void CaPerfTranslator::trans_ibs_op_ls_dcmiss(struct transient* trans)
    calog_data entry;
    dcmiss_data data;
    static cookie_t old_cookie     = NO_COOKIE;
    static cookie_t old_app_cookie = NO_COOKIE;
    static char const* mod        = NULL;
    static char const* app        = NULL;
    const char vmlinux[10]         = "vmlinux";
    struct ibs_op_sample* trans_op = ((struct ibs_sample*)(trans->ext))->op;

    if (!dcmiss_log)

    if (old_app_cookie == INVALID_COOKIE || old_app_cookie == NO_COOKIE || old_app_cookie != trans->app_cookie)
        app = find_cookie(trans->app_cookie);
        old_app_cookie = trans->cookie;

    if (trans->in_kernel == 1)
        mod = vmlinux;
        old_cookie = NO_COOKIE;
        if (old_cookie == INVALID_COOKIE || old_cookie == NO_COOKIE || old_cookie != trans->cookie)
            mod = find_cookie(trans->cookie);
            old_cookie = trans->cookie;

    /* Setup entry */
    entry.cookie     = trans->cookie;
    entry.app_cookie = trans->app_cookie;
    entry.cpu        = trans->cpu;
    entry.tgid       = trans->tgid;
    entry.tid        = trans->tid;
    entry.offset     = trans->pc;
    entry.cnt        = 1;

    /* Setup data */
    data.phy = trans_op->ibs_op_phys_addr_high;
    data.phy = (data.phy << 32) | trans_op->ibs_op_phys_addr_low;
    data.lin = trans_op->ibs_op_ldst_linaddr_high;
    data.lin = (data.lin << 32) | trans_op->ibs_op_ldst_linaddr_low;
    data.ld  = IBS_OP_IBS_LD_OP(trans_op);
    data.lat = (data.ld) ? IBS_OP_DC_MISS_LATENCY(trans_op) : 0;

    calog_add_data(dcmiss_log, &entry, &data, sizeof(dcmiss_data), mod, app);
void CaPerfTranslator::trans_ibs_op_bta(struct transient* trans)
    calog_data entry;
    bta_data data;
    static cookie_t old_cookie     = NO_COOKIE;
    static cookie_t old_app_cookie = NO_COOKIE;
    static char const* mod        = NULL;
    static char const* app        = NULL;
    const char vmlinux[10]         = "vmlinux";
    struct ibs_op_sample* trans_op = ((struct ibs_sample*)(trans->ext))->op;

    if (!bta_log)

    if (!trans_op->ibs_op_brtgt_addr)

    if (old_app_cookie == INVALID_COOKIE || old_app_cookie == NO_COOKIE || old_app_cookie != trans->app_cookie)
        app = find_cookie(trans->app_cookie);
        old_app_cookie = trans->cookie;

    if (trans->in_kernel == 1)
        mod = vmlinux;
        old_cookie = NO_COOKIE;
        if (old_cookie == INVALID_COOKIE || old_cookie == NO_COOKIE || old_cookie != trans->cookie)
            mod = find_cookie(trans->cookie);
            old_cookie = trans->cookie;

    /* Setup entry */
    entry.cookie     = trans->cookie;
    entry.app_cookie = trans->app_cookie;
    entry.cpu        = trans->cpu;
    entry.tgid       = trans->tgid;
    entry.tid        = trans->tid;
    entry.offset     = trans->pc;
    entry.cnt        = 1;

    /* Setup data */
    data.bta = trans_op->ibs_op_brtgt_addr;

    calog_add_data(bta_log, &entry, &data, sizeof(bta_data), mod, app);
static int do_cookie_auth(request_rec *r) {

		char *user;

    authn_google_config_rec *conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,

if (conf->debugLevel)
    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
      "**** COOKIE AUTH at  T=%lu",apr_time_now()/1000000);
		if (conf->cookieLife && find_cookie(r,&user,0L,0L)) {

if (conf->debugLevel)
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
                      "User %s auth granted from cookie",user);

			r->user = user;
			r->ap_auth_type = "Cookie";
			return OK;
		} else {
if (conf->debugLevel)
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
                      "Cookie auth is DECLINED");
	return DECLINED;	/* Let someone else deal with it */
static char const * get_dep_name(struct sfile const * sf)
	if (sf->anon)
		return find_cookie(sf->app_cookie);

