int ffpextn( fitsfile *fptr,        /* I - FITS file pointer                        */
            LONGLONG  offset,      /* I - byte offset from start of extension data */
            LONGLONG  nelem,       /* I - number of elements to write              */
            void *buffer,          /* I - stream of bytes to write                 */
            int  *status)          /* IO - error status                            */
  Write a stream of bytes to the current FITS HDU.  This primative routine is mainly
  for writing non-standard "conforming" extensions and should not be used
  for standard IMAGE, TABLE or BINTABLE extensions.
    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    /* rescan header if data structure is undefined */
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               

    /* move to write position */
    ffmbyt(fptr, (fptr->Fptr)->datastart+ offset, IGNORE_EOF, status);
    /* write the buffer */
    ffpbyt(fptr, nelem, buffer, status); 

int ffpcnl( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            char  *array,    /* I - array of values to write                */
            char  nulvalue,  /* I - array flagging undefined pixels if true */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels flagged as null will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 
    tcolumn *colptr;
    long  ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii;
    LONGLONG repeat, first, fstelm, fstrow;
    int tcode;

    if (*status > 0)

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    tcode  = colptr->tdatatype;

    if (tcode > 0)
       repeat = colptr->trepeat;  /* repeat count for this column */
       repeat = firstelem -1 + nelem;  /* variable length arrays */

    /* first write the whole input vector, then go back and fill in the nulls */
    if (ffpcll(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, array, status) > 0)

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + firstelem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (array[ii] != nulvalue)  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status) > 0)


         ngood = ngood +1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

/*  good values have already been written
            if (ffpcll(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0)

         nbad = nbad +1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

/*  these have already been written
      ffpcll(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else if (nbad) /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status);

int ffpclx( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  frow,      /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            long  fbit,      /* I - first bit to write (1 = 1st)            */
            long  nbit,      /* I - number of bits to write                 */
            char *larray,    /* I - array of logicals corresponding to bits */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  write an array of logical values to a specified bit or byte
  column of the binary table.   If larray is TRUE, then the corresponding
  bit is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
  The binary table column being written to must have datatype 'B' or 'X'. 
    LONGLONG offset, bstart, repeat, rowlen, elemnum, rstart, estart, tnull;
    long fbyte, lbyte, nbyte, bitloc, ndone;
    long ii, twidth, incre;
    int tcode, descrp, maxelem, hdutype;
    double dummyd;
    char tform[12], snull[12];
    unsigned char cbuff;
    static unsigned char onbit[8] = {128,  64,  32,  16,   8,   4,   2,   1};
    static unsigned char offbit[8] = {127, 191, 223, 239, 247, 251, 253, 254};
    tcolumn *colptr;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    /*  check input parameters */
    if (nbit < 1)
    else if (frow < 1)
        return(*status = BAD_ROW_NUM);
    else if (fbit < 1)
        return(*status = BAD_ELEM_NUM);

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    /* rescan header if data structure is undefined */
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               

    fbyte = (fbit + 7) / 8;
    lbyte = (fbit + nbit + 6) / 8;
    nbyte = lbyte - fbyte +1;

    /* Save the current heapsize; ffgcprll will increment the value if */
    /* we are writing to a variable length column. */
    offset = (fptr->Fptr)->heapsize;

    /* call ffgcprll in case we are writing beyond the current end of   */
    /* the table; it will allocate more space and shift any following */
    /* HDU's.  Otherwise, we have little use for most of the returned */
    /* parameters, therefore just use dummy parameters.               */

    if (ffgcprll( fptr, colnum, frow, fbyte, nbyte, 1, &dummyd, &dummyd,
        tform, &twidth, &tcode, &maxelem, &bstart, &elemnum, &incre,
        &repeat, &rowlen, &hdutype, &tnull, snull, status) > 0)

    bitloc = fbit - 1 - ((fbit - 1) / 8 * 8);
    ndone = 0;
    rstart = frow - 1;
    estart = fbyte - 1;

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    tcode = colptr->tdatatype;

    if (abs(tcode) > TBYTE)
        return(*status = NOT_LOGICAL_COL); /* not correct datatype column */

    if (tcode > 0)
        descrp = FALSE;  /* not a variable length descriptor column */
        repeat = colptr->trepeat;

        if (tcode == TBIT)
            repeat = (repeat + 7) / 8; /* convert from bits to bytes */

        if (fbyte > repeat)
            return(*status = BAD_ELEM_NUM);

        /* calc the i/o pointer location to start of sequence of pixels */
        bstart = (fptr->Fptr)->datastart + ((fptr->Fptr)->rowlength * rstart) +
               colptr->tbcol + estart;
        descrp = TRUE;  /* a variable length descriptor column */
        /* only bit arrays (tform = 'X') are supported for variable */
        /* length arrays.  REPEAT is the number of BITS in the array. */

        repeat = fbit + nbit -1;

        /* write the number of elements and the starting offset.    */
        /* Note: ffgcprll previous wrote the descripter, but with the */
        /* wrong repeat value  (gave bytes instead of bits).        */

        if (tcode == -TBIT)
            ffpdes(fptr, colnum, frow, (long) repeat, offset, status);

