LEditor* MainBook::NewEditor()
    static int fileCounter = 0;

    wxString fileNameStr(_("Untitled"));
    fileNameStr << ++fileCounter;
    wxFileName fileName(fileNameStr);

    // A Nice trick: hide the notebook, open the editor
    // and then show it
    bool hidden(false);
    if(m_book->GetPageCount() == 0) hidden = GetSizer()->Hide(m_book);

    LEditor* editor = new LEditor(m_book);
    AddPage(editor, fileName.GetFullName(), fileName.GetFullPath(), wxNullBitmap, true);

#ifdef __WXMAC__

    // SHow the notebook
    if(hidden) GetSizer()->Show(m_book);

    return editor;
void FirmwareData::readFromFile(const char * fileName)

    std::string fileNameStr(fileName);

    auto filePtr = openFileOrPipeInput(fileNameStr);
    std::istream & file = *filePtr;

    // Get the first character so we can figure out what kind of file this is.
    char first_char;
    if (file.fail())
        throw std::runtime_error(fileNameStr + ": Failed to read first character.");

    // Put that character back in the buffer.
    if (file.fail())
        throw std::runtime_error(fileNameStr + ": Failed to unget character from file.");

    if (first_char == ':')
        hexData.readFromFile(file, fileName);
        firmwareArchiveData.readFromFile(file, fileName);

    if (!*this)
        throw std::runtime_error(fileNameStr + ": file contains no firmware data.");
void LogStatus(QTSS_ServerState theServerState)
    static QTSS_ServerState lastServerState = 0;
    static char *sPLISTHeader[] =
    {     "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
#if __MacOSX__
        "<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM \"file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd\">",
        "<!ENTITY % plistObject \"(array | data | date | dict | real | integer | string | true | false )\">",
        "<!ELEMENT plist %plistObject;>",
        "<!ATTLIST plist version CDATA \"0.9\">",
        "<!-- Collections -->",
        "<!ELEMENT array (%plistObject;)*>",
        "<!ELEMENT dict (key, %plistObject;)*>",
        "<!ELEMENT key (#PCDATA)>",
        "<!--- Primitive types -->",
        "<!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)>",
        "<!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents interpreted as Base-64 encoded -->",
        "<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should conform to a subset of ISO 8601 (in particular, YYYY '-' MM '-' DD 'T' HH ':' MM ':' SS 'Z'.  Smaller units may be omitted with a loss of precision) -->",
        "<!-- Numerical primitives -->",
        "<!ELEMENT true EMPTY>  <!-- Boolean constant true -->",
        "<!ELEMENT false EMPTY> <!-- Boolean constant false -->",
        "<!ELEMENT real (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should represent a floating point number matching (\"+\" | \"-\")? d+ (\".\"d*)? (\"E\" (\"+\" | \"-\") d+)? where d is a digit 0-9.  -->",
        "<!ELEMENT integer (#PCDATA)> <!-- Contents should represent a (possibly signed) integer number in base 10 -->",

    static int numHeaderLines = sizeof(sPLISTHeader) / sizeof(char*);

    static char*    sPlistStart = "<plist version=\"0.9\">";
    static char*    sPlistEnd = "</plist>";
    static char*    sDictStart = "<dict>";
    static char*    sDictEnd = "</dict>";
    static char*    sKey    = "     <key>%s</key>\n";
    static char*    sValue  = "     <string>%s</string>\n";
    static char *sAttributes[] =
    static int numAttributes = sizeof(sAttributes) / sizeof(char*);
    static StrPtrLen statsFileNameStr("server_status");    
    if (false == sServer->GetPrefs()->ServerStatFileEnabled())
    UInt32 interval = sServer->GetPrefs()->GetStatFileIntervalSec();
    if (interval == 0 || (OS::UnixTime_Secs() % interval) > 0 ) 
    // If the total number of RTSP sessions is 0  then we 
    // might not need to update the "server_status" file.
    char* thePrefStr = NULL;
    // We start lastRTSPSessionCount off with an impossible value so that
    // we force the "server_status" file to be written at least once.
    static int lastRTSPSessionCount = -1; 
    // Get the RTSP session count from the server.
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, qtssRTSPCurrentSessionCount, 0, &thePrefStr);
    int currentRTSPSessionCount = ::atoi(thePrefStr);
    delete [] thePrefStr; thePrefStr = NULL;
    if (currentRTSPSessionCount == 0 && currentRTSPSessionCount == lastRTSPSessionCount)
        // we don't need to update the "server_status" file except the
        // first time we are in the idle state.
        if (theServerState == qtssIdleState && lastServerState == qtssIdleState)
            lastRTSPSessionCount = currentRTSPSessionCount;
            lastServerState = theServerState;
        // save the RTSP session count for the next time we execute.
        lastRTSPSessionCount = currentRTSPSessionCount;

    StrPtrLenDel pathStr(sServer->GetPrefs()->GetErrorLogDir());
    StrPtrLenDel fileNameStr(sServer->GetPrefs()->GetStatsMonitorFileName());
    ResizeableStringFormatter pathBuffer(NULL,0);
    char*   filePath = pathBuffer.GetBufPtr();    
    FILE*   statusFile = ::fopen(filePath, "w");
    char*   theAttributeValue = NULL;
    int     i;
    if (statusFile != NULL)
        ::chmod(filePath, 0640);
        for ( i = 0; i < numHeaderLines; i++)
            qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n",sPLISTHeader[i]);    

        qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sPlistStart);
        qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sDictStart);    

          // show each element value
         for ( i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++)
            (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(sServer, QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttrID(sServer,sAttributes[i]), 0, &theAttributeValue);
            if (theAttributeValue != NULL)
                qtss_fprintf(statusFile, sKey, sAttributes[i]);    
               qtss_fprintf(statusFile, sValue, theAttributeValue);    
                delete [] theAttributeValue;
                theAttributeValue = NULL;
        qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n", sDictEnd);
        qtss_fprintf(statusFile, "%s\n\n", sPlistEnd);    
    lastServerState = theServerState;