// TODO: Use model evaluation in Z3
bool Z3BaseSolverImpl::computeValue(const Query &query, ref<Expr> &result) {
    std::vector<const Array*> objects;
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
    bool hasSolution;

    findSymbolicObjects(query.expr, objects);
    if (!computeInitialValues(query.withFalse(), objects, values, hasSolution))
        return false;
    assert(hasSolution && "state has invalid constraint set");

    Assignment a(objects, values);
    result = a.evaluate(query.expr);

    return true;
bool Z3SolverImpl::computeValue(const Query &query, ref<Expr> &result) {
  std::vector<const Array *> objects;
  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > values;
  bool hasSolution;

  // Find the object used in the expression, and compute an assignment
  // for them.
  findSymbolicObjects(query.expr, objects);
  if (!computeInitialValues(query.withFalse(), objects, values, hasSolution))
    return false;
  assert(hasSolution && "state has invalid constraint set");

  // Evaluate the expression with the computed assignment.
  Assignment a(objects, values);
  result = a.evaluate(query.expr);

  return true;