        /* Calc the i/o pointer location to start of sequence of pixels.   */
        /* ffgcprll has already calculated a value for bstart that         */
        /* points to the first element of the vector; we just have to      */
        /* increment it to point to the first element we want to write to. */
        /* Note: ffgcprll also already updated the size of the heap, so we */
        /* don't have to do that again here.                               */

        bstart += estart;

    /* move the i/o pointer to the start of the pixel sequence */
    ffmbyt(fptr, bstart, IGNORE_EOF, status);

    /* read the next byte (we may only be modifying some of the bits) */
    while (1)
      if (ffgbyt(fptr, 1, &cbuff, status) == END_OF_FILE)
        /* hit end of file trying to read the byte, so just set byte = 0 */
        *status = 0;
        cbuff = 0;

      /* move back, to be able to overwrite the byte */
      ffmbyt(fptr, bstart, IGNORE_EOF, status);
      for (ii = bitloc; (ii < 8) && (ndone < nbit); ii++, ndone++)
          cbuff = cbuff | onbit[ii];
          cbuff = cbuff & offbit[ii];

      ffpbyt(fptr, 1, &cbuff, status); /* write the modified byte */

      if (ndone == nbit)  /* finished all the bits */

      /* not done, so get the next byte */
      if (!descrp)
        if (estart == repeat)
          /* move the i/o pointer to the next row of pixels */
          estart = 0;
          rstart = rstart + 1;
          bstart = (fptr->Fptr)->datastart + ((fptr->Fptr)->rowlength * rstart) +

          ffmbyt(fptr, bstart, IGNORE_EOF, status);
      bitloc = 0;
int ffpcnd( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            double *array,   /* I - array of values to write                */
            double nulvalue, /* I - value used to flag undefined pixels     */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels equal to the value of nulvalue will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 

  The input array of values will be converted to the datatype of the column 
  and will be inverse-scaled by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if necessary
    tcolumn *colptr;
    long  ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii;
    LONGLONG repeat, first, fstelm, fstrow;
    int tcode, overflow = 0;

    if (*status > 0)

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    tcode  = colptr->tdatatype;

    if (tcode > 0)
       repeat = colptr->trepeat;  /* repeat count for this column */
       repeat = firstelem -1 + nelem;  /* variable length arrays */

    if (abs(tcode) >= TCOMPLEX)
    { /* treat complex columns as pairs of numbers */
        repeat *= 2;

    /* if variable length array, first write the whole input vector, 
       then go back and fill in the nulls */
    if (tcode < 0) {
      if (ffpcld(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, array, status) > 0) {
	if (*status == NUM_OVERFLOW) 
	  /* ignore overflows, which are possibly the null pixel values */
	  /*  overflow = 1;   */
	  *status = 0;
	} else { 

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + firstelem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (array[ii] != nulvalue)  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            /* call ffpcluc, not ffpclu, in case we are writing to a
	       complex ('C') binary table column */
            if (ffpcluc(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status) > 0)


         ngood = ngood +1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (tcode > 0) {  /* variable length arrays have already been written */
              if (ffpcld(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0) {
		if (*status == NUM_OVERFLOW) 
		  overflow = 1;
		  *status = 0;
		} else {

         nbad = nbad +1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      if (tcode > 0) {  /* variable length arrays have already been written */
        ffpcld(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else if (nbad) /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
      ffpcluc(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status);

    if (*status <= 0) {
      if (overflow) {
        *status = NUM_OVERFLOW;

int ffpcnd( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            long  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            long  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            long  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            double *array,   /* I - array of values to write                */
            double nulvalue, /* I - value used to flag undefined pixels     */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels equal to the value of nulvalue will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 

  The input array of values will be converted to the datatype of the column 
  and will be inverse-scaled by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if necessary
    tcolumn *colptr;
    long  ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii, fstrow;
    OFF_T large_elem, repeat, first, fstelm;

    if (*status > 0)

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    repeat = colptr->trepeat;  /* repeat count for this column */

    if (firstelem == USE_LARGE_VALUE)
        large_elem = large_first_elem_val;
        large_elem = firstelem;

    /* hereafter, pass first element parameter via global variable */
    firstelem = USE_LARGE_VALUE;

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + large_elem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (array[ii] != nulvalue)  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
            large_first_elem_val = fstelm;

            if (ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, firstelem, nbad, status) > 0)


         ngood = ngood +1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
            large_first_elem_val = fstelm;

            if (ffpcld(fptr, colnum, fstrow, firstelem, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0)


         nbad = nbad +1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
      large_first_elem_val = fstelm;

      ffpcld(fptr, colnum, fstrow, firstelem, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else  /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
      large_first_elem_val = fstelm;

      ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, firstelem, nbad, status);

int ffdhdu(fitsfile *fptr,      /* I - FITS file pointer                   */
           int *hdutype,        /* O - type of the new CHDU after deletion */
           int *status)         /* IO - error status                       */
  Delete the CHDU.  If the CHDU is the primary array, then replace the HDU
  with an empty primary array with no data.   Return the
  type of the new CHDU after the old CHDU is deleted.
    int tmptype = 0;
    long nblocks, ii, naxes[1];

    if (*status > 0)

