SDLShader::SDLShader( ShaderPathPair const & xShaderPaths ) : mProgramID( 0 ) , mVertexShaderSource( fileToString( xShaderPaths.VertexPath ) ) , mFragmentShaderSource( fileToString( xShaderPaths.FragmentPath ) ) { SISULOG( "In SDLShader Ctor" ); }
bool createBandwidthTestJob (JobToPUM *job) { job->probID = myid; job->nDimensions = 1; job->nItems[0] = 1; job->nGroupItems[0] = 1; job->startingKernel = malloc(sizeof("setupBandwidthTest") * sizeof(char)); strcpy(job->startingKernel, "setupBandwidthTest"); job->taskSource = fileToString(DATADIR"/pumanager/"); if (job->taskSource == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"FILE NOT FOUND! (building setupBandwidthTest)\n"); return false; } job->taskSourceSize = strlen(job->taskSource)+1; job->nTotalArgs = 1; job->argTypes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(argument_type)); job->argTypes[0] = INPUT; job->argSizes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(void *)); job->argSizes[0] = sizeof(cl_char) * PUInfoStruct.availablePUs[job->runOn].max_memory_alloc - (100.0*1024*1024); //512MB fprintf(stderr,"running with %i Byte\n",job->argSizes[0]); job->arguments = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(void *)); job->arguments[0] = malloc(job->argSizes[0]); return true; }
void compileShader(const char* fp, GLuint id){ printf("%s\n", fp); char *src = fileToString(fp); glShaderSource(id, 1, &src, NULL); glCompileShader(id); GLint success = 0; glGetShaderiv(id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success); if(success == GL_FALSE){ GLint maxLength = 0; glGetShaderiv(id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength); char *log = malloc(maxLength + 1); glGetShaderInfoLog(id, maxLength, &maxLength, &log[0]); printf("%s\n", log); glDeleteShader(id); printf("%s %s\n", "GL_COMPILE_STATUS FALSE", fp); free(log); } free(src); }
static void findXRefSymbols(FileDef *fd) { // get the interface to a parser that matches the file extension ParserInterface *pIntf=Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(fd->getDefFileExtension()); // get the programming language from the file name SrcLangExt lang = getLanguageFromFileName(fd->name()); // reset the parsers state pIntf->resetCodeParserState(); // create a new backend object XRefDummyCodeGenerator *xrefGen = new XRefDummyCodeGenerator(fd); // parse the source code pIntf->parseCode(*xrefGen, 0, fileToString(fd->absFilePath()), lang, FALSE, 0, fd); // dismiss the object. delete xrefGen; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc != 2 ) { printf( "Nombre d'arguments incorrect. %i\n", argc); return -1; } FILE* file = fopen( argv[0], "r" ); if( file != NULL ) { unsigned long len; char* fileStr = fileToString( file, &len ); fclose( file ); char* enc = encryptString( fileStr, len ); file = fopen( argv[1], "w" ); writeStringToFile( file, enc ); fclose( file ); } else { printf( "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %s.\n", argv[0] ); return -1; } return 0; }
string HRBUSTJudger::getCEinfo() { string outer_oj_runid; stringstream sStream; // prepareCurl(); cout << "GET ceinfo ....." << judgeResult.getRunId() << endl; sStream << judgeResult.getRunId(); sStream >> outer_oj_runid; string res_url = "" + outer_oj_runid; cout << "RES_URL is: " << res_url << endl; curl_easy_setopt(easy_handle, CURLOPT_URL, res_url.c_str()); performCurl("tmpfiles/cedata.html"); cout << "GET res_url done!" << endl; string info = fileToString("tmpfiles/cedata.html"); cout << "[CEinfo] down info.................." << endl; cout << "length of info : " << info.length() << endl; //cout << info << endl; if (code != CURLE_OK) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "getCEInfo failed."); return "NULL"; } else { cout << "[CEinfo] regex info...................." << endl; string result; if (!RE2::PartialMatch(info, "(?s)showcode_mod_info.*?>(.*?)</td>", &result)) { cout << "[CEinfo] CEinfo is: " << "NULL" << endl; return "NULL"; } cout << "[CEinfo] Ceinfo is: " << result << endl; return result; } return "NULL"; }
void WelcomePageView::slotThemeChanged() { QString infoPageCss = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css"); QString digikamCss = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "digikam/about/digikam.css"); QString fontSize = QString::number(12); QString appTitle = i18n("digiKam"); QString slogan = DAboutData::digiKamSlogan().toString(); QString locationHtml = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "digikam/about/main.html"); QString locationRtl = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css" ); QString rtl = kapp->isRightToLeft() ? QString("@import \"%1\";" ).arg(locationRtl) : QString(); begin(KUrl(locationHtml).toLocalFile()); QString content = fileToString(locationHtml); content = content.arg(infoPageCss) // %1 .arg(rtl) // %2 .arg(fontSize) // %3 .arg(appTitle) // %4 .arg(slogan) // %5 .arg(infoPage()) // %6 .arg(digikamCss); // %7 // kDebug() << content; write(content); end(); show(); }
