  From \a filePath, derive a file path for the uncompressed
  file and return it. If it can't figure out what the file
  path should be, it just concatenates ".out" to the
  \a filePath and returns that.
QString PolyUncompressor::uncompressedFilePath( const QString& filePath )
    QStringList::ConstIterator e = fileExtensions().begin();
    while ( e != fileExtensions().end() ) {
	QString dotExt = "." + *e;
	if ( filePath.endsWith(dotExt) )
	    return filePath.left( filePath.length() - dotExt.length() );
    return filePath + ".out"; // doesn't really matter
const QString ScriptingEnv::fileFilter() const {
  QStringList extensions = fileExtensions();
  if (extensions.isEmpty())
    return "";
    return tr("%1 Source (*.%2);;").arg(name()).arg(extensions.join(" *."));
QStringList RicFileHierarchyDialog::findFilesInDirs(const QStringList& dirs)
    QStringList allFiles;
    QStringList filters = createNameFilterList(fileNameFilter(), fileExtensions());

    for (const auto& dir : dirs)
        QDir qdir(dir);
        QStringList files = qdir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files);

        updateStatus(SEARCHING_FOR_FILES, qdir.absolutePath());

        for (QString file : files)
            QString absFilePath = qdir.absoluteFilePath(file);
    return allFiles;
QString RicFileHierarchyDialog::fileExtensionsText() const
    QString extFromFilter = extensionFromFileNameFilter();
    if (!extFromFilter.isEmpty())   return "";
    else                            return prefixStrings(fileExtensions(), ".").join(" | ");
QGISEXTERN QgsDataItem * dataItem( QString thePath, QgsDataItem* parentItem )
  if ( thePath.isEmpty() )
    return 0;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath: " + thePath, 2 );

  // zip settings + info
  QSettings settings;
  QString scanZipSetting = settings.value( "/qgis/scanZipInBrowser2", "basic" ).toString();
  QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( thePath );
  bool is_vsizip = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsizip/" );
  bool is_vsigzip = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsigzip/" );
  bool is_vsitar = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsitar/" );

  // should we check ext. only?
  // check if scanItemsInBrowser2 == extension or parent dir in scanItemsFastScanUris
  // TODO - do this in dir item, but this requires a way to inform which extensions are supported by provider
  // maybe a callback function or in the provider registry?
  bool scanExtSetting = false;
  if (( settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsInBrowser2",
                        "extension" ).toString() == "extension" ) ||
      ( parentItem && settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris",
                                      QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->path() ) ) ||
      (( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && parentItem && parentItem->parent() &&
       settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris",
                       QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->parent()->path() ) ) )
    scanExtSetting = true;

  // get suffix, removing .gz if present
  QString tmpPath = thePath; //path used for testing, not for layer creation
  if ( is_vsigzip )
    tmpPath.chop( 3 );
  QFileInfo info( tmpPath );
  QString suffix = info.suffix().toLower();
  // extract basename with extension
  info.setFile( thePath );
  QString name = info.fileName();

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath= " + thePath + " tmpPath= " + tmpPath + " name= " + name
                    + " suffix= " + suffix + " vsiPrefix= " + vsiPrefix, 3 );

  // allow only normal files or VSIFILE items to continue
  if ( !info.isFile() && vsiPrefix == "" )
    return 0;

  QStringList myExtensions = fileExtensions();

  // skip *.aux.xml files (GDAL auxilary metadata files),
  // *.shp.xml files (ESRI metadata) and *.tif.xml files (TIFF metadata)
  // unless that extension is in the list (*.xml might be though)
  if ( thePath.endsWith( ".aux.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( "aux.xml" ) )
    return 0;
  if ( thePath.endsWith( ".shp.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( "shp.xml" ) )
    return 0;
  if ( thePath.endsWith( ".tif.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( "tif.xml" ) )
    return 0;