    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    if ((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu == 0) /* replace primary array with null image */
        /* ignore any existing keywords */
        (fptr->Fptr)->headend = 0;
        (fptr->Fptr)->nextkey = 0;

        /* write default primary array header */

        /* calc number of blocks to delete (leave just 1 block) */
        nblocks = (long) (( (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu + 1] - 
                2880 ) / 2880);

        /* ffdblk also updates the starting address of all following HDUs */
        if (nblocks > 0)
            if (ffdblk(fptr, nblocks, status) > 0) /* delete the HDU */

        /* this might not be necessary, but is doesn't hurt */
        (fptr->Fptr)->datastart = DATA_UNDEFINED;

        ffrdef(fptr, status);  /* reinitialize the primary array */

        /* calc number of blocks to delete */
        nblocks = (long) (( (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu + 1] - 
                (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu] ) / 2880);

        /* ffdblk also updates the starting address of all following HDUs */
        if (ffdblk(fptr, nblocks, status) > 0) /* delete the HDU */

        /* delete the CHDU from the list of HDUs */
        for (ii = (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu + 1; ii <= (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu; ii++)
            (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii + 1];

        (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu + 1] = 0;
        ((fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu)--; /* decrement the known number of HDUs */

        if (ffrhdu(fptr, &tmptype, status) > 0)  /* initialize next HDU */
            /* failed (end of file?), so move back one HDU */
            *status = 0;
            ffcmsg();       /* clear extraneous error messages */
            ffgext(fptr, ((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) - 1, &tmptype, status);

    if (hdutype)
       *hdutype = tmptype;

int ffibin(fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                        */
           LONGLONG naxis2,     /* I - number of rows in the table              */
           int tfields,     /* I - number of columns in the table           */
           char **ttype,    /* I - name of each column                      */
           char **tform,    /* I - value of TFORMn keyword for each column  */
           char **tunit,    /* I - value of TUNITn keyword for each column  */
           const char *extnmx,     /* I - value of EXTNAME keyword, if any         */
           LONGLONG pcount, /* I - size of special data area (heap)         */
           int *status)     /* IO - error status                            */
  insert a Binary table extension following the current HDU 
    int nexthdu, maxhdu, ii, nunit, nhead, datacode;
    LONGLONG naxis1;
    long nblocks, repeat, width;
    LONGLONG datasize, newstart;
    char errmsg[81], extnm[FLEN_VALUE];

    if (*status > 0)

    extnm[0] = '\0';
    if (extnmx)
      strncat(extnm, extnmx, FLEN_VALUE-1);

    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    maxhdu = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu;
    /* if the current header is completely empty ...  */
    if (( (fptr->Fptr)->headend == (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu] )
        /* or, if we are at the end of the file, ... */
    ||  ( (((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) == maxhdu ) &&
       ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[maxhdu + 1] >= (fptr->Fptr)->logfilesize ) ) )
        /* then simply append new image extension */
        ffcrtb(fptr, BINARY_TBL, naxis2, tfields, ttype, tform, tunit,
               extnm, status);

    if (naxis2 < 0)
        return(*status = NEG_ROWS);
    else if (tfields < 0 || tfields > 999)
        "Illegal value for TFIELDS keyword: %d", tfields);
        return(*status = BAD_TFIELDS);

    /* count number of optional TUNIT keywords to be written */
    nunit = 0;
    for (ii = 0; ii < tfields; ii++)
        if (tunit && *tunit && *tunit[ii])

    if (extnm && *extnm)
         nunit++;     /* add one for the EXTNAME keyword */

    nhead = (9 + (2 * tfields) + nunit + 35) / 36;  /* no. of header blocks */

    /* calculate total width of the table */
    naxis1 = 0;
    for (ii = 0; ii < tfields; ii++)
        ffbnfm(tform[ii], &datacode, &repeat, &width, status);

        if (datacode == TBIT)
            naxis1 = naxis1 + ((repeat + 7) / 8);
        else if (datacode == TSTRING)
            naxis1 += repeat;
            naxis1 = naxis1 + (repeat * width);

    datasize = ((LONGLONG)naxis1 * naxis2) + pcount;         /* size of table in bytes */
    nblocks = (long) ((datasize + 2879) / 2880) + nhead;  /* size of HDU */

    if ((fptr->Fptr)->writemode == READWRITE) /* must have write access */
    {   /* close the CHDU */
        ffrdef(fptr, status);  /* scan header to redefine structure */
        ffpdfl(fptr, status);  /* insure correct data file values */
        return(*status = READONLY_FILE);

    nexthdu = ((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) + 1; /* number of the next (new) hdu */
    newstart = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]; /* save starting addr of HDU */

    (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = BINARY_TBL;  /* so that correct fill value is used */

