void Bilinear(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
              u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
  u16 *to = (u16 *)dstPtr;
  u16 *to_odd = (u16 *)(dstPtr + dstPitch);

  int from_width = width;
  u16 *from = (u16 *)srcPtr;
  fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_cur, width+1);

  for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    u16 *from_orig = from;
    u16 *to_orig = to;

    if (y+1 < height)
      fill_rgb_row_16(from+width+2, from_width, rgb_row_next,
      fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_next, width+1);

    // every pixel in the src region, is extended to 4 pixels in the
    // destination, arranged in a square 'quad'; if the current src
    // pixel is 'a', then in what follows 'b' is the src pixel to the
    // right, 'c' is the src pixel below, and 'd' is the src pixel to
    // the right and down
    u8 *cur_row  = rgb_row_cur;
    u8 *next_row = rgb_row_next;
    u8 *ar = cur_row++;
    u8 *ag = cur_row++;
    u8 *ab = cur_row++;
    u8 *cr = next_row++;
    u8 *cg = next_row++;
    u8 *cb = next_row++;
    for(int x=0; x < width; x++) {
      u8 *br = cur_row++;
      u8 *bg = cur_row++;
      u8 *bb = cur_row++;
      u8 *dr = next_row++;
      u8 *dg = next_row++;
      u8 *db = next_row++;

      // upper left pixel in quad: just copy it in
      *to++ = RGB(*ar, *ag, *ab);

      // upper right
      *to++ = RGB((*ar+*br)>>1, (*ag+*bg)>>1, (*ab+*bb)>>1);

      // lower left
      *to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*cr)>>1, (*ag+*cg)>>1, (*ab+*cb)>>1);

      // lower right
      *to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*br+*cr+*dr)>>2,

      // 'b' becomes 'a', 'd' becomes 'c'
      ar = br;
      ag = bg;
      ab = bb;
      cr = dr;
      cg = dg;
      cb = db;

    // the "next" rgb row becomes the current; the old current rgb row is
    // recycled and serves as the new "next" row
    u8 *temp;
    temp = rgb_row_cur;
    rgb_row_cur = rgb_row_next;
    rgb_row_next = temp;

    // update the pointers for start of next pair of lines
    from = (u16 *)((u8 *)from_orig + srcPitch);
    to = (u16 *)((u8 *)to_orig + (dstPitch << 1));
    to_odd = (u16 *)((u8 *)to + dstPitch);
文件: bilinear.c 项目: rofl0r/openbor
void BilinearPlus(u8 * srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * deltaPtr, u8 * dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height) {
    int x, y, from_width = width + 1;
    u8 *temp = NULL;
    u16 *to = (u16 *) dstPtr;
    u16 *to_odd = (u16 *) (dstPtr + dstPitch);
    u16 *from = (u16 *) srcPtr;

    fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_cur, width);

    for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        u16 *from_orig = from;
        u16 *to_orig = to;
        u8 *cur_row = NULL;
        u8 *next_row = NULL;
        u8 *ar = NULL;
        u8 *ag = NULL;
        u8 *ab = NULL;
        u8 *cr = NULL;
        u8 *cg = NULL;
        u8 *cb = NULL;

        fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_next, width);

        // every pixel in the src region, is extended to 4 pixels in the
        // destination, arranged in a square 'quad'; if the current src
        // pixel is 'a', then in what follows 'b' is the src pixel to the
        // right, 'c' is the src pixel below, and 'd' is the src pixel to
        // the right and down
        cur_row = rgb_row_cur;
        next_row = rgb_row_next;
        ar = cur_row++;
        ag = cur_row++;
        ab = cur_row++;
        cr = next_row++;
        cg = next_row++;
        cb = next_row++;
        for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            u8 *br = cur_row++;
            u8 *bg = cur_row++;
            u8 *bb = cur_row++;
            u8 *dr = next_row++;
            u8 *dg = next_row++;
            u8 *db = next_row++;

            // upper left pixel in quad: just copy it in
            //*to++ = manip.rgb(*ar, *ag, *ab);

            *to++ = RGB((((*ar) << 2) + ((*ar)) + (*cr + *br + *br)) >> 3,
                        (((*ag) << 2) + ((*ag)) + (*cg + *bg + *bg)) >> 3,
                        (((*ab) << 2) + ((*ab)) + (*cb + *bb + *bb)) >> 3);
            *to++ = RGB((((*ar) << 3) + ((*ar) << 1) + (*cr + *br + *br + *cr)) >> 4,
                        (((*ag) << 3) + ((*ag) << 1) + (*cg + *bg + *bg + *cg)) >> 4,
                        (((*ab) << 3) + ((*ab) << 1) + (*cb + *bb + *bb + *cb)) >> 4);

            // upper right
            *to++ = RGB((*ar + *br) >> 1, (*ag + *bg) >> 1, (*ab + *bb) >> 1);

            // lower left
            *to_odd++ = RGB((*ar + *cr) >> 1, (*ag + *cg) >> 1, (*ab + *cb) >> 1);

            // lower right
            *to_odd++ =
                RGB((*ar + *br + *cr + *dr) >> 2, (*ag + *bg + *cg + *dg) >> 2,
                    (*ab + *bb + *cb + *db) >> 2);

            // 'b' becomes 'a', 'd' becomes 'c'
            ar = br;
            ag = bg;
            ab = bb;
            cr = dr;
            cg = dg;
            cb = db;

        // the "next" rgb row becomes the current; the old current rgb row is
        // recycled and serves as the new "next" row
        temp = rgb_row_cur;
        rgb_row_cur = rgb_row_next;
        rgb_row_next = temp;

        // update the pointers for start of next pair of lines
        from = (u16 *) ((u8 *) from_orig + srcPitch);
        to = (u16 *) ((u8 *) to_orig + (dstPitch << 1));
        to_odd = (u16 *) ((u8 *) to + dstPitch);