// add some jitter to a flak gun's aiming direction, take into account range to target so that we're never _too_ far off
// assumes dir is normalized
void flak_jitter_aim(vec3d* dir, float dist_to_target, float weapon_subsys_strength)
	vec3d rand_twist_pre, rand_twist_post;
	matrix temp;
	vec3d final_aim;
	float error_val;

	// get the matrix needed to rotate the base direction to the actual direction		
	vm_vector_2_matrix(&temp, dir, NULL, NULL);

	// error value	
	error_val = Flak_error + (Flak_error * 0.65f * (1.0f - weapon_subsys_strength));

	// scale the rvec by some random value and make it the "pre-twist" value
	float rand_dist = frand_range(0.0f, error_val);
	// no jitter - so do nothing
	if (rand_dist <= 0.0f)
	vm_vec_copy_scale(&rand_twist_pre, &temp.vec.rvec, rand_dist);

	// now rotate the twist vector around the x axis (the base aim axis) at a random angle
	vm_rot_point_around_line(&rand_twist_post, &rand_twist_pre, fl_radian(359.0f * frand_range(0.0f,
		1.0f)), &vmd_zero_vector, dir);

	// add the resulting vector to the base aim vector and normalize
	final_aim = *dir;
	vm_vec_scale(&final_aim, dist_to_target);
	vm_vec_add(dir, &final_aim, &rand_twist_post);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shockwave_render()
//	Draw the shockwave identified by handle
//	input:	objp	=>		pointer to shockwave object
void shockwave_render(object *objp)
	shockwave		*sw;
	shockwave_info	*si;
	vertex			p;

	Assert(objp->type == OBJ_SHOCKWAVE);
	Assert(objp->instance >= 0 && objp->instance < MAX_SHOCKWAVES);

	sw = &Shockwaves[objp->instance];
	si = &Shockwave_info[sw->shockwave_info_index];

	if( (sw->delay_stamp != -1) && !timestamp_elapsed(sw->delay_stamp)){

	if ( (sw->current_bitmap < 0) && (sw->model_id < 0) )

	// turn off fogging
	if(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_FULLNEB){
		gr_fog_set(GR_FOGMODE_NONE, 0, 0, 0);

	if (sw->model_id > -1) {
		float model_Interp_scale_xyz = sw->radius / 50.0f;

		model_set_warp_globals( model_Interp_scale_xyz, model_Interp_scale_xyz, model_Interp_scale_xyz, -1, 1.0f - (sw->radius/sw->outer_radius) );
		float dist = vm_vec_dist_quick( &sw->pos, &Eye_position );

		model_set_detail_level((int)(dist / (sw->radius * 10.0f)));
		model_render( sw->model_id, &Objects[sw->objnum].orient, &sw->pos, MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_NO_FOGGING | MR_NORMAL | MR_CENTER_ALPHA | MR_NO_CULL, sw->objnum);

		if (!Cmdline_nohtl) {
			g3_transfer_vertex(&p, &sw->pos);
		} else {
			g3_rotate_vertex(&p, &sw->pos);
		gr_set_bitmap(sw->current_bitmap, GR_ALPHABLEND_FILTER, GR_BITBLT_MODE_NORMAL, 1.3f );
		g3_draw_rotated_bitmap(&p, fl_radian(sw->rot_angles.p), sw->radius, TMAP_FLAG_TEXTURED | TMAP_HTL_3D_UNLIT);	