	void RenderViewport::SetViewport(FLevelLocals *Level, RenderThread *thread, int fullWidth, int fullHeight, float trueratio)
		int virtheight, virtwidth, virtwidth2, virtheight2;

		if (!RenderingToCanvas)
		{ // Set r_viewsize cvar to reflect the current view size
			UCVarValue value;
			char temp[16];

			mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d x %d", viewwidth, viewheight);
			value.String = temp;
			r_viewsize.ForceSet(value, CVAR_String);

		fuzzviewheight = viewheight - 2;	// Maximum row the fuzzer can draw to

		CenterX = viewwindow.centerx;
		CenterY = viewwindow.centery;

		virtwidth = virtwidth2 = fullWidth;
		virtheight = virtheight2 = fullHeight;

		if (AspectTallerThanWide(trueratio))
			virtheight2 = virtheight2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;
			virtwidth2 = virtwidth2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;

		if (AspectTallerThanWide(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio))
			virtheight = virtheight * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / 48;
			virtwidth = virtwidth * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / 48;

		double ypixelstretch = (Level->info) ? Level->info->pixelstretch : 1.2;

		BaseYaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight2 / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth2);
		YaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth) * ypixelstretch / 1.2;
		IYaspectMul = (double)virtwidth * r_Yaspect / 320.0 / virtheight;
		InvZtoScale = YaspectMul * CenterX;

		WallTMapScale2 = IYaspectMul / CenterX * 1.2 / ypixelstretch;

		// thing clipping
		fillshort(screenheightarray, viewwidth, (short)viewheight);


		// Reset r_*Visibility vars
		thread->Light->SetVisibility(this, r_visibility, !!(Level->flags3 & LEVEL3_NOLIGHTFADE));

void R_ClearPlanes (bool fullclear)
	int i;

	// Don't clear fake planes if not doing a full clear.
	if (!fullclear)
		for (i = 0; i <= MAXVISPLANES-1; i++)	// new code -- killough
			for (visplane_t **probe = &visplanes[i]; *probe != NULL; )
				if ((*probe)->sky < 0)
				{ // fake: move past it
					probe = &(*probe)->next;
				{ // not fake: move to freelist
					visplane_t *vis = *probe;
					*freehead = vis;
					*probe = vis->next;
					vis->next = NULL;
					freehead = &vis->next;
		for (i = 0; i <= MAXVISPLANES; i++)	// new code -- killough
			for (*freehead = visplanes[i], visplanes[i] = NULL; *freehead; )
				freehead = &(*freehead)->next;

		// opening / clipping determination
		fillshort (floorclip, viewwidth, viewheight);
		// [RH] clip ceiling to console bottom
		fillshort (ceilingclip, viewwidth,
			!screen->Accel2D && ConBottom > viewwindowy && !bRenderingToCanvas
			? (ConBottom - viewwindowy) : 0);

		lastopening = 0;
DLightningThinker::DLightningThinker ()
	Stopped = false;
	LightningFlashCount = 0;
	NextLightningFlash = ((pr_lightning()&15)+5)*35; // don't flash at level start

	fillshort(&LightningLightLevels[0], LightningLightLevels.Size(), SHRT_MAX);
void P_FindParticleSubsectors (FLevelLocals *Level)
	if (Level->ParticlesInSubsec.Size() < Level->subsectors.Size())
		Level->ParticlesInSubsec.Reserve (Level->subsectors.Size() - Level->ParticlesInSubsec.Size());

	fillshort (&Level->ParticlesInSubsec[0], Level->subsectors.Size(), NO_PARTICLE);

	if (!r_particles)
	for (uint16_t i = Level->ActiveParticles; i != NO_PARTICLE; i = Level->Particles[i].tnext)
		 // Try to reuse the subsector from the last portal check, if still valid.
		if (Level->Particles[i].subsector == nullptr) Level->Particles[i].subsector = Level->PointInRenderSubsector(Level->Particles[i].Pos);
		int ssnum = Level->Particles[i].subsector->Index();
		Level->Particles[i].snext = Level->ParticlesInSubsec[ssnum];
		Level->ParticlesInSubsec[ssnum] = i;
void DLightningThinker::LightningFlash ()
	int i, j;
	sector_t *tempSec;
	uint8_t flashLight;