  // We have to filter by extensions, otherwise e.g. all Shapefile files are displayed
  // because OGR drive can open also .dbf, .shx.
  if ( myExtensions.indexOf( suffix ) < 0 )
    bool matches = false;
    Q_FOREACH ( const QString& wildcard, wildcards() )
      QRegExp rx( wildcard, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard );
      if ( rx.exactMatch( info.fileName() ) )
        matches = true;
QgsDataItem *QgsOgrDataItemProvider::createDataItem( const QString &pathIn, QgsDataItem *parentItem )
  QString path( pathIn );
  if ( path.isEmpty() )
    return nullptr;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath: " + path, 2 );

  // zip settings + info
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString scanZipSetting = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanZipInBrowser2" ), "basic" ).toString();
  QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( path );
  bool is_vsizip = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsizip/" ) );
  bool is_vsigzip = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsigzip/" ) );
  bool is_vsitar = ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsitar/" ) );

  // should we check ext. only?
  // check if scanItemsInBrowser2 == extension or parent dir in scanItemsFastScanUris
  // TODO - do this in dir item, but this requires a way to inform which extensions are supported by provider
  // maybe a callback function or in the provider registry?
  bool scanExtSetting = false;
  if ( ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsInBrowser2" ),
                         "extension" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "extension" ) ) ||
       ( parentItem && settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris" ),
                                       QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->path() ) ) ||
       ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && parentItem && parentItem->parent() &&
         settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris" ),
                         QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->parent()->path() ) ) )
    scanExtSetting = true;

  // get suffix, removing .gz if present
  QString tmpPath = path; //path used for testing, not for layer creation
  if ( is_vsigzip )
    tmpPath.chop( 3 );
  QFileInfo info( tmpPath );
  QString suffix = info.suffix().toLower();
  // extract basename with extension
  info.setFile( path );
  QString name = info.fileName();

  // If a .tab exists, then the corresponding .map/.dat is very likely a
  // side-car file of the .tab
  if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "map" ) || suffix == QLatin1String( "dat" ) )
    if ( QFileInfo( QDir( info.path() ), info.baseName() + ".tab" ).exists() )
      return nullptr;

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath= " + path + " tmpPath= " + tmpPath + " name= " + name
                    + " suffix= " + suffix + " vsiPrefix= " + vsiPrefix, 3 );

  QStringList myExtensions = fileExtensions();
  QStringList dirExtensions = directoryExtensions();

  // allow only normal files, supported directories, or VSIFILE items to continue
  bool isOgrSupportedDirectory = info.isDir() && dirExtensions.contains( suffix );
  if ( !isOgrSupportedDirectory && !info.isFile() && vsiPrefix.isEmpty() )
    return nullptr;

  // skip *.aux.xml files (GDAL auxiliary metadata files),
  // *.shp.xml files (ESRI metadata) and *.tif.xml files (TIFF metadata)
  // unless that extension is in the list (*.xml might be though)
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".aux.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "aux.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".shp.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "shp.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".tif.xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       !myExtensions.contains( QStringLiteral( "tif.xml" ) ) )
    return nullptr;

  // skip QGIS style xml files
  if ( path.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
       QgsStyle::isXmlStyleFile( path ) )
    return nullptr;

  // We have to filter by extensions, otherwise e.g. all Shapefile files are displayed
  // because OGR drive can open also .dbf, .shx.
  if ( myExtensions.indexOf( suffix ) < 0 && !dirExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
    bool matches = false;
    const auto constWildcards = wildcards();
    for ( const QString &wildcard : constWildcards )
      QRegExp rx( wildcard, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard );
      if ( rx.exactMatch( info.fileName() ) )
        matches = true;
    if ( !matches )
      return nullptr;

  // .dbf should probably appear if .shp is not present
  if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "dbf" ) )
    QString pathShp = path.left( path.count() - 4 ) + ".shp";
    if ( QFileInfo::exists( pathShp ) )
      return nullptr;