    /* ffiblk also increments headstart for all following HDUs */
    if (ffiblk(fptr, nblocks, 1, status) > 0)  /* insert the blocks */

    ((fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu)++;      /* increment known number of HDUs in the file */
    for (ii = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu; ii > (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu; ii--)
        (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii + 1] = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii]; /* incre start addr */

    (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu] = newstart; /* set starting addr of HDU */

    /* set default parameters for this new empty HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu = nexthdu;   /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    fptr->HDUposition = nexthdu;      /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->nextkey = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];  
    (fptr->Fptr)->headend = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];
    (fptr->Fptr)->datastart = ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]) + (nhead * 2880);
    (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = BINARY_TBL;  /* might need to be reset... */

    /* write the required header keywords. This will write PCOUNT = 0 */
    /* so that the variable length data will be written at the right place */
    ffphbn(fptr, naxis2, tfields, ttype, tform, tunit, extnm, pcount,

    /* redefine internal structure for this HDU (with PCOUNT = 0) */
    ffrdef(fptr, status);

int ffitab(fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                        */
           LONGLONG naxis1,     /* I - width of row in the table                */
           LONGLONG naxis2,     /* I - number of rows in the table              */
           int tfields,     /* I - number of columns in the table           */
           char **ttype,    /* I - name of each column                      */
           long *tbcol,     /* I - byte offset in row to each column        */
           char **tform,    /* I - value of TFORMn keyword for each column  */
           char **tunit,    /* I - value of TUNITn keyword for each column  */
           const char *extnmx,   /* I - value of EXTNAME keyword, if any         */
           int *status)     /* IO - error status                            */
  insert an ASCII table extension following the current HDU 
    int nexthdu, maxhdu, ii, nunit, nhead, ncols, gotmem = 0;
    long nblocks, rowlen;
    LONGLONG datasize, newstart;
    char errmsg[81], extnm[FLEN_VALUE];

    if (*status > 0)

    extnm[0] = '\0';
    if (extnmx)
      strncat(extnm, extnmx, FLEN_VALUE-1);

    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    maxhdu = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu;
    /* if the current header is completely empty ...  */
    if (( (fptr->Fptr)->headend == (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu] )
        /* or, if we are at the end of the file, ... */
    ||  ( (((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) == maxhdu ) &&
       ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[maxhdu + 1] >= (fptr->Fptr)->logfilesize ) ) )
        /* then simply append new image extension */
        ffcrtb(fptr, ASCII_TBL, naxis2, tfields, ttype, tform, tunit,
               extnm, status);

    if (naxis1 < 0)
        return(*status = NEG_WIDTH);
    else if (naxis2 < 0)
        return(*status = NEG_ROWS);
    else if (tfields < 0 || tfields > 999)
        "Illegal value for TFIELDS keyword: %d", tfields);
        return(*status = BAD_TFIELDS);

    /* count number of optional TUNIT keywords to be written */
    nunit = 0;
    for (ii = 0; ii < tfields; ii++)
        if (tunit && *tunit && *tunit[ii])

    if (extnm && *extnm)
         nunit++;     /* add one for the EXTNAME keyword */

    rowlen = (long) naxis1;

    if (!tbcol || !tbcol[0] || (!naxis1 && tfields)) /* spacing not defined? */
      /* allocate mem for tbcol; malloc may have problems allocating small */
      /* arrays, so allocate at least 20 bytes */

      ncols = maxvalue(5, tfields);
      tbcol = (long *) calloc(ncols, sizeof(long));

      if (tbcol)
        gotmem = 1;

        /* calculate width of a row and starting position of each column. */
        /* Each column will be separated by 1 blank space */
        ffgabc(tfields, tform, 1, &rowlen, tbcol, status);

    nhead = (9 + (3 * tfields) + nunit + 35) / 36;  /* no. of header blocks */
    datasize = (LONGLONG)rowlen * naxis2;          /* size of table in bytes */
    nblocks = (long) (((datasize + 2879) / 2880) + nhead);  /* size of HDU */

    if ((fptr->Fptr)->writemode == READWRITE) /* must have write access */
    {   /* close the CHDU */
        ffrdef(fptr, status);  /* scan header to redefine structure */
        ffpdfl(fptr, status);  /* insure correct data file values */
        return(*status = READONLY_FILE);

    nexthdu = ((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) + 1; /* number of the next (new) hdu */
    newstart = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]; /* save starting addr of HDU */

    (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = ASCII_TBL;  /* so that correct fill value is used */
    /* ffiblk also increments headstart for all following HDUs */
    if (ffiblk(fptr, nblocks, 1, status) > 0)  /* insert the blocks */
        if (gotmem)

    ((fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu)++;      /* increment known number of HDUs in the file */
    for (ii = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu; ii > (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu; ii--)
        (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii + 1] = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii]; /* incre start addr */

    (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu] = newstart; /* set starting addr of HDU */

    /* set default parameters for this new empty HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu = nexthdu;   /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    fptr->HDUposition = nexthdu;      /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->nextkey = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];  
    (fptr->Fptr)->headend = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];
    (fptr->Fptr)->datastart = ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]) + (nhead * 2880);
    (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = ASCII_TBL;  /* might need to be reset... */

