void RenderRegion::repaintFlowThreadContentRectangle(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionRect, const LayoutPoint& regionLocation, const LayoutRect* flowThreadPortionClipRect)

    // We only have to issue a repaint in this region if the region rect intersects the repaint rect.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(repaintRect);

    if (flowThreadPortionClipRect) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionClipRect(*flowThreadPortionClipRect);

    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect);
    flowThread()->flipForWritingMode(flippedFlowThreadPortionRect); // Put the region rects into physical coordinates.

    // Put the region rect into the region's physical coordinate space.
    clippedRect.setLocation(regionLocation + (clippedRect.location() - flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location()));

    // Now switch to the region's writing mode coordinate space and let it repaint itself.
    // Issue the repaint.
void RenderMultiColumnBlock::ensureColumnSets()
    // This function ensures we have the correct column set information before we get into layout.
    // For a simple multi-column layout in continuous media, only one column set child is required.
    // Once a column is nested inside an enclosing pagination context, the number of column sets
    // required becomes 2n-1, where n is the total number of nested pagination contexts. For example:
    // Column layout with no enclosing pagination model = 2 * 1 - 1 = 1 column set.
    // Columns inside pages = 2 * 2 - 1 = 3 column sets (bottom of first page, all the subsequent pages, then the last page).
    // Columns inside columns inside pages = 2 * 3 - 1 = 5 column sets.
    // In addition, column spans will force a column set to "split" into before/after sets around the spanning region.
    // Finally, we will need to deal with columns inside regions. If regions have variable widths, then there will need
    // to be unique column sets created inside any region whose width is different from its surrounding regions. This is
    // actually pretty similar to the spanning case, in that we break up the column sets whenever the width varies.
    // FIXME: For now just make one column set. This matches the old multi-column code.
    // Right now our goal is just feature parity with the old multi-column code so that we can switch over to the
    // new code as soon as possible.
    if (flowThread() && !firstChild()->isRenderMultiColumnSet()) {
        RenderMultiColumnSet* columnSet = new (renderArena()) RenderMultiColumnSet(document(), flowThread());
        columnSet->setStyle(RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(style(), BLOCK));
        RenderBlock::addChild(columnSet, firstChild());
LayoutPoint RenderRegion::flowThreadPortionLocation() const
    LayoutPoint portionLocation;
    LayoutRect portionRect = flowThreadPortionRect();

    if (flowThread()->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(portionRect);
        portionLocation = flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location();
    } else
        portionLocation = portionRect.location();

    return portionLocation;
LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& portionRect, unsigned index, unsigned colCount, LayoutUnit colGap) const
    // This function determines the portion of the flow thread that paints for the column. Along the inline axis, columns are
    // unclipped at outside edges (i.e., the first and last column in the set), and they clip to half the column
    // gap along interior edges.
    // In the block direction, we will not clip overflow out of the top of the first column, or out of the bottom of
    // the last column. This applies only to the true first column and last column across all column sets.
    // FIXME: Eventually we will know overflow on a per-column basis, but we can't do this until we have a painting
    // mode that understands not to paint contents from a previous column in the overflow area of a following column.
    // This problem applies to regions and pages as well and is not unique to columns.
    bool isFirstColumn = !index;
    bool isLastColumn = index == colCount - 1;
    bool isLeftmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isFirstColumn : isLastColumn;
    bool isRightmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isLastColumn : isFirstColumn;
    LayoutRect overflowRect(portionRect);
    if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (isLeftmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical left overflow of the flow thread to make sure it's all covered.
            overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(min(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().x(), portionRect.x()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical left column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(portionRect.x() - colGap / 2);
        if (isRightmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical right overflow of the flow thread to ensure content can spill out of the column.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(max(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().maxX(), portionRect.maxX()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical right column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(portionRect.maxX() + colGap / 2);
    } else {
        if (isLeftmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical left overflow of the flow thread to make sure it's all covered.
            overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(min(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().y(), portionRect.y()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical left column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(portionRect.y() - colGap / 2);
        if (isRightmostColumn) {
            // Shift to the logical right overflow of the flow thread to ensure content can spill out of the column.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(max(flowThread()->visualOverflowRect().maxY(), portionRect.maxY()));
        } else {
            // Expand into half of the logical right column gap.
            overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(portionRect.maxY() + colGap / 2);
    return overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(overflowRect, isFirstRegion() && isFirstColumn, isLastRegion() && isLastColumn);
LayoutRect RenderRegion::visualOverflowRectForBoxForPropagation(const RenderBoxModelObject* box)
    LayoutRect rect = visualOverflowRectForBox(box);

    return rect;
LayoutRect RenderRegion::rectFlowPortionForBox(const RenderBox* box, const LayoutRect& rect) const
    RenderRegion* startRegion = 0;
    RenderRegion* endRegion = 0;
    m_flowThread->getRegionRangeForBox(box, startRegion, endRegion);

