文件: solver.c 项目: xxyzzzq/open-wbo
int DPLL_propagate_binary_equivalence( const int bieq )
        int i, j, ceqsubst;
        int lit1, lit2;
        int value;

        lit1 = Ceq[ bieq ][ 0 ];
        lit2 = Ceq[ bieq ][ 1 ];
        value = CeqValues[ bieq ];

        for( i = 1; i < Veq[ lit1 ][ 0 ]; i++ )
            ceqsubst = Veq[ lit1 ][ i ];
            for( j = 1; j < Veq[ lit2 ][ 0 ]; j++ )
            	if( (ceqsubst == Veq[ lit2 ][ j ]) )
                    fixEq( lit1, i, 1);
                    PUSH( sub, lit1 );

                    fixEq( lit2, j, value);
                    PUSH( sub, lit2 * value );

                    if( CeqSizes[ ceqsubst ] == 0 )
                       	if (CeqValues[ ceqsubst ] == -1 )
                            return UNSAT;

                    if( CeqSizes[ ceqsubst ] == 1 )
                      	if( !look_fix_binary_implications(Ceq[ceqsubst][0] * CeqValues[ceqsubst]) )
                    	    return UNSAT;
                    if( CeqSizes[ ceqsubst ] == 2 )
                     	PUSH( newbi, ceqsubst );


        if( (DPLL_add_binary_implications( lit1, -lit2 * value ) && 
	     DPLL_add_binary_implications( -lit1, lit2 * value )) == UNSAT )
                return UNSAT;

        return SAT;
文件: solver.c 项目: xxyzzzq/open-wbo
inline int DPLL_update_datastructures( const int nrval )
	int i, *bImp;
#ifdef EQ
	int nr, ceqidx;
	nr = NR( nrval );
        PUSH( sub, STACK_BLOCK );
//	printf("FIXING %i\n", nrval ); 

	FIX( nrval, NARY_MAX );

//	diff[  nrval ] = 0;
//	diff[ -nrval ] = 0;

#ifdef TIMEOUT
	if( (int) clock() > CLOCKS_PER_SEC * TIMEOUT )
	    return SAT;
	reduce_freevars( nrval );

        bImp = BIMP_START(-nrval);
        for( i = BIMP_ELEMENTS; --i; )
            bImp_satisfied[ -(*(bImp++)) ]++;

	// Update eager datastructures
	if( kSAT_flag == 0 )
	    int lit1, lit2;

            int *tImp = TernaryImp[ nrval ] + 2 * TernaryImpSize[ nrval ];
            for( i = TernaryImpLast[ nrval ] - TernaryImpSize[ nrval ]; i--; )
	    	lit1 = *(tImp++);
	    	lit2 = *(tImp++);

	    	if( IS_REDUCED_TIMP( lit1, lit2 ) )
		    TernaryImpReduction[ lit1 ]--;
	    	else if( IS_REDUCED_TIMP( lit2, lit1 ) )
                    TernaryImpReduction[ lit2 ]--;
	    remove_satisfied_implications(  nrval );
	    remove_satisfied_implications( -nrval );

            tImp = TernaryImp[ -nrval ];
            for( i = tmpTernaryImpSize[ -nrval ]; i--; )
	        TernaryImpReduction[ *(tImp++) ]++;
	        TernaryImpReduction[ *(tImp++) ]++;
	  int *clauseSet, clause_index; 

	  clauseSet = clause_set[ nrval ];
	  while( *clauseSet != LAST_CLAUSE )
	    clause_index = *(clauseSet++);

	    // if clause is not satisfied
	    if( clause_length[ clause_index ] < SAT_INCREASE - 2 )	
		// if clause is already been reduced
		if( clause_reduction[ clause_index ] > 0 )
                    int *literals = clause_list[ clause_index ];
                    while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
			TernaryImpReduction[ *(literals++) ]--;
		clause_SAT_flag[ clause_index ] = 1;
		reduce_big_occurences( clause_index, nrval );
	    clause_length[ clause_index ] += SAT_INCREASE;
	  for( i = 0; i < btb_size[ nrval ]; ++i )
	    // decrease literal reduction
            int *literals = clause_list[ big_to_binary[ nrval ][ i ] ], flag = 0;
            while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
		if( timeAssignments[ *(literals++) ] == NARY_MAX )
		    if( flag == 1 ) { flag = 0; break; }
		    flag = 1;

	    if( flag == 1 )
		clause_SAT_flag[  big_to_binary[ nrval ][ i ] ] = 1;
		literals = clause_list[ big_to_binary[ nrval ][ i ] ];
	    	while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
	            TernaryImpReduction[ *(literals++) ]--;

#ifdef EQ	
	tmpEqImpSize[ nr ] = Veq[ nr ][ 0 ];
	for( i = 1; i < Veq[ nr ][0]; i++ )
	    int j;
            ceqidx = Veq[ nr ][i];
            for( j = 0; j < CeqSizes[ ceqidx ]; j++ )
                TernaryImpReduction[ Ceq[ceqidx][j] ]++;
	if( kSAT_flag )
	  int UNSAT_flag, *clauseSet, clause_index;
	  int first_lit, *literals, lit;