    /* write the required header keywords */

    ffphtb(fptr, rowlen, naxis2, tfields, ttype, tbcol, tform, tunit,
           extnm, status);

    if (gotmem)

    /* redefine internal structure for this HDU */

    ffrdef(fptr, status);
int ffiimgll(fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer           */
           int bitpix,          /* I - bits per pixel              */
           int naxis,           /* I - number of axes in the array */
           LONGLONG *naxes,     /* I - size of each axis           */
           int *status)         /* IO - error status               */
  insert an IMAGE extension following the current HDU 
    int bytlen, nexthdu, maxhdu, ii, onaxis;
    long nblocks;
    LONGLONG npixels, newstart, datasize;
    char errmsg[FLEN_ERRMSG], card[FLEN_CARD], naxiskey[FLEN_KEYWORD];

    if (*status > 0)

    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    maxhdu = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu;

    if (*status != PREPEND_PRIMARY)
      /* if the current header is completely empty ...  */
      if (( (fptr->Fptr)->headend == (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[(fptr->Fptr)->curhdu])
        /* or, if we are at the end of the file, ... */
      ||  ( (((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) == maxhdu ) &&
       ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[maxhdu + 1] >= (fptr->Fptr)->logfilesize ) ) )
        /* then simply append new image extension */
        ffcrimll(fptr, bitpix, naxis, naxes, status);

    if (bitpix == 8)
        bytlen = 1;
    else if (bitpix == 16)
        bytlen = 2;
    else if (bitpix == 32 || bitpix == -32)
        bytlen = 4;
    else if (bitpix == 64 || bitpix == -64)
        bytlen = 8;
        "Illegal value for BITPIX keyword: %d", bitpix);
        return(*status = BAD_BITPIX);  /* illegal bitpix value */
    if (naxis < 0 || naxis > 999)
        "Illegal value for NAXIS keyword: %d", naxis);
        return(*status = BAD_NAXIS);

    for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
        if (naxes[ii] < 0)
            "Illegal value for NAXIS%d keyword: %ld", ii + 1,  (long) naxes[ii]);
            return(*status = BAD_NAXES);

    /* calculate number of pixels in the image */
    if (naxis == 0)
        npixels = 0;
        npixels = naxes[0];

    for (ii = 1; ii < naxis; ii++)
        npixels = npixels * naxes[ii];

    datasize = npixels * bytlen;          /* size of image in bytes */
    nblocks = (long) (((datasize + 2879) / 2880) + 1);  /* +1 for the header */

    if ((fptr->Fptr)->writemode == READWRITE) /* must have write access */
    {   /* close the CHDU */
        ffrdef(fptr, status);  /* scan header to redefine structure */
        ffpdfl(fptr, status);  /* insure correct data file values */
        return(*status = READONLY_FILE);

    if (*status == PREPEND_PRIMARY)
        /* inserting a new primary array; the current primary */
        /* array must be transformed into an image extension. */

        *status = 0;   
        ffmahd(fptr, 1, NULL, status);  /* move to the primary array */

        ffgidm(fptr, &onaxis, status);
        if (onaxis > 0)
            ffkeyn("NAXIS",onaxis, naxiskey, status);
            strcpy(naxiskey, "NAXIS");

        ffgcrd(fptr, naxiskey, card, status);  /* read last NAXIS keyword */
        ffikyj(fptr, "PCOUNT", 0, "required keyword", status); /* add PCOUNT and */
        ffikyj(fptr, "GCOUNT", 1, "required keyword", status); /* GCOUNT keywords */

        if (*status > 0)

        if (ffdkey(fptr, "EXTEND", status) ) /* delete the EXTEND keyword */
            *status = 0;

        /* redefine internal structure for this HDU */
        ffrdef(fptr, status);

        /* insert space for the primary array */
        if (ffiblk(fptr, nblocks, -1, status) > 0)  /* insert the blocks */

        nexthdu = 0;  /* number of the new hdu */
        newstart = 0; /* starting addr of HDU */
        nexthdu = ((fptr->Fptr)->curhdu) + 1; /* number of the next (new) hdu */
        newstart = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]; /* save starting addr of HDU */

        (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = IMAGE_HDU;  /* so that correct fill value is used */
        /* ffiblk also increments headstart for all following HDUs */
        if (ffiblk(fptr, nblocks, 1, status) > 0)  /* insert the blocks */

    ((fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu)++;      /* increment known number of HDUs in the file */
    for (ii = (fptr->Fptr)->maxhdu; ii > (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu; ii--)
        (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii + 1] = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[ii]; /* incre start addr */

    if (nexthdu == 0)
       (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[1] = nblocks * 2880; /* start of the old Primary array */

    (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu] = newstart; /* set starting addr of HDU */