cl_program ClWrapper::createProgram(const char* fileName){ char* programSource = NULL; int len = 0; int errorFlag = -1; if(!fileToString(fileName, programSource, len)){ std::cerr << "Error loading program: " << fileName << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cl_program program = 0; program = clCreateProgramWithSource(_context, 1, (const char**)&programSource, NULL, NULL); if (!program) { std::cerr << "Error: Failed to create compute program!" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cl_int err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { size_t len; char buffer[2048]; std::cerr << "Error: Failed to build program executable!" << std::endl; clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, _device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &len); std::cerr << buffer << std::endl; exit(1); } return program; }
string Preprocessor::preprocess(string file_name) { string resultCode = fileToString(file_name); Preprocessor preprocessor = Preprocessor(); resultCode = preprocessor.deleteComments(resultCode); resultCode = preprocessor.applyDefines(resultCode); resultCode = preprocessor.applyIncludes(resultCode, "", includeDirectory); return resultCode; }
string Preprocessor::preprocess(string file_name, string filePath, string includeDirectory) { this->includeDirectory = includeDirectory; println(this->includeDirectory); string resultCode = fileToString(file_name); Preprocessor preprocessor = Preprocessor(); resultCode = preprocessor.deleteComments(resultCode); resultCode = preprocessor.applyDefines(resultCode); resultCode = preprocessor.applyIncludes(resultCode, filePath, includeDirectory); return resultCode; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QFile _log; for(int i=1;i<argc; ++i) { QString arg(argv[i]); if(arg=="-c") { //lisence.txt if(i+1==argc)return 1; copyright_header=fileToString(QString(argv[i+1])); ++i; continue; } if(arg=="-mask") { //mask.txt if(i+1==argc)return 1; fileToStringList(QString(argv[i+1])); ++i; continue; } if(arg=="-log") { //log.txt if(i+1==argc)return 1; _log.setFileName(QString(argv[i+1])); if(! | QIODevice::Text))return 1; log=&_log; continue; } if(arg=="-a") { onlyalerts=true; continue; } if(arg=="-i") { infomode=true; continue; } if(arg=="-t") { testmode=true; continue; } QFileInfo file(arg); parseFile(file); } qDebug()<<gray_copyrights; return 0; //return a.exec(); }
void FileDef::parseSource() { static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool("FILTER_SOURCE_FILES"); DevNullCodeDocInterface devNullIntf; ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(getDefFileExtension()); pIntf->resetCodeParserState(); pIntf->parseCode( devNullIntf,0, fileToString(absFilePath(),filterSourceFiles,TRUE), FALSE,0,this ); }
void HRBUSTJudger::getStatus() { // prepareCurl(); while (true) { stringstream sStream; string lang, outer_oj_id; char *lang_tmp, *outer_oj_id_tmp; sStream << judgeInfo.getLang(); sStream >> lang; sStream << judgeInfo.getId(); sStream >> outer_oj_id; string res_url = "" + outer_oj_id + "&user_name=acmstep&language=" + lang; curl_easy_setopt(easy_handle, CURLOPT_URL, res_url.c_str()); cout << "Before performCurl()................." << endl; performCurl("tmpfiles/statusdata.html"); cout << "After performCurl()................." << endl; string res, runid, result, time_used, memory_used; string html = fileToString("tmpfiles/statusdata.html"); if (code != CURLE_OK) syslog(LOG_ERR, "getStatus failed."); else { if (html.find("var is_login=\"\";") != string::npos || !RE2::PartialMatch(html, "(?s)<table class=\"ojlist\".*?<tr.*?(<tr.*?</tr>)", &res)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "[ERROR] HRBUSTJudger: Failed to get status row."); } if (!RE2::PartialMatch(res, "(?s)<td.*?<td>([0-9]*).*?<td.*?<td.*?>(.*?)</td>", &runid, &result)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "[ERROR] HRBUSTJudger: Fail to get current result."); } result = convertResult(trim(result)); cout << "Result is: " << result << endl; if (isFinalResult(result)) { if (!RE2::PartialMatch(res, "(?s)>([0-9]*)ms.*?>([0-9]*)k", &time_used, &memory_used)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "[ERROR] HRBUSTJudger: Failed to parse details from status row."); } cout << "0---------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Time used: " << time_used << " Memory_used: " << memory_used<< endl; judgeResult.setCodeId(judgeInfo.getCodeId()); judgeResult.setRunId(atoi(trim(runid).c_str())); judgeResult.setJudgeStatus(status_table[result]); judgeResult.setRunTime(atoi(trim(time_used).c_str())); judgeResult.setRunMemory(atoi(trim(memory_used).c_str())); cout << "[Result] Get JudgeStatus: " << judgeResult.getJudgeStatus() << endl; if (judgeResult.getJudgeStatus() == OJ_CE) { judgeResult.setErrorInfo(getCEinfo()); } else { judgeResult.setErrorInfo("NULL"); } break; } else { usleep(5000); } } } }
void HtmlGenerator::init() { QCString dname=Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"); QDir d(dname); if (!d.exists() && !d.mkdir(dname)) { err("Could not create output directory %s\n",; exit(1); } writeLogo(dname); if (!Config_getString("HTML_HEADER").isEmpty()) { g_header=fileToString(Config_getString("HTML_HEADER")); //printf("g_header='%s'\n",; } if (!Config_getString("HTML_FOOTER").isEmpty()) { g_footer=fileToString(Config_getString("HTML_FOOTER")); //printf("g_footer='%s'\n",; } createSubDirs(d); }