  // fix vsifile path and name
  if ( !vsiPrefix.isEmpty() )
    // add vsiPrefix to path if needed
    if ( !path.startsWith( vsiPrefix ) )
      path = vsiPrefix + path;
    // if this is a /vsigzip/path_to_zip.zip/file_inside_zip remove the full path from the name
    // no need to change the name I believe
#if 0
    if ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && ( path != vsiPrefix + parentItem->path() ) )
      name = path;
      name = name.replace( vsiPrefix + parentItem->path() + '/', "" );

  // Filters out the OGR/GDAL supported formats that can contain multiple layers
  // and should be treated like a DB: GeoPackage and SQLite
  // NOTE: this formats are scanned for rasters too and they must
  //       be skipped by "gdal" provider or the rasters will be listed
  //       twice. ogrSupportedDbLayersExtensions must be kept in sync
  //       with the companion variable (same name) in the gdal provider
  //       class
  // TODO: add more OGR supported multiple layers formats here!
  static QStringList sOgrSupportedDbLayersExtensions { QStringLiteral( "gpkg" ),
      QStringLiteral( "sqlite" ),
      QStringLiteral( "db" ),
      QStringLiteral( "gdb" ),
      QStringLiteral( "kml" ) };
  static QStringList sOgrSupportedDbDriverNames { QStringLiteral( "GPKG" ),
      QStringLiteral( "db" ),
      QStringLiteral( "gdb" ) };

  // these extensions are trivial to read, so there's no need to rely on
  // the extension only scan here -- avoiding it always gives us the correct data type
  // and sublayer visiblity
  static QStringList sSkipFastTrackExtensions { QStringLiteral( "xlsx" ),
      QStringLiteral( "ods" ),
      QStringLiteral( "csv" ),
      QStringLiteral( "nc" ) };

  // Fast track: return item without testing if:
  // scanExtSetting or zipfile and scan zip == "Basic scan"
  // netCDF files can be both raster or vector, so fallback to opening
  if ( ( scanExtSetting ||
         ( ( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && scanZipSetting == QLatin1String( "basic" ) ) ) &&
       !sSkipFastTrackExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
    // if this is a VRT file make sure it is vector VRT to avoid duplicates
    if ( suffix == QLatin1String( "vrt" ) )
      CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
      GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALIdentifyDriver( path.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr );
      if ( !hDriver || GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) == QLatin1String( "VRT" ) )
        QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Skipping VRT file because root is not a OGR VRT" ), 2 );
        return nullptr;
    // Handle collections
    // Check if the layer has sublayers by comparing the extension
    QgsDataItem *item = nullptr;
    if ( ! sOgrSupportedDbLayersExtensions.contains( suffix ) )
      item = new QgsOgrLayerItem( parentItem, name, path, path, QgsLayerItem::Vector );
    else if ( suffix.compare( QLatin1String( "gpkg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
      item = new QgsGeoPackageCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
      item = new QgsOgrDataCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );

    if ( item )
      return item;

  // Slow track: scan file contents
  QgsDataItem *item = nullptr;

  // test that file is valid with OGR
  if ( OGRGetDriverCount() == 0 )
  // do not print errors, but write to debug
  CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
  gdal::dataset_unique_ptr hDS( GDALOpenEx( path.toUtf8().constData(), GDAL_OF_VECTOR, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr ) );

  if ( ! hDS )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "GDALOpen error # %1 : %2 on %3" ).arg( CPLGetLastErrorNo() ).arg( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ).arg( path ) );
    return nullptr;

  GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDS.get() );
  QString driverName = GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "GDAL Driver : %1" ).arg( driverName ), 2 );
  int numLayers = GDALDatasetGetLayerCount( hDS.get() );

  // GeoPackage needs a specialized data item, mainly because of raster deletion not
  // yet implemented in GDAL (2.2.1)
  if ( driverName == QLatin1String( "GPKG" ) )
    item = new QgsGeoPackageCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
  else if ( numLayers > 1 || sOgrSupportedDbDriverNames.contains( driverName ) )
    item = new QgsOgrDataCollectionItem( parentItem, name, path );
    item = dataItemForLayer( parentItem, name, path, hDS.get(), 0, false, true );
  return item;