    LayoutRect mappedRect = m_flowThread->mapFromLocalToFlowThread(box, rect);
    if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (this != startRegion)
            mappedRect.shiftYEdgeTo(std::max<LayoutUnit>(logicalTopForFlowThreadContent(), mappedRect.y()));

        if (this != endRegion)
            mappedRect.setHeight(std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min<LayoutUnit>(logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent() - mappedRect.y(), mappedRect.height())));
    } else {
        if (this != startRegion)
            mappedRect.shiftXEdgeTo(std::max<LayoutUnit>(logicalTopForFlowThreadContent(), mappedRect.x()));
        if (this != endRegion)
            mappedRect.setWidth(std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min<LayoutUnit>(logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent() - mappedRect.x(), mappedRect.width())));

    bool isLastRegionWithRegionFragmentBreak = (isLastRegion() && (style().regionFragment() == BreakRegionFragment));
    if (hasOverflowClip() || isLastRegionWithRegionFragmentBreak)

    return mappedRect.isEmpty() ? mappedRect : m_flowThread->mapFromFlowThreadToLocal(box, mappedRect);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::paintColumnContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // For each rectangle, set it as the region rectangle and then let flow thread painting do the rest.
    // We make multiple calls to paintFlowThreadPortionInRegion, changing the rectangles each time.
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    if (!colCount)

    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
        // First we get the column rect, which is in our local coordinate space, and we make it physical and apply
        // the paint offset to it. That gives us the physical location that we want to paint the column at.
        LayoutRect colRect = columnRectAt(i);
        // Next we get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // Do the paint with the computed rects.
        flowThread()->paintFlowThreadPortionInRegion(paintInfo, this, flowThreadPortion, flowThreadOverflowPortion, colRect.location());
LayoutRect RenderRegion::rectFlowPortionForBox(const RenderBox* box, const LayoutRect& rect) const
    RenderRegion* startRegion = 0;
    RenderRegion* endRegion = 0;
    m_flowThread->getRegionRangeForBox(box, startRegion, endRegion);

    LayoutRect mappedRect = m_flowThread->mapFromLocalToFlowThread(box, rect);
    if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (this != startRegion)
            mappedRect.shiftYEdgeTo(std::max<LayoutUnit>(logicalTopForFlowThreadContent(), mappedRect.y()));

        if (this != endRegion)
            mappedRect.setHeight(std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min<LayoutUnit>(logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent() - mappedRect.y(), mappedRect.height())));
    } else {
        if (this != startRegion)
            mappedRect.shiftXEdgeTo(std::max<LayoutUnit>(logicalTopForFlowThreadContent(), mappedRect.x()));
        if (this != endRegion)
            mappedRect.setWidth(std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, std::min<LayoutUnit>(logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent() - mappedRect.x(), mappedRect.width())));

    if (shouldClipFlowThreadContent()) {
        LayoutRect portionRect;
        if (isRenderNamedFlowFragment())
            portionRect = toRenderNamedFlowFragment(this)->flowThreadPortionRectForClipping(this == startRegion, this == endRegion);
            portionRect = flowThreadPortionRect();

    return mappedRect.isEmpty() ? mappedRect : m_flowThread->mapFromFlowThreadToLocal(box, mappedRect);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
    ASSERT(multiColumnFlowThread()->lastMultiColumnSet() == this);
    LayoutRect rect(flowThreadPortionRect());

    // Get the offset within the flow thread in its block progression direction. Then get the
    // flow thread's remaining logical height including its overflow and expand our rect
    // to encompass that remaining height and overflow. The idea is that we will generate
    // additional columns and pages to hold that overflow, since people do write bad
    // content like <body style="height:0px"> in multi-column layouts.
    bool isHorizontal = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
    LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = isHorizontal ? rect.y() : rect.x();
    LayoutRect layoutRect = flowThread()->layoutOverflowRect();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightWithOverflow = (isHorizontal ? layoutRect.maxY() : layoutRect.maxX()) - logicalTopOffset;
    setFlowThreadPortionRect(LayoutRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), isHorizontal ? rect.width() : logicalHeightWithOverflow, isHorizontal ? logicalHeightWithOverflow : rect.height()));
void RenderRegion::adjustRegionBoundsFromFlowThreadPortionRect(const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, LayoutRect& regionBounds)
    LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect = flowThreadPortionRect();