	if (LightningFlashCount)
		if (LightningFlashCount)
		{ // reduce the brightness of the flash
			tempSec = &level.sectors[0];
			for (i = level.sectors.Size(), j = 0; i > 0; ++j, --i, ++tempSec)
				// [RH] Checking this sector's applicability to lightning now
				// is not enough to know if we should lower its light level,
				// because it might have changed since the lightning flashed.
				// Instead, change the light if this sector was effected by
				// the last flash.
				if (LightningLightLevels[j] < tempSec->lightlevel-4)
		{ // remove the alternate lightning flash special
			tempSec = &level.sectors[0];
			for (i = level.sectors.Size(), j = 0; i > 0; ++j, --i, ++tempSec)
				if (LightningLightLevels[j] != SHRT_MAX)
			fillshort(&LightningLightLevels[0], level.sectors.Size(), SHRT_MAX);
			level.flags &= ~LEVEL_SWAPSKIES;

	LightningFlashCount = (pr_lightning()&7)+8;
	flashLight = 200+(pr_lightning()&31);
	tempSec = &level.sectors[0];
	for (i = level.sectors.Size(), j = 0; i > 0; ++j, --i, ++tempSec)
		// allow combination of the lightning sector specials with bit masks
		int special = tempSec->special;
		if (tempSec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum
			|| special == Light_IndoorLightning1
			|| special == Light_IndoorLightning2
			|| special == Light_OutdoorLightning)
			LightningLightLevels[j] = tempSec->lightlevel;
			if (special == Light_IndoorLightning1)
				tempSec->SetLightLevel(MIN<int> (tempSec->lightlevel+64, flashLight));
			else if (special == Light_IndoorLightning2)
				tempSec->SetLightLevel(MIN<int> (tempSec->lightlevel+32, flashLight));
			if (tempSec->lightlevel < LightningLightLevels[j])
			{ // The lightning is darker than this sector already is, so no lightning here.
				LightningLightLevels[j] = SHRT_MAX;

	level.flags |= LEVEL_SWAPSKIES;	// set alternate sky
	S_Sound (CHAN_AUTO, "world/thunder", 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
	// [ZZ] just in case
	// start LIGHTNING scripts
	FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Lightning, NULL, false);	// [RH] Run lightning scripts

	// Calculate the next lighting flash
	if (!NextLightningFlash)
		if (pr_lightning() < 50)
		{ // Immediate Quick flash
			NextLightningFlash = (pr_lightning()&15)+16;
			if (pr_lightning() < 128 && !(level.time&32))
				NextLightningFlash = ((pr_lightning()&7)+2)*35;
				NextLightningFlash = ((pr_lightning()&15)+5)*35;
visplane_t *R_CheckPlane (visplane_t *pl, int start, int stop)
	int intrl, intrh;
	int unionl, unionh;
	int x;

	assert (start >= 0 && start < viewwidth);
	assert (stop > start && stop <= viewwidth);

	if (start < pl->left)
		intrl = pl->left;
		unionl = start;
		unionl = pl->left;
		intrl = start;
	if (stop > pl->right)
		intrh = pl->right;
		unionh = stop;
		unionh = pl->right;
		intrh = stop;

	for (x = intrl; x < intrh && pl->top[x] == 0x7fff; x++)

	if (x >= intrh)
		// use the same visplane
		pl->left = unionl;
		pl->right = unionh;
		// make a new visplane
		unsigned hash;

		if (pl->portal != NULL && !(pl->portal->mFlags & PORTSF_INSKYBOX) && viewactive)
			hash = visplane_hash (pl->picnum.GetIndex(), pl->lightlevel, pl->height);
		visplane_t *new_pl = new_visplane (hash);

		new_pl->height = pl->height;
		new_pl->picnum = pl->picnum;
		new_pl->lightlevel = pl->lightlevel;
		new_pl->xform = pl->xform;
		new_pl->colormap = pl->colormap;
		new_pl->portal = pl->portal;
		new_pl->extralight = pl->extralight;
		new_pl->visibility = pl->visibility;
		new_pl->viewpos = pl->viewpos;
		new_pl->viewangle = pl->viewangle;
		new_pl->sky = pl->sky;
		new_pl->Alpha = pl->Alpha;
		new_pl->Additive = pl->Additive;
		new_pl->CurrentPortalUniq = pl->CurrentPortalUniq;
		new_pl->MirrorFlags = pl->MirrorFlags;
		new_pl->CurrentSkybox = pl->CurrentSkybox;
		pl = new_pl;
		pl->left = start;
		pl->right = stop;
		fillshort (pl->top, viewwidth, 0x7fff);
	return pl;
visplane_t *R_FindPlane (const secplane_t &height, FTextureID picnum, int lightlevel, double Alpha, bool additive,
						const FTransform &xxform,
						 int sky, FSectorPortal *portal)
	secplane_t plane;
	visplane_t *check;
	unsigned hash;						// killough
	bool isskybox;
	const FTransform *xform = &xxform;
	fixed_t alpha = FLOAT2FIXED(Alpha);
	//angle_t angle = (xform.Angle + xform.baseAngle).BAMs();