bool GlShader::loadFromFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& fileNames) { _fileName = implicitName(fileNames, _type); std::vector<std::string> sources; for(const auto& file : fileNames) { sources.push_back( fileToString(file) ); if(sources.back().empty()) sources.pop_back(); } return loadFromStrings( sources ); }
void HRBUSTJudger::login() { prepareCurl(); string lgin_url = ""; curl_easy_setopt(easy_handle, CURLOPT_URL, lgin_url.c_str()); string post = (string)"m=User&a=login&user_name=acmstep&password=acmstep&ajax=1"; curl_easy_setopt(easy_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post.c_str()); performCurl("tmpfiles/logindata.html"); cout << "Login performCurl done!" << endl; string res = fileToString("tmpfiles/logindata.html"); if (res.find("{\"status\":0") != string::npos || res.find("<div class='body'>Sorry!Login Error,Please Retry!</div>") != string::npos) { cout << "Login failed!" << endl; } else cout << "Login success!" << endl; }
bool createHighProcJob (JobToPUM *job) { job->probID = myid; // if (job->runOn == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { job->nDimensions = 1; job->nItems[0] = 1024; job->nGroupItems[0] = 1; /* } else { job->nDimensions = 2; job->nItems[0] = job->nItems[1] = 512; job->nGroupItems[0] = job->nGroupItems[1] = 16; } */ job->startingKernel = malloc(sizeof("setupHighProcTest") * sizeof(char)); strcpy(job->startingKernel, "setupHighProcTest"); job->taskSource = fileToString(DATADIR"/pumanager/"); if (job->taskSource == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"FILE NOT FOUND! (building setupHighProcTest)\n"); return false; } job->taskSourceSize = strlen(job->taskSource)+1; job->nTotalArgs = 1; job->argTypes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(argument_type)); job->argTypes[0] = OUTPUT; job->argSizes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(int)); job->argSizes[0] = sizeof(int); job->arguments = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(void *)); for (int i = 0; i < job->nTotalArgs; i++) { job->arguments[i] = malloc(job->argSizes[i]); } // job->returnTo = defaultRCID; //not used return true; }
void WelcomePageView::slotThemeChanged() { QString appTitle = i18n("digiKam"); QString slogan = DAboutData::digiKamSlogan(); QString locationHtml = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("digikam/about/main.html")); QString content = QString::fromUtf8(fileToString(locationHtml)); content = content.arg(appTitle) .arg(slogan) .arg(i18n("Welcome to digiKam %1", QLatin1String(digikam_version))) .arg(featuresTabContent()[0]) .arg(aboutTabContent()[0]) .arg(featuresTabContent()[1]) .arg(aboutTabContent()[1]); //qCDebug(DIGIKAM_GENERAL_LOG) << content; setHtml(content, QUrl::fromLocalFile(locationHtml)); }
bool AbstractTeam::loadScene( const string& fileName) { bool ok = false; string stream = fileToString(fileName, &ok); if(ok) { StageSetJsonReader reader; reader.deserialize(*this, stream); return true; } else { getLog().postMessage(new Message('E', false, "StageSet failed to load from '" + fileName + "'.", "AbstractTeam")); return false; } }
END_TEST /* Test passes!*/ START_TEST(core_fileToString){ /* testing method: generate a new text file with specified content, read the content, and delete the file*/ FILE *fp; char *ch=NULL; char filename[]="this_is_test_file.txt"; fp=fopen(filename, "w"); fprintf(fp, "testing words"); fclose(fp); fp=fopen(filename, "r"); ch = fileToString(fp); fclose(fp); remove(filename); fail_unless(strcmp(ch, "testing words") == 0, "fileToString function test failed"); }
int moduleLoadJS(JSContext *cx, char *moduleName){ char *fName = NULL; fName = (char*)malloc(sizeof (MODULES_DIR) + sizeof(moduleName) + sizeof(JSCRIPT_EXT) + 1); if(fName){ strcpy(fName,MODULES_DIR); strcat(fName,moduleName); strcat(fName,JSCRIPT_EXT); jsval vl; char *script = fileToString(fName); if(script){ if(JS_EvaluateScript(cx, JS_GetGlobalObject(cx), script, strlen(script), fName, 0, &vl) == JS_FALSE) fprint(stderr,"Error evaluating script %s\n",fName); } else { fprint(stderr,"Couldn't read script: %s\n",fName); } free(fName); free(script); return 1; } fprint(stderr,"Error loading Module %s\n",moduleName); return FALSE; }
bool createLowProcJob (JobToPUM *job) { job->probID = myid; //job->jobID //TO BE FILLED BY THE PUM //job->runOn = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU;//TO BE FILLED BY THE PUM job->nDimensions = 0; job->startingKernel = malloc(sizeof("setupLowProcTest")); strcpy(job->startingKernel,"setupLowProcTest"); job->startingNameSize = strlen(job->startingKernel)+1; job->taskSource = fileToString(DATADIR"/pumanager/"); if (job->taskSource == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"FILE NOT FOUND! (while creating LowProcJob)\n"); return false; } job->taskSourceSize = strlen(job->taskSource)+1; ///Setting up arguments job->nTotalArgs = 2; job->argTypes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(argument_type)); job->argTypes[0] = INPUT; job->argTypes[1] = OUTPUT; job->argSizes = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(argument_type)); job->argSizes[0] = job->argSizes[1] = sizeof(cl_uint); cl_uint *inBuff = malloc(sizeof(cl_uint)); cl_uint *outBuff = malloc(sizeof(cl_uint)); inBuff[0] = 100; job->arguments = calloc(job->nTotalArgs, sizeof(void *)); job->arguments[0] = inBuff; job->arguments[1] = outBuff; // job->returnTo = defaultRCID; //not used return true; }
