文件: Point.cpp 项目: crazyboymx/TD
bool findIntersection(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& d1, const Point& d2, Point& intersection) 
    float pOffset = 0;
    float pSlope = findSlope(p1, p2, pOffset);

    float dOffset = 0;
    float dSlope = findSlope(d1, d2, dOffset);

    if (dSlope == pSlope)
        return false;

    if (pSlope == std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
        intersection.setY(dSlope * intersection.x() + dOffset);
        return true;
    if (dSlope == std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
        intersection.setY(pSlope * intersection.x() + pOffset);
        return true;

    // Find x at intersection, where ys overlap; x = (c' - c) / (m - m')
    intersection.setX((dOffset - pOffset) / (pSlope - dSlope));
    intersection.setY(pSlope * intersection.x() + pOffset);
    return true;
double * findLine(waypoint currentPos, waypoint newPos, double * mb){ //mb needs to have space for two doubles
	mb[0] = findSlope(currentPos, newPos);
	mb[1] = currentPos.y - mb[0]*currentPos.x;
	return mb;
double quickOptAllAntSteps(double *par, double *eventNumberIndex, double *thetaWaveIndex, double *phiWaveIndex, int *antIndex1, int *antIndex2, double *maxCorrTimeIndex, bool *adjacent){


  const int BIGNUMBER = 30000;//18500;

  AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol = AnitaPol::kHorizontal;
  // AnitaPol::AnitaPol_t pol = AnitaPol::kVertical;
  Double_t sourceLat, sourceLon, sourceAlt, timeOffset;
  char cpol[100];

  if (pol == AnitaPol::kVertical){
    sourceLat = - (79 + (27.93728/60));
    sourceLon = -(112 + (6.74974/60));
    sourceAlt = 1813.42;
    timeOffset = + 92.8;
    //    timeOffset = -99756.6;
    sprintf(cpol, "VPOL");
    sourceLat = - (79 + (27.94097/60));
    sourceLon = -(112 + (6.76208/60));
    sourceAlt = 1819.62;
    timeOffset = + 92.8;
    sprintf(cpol, "HPOL");

  Double_t deltaR[MAX_ANTENNAS]={0};  
  Double_t deltaZ[MAX_ANTENNAS]={0};  
  Double_t deltaPhi[MAX_ANTENNAS]={0};  
  Double_t deltaCableDelays[MAX_ANTENNAS]={0};  

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i<MAX_ANTENNAS;++i){
    deltaCableDelays[i] = par[i+MAX_ANTENNAS*3];
    //    cout << "ant" << i << ": " << deltaR[i] << " " << deltaZ[i] << " " << deltaPhi[i] << " " << deltaCableDelays[i] << endl;


  double **AdjacentAntDeltaT;
  double **AdjacentAntPhiWave;
  double **VerticalAntDeltaT;
  double **VerticalAntPhiWave;

  AdjacentAntDeltaT = new double*[48]; // Top ring 0-15, Middle ring 16-31, Bottom ring 32-47
  AdjacentAntPhiWave = new double*[48]; 
  VerticalAntDeltaT = new double*[48]; // Top-Middle ring 0-15, Middle-Bottom ring 16-31, Top-Bottom ring 32-47
  VerticalAntPhiWave = new double*[48]; 
  for (unsigned int i=0;i<48;++i){
    AdjacentAntDeltaT[i] = new double[BIGNUMBER];
    AdjacentAntPhiWave[i] = new double[BIGNUMBER];
    VerticalAntDeltaT[i] = new double[BIGNUMBER];
    VerticalAntPhiWave[i] = new double[BIGNUMBER];

  Int_t countAdjacent[48]={0};
  Int_t countVertical[48]={0};
  Int_t countHorz[48]={0};

  for (unsigned int ant=0;ant<MAX_ANTENNAS;++ant){
    antPhi[ant] = fGeomTool->getAntPhiPositionRelToAftFore(ant, pol);
    //    meanPhi[ant] = fGeomTool->getAntPhiPosition(ant, pol);

