static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvflowblurGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {

    MVFlowBlurData *d = (MVFlowBlurData *)*instanceData;

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        int off = d->mvbw_data.nDeltaFrame; // integer offset of reference frame

        if (n - off >= 0 && n + off < d->vi->numFrames) {
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n - off, d->mvbw, frameCtx);
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n + off, d->mvfw, frameCtx);

        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->finest, frameCtx);
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
        uint8_t *pDst[3];
        const uint8_t *pRef[3];
        int nDstPitches[3];
        int nRefPitches[3];

        FakeGroupOfPlanes fgopF, fgopB;

        fgopInit(&fgopF, &d->mvfw_data);
        fgopInit(&fgopB, &d->mvbw_data);

        int isUsableB = 0;
        int isUsableF = 0;

        int off = d->mvbw_data.nDeltaFrame; // integer offset of reference frame

        if (n - off >= 0 && n + off < d->vi->numFrames) {
            const VSFrameRef *mvF = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n + off, d->mvfw, frameCtx);
            const VSMap *mvprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(mvF);
            fgopUpdate(&fgopF, (const int *)vsapi->propGetData(mvprops, prop_MVTools_vectors, 0, NULL));
            isUsableF = fgopIsUsable(&fgopF, d->thscd1, d->thscd2);

            const VSFrameRef *mvB = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n - off, d->mvbw, frameCtx);
            mvprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(mvB);
            fgopUpdate(&fgopB, (const int *)vsapi->propGetData(mvprops, prop_MVTools_vectors, 0, NULL));
            isUsableB = fgopIsUsable(&fgopB, d->thscd1, d->thscd2);

        if (isUsableB && isUsableF) {
            const VSFrameRef *ref = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->finest, frameCtx); //  ref for  compensation
            VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi->format, d->vi->width, d->vi->height, ref, core);

            for (int i = 0; i < d->vi->format->numPlanes; i++) {
                pDst[i] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, i);
                pRef[i] = vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, i);
                nDstPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(dst, i);
                nRefPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(ref, i);

            const int nWidth = d->mvbw_data.nWidth;
            const int nHeight = d->mvbw_data.nHeight;
            const int nWidthUV = d->nWidthUV;
            const int nHeightUV = d->nHeightUV;
            const int xRatioUV = d->mvbw_data.xRatioUV;
            const int yRatioUV = d->mvbw_data.yRatioUV;
            const int nBlkX = d->mvbw_data.nBlkX;
            const int nBlkY = d->mvbw_data.nBlkY;
            const int nVPadding = d->mvbw_data.nVPadding;
            const int nHPadding = d->mvbw_data.nHPadding;
            const int nVPaddingUV = d->nVPaddingUV;
            const int nHPaddingUV = d->nHPaddingUV;
            const int nPel = d->mvbw_data.nPel;
            const int blur256 = d->blur256;
            const int prec = d->prec;
            const int VPitchY = d->VPitchY;
            const int VPitchUV = d->VPitchUV;

            int bitsPerSample = d->vi->format->bitsPerSample;
            int bytesPerSample = d->vi->format->bytesPerSample;

            int nOffsetY = nRefPitches[0] * nVPadding * nPel + nHPadding * bytesPerSample * nPel;
            int nOffsetUV = nRefPitches[1] * nVPaddingUV * nPel + nHPaddingUV * bytesPerSample * nPel;

            size_t full_size = nHeight * VPitchY * sizeof(int16_t);
            size_t small_size = nBlkY * nBlkX * sizeof(int16_t);

            int16_t *VXFullYB = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size);
            int16_t *VYFullYB = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size);
            int16_t *VXFullYF = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size);
            int16_t *VYFullYF = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size);
            int16_t *VXSmallYB = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size);
            int16_t *VYSmallYB = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size);
            int16_t *VXSmallYF = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size);
            int16_t *VYSmallYF = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size);

            // make  vector vx and vy small masks
            MakeVectorSmallMasks(&fgopB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYB, nBlkX, VYSmallYB, nBlkX);
            MakeVectorSmallMasks(&fgopF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYF, nBlkX, VYSmallYF, nBlkX);