void HtmlGenerator::writeStyleInfo(int part) { //printf("writeStyleInfo(%d)\n",part); if (part==0) { if (Config_getString("HTML_STYLESHEET").isEmpty()) // write default style sheet { //printf("write doxygen.css\n"); startPlainFile("doxygen.css"); // alternative, cooler looking titles //t << "H1 { text-align: center; border-width: thin none thin none;" << endl; //t << " border-style : double; border-color : blue; padding-left : 1em; padding-right : 1em }" << endl; t << defaultStyleSheet; endPlainFile(); } else // write user defined style sheet { QCString cssname=Config_getString("HTML_STYLESHEET"); QFileInfo cssfi(cssname); if (!cssfi.exists() || !cssfi.isFile() || !cssfi.isReadable()) { err("Error: style sheet %s does not exist or is not readable!", Config_getString("HTML_STYLESHEET").data()); } else { // convert style sheet to string QCString fileStr = fileToString(cssname); // write the string into the output dir startPlainFile(cssfi.fileName()); t << fileStr; endPlainFile(); } } } }
int lookAndLoadjsModule(char *name,JSContext *cx){ char *fName = NULL; fName = (char*)malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(JSCRIPT_EXT) + + strlen(MODULES_DIR) + 1); if(!fName) return 0; strcpy(fName,name); strcat(fName,JSCRIPT_EXT); DIR *directory = NULL; struct dirent *ent = NULL; directory = opendir(MODULES_DIR); if(directory == NULL){ fprint(stderr,"Unable to open Modules directory\n"); return 0; } else { while((ent = readdir(directory)) != NULL){ if(!strcmp(ent->d_name,fName)){ //Execute it here: strcpy(fName,MODULES_DIR); strcat(fName,ent->d_name); jsval vl; char *script = fileToString(fName); if(script){ if(JS_EvaluateScript(cx, JS_GetGlobalObject(cx), script, strlen(script), fName, 0, &vl) == JS_FALSE) fprint(stderr,"Error evaluating script %s\n",fName); }else { fprint(stderr,"Couldn't read script: %s\n",fName); } closedir(directory); free(fName); free(script); return 1; } } closedir(directory); free(fName); } return 0; }
void processMakeFile(const QFileInfo& file, bool assume_our) { int offset(0); bool skipfile(false), modify_file(assume_our); QString text=fileToString(file.absoluteFilePath()); QStringList output; while(offset<text.length()) { //qDebug()<<"=========================="; int off_ss=text.indexOf('#', offset); if(off_ss<0) { //qDebug()<<"tail="<<text.mid(offset); output<<text.mid(offset); break; } bool comment_from_newline(true); int newlinebefore=off_ss==0 ? 0 : text.lastIndexOf('\n', off_ss)+1; for(int i=newlinebefore+1; i<off_ss; ++i) { if(!{ comment_from_newline=false; break; } } int end=text.indexOf('\n', off_ss); if(end<0)end=text.length();else ++end;//end if after \n //grab more lines if(comment_from_newline) { int tabspace=off_ss-newlinebefore; //find more comments from newline while(end<text.length()) { int nextss=text.indexOf('#',end); if(nextss<0)break; //check if there is \n between // and end int moreN=text.indexOf('\n', end); if(moreN>=0 && moreN<nextss)break; //check for [end]...spaces...// bool spaces_between(true); for(int i=end; i<nextss; ++i) { if(!{ spaces_between=false; break; } } if(!spaces_between || nextss-end!=tabspace) break; end=text.indexOf('\n', nextss); if(end<0)end=text.length();else ++end; } } //qDebug()<<"... ... comment at "<<off_ss<<"--"<<end; //qDebug()<<text.mid(off_ss, end-off_ss); if(RemoveComment(file.absoluteFilePath(), text, off_ss, end, skipfile, modify_file)) { if(offset<off_ss) { //qDebug()<<"output {"<<text.mid(offset, off_ss-offset)<<"}"; output<<text.mid(offset,off_ss-offset); } } else { //qDebug()<<"output2{"<<text.mid(offset, end-offset)<<"}"; output<<text.mid(offset, end-offset); } offset=end; } storeFile(text, file.absoluteFilePath(), output, skipfile, modify_file, true); }
char* launchApp(char *appName,int isMenu){ static int nruns = 0; char* tmp = NULL,*script = NULL, *addrBack = NULL; if(appName){ static JSContext *cx = NULL; static JSObject *gl = NULL; script = fileToString(LIBRARY); if(!(cx = JS_NewContext(runtime, 8192))){ fprint(stderr,"Problem creating runtime\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, reportError); //if(!(gl = JS_NewCompartmentAndGlobalObject(cx, &global_class, NULL))){ static struct JSPrincipals def_principles = {0}; if(!(gl = JS_NewGlobalObject(cx, &global_class, NULL))){ fprint(stderr,"Problem creating global object\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } JSCompartment *cmp = JS_EnterCompartment(cx, gl); if (!(JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, gl))){ fprint(stderr,"Problem creating standard classes\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, gl, jsFunctions)){ fprint(stderr,"Unable to load native functions\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } globalObject = gl; char *pathToFile = NULL; if(isMenu){ pathToFile = (char*)malloc(1+strlen(MENU_DIR)); strcpy(pathToFile,MENU_DIR); } else { pathToFile = (char*)malloc(strlen(appName) + 1 + strlen(GAMES_DIR)); strcpy(pathToFile,GAMES_DIR); strcat(pathToFile,appName); //strcat(pathToFile,"/"); } JSBool ran = JS_FALSE; jsval retVal; obj.chrootPath = pathToFile; JS_SetPrivate(cx,gl,&obj); SDL_FlushEvents(); //clear queue of events before starting a new app. if(isMenu && 0 == nruns) { //define the property first_run = true; JS_DefineProperty(cx,JS_GetGlobalObject(cx),"first_run",BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(JS_TRUE),NULL,NULL,0); } if(script){ loadBaseClasses(appName,pathToFile,cx); //appName is without the extension, appPath needs the directory to chroot ran = JS_EvaluateScript(cx, gl, script, strlen(script) , LIBRARY,0, &retVal); } nruns++; clearModules(cx); JS_GC(JS_GetRuntime(cx)); JS_LeaveCompartment(cx,cmp); //The user requested to quit. if(SDL_QuitRequested()){ if(script)free(script); exitProgram(cx); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(isMenu && (ran == JS_FALSE)){ if(script) free(script); exitProgram(cx); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(ran != JS_FALSE){ if(JSVAL_IS_STRING(retVal)){ addrBack = JS_EncodeString(cx,JSVAL_TO_STRING(retVal)); tmp = (char*)malloc(strlen(addrBack) +1); strcpy(tmp,addrBack); JS_free(cx,addrBack); addrBack = tmp; } if(JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(retVal) && isMenu){ if(script) free(script); if(pathToFile) free(pathToFile); exitProgram(cx); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } else { addrBack = NULL; } if(script) free(script); if(pathToFile) free(pathToFile); JS_DestroyContext(cx); return addrBack; } }
void ClangParser::start(const char *fileName,QStrList &filesInTranslationUnit) { static bool clangAssistedParsing = Config_getBool(CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING); static QStrList &includePath = Config_getList(INCLUDE_PATH); static QStrList clangOptions = Config_getList(CLANG_OPTIONS); static QCString clangCompileDatabase = Config_getList(CLANG_COMPILATION_DATABASE_PATH); if (!clangAssistedParsing) return; //printf("ClangParser::start(%s)\n",fileName); p->fileName = fileName; p->index = clang_createIndex(0, 0); p->curLine = 1; p->curToken = 0; QDictIterator<void> di(Doxygen::inputPaths); int argc=0; std::string error; // load a clang compilation database ( // this only needs to be loaded once, and could be refactored to a higher level function static std::unique_ptr<clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase> db = clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(, error); int clang_option_len = 0; std::vector<clang::tooling::CompileCommand> command; if (strcmp(clangCompileDatabase, "0") != 0) { if (db == nullptr) { // user specified a path, but DB file was not found err("%s using clang compilation database path of: \"%s\"\n", error.c_str(),; } else { // check if the file we are parsing is in the DB command = db->getCompileCommands(fileName); if (!command.empty() ) { // it's possible to have multiple entries for the same file, so use the last entry clang_option_len = command[command.size()-1].CommandLine.size(); } } } char **argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(4+Doxygen::inputPaths.count()+includePath.count()+clangOptions.count()+clang_option_len)); if (!command.empty() ) { std::vector<std::string> options = command[command.size()-1].CommandLine; // copy each compiler option used from the database. Skip the first which is compiler exe. for (auto option = options.begin()+1; option != options.end(); option++) { argv[argc++] = strdup(option->c_str()); } // this extra addition to argv is accounted for as we are skipping the first entry in argv[argc++]=strdup("-w"); // finally, turn off warnings. } else { // add include paths for input files for (di.toFirst();di.current();++di,++argc) { QCString inc = QCString("-I")+di.currentKey(); argv[argc]=strdup(; //printf("argv[%d]=%s\n",argc,argv[argc]); } // add external include paths for (uint i=0;i<includePath.count();i++) { QCString inc = QCString("-I"); argv[argc++]=strdup(; } // user specified options for (uint i=0;i<clangOptions.count();i++) { argv[argc++]=strdup(; } // extra options argv[argc++]=strdup("-ferror-limit=0"); argv[argc++]=strdup("-x"); // Since we can be presented with a .h file that can contain C/C++ or // Objective C code and we need to configure the parser before knowing this, // we use the source file to detected the language. Detection will fail if you // pass a bunch of .h files containing ObjC code, and no sources :-( SrcLangExt lang = getLanguageFromFileName(fileName); if (lang==SrcLangExt_ObjC || p->detectedLang!=ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp) { QCString fn = fileName; if (p->detectedLang==ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp && (fn.right(4).lower()==".cpp" || fn.right(4).lower()==".cxx" || fn.right(3).lower()==".cc" || fn.right(2).lower()==".c")) { // fall back to C/C++ once we see an extension that indicates this p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp; } else if (fn.right(3).lower()==".mm") // switch to Objective C++ { p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp; } else if (fn.right(2).lower()==".m") // switch to Objective C { p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC; } } switch(p->detectedLang) { case ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp: argv[argc++]=strdup("c++"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC: argv[argc++]=strdup("objective-c"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp: argv[argc++]=strdup("objective-c++"); break; } // provide the input and and its dependencies as unsaved files so we can // pass the filtered versions argv[argc++]=strdup(fileName); } static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool(FILTER_SOURCE_FILES); //printf("source %s ----------\n%s\n-------------\n\n", // fileName,p->; uint numUnsavedFiles = filesInTranslationUnit.count()+1; p->numFiles = numUnsavedFiles; p->sources = new QCString[numUnsavedFiles]; p->ufs = new CXUnsavedFile[numUnsavedFiles]; p->sources[0] = detab(fileToString(fileName,filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[0].Filename = strdup(fileName); p->ufs[0].Contents = p->sources[0].data(); p->ufs[0].Length = p->sources[0].length(); QStrListIterator it(filesInTranslationUnit); uint i=1; for (it.toFirst();it.current() && i<numUnsavedFiles;++it,i++) { p->fileMapping.insert(it.current(),new uint(i)); p->sources[i] = detab(fileToString(it.current(),filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[i].Filename = strdup(it.current()); p->ufs[i].Contents = p->sources[i].data(); p->ufs[i].Length = p->sources[i].length(); } // let libclang do the actual parsing p->tu = clang_parseTranslationUnit(p->index, 0, argv, argc, p->ufs, numUnsavedFiles, CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord); // free arguments for (int i=0;i<argc;++i) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); if (p->tu) { // filter out any includes not found by the clang parser determineInputFilesInSameTu(filesInTranslationUnit); // show any warnings that the compiler produced for (uint i=0, n=clang_getNumDiagnostics(p->tu); i!=n; ++i) { CXDiagnostic diag = clang_getDiagnostic(p->tu, i); CXString string = clang_formatDiagnostic(diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); err("%s [clang]\n",clang_getCString(string)); clang_disposeString(string); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diag); } // create a source range for the given file QFileInfo fi(fileName); CXFile f = clang_getFile(p->tu, fileName); CXSourceLocation fileBegin = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, 0); CXSourceLocation fileEnd = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, p->ufs[0].Length); CXSourceRange fileRange = clang_getRange(fileBegin, fileEnd); // produce a token stream for the file clang_tokenize(p->tu,fileRange,&p->tokens,&p->numTokens); // produce cursors for each token in the stream p->cursors=new CXCursor[p->numTokens]; clang_annotateTokens(p->tu,p->tokens,p->numTokens,p->cursors); } else { p->tokens = 0; p->numTokens = 0; p->cursors = 0; err("clang: Failed to parse translation unit %s\n",fileName); } }
void ClangParser::start(const QString &fileName, QStringList &includeFiles) { static QStringList includePath = Config::getList("include-path"); static QStringList clangFlags = Config::getList("clang-flags"); p->fileName = fileName; p->index = clang_createIndex(0, 0); p->curLine = 1; p->curToken = 0; char **argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (4 + Doxy_Globals::inputPaths.count() + includePath.count() + clangFlags.count())); int argc = 0; // add include paths for input files for (auto item : Doxy_Globals::inputPaths) { QString inc = "-I" + item; argv[argc] = strdup(inc.toUtf8()); ++argc; } // add external include paths for (uint i = 0; i < includePath.count(); i++) { QString inc = "-I" +; argv[argc++] = strdup(inc.toUtf8()); } // user specified options for (uint i = 0; i < clangFlags.count(); i++) { argv[argc++] = strdup(; } // extra options argv[argc++] = strdup("-ferror-limit=0"); argv[argc++] = strdup("-x"); // Since we can be presented with an .h file that can contain C, C++, or Objective C, // we need to configure the parser before knowing this. // Use the source file to detected the language. Detection will fail if you // pass a bunch of .h files containing ObjC code and no source SrcLangExt lang = getLanguageFromFileName(fileName); if (lang == SrcLangExt_ObjC || p->detectedLang != ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp) { QString fn = fileName; if (p->detectedLang == ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp && (fn.right(4).toLower() == ".cpp" || fn.right(4).toLower() == ".cxx" || fn.right(3).toLower() == ".cc" || fn.right(2).toLower() == ".c")) { // fall back to C/C++ once we see an extension that indicates this p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp; } else if (fn.right(3).toLower() == ".mm") { // switch