PositionWithAffinity LayoutMultiColumnSet::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    // Convert the visual point to a flow thread point.
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& row = fragmentainerGroupAtVisualPoint(point);
    LayoutPoint flowThreadPoint = row.visualPointToFlowThreadPoint(point + row.offsetFromColumnSet());
    // Then drill into the flow thread, where we'll find the actual content.
    return flowThread()->positionForPoint(flowThreadPoint);
void RenderRegionSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
    // Whenever the last region is a set, it always expands its region rect to consume all
    // of the flow thread content. This is because it is always capable of generating an
    // infinite number of boxes in order to hold all of the remaining content.
    LayoutRect rect(regionRect());
    // Get the offset within the flow thread in its block progression direction. Then get the
    // flow thread's remaining logical height including its overflow and expand our rect
    // to encompass that remaining height and overflow. The idea is that we will generate
    // additional columns and pages to hold that overflow, since people do write bad
    // content like <body style="height:0px"> in multi-column layouts.
    bool isHorizontal = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
    LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = isHorizontal ? rect.y() : rect.x();
    LayoutRect layoutRect = flowThread()->layoutOverflowRect();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightWithOverflow = (isHorizontal ? layoutRect.maxY() - flowThread()->y() : layoutRect.maxX() - flowThread()->x()) - logicalTopOffset;
    setRegionRect(LayoutRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), isHorizontal ? rect.width() : logicalHeightWithOverflow, isHorizontal ? logicalHeightWithOverflow : rect.height()));
unsigned RenderMultiColumnSet::columnCount() const
    if (!computedColumnHeight())
        return 0;
    // Our region rect determines our column count. We have as many columns as needed to fit all the content.
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightInColumns = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadPortionRect().height() : flowThreadPortionRect().width();
    return ceil(static_cast<float>(logicalHeightInColumns) / computedColumnHeight());
LayoutRect RenderNamedFlowFragment::visualOverflowRect() const
    if (isValid()) {
        RenderBoxRegionInfo* boxInfo = renderBoxRegionInfo(flowThread());
        if (boxInfo && boxInfo->overflow())
            return boxInfo->overflow()->visualOverflowRect();
    return RenderRegion::visualOverflowRect();
unsigned RenderMultiColumnSet::columnCount() const
    // We must always return a value of 1 or greater. Column count = 0 is a meaningless situation,
    // and will confuse and cause problems in other parts of the code.
    if (!computedColumnHeight())
        return 1;

    // Our portion rect determines our column count. We have as many columns as needed to fit all the content.
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightInColumns = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadPortionRect().height() : flowThreadPortionRect().width();
    unsigned count = ceil(static_cast<float>(logicalHeightInColumns) / computedColumnHeight());
    ASSERT(count >= 1);
    return count;
LayoutRect RenderNamedFlowFragment::flowThreadPortionRectForClipping(bool isFirstRegionInRange, bool isLastRegionInRange) const
    // Elements flowed into a region should not be painted past the region's content box
    // if they continue to flow into another region in that direction.
    // If they do not continue into another region in that direction, they should be
    // painted all the way to the region's border box.
    // Regions with overflow:hidden will apply clip at the border box, not the content box.
    LayoutRect clippingRect = flowThreadPortionRect();
    RenderBlockFlow& container = fragmentContainer();
    if (container.style().hasPadding()) {
        if (isFirstRegionInRange) {
            if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
                clippingRect.move(0, -container.paddingBefore());
                clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingBefore());
            } else {
                clippingRect.move(-container.paddingBefore(), 0);
                clippingRect.expand(container.paddingBefore(), 0);
        if (isLastRegionInRange) {
            if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingAfter());
                clippingRect.expand(container.paddingAfter(), 0);
        if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
            clippingRect.move(-container.paddingStart(), 0);
            clippingRect.expand(container.paddingStart() + container.paddingEnd(), 0);
        } else {
            clippingRect.move(0, -container.paddingStart());
            clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingStart() + container.paddingEnd());
    return clippingRect;
void RenderRegion::addVisualOverflowForBox(const RenderBox* box, const LayoutRect& rect)
    if (rect.isEmpty())

    RefPtr<RenderOverflow> regionOverflow;
    ensureOverflowForBox(box, regionOverflow, false);

    if (!regionOverflow)