	/* avoid to call find_cookie(), caller can recover using image_name */
	if (sf->cookie == sf->app_cookie)
		return NULL;

	if (!separate_kernel && !(separate_lib && !sf->kernel))
		return NULL;

	/* this will fail if e.g. kernel thread */
	if (sf->app_cookie == 0)
		return NULL;

	return find_cookie(sf->app_cookie);
static char const * get_dep_name(struct sfile const * sf)
	if (sf->anon)
		return find_cookie(sf->app_cookie);

	if (sf->cookie == sf->app_cookie)
		return NULL;

	if (!separate_kernel && !(separate_lib && !sf->kernel))
		return NULL;

	if (sf->app_cookie == 0)
		return NULL;

	return find_cookie(sf->app_cookie);
static char *
mangle_filename(struct sfile * last, struct sfile const * sf, int counter, int cg)
	char * mangled;
	struct mangle_values values;
	struct opd_event * event = find_counter_event(counter);

	values.flags = 0;

	if (sf->kernel) {
		values.image_name = sf->kernel->name;
		values.flags |= MANGLE_KERNEL;
	} else if (sf->anon) {
		values.flags |= MANGLE_ANON;
		values.image_name = mangle_anon(sf->anon);
		values.anon_name = sf->anon->name;
	} else {
		values.image_name = find_cookie(sf->cookie);

	values.dep_name = get_dep_name(sf);
	if (!values.dep_name)
		values.dep_name = values.image_name;
	/* FIXME: log */
	if (!values.image_name || !values.dep_name)
		return NULL;

	if (separate_thread) {
		values.flags |= MANGLE_TGID | MANGLE_TID;
		values.tid = sf->tid;
		values.tgid = sf->tgid;
	if (separate_cpu) {
		values.flags |= MANGLE_CPU;
		values.cpu = sf->cpu;

	if (cg) {
		values.flags |= MANGLE_CALLGRAPH;
		if (last->kernel) {
			values.cg_image_name = last->kernel->name;
		} else if (last->anon) {
			values.flags |= MANGLE_CG_ANON;
			values.cg_image_name = mangle_anon(last->anon);
			values.anon_name = last->anon->name;
		} else {
			values.cg_image_name = find_cookie(last->cookie);

		/* FIXME: log */
		if (!values.cg_image_name) {
			if (values.flags & MANGLE_ANON)
				free((char *)values.image_name);
			return NULL;

	values.event_name = event->name;
	values.count = event->count;
	values.unit_mask = event->um;

	mangled = op_mangle_filename(&values);

	if (values.flags & MANGLE_ANON)
		free((char *)values.image_name);
	if (values.flags & MANGLE_CG_ANON)
		free((char *)values.cg_image_name);
	return mangled;
int opd_open_sample_file(odb_t *file, struct sfile *last,
                         struct sfile * sf, int counter, int cg)
	char * mangled;
	char const * binary;
	int spu_profile = 0;
	vma_t last_start = 0;
	int err;

	mangled = mangle_filename(last, sf, counter, cg);

	if (!mangled)
		return EINVAL;

	verbprintf(vsfile, "Opening \"%s\"\n", mangled);


	/* locking sf will lock associated cg files too */
	if (sf != last)

	err = odb_open(file, mangled, ODB_RDWR, sizeof(struct opd_header));

