metaImage * sag2coron (metaImage * imageS) {

    double conf[12];
    double dim[3], dimNew[3];
    int dimInt[3];
    metaImage imageTemp;
    int i,j,k;

    dim[0] = imageS->dimx;
    dim[1] = imageS->dimy;
    dim[2] = imageS->slices;

    double matrixOut[9];

    for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        if (i<9) matrixOut[i] = 0;
        conf[i] = 0;


    //Rotation around X of -90 degrees (positive is counterclockwise)
    conf[5] = -M_PI*0.5;

    //Zooming should be 1
    conf[6] = conf[8] = 1;
    conf[7] = 1;

    forwardMatrix(matrixOut, conf);

    transformLight(dim, matrixOut, dimNew, conf);

    for(i =0; i<3; i++) {
        dimInt[i] = rint(abs(dimNew[i]));


    printf("%d	%d	%d\n",dimInt[2], dimInt[0], dimInt[1]);
//  printf("%f %f %f\n",imageTemp->resolution[2], imageTemp->resolution[0], imageTemp->resolution[1]);

    initImage(dimInt[2], dimInt[0], dimInt[1], &imageTemp, BACKGROUND);
    setResolution(&imageTemp, imageS->resolution);

    inverseMappingNewLight(imageS, &imageTemp, conf, metaWriteMatrix, trilinearInterp);

    metaImage * pointer = &imageTemp;

//  deInit(imageS);

    return pointer;

 * @brief likelyhood : method to compute the log
 *                     likeyhood of observed sequence
 * @param sequence    :input observation sequence
 * @return
float ocv::CHMM::likelyhood(Mat sequence)
    float prob=0;
    //computing the probability of observed sequence
    //using forward algorithm

    //computing the log probability of observed sequence
    for(int i=0;i<sequence.rows;i++)
        //for(int j=0;j<_nstates;j++)


    return -prob;