void praat_addAction4 (ClassInfo class1, int n1, ClassInfo class2, int n2, ClassInfo class3, int n3, ClassInfo class4, int n4,
	const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *after, unsigned long flags, void (*callback) (UiForm, int, Stackel, const wchar_t *, Interpreter, const wchar_t *, bool, void *))
	try {
		int depth = flags, unhidable = FALSE, hidden = FALSE, key = 0, attractive = 0;
		unsigned long motifFlags = 0;
		if (flags > 7) {
			depth = ((flags & praat_DEPTH_7) >> 16);
			unhidable = (flags & praat_UNHIDABLE) != 0;
			hidden = (flags & praat_HIDDEN) != 0 && ! unhidable;
			key = flags & 0x000000FF;
			motifFlags = key ? flags & (0x002000FF | GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK) : flags & GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK;
			attractive = (motifFlags & praat_ATTRACTIVE) != 0;
		fixSelectionSpecification (& class1, & n1, & class2, & n2, & class3, & n3);

		if (callback && ! title)
			Melder_throw ("An action command with callback has no title. Classes: ",
				class1 ? class1 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class2 ? class2 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class3 ? class3 -> className : L"", L" ",
				class4 ? class4 -> className : L"", L".");

		if (! class1)
			Melder_throw ("The action command \"", title, "\" has no first class.");

		 * Determine the position of the new command.
		long position;
		if (after) {   // search for existing command with same selection
			long found = lookUpMatchingAction (class1, class2, class3, class4, after);
			if (found == 0)
				Melder_throw ("The action command \"", title, "\" cannot be put after \"", after, "\",\n"
					"because the latter command does not exist.");
			position = found + 1;   // after 'after'
		} else {
			position = theNumberOfActions + 1;   // at end

		 * Increment the command area.
		if (theNumberOfActions >= praat_MAXNUM_LOOSE_COMMANDS)
			Melder_throw ("Too many action commands (maximum ", praat_MAXNUM_LOOSE_COMMANDS, ").");
		theNumberOfActions += 1;

		 * Make room for insertion.
		for (long i = theNumberOfActions; i > position; i --) theActions [i] = theActions [i - 1];
		memset (& theActions [position], 0, sizeof (struct structPraat_Command));

		 * Insert new command.
		theActions [position]. class1 = class1;
		theActions [position]. n1 = n1;
		theActions [position]. class2 = class2;
		theActions [position]. n2 = n2;
		theActions [position]. class3 = class3;
		theActions [position]. n3 = n3;
		theActions [position]. class4 = class4;
		theActions [position]. n4 = n4;
		theActions [position]. title = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
		theActions [position]. depth = depth;
		theActions [position]. callback = callback;   /* NULL for a separator. */
		theActions [position]. button = NULL;
		theActions [position]. script = NULL;
		theActions [position]. hidden = hidden;
		theActions [position]. unhidable = unhidable;
		theActions [position]. attractive = attractive;
	} catch (MelderError) {
void praat_addAction4 (ClassInfo class1, int n1, ClassInfo class2, int n2, ClassInfo class3, int n3, ClassInfo class4, int n4,
	const char32 *title, const char32 *after, unsigned long flags, UiCallback callback)
	try {
		int depth = flags, key = 0;
		bool unhidable = false, hidden = false, attractive = false;
		unsigned long motifFlags = 0;
		if (flags > 7) {
			depth = ((flags & praat_DEPTH_7) >> 16);
			unhidable = (flags & praat_UNHIDABLE) != 0;
			hidden = (flags & praat_HIDDEN) != 0 && ! unhidable;
			key = flags & 0x000000FF;
			motifFlags = key ? flags & (0x002000FF | GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK) : flags & GuiMenu_BUTTON_STATE_MASK;
			attractive = (motifFlags & praat_ATTRACTIVE) != 0;
		fixSelectionSpecification (& class1, & n1, & class2, & n2, & class3, & n3);

		if (callback && ! title)
			Melder_throw (U"An action command with callback has no title. Classes: ",
				class1 ? class1 -> className : U"", U" ",
				class2 ? class2 -> className : U"", U" ",
				class3 ? class3 -> className : U"", U" ",
				class4 ? class4 -> className : U"", U".");

		if (! class1)
			Melder_throw (U"The action command \"", title, U"\" has no first class.");

		 * Determine the position of the new command.
		long position;
		if (after) {   // search for existing command with same selection
			long found = lookUpMatchingAction (class1, class2, class3, class4, after);
			if (found == 0)
				Melder_throw (U"The action command \"", title, U"\" cannot be put after \"", after, U"\",\n"
					U"because the latter command does not exist.");
			position = found + 1;   // after 'after'
		} else {
			position = theActions -> size + 1;   // at end

		 * Make new command.
		autoPraat_Command action = Thing_new (Praat_Command);
		action -> class1 = class1;
		action -> n1 = n1;
		action -> class2 = class2;
		action -> n2 = n2;
		action -> class3 = class3;
		action -> n3 = n3;
		action -> class4 = class4;
		action -> n4 = n4;
		action -> title = Melder_dup_f (title);
		action -> depth = depth;
		action -> callback = callback;   // null for a separator
		action -> button = nullptr;
		action -> script = nullptr;
		action -> hidden = hidden;
		action -> unhidable = unhidable;
		action -> attractive = attractive;

		 * Insert new command.
		Ordered_addItemAtPosition_move (theActions, action.move(), position);
	} catch (MelderError) {