	/* This can naturally happen when racing against opcontrol --reset. */
	if (err) {
		if (err == EMFILE) {
			if (sfile_lru_clear()) {
				printf("LRU cleared but odb_open() fails for %s.\n", mangled);
			goto retry;

		fprintf(stderr, "oprofiled: open of %s failed: %s\n",
		        mangled, strerror(err));
		goto out;

	if (!sf->kernel)
		binary = find_cookie(sf->cookie);
		binary = sf->kernel->name;

	if (last && last->anon)
		last_start = last->anon->start;

	if (sf->embedded_offset != UNUSED_EMBEDDED_OFFSET)
		spu_profile = 1;

	fill_header(odb_get_data(file), counter,
		    sf->anon ? sf->anon->start : 0, last_start,
		    !!sf->kernel, last ? !!last->kernel : 0,
		    spu_profile, sf->embedded_offset,
		    binary ? op_get_mtime(binary) : 0);

	if (sf != last)
	return err;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int err, fake_argc = 1;
    char * fake_argv[] = {"hello", 0};
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    char *request_bufp, *reply_bufp;
    int rc, sz;

    /* intitialize the engine */
    gnc_engine_init (fake_argc, fake_argv);

    /* contact the database, which is a flat file for this demo */
    /* this should really be an SQL server */
    book = qof_book_new ();

    rc = gnc_book_begin (book, "file:/tmp/demo.xac", FALSE);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    rc = gnc_book_load (book);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    /* the root pointer points to our local cache of the data */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);

    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* done with initialization, go into event loop */

    while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0)
        GList *split_list;
        Query *q = NULL;
        const char *request_method;
        const char *user_agent;
        const char *auth_string;
        const char *content_length;
        int read_len = 0;
        int send_accts = 0;

        /* get the user agent; reject if wrong agent */
        user_agent = getenv ("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
        if (strncmp ("gnucash", user_agent, 7))
            reject_user_agent (user_agent);

        /* get the request method */
        request_method = getenv ("REQUEST_METHOD");
        if (strcmp ("POST", request_method))
            /* method=post is the only spported method*/

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* look for an authentication cookie */
        auth_string = find_cookie ("gnc-server");

        /* found the cookie, lets make sure that it is valid */
        if (auth_string)
            gboolean valid_session;
            valid_session = have_session (auth_string);
            if (!valid_session)

                /* XXX invalid sessions are a sign of hacking;
                 * this event should be noted in a security log
                 * and the server admin contacted.
                reject_session (auth_string);

        /* go ahead and read the message body.
         * we'll need this soon enough */
        content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
        read_len = atoi (content_length);

        /* read 'read_len' bytes from stdin ... */
        request_bufp = (char *) g_malloc (read_len);
        fread (request_bufp, read_len, 1, stdin);

        /* if no previously authenticated session,
         * authenticate now */
        if (!auth_string)
            char *name = NULL, *passwd = NULL;
            parse_for_login (request_bufp, &name, &passwd);

            auth_string = auth_user (name, passwd);
            if (!auth_string)
                g_free (request_bufp);
            send_accts = 1;

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* send only the accounts to the user */
        if (send_accts)
            /* print the HTTP header */
            printf("Content-type: text/gnc-xml\r\n"
                   "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                   auth_string, sz);

            /* since this is the first time the user is logging
             * in, send them the full set of accounts.
             * (Do not send them any transactions yet).
            gncxml_write_account_tree_to_buf(root, &reply_bufp, &sz);

            /* send the xml to the client */
            printf ("%s", reply_bufp);
            g_free (request_bufp);

            /* wait for the next request */

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* If we got to here, then the ser should be sending
         * us a query xml.
         * we should somehow error check that what we got
         * is really a valid query

        /* conver the xml input into a gnucash query structure... */
        q = gncxml_read_query (request_bufp, read_len);
        xaccQuerySetGroup (q, root);

        /* hack -- limit to 30 splits ... */
        xaccQuerySetMaxSplits (q, 30);
        split_list = xaccQueryGetSplits (q);

        /* poke those splits into an ccount group structure */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        /* send the account group structure back to the user */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        xaccFreeQuery (q);
        g_free (request_bufp);



    err = gnc_book_get_error (book);

    /* 500 Server Error */
    FCGI_SetExitStatus (500);

    printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
           "error was %s\n", strerror (err));


    /* close the book */
    qof_book_destroy (book);

    /* shut down the engine */
    gnc_engine_shutdown ();

    sleep (1);