	FTransform nulltransform;

	if (picnum == skyflatnum)	// killough 10/98
	{ // most skies map together
		lightlevel = 0;
		xform = &nulltransform;
		nulltransform.xOffs = nulltransform.yOffs = nulltransform.baseyOffs = 0;
		nulltransform.xScale = nulltransform.yScale = 1;
		nulltransform.Angle = nulltransform.baseAngle = 0.0;
		additive = false;
		// [RH] Map floor skies and ceiling skies to separate visplanes. This isn't
		// always necessary, but it is needed if a floor and ceiling sky are in the
		// same column but separated by a wall. If they both try to reside in the
		// same visplane, then only the floor sky will be drawn.
		plane.set(0., 0., height.fC(), 0.);
		isskybox = portal != NULL && !(portal->mFlags & PORTSF_INSKYBOX);
	else if (portal != NULL && !(portal->mFlags & PORTSF_INSKYBOX))
		plane = height;
		isskybox = true;
		plane = height;
		isskybox = false;
		// kg3D - hack, store alpha in sky
		// i know there is ->alpha, but this also allows to identify fake plane
		// and ->alpha is for stacked sectors
		if (fake3D & (FAKE3D_FAKEFLOOR|FAKE3D_FAKECEILING)) sky = 0x80000000 | fakeAlpha;
		else sky = 0;	// not skyflatnum so it can't be a sky
		portal = NULL;
		alpha = OPAQUE;

	// New visplane algorithm uses hash table -- killough
	hash = isskybox ? MAXVISPLANES : visplane_hash (picnum.GetIndex(), lightlevel, height);

	for (check = visplanes[hash]; check; check = check->next)	// killough
		if (isskybox)
			if (portal == check->portal && plane == check->height)
				if (portal->mType != PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT)
				{ // This skybox is really a stacked sector, so we need to
				  // check even more.
					if (check->extralight == stacked_extralight &&
						check->visibility == stacked_visibility &&
						check->viewpos == stacked_viewpos &&
							// headache inducing logic... :(
							(portal->mType != PORTS_STACKEDSECTORTHING) ||
								check->Alpha == alpha &&
								check->Additive == additive &&
								(alpha == 0 ||	// if alpha is > 0 everything needs to be checked
									(plane == check->height &&
									 picnum == check->picnum &&
									 lightlevel == check->lightlevel &&
									 basecolormap == check->colormap &&	// [RH] Add more checks
									 *xform == check->xform
								) &&
								check->viewangle == stacked_angle
						return check;
					return check;
		if (plane == check->height &&
			picnum == check->picnum &&
			lightlevel == check->lightlevel &&
			basecolormap == check->colormap &&	// [RH] Add more checks
			*xform == check->xform &&
			sky == check->sky &&
			CurrentPortalUniq == check->CurrentPortalUniq &&
			MirrorFlags == check->MirrorFlags &&
			CurrentSkybox == check->CurrentSkybox &&
			ViewPos == check->viewpos
		  return check;

	check = new_visplane (hash);		// killough

	check->height = plane;
	check->picnum = picnum;
	check->lightlevel = lightlevel;
	check->xform = *xform;
	check->colormap = basecolormap;		// [RH] Save colormap
	check->sky = sky;
	check->portal = portal;
	check->left = viewwidth;			// Was SCREENWIDTH -- killough 11/98
	check->right = 0;
	check->extralight = stacked_extralight;
	check->visibility = stacked_visibility;
	check->viewpos = stacked_viewpos;
	check->viewangle = stacked_angle;
	check->Alpha = alpha;
	check->Additive = additive;
	check->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
	check->MirrorFlags = MirrorFlags;
	check->CurrentSkybox = CurrentSkybox;

	fillshort (check->top, viewwidth, 0x7fff);

	return check;