            // analyse vectors field to detect occlusion

            // upsize (bilinear interpolate) vector masks to fullframe size

            d->upsizer.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizer, VXFullYB, VPitchY, VXSmallYB, nBlkX);
            d->upsizer.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizer, VYFullYB, VPitchY, VYSmallYB, nBlkX);
            d->upsizer.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizer, VXFullYF, VPitchY, VXSmallYF, nBlkX);
            d->upsizer.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizer, VYFullYF, VPitchY, VYSmallYF, nBlkX);

            FlowBlur(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
                     VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, VPitchY,
                     nWidth, nHeight, blur256, prec, nPel, bitsPerSample);

            if (d->vi->format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                size_t full_size_uv = nHeightUV * VPitchUV * sizeof(int16_t);
                size_t small_size_uv = nBlkY * nBlkX * sizeof(int16_t);

                int16_t *VXFullUVB = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size_uv);
                int16_t *VYFullUVB = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size_uv);

                int16_t *VXFullUVF = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size_uv);
                int16_t *VYFullUVF = (int16_t *)malloc(full_size_uv);

                int16_t *VXSmallUVB = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size_uv);
                int16_t *VYSmallUVB = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size_uv);

                int16_t *VXSmallUVF = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size_uv);
                int16_t *VYSmallUVF = (int16_t *)malloc(small_size_uv);

                VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallUVB, xRatioUV);
                VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VYSmallUVB, yRatioUV);

                VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallUVF, xRatioUV);
                VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VYSmallUVF, yRatioUV);

                d->upsizerUV.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizerUV, VXFullUVB, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVB, nBlkX);
                d->upsizerUV.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizerUV, VYFullUVB, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVB, nBlkX);

                d->upsizerUV.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizerUV, VXFullUVF, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVF, nBlkX);
                d->upsizerUV.simpleResize_int16_t(&d->upsizerUV, VYFullUVF, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVF, nBlkX);

                FlowBlur(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
                         VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                         nWidthUV, nHeightUV, blur256, prec, nPel, bitsPerSample);
                FlowBlur(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
                         VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                         nWidthUV, nHeightUV, blur256, prec, nPel, bitsPerSample);





            return dst;
        } else { // not usable

            return vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);

    return 0;
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvmaskGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {

    MVMaskData *d = (MVMaskData *)*instanceData;

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
        const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
        VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi.format, d->vi.width, d->vi.height, src, core);

        const uint8_t *pSrc[3];
        uint8_t *pDst[3];
        int nDstPitches[3];
        int nSrcPitches[3];

        pSrc[0] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 0);
        nSrcPitches[0] = vsapi->getStride(src, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            pDst[i] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, i);
            nDstPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(dst, i);

        FakeGroupOfPlanes fgop;
        const VSFrameRef *mvn = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);
        fgopInit(&fgop, &d->vectors_data);
        const VSMap *mvprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(mvn);
        fgopUpdate(&fgop, (const uint8_t *)vsapi->propGetData(mvprops, prop_MVTools_vectors, 0, NULL));

        const int kind = d->kind;
        const int nWidth = d->vectors_data.nWidth;
        const int nHeight = d->vectors_data.nHeight;
        const int nWidthUV = d->nWidthUV;
        const int nHeightUV = d->nHeightUV;
        const int nSceneChangeValue = d->nSceneChangeValue;

        if (fgopIsUsable(&fgop, d->thscd1, d->thscd2)) {
            const int nBlkX = d->vectors_data.nBlkX;
            const int nBlkY = d->vectors_data.nBlkY;
            const int nBlkCount = nBlkX * nBlkY;
            const float fMaskNormFactor = d->fMaskNormFactor;
            const float fMaskNormFactor2 = d->fMaskNormFactor2;
            const float fGamma = d->fGamma;
            const float fHalfGamma = d->fHalfGamma;
            const int nPel = d->vectors_data.nPel;
            const int nBlkSizeX = d->vectors_data.nBlkSizeX;
            const int nBlkSizeY = d->vectors_data.nBlkSizeY;
            const int nOverlapX = d->vectors_data.nOverlapX;
            const int nOverlapY = d->vectors_data.nOverlapY;
            const int nWidthB = d->nWidthB;
            const int nHeightB = d->nHeightB;
            const int nWidthBUV = d->nWidthBUV;
            const int nHeightBUV = d->nHeightBUV;
            SimpleResize *upsizer = &d->upsizer;
            SimpleResize *upsizerUV = &d->upsizerUV;
            const int time256 = d->time256;
            const int bitsPerSample = vsapi->getFrameFormat(src)->bitsPerSample;

