dict_set(&s->metadata, key, value, AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_VAL);
    return 0;
文件: genh.c 项目: AleXoundOS/FFmpeg
static int genh_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    unsigned start_offset, header_size, codec, coef_type, coef[2];
    GENHDemuxContext *c = s->priv_data;
    av_unused unsigned coef_splitted[2];
    int align, ch, ret;
    AVStream *st;

    avio_skip(s->pb, 4);

    st = avformat_new_stream(s, NULL);
    if (!st)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    st->codec->codec_type  = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
    st->codec->channels    = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    if (st->codec->channels <= 0)
    if (st->codec->channels == 1)
        st->codec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO;
    else if (st->codec->channels == 2)
        st->codec->channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
    align                  =
    c->interleave_size     = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    if (align < 0 || align > INT_MAX / st->codec->channels)
    st->codec->block_align = align * st->codec->channels;
    st->codec->sample_rate = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    avio_skip(s->pb, 4);
    st->duration = avio_rl32(s->pb);

    codec = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    switch (codec) {
    case  0: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_PSX;        break;
    case  1:
    case 11: st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = 4;
             st->codec->block_align = 36 * st->codec->channels;
             st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WAV;    break;
    case  2: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_DTK;        break;
    case  3: st->codec->codec_id = st->codec->block_align > 0 ?
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE_PLANAR :
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE;        break;
    case  4: st->codec->codec_id = st->codec->block_align > 0 ?
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE_PLANAR :
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE;        break;
    case  5: st->codec->codec_id = st->codec->block_align > 0 ?
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8_PLANAR :
                                   AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8;           break;
    case  6: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_SDX2_DPCM;        break;
    case  7: ret = ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, 2);
             if (ret < 0)
                 return ret;
             AV_WL16(st->codec->extradata, 3);
             st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WS;     break;
    case 10: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AICA;       break;
    case 12: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP;        break;
    case 13: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;           break;
    case 17: st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT;     break;
             avpriv_request_sample(s, "codec %d", codec);
             return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;

    start_offset = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    header_size  = avio_rl32(s->pb);

    if (header_size > start_offset)

    if (header_size == 0)
        start_offset = 0x800;

    coef[0]          = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    coef[1]          = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    c->dsp_int_type  = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    coef_type        = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    coef_splitted[0] = avio_rl32(s->pb);
    coef_splitted[1] = avio_rl32(s->pb);

    if (st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP) {
        if (st->codec->channels > 2) {
            avpriv_request_sample(s, "channels %d>2", st->codec->channels);
            return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;

        ff_alloc_extradata(st->codec, 32 * st->codec->channels);
        for (ch = 0; ch < st->codec->channels; ch++) {
            if (coef_type & 1) {
                avpriv_request_sample(s, "coef_type & 1");
                return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
            } else {
                avio_seek(s->pb, coef[ch], SEEK_SET);
                avio_read(s->pb, st->codec->extradata + 32 * ch, 32);

        if (c->dsp_int_type == 1) {
            st->codec->block_align = 8 * st->codec->channels;
            if (c->interleave_size != 1 &&
                c->interleave_size != 2 &&
                c->interleave_size != 4)
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

    avio_skip(s->pb, start_offset - avio_tell(s->pb));

    avpriv_set_pts_info(st, 64, 1, st->codec->sample_rate);

    return 0;