    /* must return a non-zero error code, otherwise fastcgi
     * attempts to respawn this daemon. */
    return 500;
int main(void)
	int error;

#if _MINT_				/* HR 151102 */
	have_ssystem = Ssystem(-1, 0, 0) == 0;		/* HR 151102: use Ssystem where possible */

	mint   = (find_cookie('MiNT') == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE;
	magx   = (find_cookie('MagX') == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE;	/* HR 151102 */
	geneva = (find_cookie('Gnva') == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE;    /* DjV 035 080203 */
	mint  |= magx;			/* Quick & dirty */

	if (mint)


	if ((ap_id = appl_init()) < 0)
		return -1;

	if  (_GemParBlk.glob.version >= 0x400)
		shel_write(9, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);
		menu_register(ap_id, "  Tera Desktop");

	if (rsrc_load(RSRCNAME) == 0)
		form_alert(1, msg_resnfnd);
		if ((error = init_xdialog(&vdi_handle, malloc, free,
								  "Tera Desktop", 1, &nfonts)) < 0)

			if (((max_w / screen_info.fnt_w) < 40) || ((max_h / screen_info.fnt_h) < 25))
				alert_printf(1, MRESTLOW);
				if ((error = alloc_global_memory()) == 0)
					if (exec_deskbat() == FALSE)
						if (load_icons() == FALSE)
							if (init() == FALSE)
								graf_mouse(ARROW, NULL);

								menu_bar(menu, 0);

							free_icons();		/* HR 151102 */

							wind_set(0, WF_NEWDESK, NULL, 0);


			if (vq_gdos() != 0)
				vst_unload_fonts(vdi_handle, 0);


	/* DjV 013 030103 100203 ---vvv--- */
	 * The following section handles system shutdown and resolution change
	 * If a resolution change is required, shutdown is performed first
	 * If only shutdown s required, system will reset at the end.

	/* appl_exit(); */

	if ( chrez || shutdown ) /* If change resolution or shutdown ... */

		/* Tell all applications which would understand it to end */

		quit = shel_write ( 4, 2, 0, NULL, NULL ); 	/* complete shutdown */
		evnt_timer( 3000, 0 );						/* Wait a bit? */


		 * In Mint, must tell all proceseses to terminate nicely ?
		 * but this is only in this group ? What to do?

		Pkill(0, SIGTERM); 
		evnt_timer(3000, 0); /* Wait a bit? */

		 * After all applications have hopefully been closed,
		 * change the screen resolution if needed;
		 * else- reset the computer
		if ( chrez )

#if 1
	#if _MINT_
		if (!mint)			/* HR 230203: Dont reset under MiNT or MagiC !!!!! */
			/* Perform a reset here */

	#if 0		/* with warnings */
			long *m;					/* to memory locations */
			long rv;					/* reset vector */

			Super ( 0L );				/* Supervisor; old stack won't be needed again */
			*(m = 0x420L) = 0L;			/* memctrl  */
			*(m = 0x43aL) = 0L;			/* memval2  */
			*(m = 0x426L) = 0L;			/* resvalid */	
			m = *( m = 0x4f2 );			/* to start of OS */
			rv = *(m + 4);				/* to routine that  handles the reset */
			Supexec(rv);				/* execute it */
	#else			/* HR: without warnings */
			long (*rv)();					/* reset vector */

			Super ( 0L );				/* Supervisor; old stack won't be needed again */
			memctrl = 0L;
			memval2 = 0L;
			resvalid = 0L;
			(long)rv = *((long *)os_start + 4);	/* routine that handles the reset */
			Supexec(rv);				/* execute it */
void get_set_video (int set){ /* 0=get, 1=set, 2=set & change rez */

#ifdef _OVSCAN
		s,						/* sup.stack p.        */
		logb,       			/* logical screen base  */
		phyb;       			/* physical screen base */

#ifdef _OVSCAN

	static int ov_max_h, ov_max_w;

	int std_x[4] = {320,640,1280,0};
	int std_y[4] = {200,400,800,0};
	int idi;