to Objective C++ p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp; } else if (fn.right(2).toLower() == ".m") { // switch to Objective C p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC; } } switch (p->detectedLang) { case ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp: argv[argc++] = strdup("c++"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC: argv[argc++] = strdup("objective-c"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp: argv[argc++] = strdup("objective-c++"); break; } // provide the input and and its dependencies as unsaved files so we can pass the filtered versions static bool filterSourceFiles = Config::getBool("filter-source-files"); argv[argc++] = strdup(fileName.toUtf8()); uint numUnsavedFiles = includeFiles.count() + 1; p->numFiles = numUnsavedFiles; p->sources = new QByteArray[numUnsavedFiles]; p->ufs = new CXUnsavedFile[numUnsavedFiles]; p->sources[0] = detab(fileToString(fileName, filterSourceFiles, true)).toUtf8(); p->ufs[0].Filename = strdup(fileName.toUtf8()); p->ufs[0].Contents = p->sources[0].constData(); p->ufs[0].Length = p->sources[0].length(); // uint i = 1; for (auto item : includeFiles) { p->fileMapping.insert(item, i); p->sources[i] = detab(fileToString(item, filterSourceFiles, true)).toUtf8(); p->ufs[i].Filename = strdup(item.toUtf8()); p->ufs[i].Contents = p->sources[i].constData(); p->ufs[i].Length = p->sources[i].length(); i++; } // let libclang do the actual parsing CXErrorCode errorCode = clang_parseTranslationUnit2(p->index, 0, argv, argc, 0, 0, CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord, &(p->tu) ); // free arguments for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); if (p->tu) { // filter out any includes not found by the clang parser determineInputFiles(includeFiles); // show any warnings the compiler produced uint n = clang_getNumDiagnostics(p->tu); for (uint i = 0; i != n; ++i) { CXDiagnostic diag = clang_getDiagnostic(p->tu, i); CXString string = clang_formatDiagnostic(diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); err("Clang parser warning -- %s\n", clang_getCString(string)); clang_disposeString(string); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diag); } // create a source range for the given file QFileInfo fi(fileName); CXFile f = clang_getFile(p->tu, fileName.toUtf8()); CXSourceLocation fileBegin = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, 0); CXSourceLocation fileEnd = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, p->ufs[0].Length); CXSourceRange fileRange = clang_getRange(fileBegin, fileEnd); // produce a token stream for the file clang_tokenize(p->tu, fileRange, &p->tokens, &p->numTokens); // produce cursors for each token in the stream p->cursors = new CXCursor[p->numTokens]; clang_annotateTokens(p->tu, p->tokens, p->numTokens, p->cursors); } else { p->tokens = 0; p->numTokens = 0; p->cursors = 0; err("Clang failed to parse translation unit -- %s\n", qPrintable(fileName)); } }
/*! Write a source listing of this file to the output */ void FileDef::writeSource(OutputList &ol) { static bool generateTreeView = Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW"); static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool("FILTER_SOURCE_FILES"); static bool latexSourceCode = Config_getBool("LATEX_SOURCE_CODE"); QCString title = docname; if (!fileVersion.isEmpty()) { title+=(" ("+fileVersion+")"); } QCString pageTitle = theTranslator->trSourceFile(title); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF); if (!latexSourceCode) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); if (Config_getBool("SHOW_DIRECTORIES") && getDirDef()) { startFile(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0,pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible, !generateTreeView,getOutputFileBase()); if (!generateTreeView) { getDirDef()->writeNavigationPath(ol); ol.endQuickIndices(); } startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase()); ol.parseText(name()); endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title); } else { startFile(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0,pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible, !generateTreeView,getOutputFileBase()); startTitle(ol,getSourceFileBase()); ol.parseText(title); endTitle(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0); } ol.startContents(); if (isLinkable()) { if (latexSourceCode) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); ol.startTextLink(getOutputFileBase(),0); ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGotoDocumentation()); ol.endTextLink(); if (latexSourceCode) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex); } ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(getDefFileExtension()); pIntf->resetCodeParserState(); ol.startCodeFragment(); pIntf->parseCode(ol,0, fileToString(absFilePath(),filterSourceFiles,TRUE), FALSE,0,this ); ol.endCodeFragment(); ol.endContents(); if (generateTreeView) { writeNavigationPath(ol); endFile(ol,TRUE); } else { endFile(ol); } ol.enableAll(); }
