// input host based link
// output ip based link
char *wins_resolve(char *link) {
    char *iplink = NULL;
    static char *nbtscan_outfile = NULL;
    static char *workgroup = NULL;
    static int updated_wins_file=0;

    if (workgroup == NULL ) {
       workgroup = setting_val("workgroup");
    HTML_LOG(0,"wins_resolve workgroup[%s]",workgroup);

    if (nbtscan_outfile  == NULL ) {
    HTML_LOG(0,"wins_resolve nbtscan_outfile[%s]",nbtscan_outfile);

    if (!updated_wins_file && ( !exists(nbtscan_outfile) || file_age(nbtscan_outfile) > 60*60*24 ) ) {
        char *cmd;
        int c = cidr(setting_val("eth_netmask"));
        // Avoid scanning too many ips 
        // we can just scan a /21 subnet in about 25 secs.
        if (c < 21 ) c = 21; 
        ovs_asprintf(&cmd,"nbtscan -T 1 %s/%d > '%s/conf/wins.txt' && chown nmt:nmt '%s/conf/wins.txt'",
        if (system(cmd) == 0) {
        } else {
            HTML_LOG(0,"ERROR wins_resolve running [%s]",cmd);

    char *host = link + 6;
    char *hostend = strchr(host,'/');
    *hostend = '\0';

    FILE *fp = util_open(nbtscan_outfile,"r");
    if (fp) {
#define WINS_BUFSIZE 200
        char buf[WINS_BUFSIZE];


        while(fgets(buf,WINS_BUFSIZE,fp)) {


            HTML_LOG(0,"Check wins %s",buf);
            char *p=NULL;

            // Ignore the workgroup
            p = strchr(buf,'\\');
            if (p != NULL) {
            // Look for host in output of nbtscan (which is run by the catalog process)
            if ((p=delimited_substring(buf," ",workgroup,"\\",0,0)) != NULL) {
                p += 1+strlen(workgroup);
            if (p) {
                if (util_starts_with_ignore_case(p,host) && p[strlen(host)] == ' ' ) {
                    // found it - get ip address from the start.
                    char *sp = strchr(buf,' ');
                    if (sp) {

    *hostend = '/';
    HTML_LOG(0,"New ip based link = [%s]",iplink);
    return iplink;
static	void	ksk_roll (const char *keyname, int phase, const dki_t *list, const zconf_t *conf)
	char    path[MAX_PATHSIZE+1];
	zconf_t localconf;
	const char *dir;
	dki_t	*keylist;
	dki_t	*dkp;
	dki_t	*standby;
	int	parent_exist;
	int	parent_age;
	int	parent_phase;
	int	parent_propagation;
	int	key_ttl;
	int	ksk;

	if ( phase == 9 )	/* usage */
		fprintf (stderr, "A KSK rollover requires three consecutive steps:\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "-1%s", loptstr ("|--ksk-roll-phase1 (--ksk-newkey)\n", ""));
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Create a new KSK.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t This step also creates a parent-<domain> file which contains only\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t the _old_ key.  This file will be copied in hierarchical mode\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t by dnssec-signer to the parent directory as keyset-<domain> file.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Wait until the new keyset is propagated, before going to the next step.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "-2%s", loptstr ("|--ksk-roll-phase2 (--ksk-publish)\n", ""));
		fprintf (stderr, "\t This step creates a parent-<domain> file with the _new_ key only.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Please send this file immediately to the parent (In hierarchical\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t mode this will be done automatically by the dnssec-signer command).\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Then wait until the new DS is generated by the parent and propagated\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t to all the parent name server, plus the old DS TTL before going to step three.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "-3%s", loptstr ("|--ksk-roll-phase3 (--ksk-delkey)\n", ""));
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Remove (rename) the old KSK and the parent-<domain> file.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t You have to manually delete the old KSK (look at file names beginning\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\t with an lower 'k').\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "-0%s", loptstr ("|--ksk-roll-stat (--ksk-status)\n", ""));
		fprintf (stderr, "\t Show the current KSK rollover state of a domain.\n");

		fprintf (stderr, "\n");


	if ( keyname == NULL || *keyname == '\0' )
		fatal ("ksk rollover: no domain!");

	dbg_val2 ("ksk_roll: keyname %s, phase = %d\n", keyname, phase);

	/* search for already existent key to get the directory name */
	if ( (keylist = (dki_t *)zkt_search (list, 0, keyname)) == NULL )
		fatal ("ksk rollover: domain %s not found!\n", keyname);
	dkp = keylist;

	/* try to read local config file */
	dir = dkp->dname;
	pathname (path, sizeof (path), dir, LOCALCONF_FILE, NULL);
	if ( fileexist (path) )                 /* load local config file */
		dbg_val ("Load local config file \"%s\"\n", path);
		memcpy (&localconf, conf, sizeof (zconf_t));
		conf = loadconfig (path, &localconf);
	key_ttl = conf->key_ttl;