  Double_t additionalPhi = 22.5*TMath::DegToRad();

  Double_t phiWave, thetaWave, deltaTExpected, maxCorrTime;

  Float_t lower, upper;
  Float_t TwoPi = TMath::Pi()*2;

  unsigned int ant1, ant2, vert;

  int arrayCount =0;

  Int_t entry =0;

  while(antIndex1[entry]!=-999) {
    //    std::cout << entry << "%        \r" << flush;    
    thetaWave = thetaWaveIndex[entry];
    phiWave = phiWaveIndex[entry];
    maxCorrTime = maxCorrTimeIndex[entry];
    ant1 = antIndex1[entry];
    ant2 = antIndex2[entry];
    //       deltaTExpected=usefulPat.getDeltaTExpectedOpt(ant1, ant2, sourceLon, sourceLat, sourceAlt, deltaR, deltaZ, deltaPhi) + deltaCableDelays[ant1] - deltaCableDelays[ant2];
    deltaTExpected = getDeltaTExpectedOpt(ant1, ant2, thetaWave, phiWave, deltaR, deltaZ, deltaPhi) + deltaCableDelays[ant1] - deltaCableDelays[ant2];
//     if ((maxCorrTime-deltaTExpected)*(maxCorrTime-deltaTExpected)>1){
//       entry++;
//       continue;
//     }
    //     lower  = antPhi[ant1] - additionalPhi ;
    //     upper = antPhi[ant2] + additionalPhi ;
    //     if (lower<0) lower+=TwoPi;
    //     if (upper>TwoPi) upper-=TwoPi;
    //     if (lower>upper){
    //       if (phiWave<TwoPi*0.5) lower-=TwoPi;
    //       else upper+=TwoPi;
    //     }
    //     if (phiWave<lower || phiWave>upper){
    //       entry++;
    //       continue;
    //     }
    if (adjacent[entry]){
      AdjacentAntDeltaT[ant1][countAdjacent[ant1]] = (maxCorrTime - deltaTExpected);
      AdjacentAntPhiWave[ant1][countAdjacent[ant1]] = (phiWave);
    }else {
      if (ant1<16){
	if (ant2<32) vert = ant1;
	else vert = ant2;
      } else {
	vert = ant1;
      VerticalAntDeltaT[vert][countVertical[vert]] = (maxCorrTime - deltaTExpected);
      VerticalAntPhiWave[vert][countVertical[vert]] = (phiWave);

  Double_t sumMeanAdj = getMean(AdjacentAntDeltaT, countAdjacent)*10000;
  Double_t sumMeanVert = getMean(VerticalAntDeltaT, countVertical)*10000;
  Double_t sumRMSAdj = 0; //getRMS(AdjacentAntDeltaT, countAdjacent)*100;
  Double_t sumRMSVert = 0;//getRMS(VerticalAntDeltaT, countVertical)*100;
  Double_t sumGRADAdj = findSlope(AdjacentAntPhiWave, AdjacentAntDeltaT, countAdjacent)*100;
  Double_t sumGRADVert = findSlope(VerticalAntPhiWave, VerticalAntDeltaT, countVertical)*100;

  for(unsigned int ants = 0; ants < MAX_ANTENNAS; ++ants){

    delete [] AdjacentAntPhiWave[ants];
    delete [] AdjacentAntDeltaT[ants];   

    delete [] VerticalAntPhiWave[ants];
    delete [] VerticalAntDeltaT[ants];    
  delete [] AdjacentAntDeltaT;
  delete [] AdjacentAntPhiWave;
  delete [] VerticalAntDeltaT;
  delete [] VerticalAntPhiWave;

  cout << sumMeanAdj << "  " << sumRMSAdj << " " << sumGRADAdj << " " << sumMeanVert << " " << sumRMSVert << " " << sumGRADVert << endl;
  return (sumMeanAdj+sumRMSAdj+sumGRADAdj+sumMeanVert+sumRMSVert+sumGRADVert);