IntRect PopupContainer::layoutAndCalculateWidgetRect(int targetControlHeight, const IntSize& transformOffset, const IntPoint& popupInitialCoordinate)
    // Reset the max width and height to their default values, they will be
    // recomputed below if necessary.

    // Lay everything out to figure out our preferred size, then tell the view's
    // WidgetClient about it. It should assign us a client.
    bool isRTL = this->isRTL();

    // Compute the starting x-axis for a normal RTL or right-aligned LTR
    // dropdown. For those, the right edge of dropdown box should be aligned
    // with the right edge of <select>/<input> element box, and the dropdown box
    // should be expanded to the left if more space is needed.
    // m_originalFrameRect.width() is the width of the target <select>/<input>
    // element.
    int rtlOffset = m_controlPosition.p2().x() - m_controlPosition.p1().x() - (m_listBox->width() + borderSize * 2);
    int rightOffset = isRTL ? rtlOffset : 0;

    // Compute the y-axis offset between the bottom left and bottom right
    // points. If the <select>/<input> is transformed, they are not the same.
    int verticalOffset = - m_controlPosition.p4().y() + m_controlPosition.p3().y();
    int verticalForRTLOffset = isRTL ? verticalOffset : 0;

    // Assume m_listBox size is already calculated.
    IntSize targetSize(m_listBox->width() + borderSize * 2, m_listBox->height() + borderSize * 2);

    IntRect widgetRectInScreen;
    // If the popup would extend past the bottom of the screen, open upwards
    // instead.
    FloatRect screen = screenAvailableRect(m_frameView.get());
    // Use popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset because RTL position
    // needs to be considered.
    float pageScaleFactor = m_frameView->frame().page()->pageScaleFactor();
    int popupX = round((popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset) * pageScaleFactor);
    int popupY = round((popupInitialCoordinate.y() + verticalForRTLOffset) * pageScaleFactor);
    widgetRectInScreen = chromeClient().rootViewToScreen(IntRect(popupX, popupY, targetSize.width(), targetSize.height()));

    // If we have multiple screens and the browser rect is in one screen, we
    // have to clip the window width to the screen width.
    // When clipping, we also need to set a maximum width for the list box.
    FloatRect windowRect = chromeClient().windowRect();

    bool needToResizeView = false;
    widgetRectInScreen = layoutAndCalculateWidgetRectInternal(widgetRectInScreen, targetControlHeight, windowRect, screen, isRTL, rtlOffset, verticalOffset, transformOffset, m_listBox.get(), needToResizeView);
    if (needToResizeView)

    return widgetRectInScreen;
int PopupContainer::layoutAndGetRTLOffset()

    // Compute the starting x-axis for a normal RTL or right-aligned LTR dropdown. For those,
    // the right edge of dropdown box should be aligned with the right edge of <select>/<input> element box,
    // and the dropdown box should be expanded to the left if more space is needed.
    // m_originalFrameRect.width() is the width of the target <select>/<input> element.
    return m_originalFrameRect.width() - (m_listBox->width() + kBorderSize * 2);
IntRect PopupContainer::layoutAndCalculateWidgetRect(int targetControlHeight, const IntPoint& popupInitialCoordinate)
    // Reset the max width and height to their default values, they will be recomputed below
    // if necessary.

    // Lay everything out to figure out our preferred size, then tell the view's
    // WidgetClient about it. It should assign us a client.
    int rtlOffset = layoutAndGetRTLOffset();
    bool isRTL = this->isRTL();
    int rightOffset = isRTL ? rtlOffset : 0;

    // Assume m_listBox size is already calculated.
    IntSize targetSize(m_listBox->width() + kBorderSize * 2,
                       m_listBox->height() + kBorderSize * 2);

    IntRect widgetRectInScreen;
    ChromeClientChromium* chromeClient = chromeClientChromium();
    if (chromeClient) {
        // If the popup would extend past the bottom of the screen, open upwards
        // instead.
        FloatRect screen = screenAvailableRect(m_frameView.get());
        // Use popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset because RTL position
        // needs to be considered.
        widgetRectInScreen = chromeClient->rootViewToScreen(IntRect(popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset, popupInitialCoordinate.y(), targetSize.width(), targetSize.height()));

        // If we have multiple screens and the browser rect is in one screen, we have
        // to clip the window width to the screen width.
        // When clipping, we also need to set a maximum width for the list box.
        FloatRect windowRect = chromeClient->windowRect();

        bool needToResizeView = false;
        widgetRectInScreen = layoutAndCalculateWidgetRectInternal(widgetRectInScreen, targetControlHeight, windowRect, screen, isRTL, rtlOffset, m_listBox.get(), needToResizeView);
        if (needToResizeView)

    return widgetRectInScreen;