    /* set default parameters for this new empty HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu = nexthdu;   /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    fptr->HDUposition = nexthdu;      /* we are now located at the next HDU */
    (fptr->Fptr)->nextkey = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];  
    (fptr->Fptr)->headend = (fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu];
    (fptr->Fptr)->datastart = ((fptr->Fptr)->headstart[nexthdu]) + 2880;
    (fptr->Fptr)->hdutype = IMAGE_HDU;  /* might need to be reset... */

    /* write the required header keywords */
    ffphprll(fptr, TRUE, bitpix, naxis, naxes, 0, 1, TRUE, status);

    /* redefine internal structure for this HDU */
    ffrdef(fptr, status);
int ffpcns( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            char  **array,   /* I - array of values to write                */
            char  *nulvalue, /* I - string representing a null value        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels flagged as null will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 
    long repeat, width, ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii;
    LONGLONG first, fstelm, fstrow;

    if (*status > 0)

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    /* get the vector repeat length of the column */
    ffgtcl(fptr, colnum, NULL, &repeat, &width, status);

    if ((fptr->Fptr)->hdutype == BINARY_TBL)
        repeat = repeat / width;    /* convert from chars to unit strings */

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + firstelem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (strcmp(nulvalue, array[ii]))  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status) > 0)

         ngood = ngood +1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (ffpcls(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0)


         nbad = nbad +1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      ffpcls(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else if (nbad) /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status);

int ffpcls( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of strings to write              */
            char  **array,   /* I - array of pointers to strings            */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of string values to a column in the current FITS HDU.
    int tcode, maxelem, hdutype, nchar;
    long twidth, incre;
    long ii, jj, ntodo;
    LONGLONG repeat, startpos, elemnum, wrtptr, rowlen, rownum, remain, next, tnull;
    double scale, zero;
    char tform[20], *blanks;
    char message[FLEN_ERRMSG];
    char snull[20];   /*  the FITS null value  */
    tcolumn *colptr;

    double cbuff[DBUFFSIZE / sizeof(double)]; /* align cbuff on word boundary */
    char *buffer, *arrayptr;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    /*  Check input and get parameters about the column: */
    if (colnum < 1 || colnum > (fptr->Fptr)->tfield)
        sprintf(message, "Specified column number is out of range: %d",
        return(*status = BAD_COL_NUM);

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */
    tcode = colptr->tdatatype;

    if (tcode == -TSTRING) /* variable length column in a binary table? */
      /* only write a single string; ignore value of firstelem */
      nchar = maxvalue(1,strlen(array[0])); /* will write at least 1 char */
                                          /* even if input string is null */

      if (ffgcprll( fptr, colnum, firstrow, 1, nchar, 1, &scale, &zero,
        tform, &twidth, &tcode, &maxelem, &startpos,  &elemnum, &incre,
        &repeat, &rowlen, &hdutype, &tnull, snull, status) > 0)
      /* simply move to write position, then write the string */
      ffmbyt(fptr, startpos, IGNORE_EOF, status); 
      ffpbyt(fptr, nchar, array[0], status);

      if (*status > 0)  /* test for error during previous write operation */
          "Error writing to variable length string column (ffpcls).");

    else if (tcode == TSTRING)
      if (ffgcprll( fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, 1, &scale, &zero,
        tform, &twidth, &tcode, &maxelem, &startpos,  &elemnum, &incre,
        &repeat, &rowlen, &hdutype, &tnull, snull, status) > 0)

      /* if string length is greater than a FITS block (2880 char) then must */
      /* only write 1 string at a time, to force writein by ffpbyt instead of */
      /* ffpbytoff (ffpbytoff can't handle this case) */
      if (twidth > IOBUFLEN) {
        maxelem = 1;
        incre = twidth;
        repeat = 1;

      blanks = (char *) malloc(twidth); /* string for blank fill values */
      if (!blanks)
        ffpmsg("Could not allocate memory for string (ffpcls)");
        return(*status = ARRAY_TOO_BIG);

      for (ii = 0; ii < twidth; ii++)
          blanks[ii] = ' ';          /* fill string with blanks */

      remain = nelem;           /* remaining number of values to write  */
      return(*status = NOT_ASCII_COL);
    /*  Now write the strings to the FITS column.            */

    next = 0;                 /* next element in array to be written  */
    rownum = 0;               /* row number, relative to firstrow     */

    while (remain)
      /* limit the number of pixels to process at one time to the number that
         will fit in the buffer space or to the number of pixels that remain
         in the current vector, which ever is smaller.
      ntodo = (long) minvalue(remain, maxelem);      
      ntodo = (long) minvalue(ntodo, (repeat - elemnum));

      wrtptr = startpos + (rownum * rowlen) + (elemnum * incre);
      ffmbyt(fptr, wrtptr, IGNORE_EOF, status);  /* move to write position */

      buffer = (char *) cbuff;

      /* copy the user's strings into the buffer */
      for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
         arrayptr = array[next];

         for (jj = 0; jj < twidth; jj++)  /*  copy the string, char by char */
            if (*arrayptr)
              *buffer = *arrayptr;

         for (;jj < twidth; jj++)    /* fill field with blanks, if needed */
           *buffer = ' ';