    LayoutRect flippedRect = rect;
void LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder::layoutObjectInFlowThreadStyleDidChange(const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
    LayoutBox* objectInFlowThread = m_layoutObjectInFlowThread;
    if (flowThread()->removeSpannerPlaceholderIfNoLongerValid(objectInFlowThread)) {
        // No longer a valid spanner, due to style changes. |this| is now dead.
        if (objectInFlowThread->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition() && !oldStyle->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) {
            // We went from being a spanner to being out-of-flow positioned. When an object becomes
            // out-of-flow positioned, we need to lay out its parent, since that's where the
            // now-out-of-flow object gets added to the right containing block for out-of-flow
            // positioned objects. Since neither a spanner nor an out-of-flow object is guaranteed
            // to have this parent in its containing block chain, we need to mark it here, or we
            // risk that the object isn't laid out.
bool RenderMultiColumnSet::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
    LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();

    // Check our bounds next. For this purpose always assume that we can only be hit in the
    // foreground phase (which is true for replaced elements like images).
    // FIXME: Once we support overflow, we need to intersect with that and not with the bounds rect.
    LayoutRect boundsRect = borderBoxRectInRegion(locationInContainer.region());
    if (!visibleToHitTesting() || action != HitTestForeground || !locationInContainer.intersects(boundsRect))
        return false;
    // The point is in one specific column. Since columns can't overlap, we don't ever have to test
    // multiple columns. Put the 
    // FIXME: It would be nice to jump right to the specific column by just doing math on the point. Since columns
    // can't overlap, we shouldn't have to walk every column like this. The old column code walked all the columns, though,
    // so this is no worse. We'd have to watch out for rect-based hit testing, though, which actually could overlap
    // multiple columns.
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
        // First we get the column rect, which is in our local coordinate space, and we make it physical and apply
        // the hit test offset to it. That gives us the physical location that we want to paint the column at.
        LayoutRect colRect = columnRectAt(i);
        // Next we get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // Do the hit test with the computed rects.
        if (flowThread()->hitTestFlowThreadPortionInRegion(this, flowThreadPortion, flowThreadOverflowPortion, request, result, locationInContainer, colRect.location()))
            return true;
    updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(adjustedLocation));
    return !result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(node(), request, locationInContainer, boundsRect);
void RenderRegion::setRegionObjectsRegionStyle()
    if (!hasCustomRegionStyle())

    // Start from content nodes and recursively compute the style in region for the render objects below.
    // If the style in region was already computed, used that style instead of computing a new one.
    RenderNamedFlowThread* namedFlow = view()->flowThreadController()->ensureRenderFlowThreadWithName(style()->regionThread());
    const NamedFlowContentNodes& contentNodes = namedFlow->contentNodes();

    for (NamedFlowContentNodes::const_iterator iter = contentNodes.begin(), end = contentNodes.end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
        const Node* node = *iter;
        // The list of content nodes contains also the nodes with display:none.
        if (!node->renderer())

        RenderObject* object = node->renderer();
        // If the content node does not flow any of its children in this region,
        // we do not compute any style for them in this region.
        if (!flowThread()->objectInFlowRegion(object, this))

        // If the object has style in region, use that instead of computing a new one.
        RenderObjectRegionStyleMap::iterator it = m_renderObjectRegionStyle.find(object);
        RefPtr<RenderStyle> objectStyleInRegion;
        bool objectRegionStyleCached = false;
        if (it != m_renderObjectRegionStyle.end()) {
            objectStyleInRegion = it->value.style;
            objectRegionStyleCached = true;
        } else
            objectStyleInRegion = computeStyleInRegion(object);

        setObjectStyleInRegion(object, objectStyleInRegion, objectRegionStyleCached);

void RenderNamedFlowFragment::setRegionObjectsRegionStyle()
    if (!hasCustomRegionStyle())

    // Start from content nodes and recursively compute the style in region for the render objects below.
    // If the style in region was already computed, used that style instead of computing a new one.
    const RenderNamedFlowThread& namedFlow = view().flowThreadController().ensureRenderFlowThreadWithName(style().regionThread());
    const NamedFlowContentElements& contentElements = namedFlow.contentElements();

    for (const auto& element : contentElements) {
        // The list of content nodes contains also the nodes with display:none.
        if (!element->renderer())

        RenderElement* object = element->renderer();
        // If the content node does not flow any of its children in this region,
        // we do not compute any style for them in this region.
        if (!flowThread()->objectInFlowRegion(object, this))

