** Add a single file named zName to the VFILE table with vid.
** Omit any file whose name is pOmit.
static int add_one_file(
  const char *zPath,   /* Tree-name of file to add. */
  int vid,             /* Add to this VFILE */
  int caseSensitive    /* True if filenames are case sensitive */
  const char *zCollate = caseSensitive ? "binary" : "nocase";
  if( !file_is_simple_pathname(zPath) ){
    fossil_fatal("filename contains illegal characters: %s", zPath);
  if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM vfile"
                " WHERE pathname=%Q COLLATE %s", zPath, zCollate) ){
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET deleted=0"
                  " WHERE pathname=%Q COLLATE %s", zPath, zCollate);
    char *zFullname = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPath);
      "INSERT INTO vfile(vid,deleted,rid,mrid,pathname,isexe,islink)"
      vid, zPath, file_wd_isexe(zFullname), file_wd_islink(zFullname));
  if( db_changes() ){
    fossil_print("ADDED  %s\n", zPath);
    return 1;
    fossil_print("SKIP   %s\n", zPath);
    return 0;
** WEBPAGE: doc
** URL: /doc?name=BASELINE/PATH
** BASELINE can be either a baseline uuid prefix or magic words "tip"
** to mean the most recently checked in baseline or "ckout" to mean the
** content of the local checkout, if any.  PATH is the relative pathname
** of some file.  This method returns the file content.
** If PATH matches the patterns *.wiki or *.txt then formatting content
** is added before returning the file.  For all other names, the content
** is returned straight without any interpretation or processing.
void doc_page(void){
  const char *zName;                /* Argument to the /doc page */
  const char *zMime;                /* Document MIME type */
  int vid = 0;                      /* Artifact of baseline */
  int rid = 0;                      /* Artifact of file */
  int i;                            /* Loop counter */
  Blob filebody;                    /* Content of the documentation file */
  char zBaseline[UUID_SIZE+1];      /* Baseline UUID */

  if( !g.perm.Read ){ login_needed(); return; }
  zName = PD("name", "tip/index.wiki");
  for(i=0; zName[i] && zName[i]!='/'; i++){}
  if( zName[i]==0 || i>UUID_SIZE ){
    zName = "index.html";
    goto doc_not_found;
  memcpy(zBaseline, zName, i);
  zBaseline[i] = 0;
  zName += i;
  while( zName[0]=='/' ){ zName++; }
  if( !file_is_simple_pathname(zName) ){
    int n = strlen(zName);
    if( n>0 && zName[n-1]=='/' ){
      zName = mprintf("%sindex.html", zName);
      if( !file_is_simple_pathname(zName) ){
        goto doc_not_found;
      goto doc_not_found;
  if( fossil_strcmp(zBaseline,"ckout")==0 && db_open_local()==0 ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBaseline), zBaseline, "tip");
  if( fossil_strcmp(zBaseline,"ckout")==0 ){
    /* Read from the local checkout */
    char *zFullpath;
    zFullpath = mprintf("%s/%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);
    if( !file_isfile(zFullpath) ){
      goto doc_not_found;
    if( blob_read_from_file(&filebody, zFullpath)<0 ){
      goto doc_not_found;
    if( fossil_strcmp(zBaseline,"tip")==0 ){
      vid = db_int(0, "SELECT objid FROM event WHERE type='ci'"
                      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1");
      vid = name_to_typed_rid(zBaseline, "ci");

    /* Create the baseline cache if it does not already exist */
      "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vcache(\n"
      "  vid INTEGER,         -- baseline ID\n"
      "  fname TEXT,          -- filename\n"
      "  rid INTEGER,         -- artifact ID\n"
      "  UNIQUE(vid,fname,rid)\n"

    /* Check to see if the documentation file artifact ID is contained
    ** in the baseline cache */
    rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vcache"
                    " WHERE vid=%d AND fname=%Q", vid, zName);
    if( rid==0 && db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM vcache WHERE vid=%d", vid) ){
      goto doc_not_found;

    if( rid==0 ){
      Stmt s;
      Manifest *pM;
      ManifestFile *pFile;

      /* Add the vid baseline to the cache */
      if( db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM vcache")>10000 ){
        db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vcache");
      pM = manifest_get(vid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST);
      if( pM==0 ){
        goto doc_not_found;
        "INSERT INTO vcache(vid,fname,rid)"
        " SELECT %d, :fname, rid FROM blob"
        "  WHERE uuid=:uuid",
      while( (pFile = manifest_file_next(pM,0))!=0 ){
        db_bind_text(&s, ":fname", pFile->zName);
        db_bind_text(&s, ":uuid", pFile->zUuid);

      /* Try again to find the file */
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vcache"
                      " WHERE vid=%d AND fname=%Q", vid, zName);
    if( rid==0 ){
      goto doc_not_found;

    /* Get the file content */
    if( content_get(rid, &filebody)==0 ){
      goto doc_not_found;

  /* The file is now contained in the filebody blob.  Deliver the
  ** file to the user 
  zMime = P("mimetype");
  if( zMime==0 ){
    zMime = mimetype_from_name(zName);
  Th_Store("doc_name", zName);
  Th_Store("doc_version", db_text(0, "SELECT '[' || substr(uuid,1,10) || ']'"
                                     "  FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid));
  Th_Store("doc_date", db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(mtime) FROM event"
                                  " WHERE objid=%d AND type='ci'", vid));
  if( fossil_strcmp(zMime, "application/x-fossil-wiki")==0 ){
    Blob title, tail;
    if( wiki_find_title(&filebody, &title, &tail) ){
      wiki_convert(&tail, 0, 0);
      wiki_convert(&filebody, 0, 0);
  }else if( fossil_strcmp(zMime, "text/plain")==0 ){
    @ <blockquote><pre>