      /* write the buffer full of strings to the FITS file */
      if (incre == twidth)
         ffpbyt(fptr, ntodo * twidth, cbuff, status);
         ffpbytoff(fptr, twidth, ntodo, incre - twidth, cbuff, status);

      if (*status > 0)  /* test for error during previous write operation */
          "Error writing elements %.0f thru %.0f of input data array (ffpcls).",
             (double) (next+1), (double) (next+ntodo));

         if (blanks)


      /*  increment the counters for the next loop  */
      remain -= ntodo;
      if (remain)
          elemnum += ntodo;
          if (elemnum == repeat)  /* completed a row; start on next row */
              elemnum = 0;
    }  /*  End of main while Loop  */

    if (blanks)

文件: tbfxff.c 项目: joequant/iraf
void FSRDEF_U (fitsfile **fptr, int *status) {

	ffrdef (*fptr, status);
int ffpcnb( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            long  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            long  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            long  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            unsigned char *array,   /* I - array of values to write         */
            unsigned char nulvalue, /* I - flag for undefined pixels        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels equal to the value of nulvalue will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 

  The input array of values will be converted to the datatype of the column 
  and will be inverse-scaled by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if necessary
    tcolumn *colptr;
    long repeat, first, ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii, fstelm, fstrow;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (fptr->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    colptr  = fptr->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    repeat = colptr->trepeat;  /* repeat count for this column */

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + firstelem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (array[ii] != nulvalue)  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
            if (ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status) > 0)


         ngood = ngood + 1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (ffpclb(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0)


         nbad = nbad + 1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      ffpclb(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else  /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      ffpclu(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status);

/* process this command */
static int ProcessCmd(char *cmd, char **args, int node, int tty)
  int ip=0;
  char tbuf[SZ_LINE];
  Finfo finfo, tfinfo;
  int x0, x1, y0, y1, bin;
  int xcolnum, ycolnum, hdunum, hdutype;
  int status=0, status2=0;
  int dims[2];
  double cens[2];
  char *cols[2] = {"X", "Y"};
  char *ofile=NULL;
  char *omode=NULL;
  fitsfile *ifptr, *ofptr, *tfptr;