        // If the object has style in region, use that instead of computing a new one.
        auto it = m_renderObjectRegionStyle.find(object);
        std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> objectStyleInRegion;
        bool objectRegionStyleCached = false;
        if (it != m_renderObjectRegionStyle.end()) {
            objectStyleInRegion = RenderStyle::clonePtr(*it->value.style);
            objectRegionStyleCached = true;
        } else
            objectStyleInRegion = computeStyleInRegion(*object, style());

        setObjectStyleInRegion(object, WTFMove(objectStyleInRegion), objectRegionStyleCached);

void RenderMultiColumnSet::repaintFlowThreadContent(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, bool immediate) const
    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set. Put the repaint rect into flow thread coordinates by flipping it first.
    LayoutRect flowThreadRepaintRect(repaintRect);
    // Now we can compare this rect with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // just see if the repaint rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(flowThreadRepaintRect);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're repainting.
    LayoutUnit repaintLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadRepaintRect.y() : flowThreadRepaintRect.x();
    LayoutUnit repaintLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadRepaintRect.maxY() : flowThreadRepaintRect.maxX()) - 1;
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(repaintLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(repaintLogicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        LayoutRect colRect = columnRectAt(i);
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // Do a repaint for this specific column.
        repaintFlowThreadContentRectangle(repaintRect, immediate, flowThreadPortion, flowThreadOverflowPortion, colRect.location());
LayoutUnit RenderRegion::logicalBottomOfFlowThreadContentRect(const LayoutRect& rect) const
    return flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? rect.maxY() : rect.maxX();
RenderNamedFlowThread* RenderNamedFlowFragment::namedFlowThread() const
    return downcast<RenderNamedFlowThread>(flowThread());
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // The two rectangles passed to this method are physical, except that we pretend that there's
    // only one long column (that's how a flow thread works).
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // fragment.paginationOffset point is the actual physical translation required to get from a
    // location in the flow thread to a location in a given column. The fragment.paginationClip
    // rectangle, on the other hand, is in the same coordinate system as the two rectangles passed
    // to this method (flow thread coordinates).
    // All other rectangles in this method are sized physically, and the inline direction coordinate
    // is physical too, but the block direction coordinate is "logical top". This is the same as
    // e.g. RenderBox::frameRect(). These rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column,
    // i.e. they are for the flow thread.

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a renderer, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;

    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();

    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);

        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
        if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x();
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);

        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (RenderLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // Let's start by introducing the different coordinate systems involved here. They are different
    // in how they deal with writing modes and columns. RenderLayer rectangles tend to be more
    // physical than the rectangles used in RenderObject & co.
    // The two rectangles passed to this method are physical, except that we pretend that there's
    // only one long column (that's the flow thread). They are relative to the top left corner of
    // the flow thread. All rectangles being compared to the dirty rect also need to be in this
    // coordinate system.
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // translationOffset point is the actual physical translation required to get from a location in
    // the flow thread to a location in some column. The paginationClip rectangle is in the same
    // coordinate system as the two rectangles passed to this method (i.e. physical, in flow thread
    // coordinates, pretending that there's only one long column).
    // All other rectangles in this method are slightly less physical, when it comes to how they are
    // used with different writing modes, but they aren't really logical either. They are just like
    // RenderBox::frameRect(). More precisely, the sizes are physical, and the inline direction
    // coordinate is too, but the block direction coordinate is always "logical top". These
    // rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column, i.e. they are for the flow thread.
    // To sum up: input and output from this method are "physical" RenderLayer-style rectangles and
    // points, while inside this method we mostly use the RenderObject-style rectangles (with the
    // block direction coordinate always being logical top).

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a renderer, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;
    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    RenderBlockFlow* parentFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
    bool progressionReversed = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsReversed();
    bool progressionIsInline = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsInline();
    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = initialBlockOffsetForPainting();
    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
        bool leftToRight = style().isLeftToRightDirection() ^ progressionReversed;
        if (!leftToRight) {
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
            if (progressionReversed)
                inlineOffset += contentLogicalWidth() - colLogicalWidth;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
        if (!progressionIsInline) {
            if (!progressionReversed)
                blockOffset = i * colGap;
                blockOffset -= i * (computedColumnHeight() + colGap);
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style().writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);
        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (RenderLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(Vector<LayerFragment>& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Do the same for the dirty rect.
    LayoutRect dirtyRectInFlowThread(dirtyRect);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;
    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
        if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x();
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRectInFlowThread);
        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundsInFlowThread;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
RenderNamedFlowThread* RenderNamedFlowFragment::namedFlowThread() const
    return toRenderNamedFlowThread(flowThread());
LayoutUnit RenderRegion::pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit /* offset */) const
    return flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadPortionRect().y() : flowThreadPortionRect().x();