文件: rhs.cpp 项目: emamanto/Soar
char first_letter_from_rhs_value(rhs_value rv)
    if (rhs_value_is_symbol(rv))
        return first_letter_from_symbol(rhs_value_to_symbol(rv));
    return '*'; /* function calls, reteloc's, unbound variables */
preference *execute_action (action *a, struct token_struct *tok, wme *w) {
  Symbol *id, *attr, *value, *referent;
  char first_letter;
  if (a->type==FUNCALL_ACTION) {
    value = instantiate_rhs_value (a->value, -1, 'v', tok, w);
    if (value) symbol_remove_ref (value);
    return NIL;

  attr = NIL;
  value = NIL;
  referent = NIL;
  id = instantiate_rhs_value (a->id, -1, 's', tok, w);
  if (!id) goto abort_execute_action;
  if (id->common.symbol_type!=IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE) {
    print_with_symbols ("Error: RHS makes a preference for %y (not an identifier)\n", id);
    goto abort_execute_action;
  attr = instantiate_rhs_value (a->attr, id->id.level, 'a', tok, w);
  if (!attr) goto abort_execute_action;

  first_letter = first_letter_from_symbol (attr);
  value = instantiate_rhs_value (a->value, id->id.level,
                                 first_letter, tok, w);
  if (!value) goto abort_execute_action;

  if (preference_is_binary(a->preference_type)) {
    referent = instantiate_rhs_value (a->referent, id->id.level,
                                      first_letter, tok, w);
    if (!referent) goto abort_execute_action;

  /* --- RBD 4/17/95 added stuff to handle attribute_preferences_mode --- */
  if (((a->preference_type != ACCEPTABLE_PREFERENCE_TYPE) &&
       (a->preference_type != REJECT_PREFERENCE_TYPE)) &&
      (! (id->id.isa_goal && (attr==current_agent(operator_symbol))) )) {
    if ((current_agent(attribute_preferences_mode)==2) ||
	(current_agent(operand2_mode) ==TRUE) ) {
      print_with_symbols ("\nError: attribute preference other than +/- for %y ^%y -- ignoring it.", id, attr);
      goto abort_execute_action;
    } else if (current_agent(attribute_preferences_mode)==1) {
      print_with_symbols ("\nWarning: attribute preference other than +/- for %y ^%y.", id, attr);

  return make_preference (a->preference_type, id, attr, value, referent);

  abort_execute_action:   /* control comes here when some error occurred */
  if (id) symbol_remove_ref (id);  
  if (attr) symbol_remove_ref (attr);  
  if (value) symbol_remove_ref (value);  
  if (referent) symbol_remove_ref (referent);
  return NIL;
// builds a template instantiation
 Symbol *rl_build_template_instantiation( agent *my_agent, instantiation *my_template_instance, struct token_struct *tok, wme *w )
	Symbol* return_val = NULL;
	// initialize production conditions
	if ( my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_conds == NIL )
		not_struct* nots;
		condition* c_top;
		condition* c_bottom;

		p_node_to_conditions_and_nots( my_agent, my_template_instance->prod->p_node, NIL, NIL, &( c_top ), &( c_bottom ), &( nots ), NIL );

		my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_conds = c_top;

	// initialize production instantiation set
	if ( my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_instantiations == NIL )
		my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_instantiations = new rl_symbol_map_set;

	// get constants
	rl_symbol_map constant_map;
		rl_get_template_constants( my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_conds, my_template_instance->top_of_instantiated_conditions, &( constant_map ) );		

	// try to insert into instantiation set
	//if ( !constant_map.empty() )
		std::pair< rl_symbol_map_set::iterator, bool > ins_result = my_template_instance->prod->rl_template_instantiations->insert( constant_map );
		if ( ins_result.second )
			Symbol *id, *attr, *value, *referent;
			production *my_template = my_template_instance->prod;
			action *my_action = my_template->action_list;
			char first_letter;
			double init_value = 0;
			condition *cond_top, *cond_bottom;

			// make unique production name
			Symbol *new_name_symbol;
			std::string new_name = "";
			std::string empty_string = "";
			std::string temp_id;
			int new_id;
				new_id = rl_next_template_id( my_agent );
				to_string( new_id, temp_id );
				new_name = ( "rl*" + empty_string + my_template->name->sc.name + "*" + temp_id );
			} while ( find_sym_constant( my_agent, new_name.c_str() ) != NIL );
			new_name_symbol = make_sym_constant( my_agent, new_name.c_str() );
			// prep conditions
			copy_condition_list( my_agent, my_template_instance->top_of_instantiated_conditions, &cond_top, &cond_bottom );
			rl_add_goal_or_impasse_tests_to_conds( my_agent, cond_top );
			reset_variable_generator( my_agent, cond_top, NIL );
			my_agent->variablization_tc = get_new_tc_number( my_agent );
			variablize_condition_list( my_agent, cond_top );
			variablize_nots_and_insert_into_conditions( my_agent, my_template_instance->nots, cond_top );

			// get the preference value
			id = instantiate_rhs_value( my_agent, my_action->id, -1, 's', tok, w );
			attr = instantiate_rhs_value( my_agent, my_action->attr, id->id.level, 'a', tok, w );
			first_letter = first_letter_from_symbol( attr );
			value = instantiate_rhs_value( my_agent, my_action->value, id->id.level, first_letter, tok, w );
			referent = instantiate_rhs_value( my_agent, my_action->referent, id->id.level, first_letter, tok, w );

			// clean up after yourself :)
			symbol_remove_ref( my_agent, id );
			symbol_remove_ref( my_agent, attr );
			symbol_remove_ref( my_agent, value );
			symbol_remove_ref( my_agent, referent );

			// make new action list
			action *new_action = rl_make_simple_action( my_agent, id, attr, value, referent );
			new_action->preference_type = NUMERIC_INDIFFERENT_PREFERENCE_TYPE;

			// make new production
			production *new_production = make_production( my_agent, USER_PRODUCTION_TYPE, new_name_symbol, &cond_top, &cond_bottom, &new_action, false );

			// set initial expected reward values
				if ( referent->common.symbol_type == INT_CONSTANT_SYMBOL_TYPE )
					init_value = static_cast< double >( referent->ic.value );
				else if ( referent->common.symbol_type == FLOAT_CONSTANT_SYMBOL_TYPE )
					init_value = referent->fc.value;

				new_production->rl_ecr = 0.0;
				new_production->rl_efr = init_value;

			// attempt to add to rete, remove if duplicate
			if ( add_production_to_rete( my_agent, new_production, cond_top, NULL, FALSE, TRUE ) == DUPLICATE_PRODUCTION )
				excise_production( my_agent, new_production, false );
				rl_revert_template_id( my_agent );

				new_name_symbol = NULL;
			deallocate_condition_list( my_agent, cond_top );

			return_val = new_name_symbol;

	return return_val;