  case 'f':
    if( !strcmp(cmd, "fitsFile") ){
      if( args && word(args[0], tbuf, &ip) ){
	if( !(tfinfo=FinfoLookup(tbuf)) ){
	  fprintf(stderr, NOIMAGE, tbuf);
	  return 1;
      } else if( !(tfinfo=FinfoGetCurrent()) ){
	fprintf(stderr, NOFINFO, cmd);
	return 1;
      if( tfinfo->fitsfile ){
	if( node ) fprintf(stdout, "fitsFile\r");
	fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", tfinfo->fname, tfinfo->fitsfile);
      return 0;
  case 'i':
    if( !strcmp(cmd, "image") ){
      if( !args || !word(args[0], tbuf, &ip) ){
	fprintf(stderr, WRONGARGS, cmd, 1, 0);
	return 1;
      /* new image */
      if( !(finfo = FinfoNew(tbuf)) ){
	fprintf(stderr, NONEW, cmd);
	return 1;
      /* make it current */
      if( node ) fprintf(stdout, "image\r");
      /* return the FITS file name, if possible */
      fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n",
	      finfo->fname, finfo->fitsfile ? finfo->fitsfile : "?");
      return 0;
    } else if( !strcmp(cmd, "image_") ){
      if( !args || !word(args[0], tbuf, &ip) ){
	fprintf(stderr, WRONGARGS, cmd, 1, 0);
	return 1;
      /* new image */
      if( !(finfo = FinfoNew(tbuf)) ){
	fprintf(stderr, NONEW, cmd);
	return 1;
      /* make it current */
      /* no output! */
      return 0;
    } else if( !strcmp(cmd, "imsection") ){
      if( !(finfo=FinfoGetCurrent()) ){
	fprintf(stderr, NOFINFO, cmd);
	return 1;
      ifptr = openFITSFile(finfo->fitsfile, EXTLIST, &hdutype, &status);
      if( status ){
	fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't open FITS file '%s'\n", finfo->fitsfile);
	return 1;
      if( !args || !parseSection(args[0], &x0, &x1, &y0, &y1, &bin) ){
		"ERROR: can't parse section for '%s' [%s]\n",
		finfo->fitsfile, (args && args[1]) ? args[1] : "NONE");
	return 1;
      if( args[1] ){
	omode = args[1];
      } else {
	omode = "native";
      ofile = "stdout";
      // create image if ifile is an image or omode is not native
      if( (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) || strcmp(omode, "native") ){
	fits_create_file(&ofptr, ofile, &status);
	if( status ){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't open output FITS file to section '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  return 1;
	case IMAGE_HDU:
	  if( bin != 1 ){
		    "ERROR: imsection of an image must use bin 1 for '%s'\n",
	    return 1;
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "%d:%d,%d:%d", x0, x1, y0, y1);
	  fits_copy_image_section(ifptr, ofptr, tbuf, &status);
	  dims[0] = x1 - x0 + 1;
	  dims[1] = y1 - y0 + 1;
	  cens[0] = (x0 + x1) / 2;
	  cens[1] = (y0 + y1) / 2;
	  tfptr = filterTableToImage(ifptr, NULL, cols, dims, cens, bin,
	  if( status ){
	    fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		    "ERROR: can't create image from table for '%s' [%s]\n",
		    finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	    return 1;
	  fits_copy_image_section(tfptr, ofptr, "*,*", &status);
	  closeFITSFile(tfptr, &status2);
	if( status ){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't write section FITS file for '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  closeFITSFile(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	closeFITSFile(ofptr, &status);
      } else {
	// extract (native) table
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1,
		 "x >= %d && x <= %d && y >= %d && y <= %d",
		 x0, x1, y0, y1);
	// ffselect_table(&ifptr, ofile, tbuf, &status);
	// copied from cfileio.c/ffselect_table()
	/* create new empty file to hold copy of the image */
	if (ffinit(&ofptr, ofile, &status) > 0) {
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't init section file for '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  return 1;
	/* save current HDU number in input file */
	fits_get_hdu_num(ifptr, &hdunum);
	/* copy the primary array */
	fits_movabs_hdu(ifptr, 1, NULL, &status);
	if( fits_copy_hdu(ifptr, ofptr, 0, &status) > 0){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't copy primary for section file '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	/* back to current hdu */
	fits_movabs_hdu(ifptr, hdunum, NULL, &status);
	/* copy all the header keywords from the input to output file */
	if (fits_copy_header(ifptr, ofptr, &status) > 0){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't copy header for section file '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	/* set number of rows = 0 */
	/* warning: start of cfitsio black magic */
	fits_modify_key_lng(ofptr, "NAXIS2", 0, NULL, &status);
	(ofptr->Fptr)->numrows = 0;
	(ofptr->Fptr)->origrows = 0;
	/* force the header to be scanned */
	if (ffrdef(ofptr, &status) > 0){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't rdef for section file '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	/* warning: end of cfitsio black magic */
	/* select filtered rows and write to output file */
	if (fits_select_rows(ifptr, ofptr, tbuf, &status) > 0){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't select rows for section file '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	/* update params for this section */
	if( (fits_get_colnum(ofptr, CASEINSEN, "X", &xcolnum, &status) > 0) ||
	    (fits_get_colnum(ofptr, CASEINSEN, "Y", &ycolnum, &status) > 0) ){
	  fits_get_errstatus(status, tbuf);
		  "ERROR: can't find X,Y cols for section file '%s' [%s]\n",
		  finfo->fitsfile, tbuf);
	  fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
	  return 1;
	/* we can ignore errors here */
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TALEN%d", xcolnum);
	fits_modify_key_lng(ofptr, tbuf, x1-x0, NULL, &status);
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TALEN%d", ycolnum);
	fits_modify_key_lng(ofptr, tbuf, y1-y0, NULL, &status);
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TLMIN%d", xcolnum);
	fits_modify_key_flt(ofptr, tbuf, x0, 6, NULL, &status);
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TLMAX%d", xcolnum);
	fits_modify_key_flt(ofptr, tbuf, x1, 6, NULL, &status);
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TLMIN%d", ycolnum);
	fits_modify_key_flt(ofptr, tbuf, y0, 6, NULL, &status);
	status = 0;
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "TLMAX%d", ycolnum);
	fits_modify_key_flt(ofptr, tbuf, y1, 6, NULL, &status);
	/* close the output file */
	status = 0;
	fits_close_file(ofptr, &status);
      closeFITSFile(ifptr, &status);
      return 0;
	      "ERROR: for section support, build js9helper with cfitsio\n");
      return 1;
    } else if( !strcmp(cmd, "info") ){
      if( tty ){
	if( !(finfo=FinfoGetCurrent()) ){
	  fprintf(stderr, NOFINFO, cmd);
	  return 1;
	/* make sure we have a wcs */
	fprintf(stdout, "fname:\t%s\n", finfo->fname);
	fprintf(stdout, "fits:\t%s\n", finfo->fitsfile?finfo->fitsfile:"N/A");
      return 0;
  case 'l':
    /* list all images */
    if( !strcmp(cmd, "list") ){
      return 0;
  case 's':
    if( !strcmp(cmd, "setDataPath") ){
      if( args && word(args[0], tbuf, &ip) ){
	setenv("JS9_DATAPATH", tbuf, 1);
	if( node ) fprintf(stdout, "setDataPath\r");
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", getenv("JS9_DATAPATH"));
      } else {
	fprintf(stderr, WRONGARGS, cmd, 1, 0);
	return 1;
      return 0;
  case 'u':
    if( !strcmp(cmd, "unimage") ){
      if( !args || !word(args[0], tbuf, &ip) ){
	fprintf(stderr, WRONGARGS, cmd, 1, 0);
	return 1;
      /* close this image */
      return 0;
  case '#':
  case '\0':
    return 0;
  /* if we reached here, we did not recognize the command */
  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown command '%s'\n", cmd);
  /* return the news */
  return 2;