void ClangParser::start(const char *fileName,QStrList &filesInTranslationUnit) { static bool clangAssistedParsing = Config_getBool("CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING"); static QStrList &includePath = Config_getList("INCLUDE_PATH"); static QStrList clangOptions = Config_getList("CLANG_OPTIONS"); if (!clangAssistedParsing) return; //printf("ClangParser::start(%s)\n",fileName); p->fileName = fileName; p->index = clang_createIndex(0, 0); p->curLine = 1; p->curToken = 0; char **argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(4+Doxygen::inputPaths.count()+includePath.count()+clangOptions.count())); QDictIterator<void> di(Doxygen::inputPaths); int argc=0; // add include paths for input files for (di.toFirst();di.current();++di,++argc) { QCString inc = QCString("-I")+di.currentKey(); argv[argc]=strdup(; //printf("argv[%d]=%s\n",argc,argv[argc]); } // add external include paths for (uint i=0;i<includePath.count();i++) { QCString inc = QCString("-I"); argv[argc++]=strdup(; } // user specified options for (uint i=0;i<clangOptions.count();i++) { argv[argc++]=strdup(; } // extra options argv[argc++]=strdup("-ferror-limit=0"); argv[argc++]=strdup("-x"); // Since we can be presented with a .h file that can contain C/C++ or // Objective C code and we need to configure the parser before knowing this, // we use the source file to detected the language. Detection will fail if you // pass a bunch of .h files containing ObjC code, and no sources :-( SrcLangExt lang = getLanguageFromFileName(fileName); if (lang==SrcLangExt_ObjC || p->detectedLang!=ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp) { QCString fn = fileName; if (p->detectedLang==ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp && (fn.right(4).lower()==".cpp" || fn.right(4).lower()==".cxx" || fn.right(3).lower()==".cc" || fn.right(2).lower()==".c")) { // fall back to C/C++ once we see an extension that indicates this p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp; } else if (fn.right(3).lower()==".mm") // switch to Objective C++ { p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp; } else if (fn.right(2).lower()==".m") // switch to Objective C { p->detectedLang = ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC; } } switch(p->detectedLang) { case ClangParser::Private::Detected_Cpp: argv[argc++]=strdup("c++"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjC: argv[argc++]=strdup("objective-c"); break; case ClangParser::Private::Detected_ObjCpp: argv[argc++]=strdup("objective-c++"); break; } // provide the input and and its dependencies as unsaved files so we can // pass the filtered versions argv[argc++]=strdup(fileName); static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool("FILTER_SOURCE_FILES"); //printf("source %s ----------\n%s\n-------------\n\n", // fileName,p->; uint numUnsavedFiles = filesInTranslationUnit.count()+1; p->numFiles = numUnsavedFiles; p->sources = new QCString[numUnsavedFiles]; p->ufs = new CXUnsavedFile[numUnsavedFiles]; p->sources[0] = detab(fileToString(fileName,filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[0].Filename = strdup(fileName); p->ufs[0].Contents = p->sources[0].data(); p->ufs[0].Length = p->sources[0].length(); QStrListIterator it(filesInTranslationUnit); uint i=1; for (it.toFirst();it.current() && i<numUnsavedFiles;++it,i++) { p->fileMapping.insert(it.current(),new uint(i)); p->sources[i] = detab(fileToString(it.current(),filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[i].Filename = strdup(it.current()); p->ufs[i].Contents = p->sources[i].data(); p->ufs[i].Length = p->sources[i].length(); } // let libclang do the actual parsing p->tu = clang_parseTranslationUnit(p->index, 0, argv, argc, p->ufs, numUnsavedFiles, CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord); // free arguments for (int i=0;i<argc;++i) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); if (p->tu) { // filter out any includes not found by the clang parser determineInputFilesInSameTu(filesInTranslationUnit); // show any warnings that the compiler produced for (uint i=0, n=clang_getNumDiagnostics(p->tu); i!=n; ++i) { CXDiagnostic diag = clang_getDiagnostic(p->tu, i); CXString string = clang_formatDiagnostic(diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); err("%s [clang]\n",clang_getCString(string)); clang_disposeString(string); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diag); } // create a source range for the given file QFileInfo fi(fileName); CXFile f = clang_getFile(p->tu, fileName); CXSourceLocation fileBegin = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, 0); CXSourceLocation fileEnd = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, p->ufs[0].Length); CXSourceRange fileRange = clang_getRange(fileBegin, fileEnd); // produce a token stream for the file clang_tokenize(p->tu,fileRange,&p->tokens,&p->numTokens); // produce cursors for each token in the stream p->cursors=new CXCursor[p->numTokens]; clang_annotateTokens(p->tu,p->tokens,p->numTokens,p->cursors); } else { p->tokens = 0; p->numTokens = 0; p->cursors = 0; err("clang: Failed to parse translation unit %s\n",fileName); } }