            uint8_t *smallMask = (uint8_t *)malloc(nBlkX * nBlkY);
            uint8_t *smallMaskV = (uint8_t *)malloc(nBlkX * nBlkY);

            if (kind == 0) { // vector length mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = mvmaskLength(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector, nPel, fMaskNormFactor2, fHalfGamma);
            } else if (kind == 1) { // SAD mask
                MakeSADMaskTime(&fgop, nBlkX, nBlkY, 4.0 * fMaskNormFactor / (nBlkSizeX * nBlkSizeY), fGamma, nPel, smallMask, nBlkX, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY, bitsPerSample);
            } else if (kind == 2) { // occlusion mask
                MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(&fgop, d->vectors_data.isBackward, nBlkX, nBlkY, 1.0 / fMaskNormFactor, fGamma, nPel, smallMask, nBlkX, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
            } else if (kind == 3) { // vector x mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector.x * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support
            } else if (kind == 4) { // vector y mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector.y * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support
            } else if (kind == 5) {                                      // vector x mask in U, y mask in V
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++) {
                    VECTOR v = fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector;
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(v.x * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128)));  // shited by 128 for signed support
                    smallMaskV[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(v.y * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support

            if (kind == 5) { // do not change luma for kind=5
                memcpy(pDst[0], pSrc[0], nSrcPitches[0] * nHeight);
            } else {
                upsizer->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizer, pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], smallMask, nBlkX);
                if (nWidth > nWidthB)
                    for (int h = 0; h < nHeight; h++)
                        for (int w = nWidthB; w < nWidth; w++)
                            *(pDst[0] + h * nDstPitches[0] + w) = *(pDst[0] + h * nDstPitches[0] + nWidthB - 1);
                if (nHeight > nHeightB)
                    vs_bitblt(pDst[0] + nHeightB * nDstPitches[0], nDstPitches[0], pDst[0] + (nHeightB - 1) * nDstPitches[0], nDstPitches[0], nWidth, nHeight - nHeightB);

            // chroma
            upsizerUV->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizerUV, pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], smallMask, nBlkX);

            if (kind == 5)
                upsizerUV->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizerUV, pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], smallMaskV, nBlkX);
                memcpy(pDst[2], pDst[1], nHeightUV * nDstPitches[1]);

            if (nWidthUV > nWidthBUV)
                for (int h = 0; h < nHeightUV; h++)
                    for (int w = nWidthBUV; w < nWidthUV; w++) {
                        *(pDst[1] + h * nDstPitches[1] + w) = *(pDst[1] + h * nDstPitches[1] + nWidthBUV - 1);
                        *(pDst[2] + h * nDstPitches[2] + w) = *(pDst[2] + h * nDstPitches[2] + nWidthBUV - 1);
            if (nHeightUV > nHeightBUV) {
                vs_bitblt(pDst[1] + nHeightBUV * nDstPitches[1], nDstPitches[1], pDst[1] + (nHeightBUV - 1) * nDstPitches[1], nDstPitches[1], nWidthUV, nHeightUV - nHeightBUV);
                vs_bitblt(pDst[2] + nHeightBUV * nDstPitches[2], nDstPitches[2], pDst[2] + (nHeightBUV - 1) * nDstPitches[2], nDstPitches[2], nWidthUV, nHeightUV - nHeightBUV);

        } else { // not usable
            if (kind == 5)
                memcpy(pDst[0], pSrc[0], nSrcPitches[0] * nHeight);
                memset(pDst[0], nSceneChangeValue, nHeight * nDstPitches[0]);

            memset(pDst[1], nSceneChangeValue, nHeightUV * nDstPitches[1]);
            memset(pDst[2], nSceneChangeValue, nHeightUV * nDstPitches[2]);



        return dst;

    return 0;