	  UNSAT_flag = 0;
	  clauseSet = clause_set[ -nrval ];
	  while( *clauseSet != LAST_CLAUSE )
	    clause_index = *(clauseSet++);
	    // if clause is for the first time reduced
	    if( clause_reduction[ clause_index ] == 0 )
                int *literals = clause_list[ clause_index ];
                while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
		    TernaryImpReduction[ *(literals++) ]++;

		clause_red_depth[ clause_index ] = depth;
	    clause_reduction[ clause_index ]++;
	    clause_length[ clause_index ]--;
#ifdef HIDIFF
	    HiRemoveLiteral( clause_index, nrval );
            if(  clause_length[ clause_index ] == 2 )
                literals = clause_list[ clause_index ];
                while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
                    lit = *(literals)++;
		    if( timeAssignments[ lit ] < NARY_MAX )
			big_to_binary[ lit ][ btb_size[ lit ]++ ] = clause_index;
		reduce_big_occurences( clause_index, -nrval );
		clause_length[ clause_index ] = SAT_INCREASE;

	        if( UNSAT_flag == 0 )
                    first_lit = 0;
                    literals = clause_list[ clause_index ];
                    while( *literals != LAST_LITERAL )
                        lit = *(literals)++;
                        if( IS_NOT_FIXED( lit ) )
                            if( first_lit == 0 ) first_lit = lit;
				UNSAT_flag = !DPLL_add_binary_implications( first_lit, lit ); 
				goto next_clause;
                        else if( !FIXED_ON_COMPLEMENT(lit) ) goto next_clause;

                    if( first_lit != 0 )  UNSAT_flag = !look_fix_binary_implications( first_lit );
                    else                  UNSAT_flag = 1;

	  if( UNSAT_flag ) return UNSAT;

	if( kSAT_flag == 0 )
	    int *tImp = TernaryImp[ -nrval ];
            for( i = tmpTernaryImpSize[ -nrval ] - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		int lit1 = *(tImp++);
		int lit2 = *(tImp++);
                if( DPLL_add_binary_implications( lit1, lit2 ) == UNSAT )
            	    return UNSAT;

#ifdef EQ
        while( Veq[ nr ][ 0 ] > 1 )
            ceqidx = Veq[ nr ][ 1 ];

            fixEq( nr, 1, SGN(nrval));
            PUSH( sub, nrval );

            if( CeqSizes[ ceqidx ] == 2 )
            	if ( DPLL_propagate_binary_equivalence( ceqidx ) == UNSAT )
               	    return UNSAT;
	    else if( CeqSizes[ ceqidx ] == 1 )
            	if( look_fix_binary_implications(Ceq[ceqidx][0]*CeqValues[ceqidx]) == UNSAT )
                    return UNSAT;

        while( newbistackp != newbistack )
            POP( newbi, ceqidx );
            if( CeqSizes[ ceqidx ] == 2 )
            	if ( DPLL_propagate_binary_equivalence( ceqidx ) == UNSAT )
                    return UNSAT;
	return SAT;
	MALLOCS: 	_Vc, _Vc[], _VcTemp
	FREES:	 	_VcTemp, _Vc[ * ], _Vc
int propagate_unary_clauses()
    int i, j, nrval, clsidx, *_simplify_stackp;
    int **_variableArray;

    _simplify_stackp = simplify_stack;

    allocateSmallVc( &_variableArray , 1 );
    _variableArray += nrofvars;

    /* fix monotone variables that do not occur in equivalence clauses */
    for( i = 1; i <= nrofvars; i++ )
        if( Veq[ i ][ 0 ] == 1 )
            if( (_variableArray[ i ][ 0 ] == 0) && (_variableArray[ -i ][ 0 ] > 0) )
                PUSH_PARSER_NA( -i );
            else if( (_variableArray[ i ][ 0 ] > 0) && (_variableArray[ -i ][ 0 ] == 0) )
                PUSH_PARSER_NA(  i );
    while( _simplify_stackp < simplify_stackp )
        nrval = *( _simplify_stackp++ );

        	All clauses containing nrval are satisfied.
        	They are removed from the CNF by setting Clength = 0.
        for( i = 1; i <= _variableArray[ nrval ][ 0 ] ; i++ )
            Clength[ _variableArray[ nrval ][ i ] ] = 0;

        	All clauses containing ~nrval are shortened by removing ~nrval
        	from the clause. If this operation results in a unary clause,
        	then this clause is removed from the CNF by setting Clength = 0
        	and the literal is pushed on the fix stack to be fixed later.
        for( i = 1; i <= _variableArray[ -nrval ][ 0 ]; i++ )
            clsidx = _variableArray[ -nrval ][ i ];
            for( j = 0; j < Clength[ clsidx ]; j++ )
                if( Cv[ clsidx ][ j ] == -nrval )
                    Swap literal to the front of the clause.
                    Cv[ clsidx ][ j-- ] = Cv[ clsidx ][ --( Clength[ clsidx ] ) ];
                    if( Clength[ clsidx ] == 1 )
                        PUSH_PARSER_NA( Cv[ clsidx ][ 0 ] );
                        Clength[ clsidx ] = 0;

        while( Veq[ NR(nrval) ][ 0 ] > 1 )
            clsidx = Veq[ NR(nrval) ][ 1 ];

            fixEq( NR(nrval), 1, SGN(nrval));

            if( CeqSizes[ clsidx ] == 1 )
                PUSH_PARSER_NA( Ceq[ clsidx ][ 0 ] * CeqValues[ clsidx ] );

    	Free temporary allocated space.
    _variableArray -= nrofvars;
    freeSmallVc( _variableArray );

    return 1;