	/* Where is the screen ? */

	logb = xbios(3); 				/* Logbase();  */
	phyb = xbios(2);				/* Physbase(); */

	if ( set == 0 ){ /* get data */

		/* Find about video hardware (shifter; will be 0xffffffff without cookie */
		vdo = find_cookie( '_VDO' );
		/* Try to find out about a couple of overscan types */
#ifdef _OVSCAN		
		if (   ( (over = find_cookie('OVER')) != - 1 )
		    || ( (over = find_cookie('Lace')) != - 1 ) )

			ovrstat = 0;
			for ( idi = 0; idi < 3; idi++ )
				if ( max_h > std_y[idi] && max_h < std_y[idi + 1] )
					ov_max_w = max_w;
					ov_max_h = max_h;
					ovrstat = 1;

			if ( ovrstat != 0 )
				options.V2_2.vprefs |= VO_OVSCAN;
				options.V2_2.vprefs &= ~VO_OVSCAN;
			over  = 0xffffffffL;

		/* Get current blitter state; insert into options  */
		if ( get_tosversion() >= 0x104 ) 
			bltstat = Blitmode(-1);   /* Function known only to tos >= 1.4 ? */
			bltstat = 0;
		if ( bltstat & 0x0001 ) 	
			options.V2_2.vprefs |= VO_BLITTER; 
			options.V2_2.vprefs &= ~VO_BLITTER;
		/* Which is the current standard resolution ? */
		currez = xbios(4); /* Getrez() */   	
		options.V2_2.vrez = currez; 

	else /* set data */
		/* Set blitter, if present */
		if ( bltstat & 0x0002 )
			if ( options.V2_2.vprefs & VO_BLITTER ) 
				bltstat |= 0x0001;	
				bltstat &= ~0x0001;
			bltstat = Blitmode ( bltstat );

#ifdef _OVSCAN
		 * Set overscan (Lacescan, in fact)
		 * that which is below is ok but not enough !!!!
		 * therefore disabled for the time being

		if ( (over != 0xffffffffL ) && ( (vprefsold^options.V2_2.vprefs) && VO_OVSCAN) )

			menu_bar ( menu, 0 ); 

			s = Super (0L );
			(long)acia = 0xFFFC00L; /* address of the acia chip reg  HR 240203 (long) */

			if ( options.V2_2.vprefs & VO_OVSCAN )
				*acia = 0xD6; /* value for the acia reg- switch overscan ON */
				ovrstat = 1;
				max_h = ov_max_h;
				max_w = ov_max_w;
				*acia = 0x96; /* value for the acia reg- switch overscan OFF */
				ovrstat = 0;
				max_w = std_x[idi];
				max_h = std_y[idi];

			 * An attempt to change resolution (to the same one) will 
			 * provoke Lacescan to adapt 

			xbios(5, logb, phyb, currez); 	/* Setscreen (logb,phyb,currez); */ 

			Super ( (void *) s );

			wind_set(0, WF_NEWDESK, desktop, 0); 

			 * For some reason desktop doesn't get redrawn correctly here
			 * after overstat switch unless menu_bar is called TWICE
			 * (possibly at first call it is too long and corrupts
			 * part of the screen?)
			menu_bar(menu, 1); 
			menu_bar(menu, 1); 

/*			wd_attrib();		*/
            wd_fields();		/* HR 050303 */

		/* Change resolution */
		/* xbios(...) produces slightly smaller code */
		if ( set > 1 )
			 * This will actually (almost) reset the computer

			shel_write( 5, currez + 2, 0, NULL, NULL ); /* DjV 007 110203 */

			/* DjV 007 290103: is no good, so disabled for the time being */

			xbios(5, logb, phyb, currez); 	/* Setscreen (logb,phyb,currez); */ 

static int apply_rules(request_rec *r, apr_array_header_t *rules, apr_array_header_t *threshold_exceededs ) {
    int i, ret, go_to_blockedperiod;
    uint32_t incred_count;
    rule_entry *rule, *rs;
    char *id, *cookie;
    char *blockkey, *countkey, *blockval, *countval;
    char *mgetkeys;
    threshold_exceeded_entry *threshold_exceeded;
    interval_limit_config *conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &interval_limit_module);

