main(int argc, char **argv)
	print("hello from main\n");
	ffork(RFMEM|RFPROC, sayhi, nil);

	print("rendez got %lu from subproc\n", rendezvous(0x1234, 0));
文件: decomp16.c 项目: Hooman3/minix
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char c, *cp;
  int j, k, fdtmp;
  unsigned int len;

  /* Find the program name */
  j = 0;
  while (argv[0][j] != '\0') j++;
  len = (unsigned int) j;
  while (j--)
	if (argv[0][j] == '/') break;
  if (argv[0][j] == '/') j++;
  cp = argv[0] + j;
  len -= j;

  /* Sort out the flags */
  for (k = 1; k < argc; k++) {
	if (argv[k][0] == '-') {
		c = argv[k][1];
		switch (c) {
		    case '0':	/* pass numbers */
		    case '1':
		    case '2':
		    case '3':
		    case '4':	pnum = c - '0';	break;
		    case 'd':	/* used by news */
			(void) write(1, "Usage: ", 7);
			(void) write(1, cp, len);
			(void) write(1, " [-#] [in] [out]\n", 17);

		/* Once it's checked, lose it anyway */
		for (j = k; j < argc; j++) argv[j] = argv[j + 1];

  /* Default i/o settings */
  fdin = 0;
  fdout = 1;
  fderr = 2;

  /* Try to open specific files and connect them to stdin/stdout */
  if (argc > 1) {
	if ((fdtmp = open(argv[1], 0)) == -1) die("input open failed");
	(void) close(0);
	if ((fdin = dup(fdtmp)) == -1) die("input dup failed\n");
	(void) close(fdtmp);
  if (argc > 2) {
	(void) unlink(argv[2]);
	if ((fdtmp = creat(argv[2], 0666)) == -1) die("output creat failed");
	(void) close(1);
	if ((fdout = dup(fdtmp)) == -1) die("output dup failed\n");
	(void) close(fdtmp);

  /* Sort out type of compression */
  if (pnum == -1 || pnum == 4) {/* if this is pass 4 */
	/* Check header of compressed file */
	if (mygetc() != 0x1F || mygetc() != 0x9D)      /* check magic number */
		die("not a compressed file\n");
	iindex = mygetc();	/* get compression style */
  } else
	getpipe();		/* get compression style */

  maxbits = iindex & 0x1F;
  clearflg = ((iindex & 0x80) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  if (maxbits < 9 || maxbits > 16)	/* check for valid maxbits */
	die("can't decompress\n");
  if (pnum != -1 && pnum != 0)
	putpipe(iindex, 0);	/* pass style to next copy */

  /* Fork off an ancestor if necessary - ffork() increments pnum */
  if (pnum == -1) {
	pnum = 0;
	if (pnum == 0) ffork();
	if (pnum == 1) ffork();
	if (pnum == 2) ffork();
	if (pnum == 3) ffork();

  /* Preliminary inits. Note: end/maxend/curend are highest, not
   * highest + 1 */
  base = DICTSZ * pnum + 256;
  locend = base + DICTSZ - 1;
  maxend = (1 << maxbits) - 1;
  if (maxend > locend) maxend = locend;

  while (TRUE) {
	curend = 255 + (clearflg ? 1 : 0);	/* init dictionary */
	dcharp = DICTSZ;	/* flag for none needed */
	curbits = 9;		/* init curbits (for copy 0) */
	while (TRUE) {		/* for each index in input */
		if (pnum == 4) {/* get index using getbits() */
			if (curbits < maxbits && (1 << curbits) <= curend) {
				/* Curbits needs to be increased */
				/* Due to uglyness in compress, these
				 * indices in the compressed file are
				 * wasted */
				while (inmod) getbits();
		} else
			getpipe();	/* get next index */

		if (iindex == 256 && clearflg) {
			if (pnum > 0) putpipe(iindex, 0);
			/* Due to uglyness in compress, these indices
			 * in the compressed file are wasted */
			while (inmod) getbits();
		tindex = iindex;
		/* Convert the index part, ignoring spawned chars */
		while (tindex >= base) tindex = dindex[tindex - base];
		/* Pass on the index */
		putpipe(tindex, 0);
		/* Save the char of the last added entry, if any */
		if (dcharp < DICTSZ) dchar[dcharp++] = tindex;
		if (curend < maxend && ++curend > (base - 1))
			dindex[dcharp = (curend - base)] = iindex;

		/* Do spawned chars. They are naturally produced in
		 * the wrong order. To get them in the right order
		 * without using memory, a series of passes,
		 * progressively less deep, are used */
		tbase = base;
		while ((tindex = iindex) >= tbase) {/* for each char to spawn*/
			while ((tindex2 = dindex[tindex - base]) >= tbase)
				tindex = tindex2;    /* scan to desired char */
			putpipe(dchar[tindex-base], 1); /* put it to the pipe*/
			tbase = tindex + 1;
			if (tbase == 0) break;	/* it's a wrap */