	/* check if parent-file already exist */
	pathname (path, sizeof (path), dir, "parent-", keyname);
	parent_phase = parent_age = 0;
	if ( (parent_exist = fileexist (path)) != 0 )
		parent_phase = get_parent_phase (path);
		parent_age = file_age (path);
	// parent_propagation = 2 * DAYSEC;
	parent_propagation = 5 * MINSEC;

	ksk = 0;	/* count active(!) key signing keys */
	standby = NULL;	/* find standby key if available */
	for ( dkp = keylist; dkp; dkp = dkp->next )
		if ( dki_isksk (dkp) )
			if ( dki_status (dkp) == DKI_ACT )
			else if ( dki_status (dkp) == DKI_PUB )
				standby = dkp;

	switch ( phase )
	case 0:	/* print status (debug) */
		fprintf (stdout, "ksk_rollover:\n");
		fprintf (stdout, "\t domain = %s\n", keyname);
		fprintf (stdout, "\t phase = %d\n", parent_phase);
		fprintf (stdout, "\t parent_file %s %s\n", path, parent_exist ? "exist": "not exist");
		if ( parent_exist )
			fprintf (stdout, "\t age of parent_file %d %s\n", parent_age, str_delspace (age2str (parent_age)));
		fprintf (stdout, "\t # of active key signing keys %d\n", ksk);
		fprintf (stdout, "\t parent_propagation %d %s\n", parent_propagation, str_delspace (age2str (parent_propagation)));
		fprintf (stdout, "\t keys ttl %d %s\n", key_ttl, age2str (key_ttl));

		for ( dkp = keylist; dkp; dkp = dkp->next )
			/* TODO: Nur zum testen */
			dki_prt_dnskey (dkp, stdout);
	case 1:
		if ( parent_exist || ksk > 1 )
			fatal ("Can\'t create new ksk because there is already an ksk rollover in progress\n");

		fprintf (stdout, "create new ksk \n");
		dkp = dki_new (dir, keyname, DKI_KSK, conf->k_algo, conf->k_bits, conf->k_random, conf->k_life / DAYSEC);
		if ( dkp == NULL )
			fatal ("Can't create key %s: %s!\n", keyname, dki_geterrstr ());
		if ( standby )
			dki_setstatus (standby, DKI_ACT);	/* activate standby key */
			dki_setstatus (dkp, DKI_PUB);	/* new key will be the new standby */

		// dkp = keylist;	/* use old key to create the parent file */
		if ( (dkp = (dki_t *)dki_findalgo (keylist, 1, conf->k_algo, 'a', 1)) == NULL )	/* find the oldest active ksk to create the parent file */
			fatal ("ksk_rollover phase1: Couldn't find the old active key\n");
		if ( !create_parent_file (path, phase, key_ttl, dkp) )
			fatal ("Couldn't create parentfile %s\n", path);

	case 2:
		if ( ksk < 2 )
			fatal ("Can\'t publish new key because no one exist\n");
		if ( !parent_exist )
			fatal ("More than one KSK but no parent file found!\n");
		if ( parent_phase != 1 )
			fatal ("Parent file exists but is in wrong state (phase = %d)\n", parent_phase);
		if ( parent_age < conf->proptime + key_ttl )
			fatal ("ksk_rollover (phase2): you have to wait for the propagation of the new KSK (at least %dsec or %s)\n",
				conf->proptime + key_ttl - parent_age,
				str_delspace (age2str (conf->proptime + key_ttl - parent_age)));

		fprintf (stdout, "save new ksk in parent file\n");
		dkp = keylist->next;	/* set dkp to new ksk */
		if ( !create_parent_file (path, phase, key_ttl, dkp) )
			fatal ("Couldn't create parentfile %s\n", path);
	case 3:
		if ( !parent_exist || ksk < 2 )
			fatal ("ksk-delkey only allowed after ksk-publish\n");
		if ( parent_phase != 2 )
			fatal ("Parent file exists but is in wrong state (phase = %d)\n", parent_phase);
		if ( parent_age < parent_propagation + key_ttl )
			fatal ("ksk_rollover (phase3): you have to wait for DS propagation (at least %dsec or %s)\n",
				parent_propagation + key_ttl - parent_age,
				str_delspace (age2str (parent_propagation + key_ttl - parent_age)));
		/* remove the parentfile */
		fprintf (stdout, "remove parentfile \n");
		unlink (path);
		/* remove or rename the old key */
		fprintf (stdout, "old ksk renamed \n");
		dkp = keylist;	/* set dkp to old ksk */
		dki_remove (dkp);
	default:	assert (phase == 1 || phase == 2 || phase == 3);