    if (rules) {
        /* init local vars */
        blockkey = NULL; countkey = NULL;
        blockval = NULL; countval = NULL;
        /* init memcached */
        ret = memcached_init_ilimit_func(r, conf->memc_addrs);
        if (ret < 0) {
            return -1;
        /* apply rules */
        rs = (rule_entry *)rules->elts;
        for ( i =0; i <rules->nelts; i++) {
            rule =  &rs[i];
            id = NULL;
            ILLOG_DEBUG(r, MODTAG "apply_rule %s type %d maxcount %ld interval %ld blockperiod %ld block %d",
                        rule->block );
            if ( rule->type == THRESHOLD_IP) {
                id = r->connection->remote_ip;
            } else if (rule->type == THRESHOLD_COOKIE) {
                if (!conf->cookie_name) {
                    ILLOG_ERROR(r, MODTAG "no cookie name specified even if you choose cookie as user identifier! "
                                  "you must specify cookie name with IntervalLimitCookieName directive");
                cookie = find_cookie(r, conf->cookie_name);
                if (!cookie) {
                id = cookie;

            } else {
            if (!id) {
            blockkey = (char*)apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s-%s-%s",
                            MEMC_KEY_PREFIX_BLOCKING, rule->name, id);
            countkey = (char*)apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s-%s-%s",
                            MEMC_KEY_PREFIX_COUNTING, rule->name, id);
            blockval = NULL; countval = NULL;
            /* key encode */
            blockkey = get_encoded_string(r, blockkey);
            countkey = get_encoded_string(r, countkey);
            ILLOG_DEBUG(r, MODTAG "apply_rule request: id(raw)=%s blockkey=%s countkey=%s", id, blockkey, countkey);
            /* get block + count value */
            ret = get_block_and_count_value(r, blockkey, countkey, &blockval, &countval);
            if ( ret < 0 ) {
            go_to_blockedperiod = 0;
            /* check if requestin user is not in the blocking period */
            if ( blockval && !strcmp(blockval, MEMC_VAl_BLOCKED_PERIOD) ) {
                /* append to threshold_exceeded */
                threshold_exceeded = (threshold_exceeded_entry *)apr_array_push(threshold_exceededs);
                threshold_exceeded->name = rule->name;
                threshold_exceeded->block = rule->block;
                ILLOG_DEBUG(r, MODTAG "apply_rule result rule=%s state=OverLimited block=%d",
                            rule->name, rule->block );
            /* check if the count has already exceeded threshold */
            if ( countval && atoi(countval) >= rule->max_count) {
                go_to_blockedperiod = 1;
            /* check if the count hits threshold after incremented */
            } else {
                ret = memcached_incr_ilimit_func(r, countkey, rule->interval, &incred_count);
                if (ret < 0) {
                    ILLOG_ERROR(r, MODTAG "apply_rule increment count failure: rule=%s", rule->name );
                if ( incred_count >= rule->max_count ) {
                    go_to_blockedperiod = 1;
            if (go_to_blockedperiod){
                /* append to threshold_exceeded */
                threshold_exceeded = (threshold_exceeded_entry *)apr_array_push(threshold_exceededs);
                threshold_exceeded->name = rule->name;
                threshold_exceeded->block = rule->block;

                /* set blockperiod flag */
                ret = memcached_set_ilimit_func(r, blockkey, (const char*)MEMC_VAl_BLOCKED_PERIOD, rule->blocking_period);
                if (ret < 0) {
                    ILLOG_ERROR(r, MODTAG "apply_rule set blockperiod flag failure: rule=%s", rule->name );
                /* reset count slot */
                ret = memcached_del_ilimit_func(r, countkey);
                if (ret < 0) {
                    ILLOG_ERROR(r, MODTAG "apply_rule reset counter slot failure: rule=%s", rule->name );

            ILLOG_DEBUG(r, MODTAG "apply_rule result rule=%s state=NotYetOverLimit block=%d count=%d",
                        rule->name, rule->block,  incred_count );
        } // end of for
    return 0;